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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good luck with the dog training Stacy- you have a lot of patience, what with 3 DD's, a dog, a roomie and the terror! hope you get to work on that cross stitch project! And Good luck to DH on his final exam. He'll be off now for a few weeks b/4 the next semester starts, right? Maybe he can teach you to drive a stick shift? (Or not...lol)


Beth you sure do have a menagerie of fur babies! Hope you didnt get a headache! And WTG on the motifs!


Judy- I'm passing your puppy training info onto my youngest DD- she and SIL just got a puppy bulldog about a month ago!! Belle is so cute- but she has been spending time in "time out"- I'll pass on the info about the Nature's Miracle, the nylabone and the Kong toy with peanut butter! Good luck with finishing up your afghan


Vicki- hugs to you- hoping you have a more restful evening and good night's sleep.


Colleen- thanks for the advent calendar update!


Everyone else- time for me to crochet- not sure if I'll start a hat or the penguin. And this weekend, I do have to start the last strip of DH's flannelghan and get that done.


Have a great night!

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Good Thursday to All,

I’m starting to feel better; doctor put me on blood pressure meds and a thyroid med for Hypothyroidism.


Stacy: Hope all goes well with your dog, good luck with the x-stitch project.

Beth: Way to Go on the motifs

Vicki: Hope you get to feeling better soon

Colleen: Hope dd is better soon too.

Joanne: The snowman is so cute

Scooby: Glad you were able to get some errands done despite the cold weather.

Mary: glad you have your voice back

Hi :hi to everyone else,


It is way to cold :wcoldfor me, 10 degrees with -2 wind chill. At least they downsized the snow forecast from 2-3 ft to 6-10 inches.


Nite all kids are in bed and it’s crochet time


PS: I did manage to get a load of laundry done today, the kids bathed and the dw unloaded.

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Tena, it's great hearing from you! Take care of yourself:hug


Joanne, most of those lessons about dogs I learned the hard way:D I hope they help DD. Each breed is different in how fast they catch on....


Have a good night everyone.

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:hi everyone! DD and I stayed inside, all warm and cozy all day. It is cold, windy and snowy here. I finished my Christmas cards, wrapped a few gifts, baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies, and did a couple loads of laundry. Now I'm ready to :sleep We have two Christmas parties this weekend, so I'll need my beauty sleep. :lol I don't go out to parties much so I'm a bit out of practice for dressing up. Keep your :xfin that I don't spill anything on my outfit on Friday because I have to wear the same thing to Saturday's party :rofl


Tena - I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! Enjoy your :crocheting time. You deserve it!


Stacy - Good luck with your x-stitch. You'll have to show us a pic when you are done. I'd love to see it. Good luck with the dog.


Joanne - Enjoy your :crocheting time too! My, my it is a crafty evening here. You deserve the relaxation time.


Beth - I hope your headache didn't come to fruition. I forgot about your zoo. :dog:cat:goldfish:rabbit:turtle


Vicki - I hope you are getting a chance to relax tonight. :hug


:hi to Mary, Scooby, Shannon, LeaAnne, & Judy! I hope you all had a great day.

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Tena, I'm happy to hear you've seen the dr. and are getting your b/p and thyroid under control. :hug Glad you're not getting all of that snow, too! What do the kids think of it? Hope you enjoyed your :crocheting time.


Colleen, you had a busy stay-in day! Sounds very cozy, though- I :manyheart those kinds of days. Good luck with the party. I'm not much of a party-goer either, and the only thing I really dress up for is church. Good luck keeping your outfit clean! :wink


Joanne, I hope you got some much-needed :crocheting time tonight. :hug I was mistaken earlier- next week is dh's last week. Tonight he gets the study guide for the final. He is off until February, and yes, I think he has plans to teach me how to drive a stick shift. We went to Starbucks last night and he asked if I wanted to drive...I said I would on the way back. He agreed, but immediately thought better, and said, "No way! The coffee will get all over the place!" :rofl


Leanne, how was that bye-bye booby bash? I hope you didn't get caught in all of that snow on the way back! Or maybe you started the job? :manyheart Either way, I hope all is well with you. :hug


Shannon-ness, I hope all is well with you, too! :hug


Mary, are you getting all of the snow that Colleen is? Hope you are staying nice and cozy warm in your house, too. :hug


Everyone else- have a nice night! I am off to :fire under the ol' badorkus and get to work on that cross-stitch! If I get the wording finished tonight then I can get the edging finished next week and it will be ready for framing! (Btw, Judy, it is based on the one in Shawshank Redemption, that is hanging in the warden's office. My dh loves it and asked about 3 years ago if I could make one like that. I finally decided that this year I should get around to it. :blush)

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Good Morning!!! It's finally here- Friday---last day of work and then 2 days off!!!!! Started the penguin last night, but my eyes were getting tired working with black. I can't wait to finish it!


My DD's suggestion for me for tomorrow is to crochet and relax! I think I will take her up on that suggestion!


Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!

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HI everyone! It is FRIDAY! Not tha it will do me much good. I will probably fall asleep in my chair after I cook dinner!

Tena - Glad to hear that you are getting everything checked out with the doctor. Hope it all goes well!

Colleen - Hope you enjoyed your day in!

Stacy - House breaking a dog is no fun, but you will get there! Let us know if the obedience classes help!

Joanne - Any big plans for your days off?

Nothing going on here. I have some oral tests to give today and we are reviewing in some other classes for their tests. Those are next week. Vacation begins After school ends next Friday, so we are right at the end. It will be a crazy week. It always is!

Have a great day all and talk to you later!


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LoL Judy! I will be sure to post a pic. I've been :blah about it long enough. :lol

Last night I finished 3 words- 1 and 1/2 more to go! :clap Then I finished the border and one arm on the snuggi- that is now almost finished, as well! Go me! (I am doing the Cabbage Patch and thinking of Shannon right now. :rofl)


:clap to Joanne for having 2 days off! You made it! I agree with your dd- you have definitely racked up a couple days' worth of :crocheting time. Enjoy your break.


Vicki, you deserve to fall asleep in that chair after dinner. :hug Hope your day goes quickly so you can go home and rest. One more week to go! How long is your winter break? Our kids have 3 weeks off this year- I think I will be :loco by the time they go back!


It is a beautiful rainy Friday here! :manyheart Roomie took Isabella to school this morning so I didn't have to take the little ones out. I've picked up my share of the housework, along with unloading and reloading the dishwasher. The floors are dirty but I think with the rain it would be pointless to clean them- darn. :devil I have one load of wash going with another one in line. I think I will work on that cross-stitch once the clothes are in the dryer. Isabella's conference is this afternoon, and her school is having a holiday boutique right after, so we will stop there. They are having games, coloring, face painting, and pictures with Santa. I'm looking forward to seeing which types of merchandise will be sold. :bounce

Oh, listen to this...dh came home last night and said the "professor" brought the wrong study guide to class- he brought the one for a different history class he teaches, and told the students to just study those questions, and he will give them the final from that class!!! :rant:tryme Dh is going to email him today, but Roomie told him to contact the department chair- there is no way he can grade them on a final when it is not even the subject they are studying! Isn't that just outrageous?

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Hi Besties!!!! I :lurk around a lot yesterday but I finally spent most of the day :crocheting. I was on :c9. I made a preemie blanket yesterday and some yo-yos for charity, as this is the weekend for the Charity CAL. I also worked on what was lapghan, that is now being turned into a toddler blanket :lol. I will post some :photo of the items later. I think today I am going to put up the :ctreeand then I will have to wait on someone to bring up the decorations etc as I am not quite ready to go in that snakey cave downstairs. It is sitll really :wbrrhere but it is a :sun16 degrees but feels like 6 with the windchill. I hope everyone is staying dry and warm. I will come back later and respond to everyone as I need to get going and get some Christmas cards made, do some online Christmas shopping and a few other odd and end chores. Hope everyone is having a great day and lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

Here are the :photo I forgot to post Tuesday when we got all the snow. I took these from the doorway as it was just so cold to go out in.




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Oh, Scooby, I don't miss those days! How much snow did you end up with?

The day is over and I can get ready to go home! I need to stop at the doctor's office and pick up some sample meds for my stomach. I also have to see if I can pick up a prescription for DD and get it filled for her.

It is cloudy and looks like the rain is coming. It will be here soon!

Have a great rest of the day!


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Good Afternoon all,

They called school off today. They may have removed the 2-3 ft forecast but we have at least 10 inches out there and they say 4-8 more tonight. OH well not going anywhere until tomorrow evening. Hubby’s xmas party for work. The only big deal party I go to all year. And it isn’t even dress up, they are a jeans and beer kind of group. LOL


Jeanne I don’t have a bp machine, but after xmas I plan on getting one. I go back to the dr on the 16th for him to check it.


Colleen: enjoy your party weekend


Stacy: Kids love the snow. I can’t wait for the temp to go up just a bit to take the little guy(2) out he was to little to walk in it last year, so this will be new to him.

RE: finals- that is just plain crazy to expect the class to test on a different subject.


Vickie: It sounds like next week will be very busy for you.


Scobby: thanks for sharing the snow picts and have fun with all the charity crocheting.


I am in panic mode, 14 more days until I have 18 people here off and on all day. Being so sick put me way behind. With hubby working swing shift and youngest dd down sick for 3 days now. I’m not getting much help. I guess I’ll get done what I can get done and call it good enough. I have barely started xmas shopping, I just didn’t have the energy to go anywhere. Still don't have much.

OK that’s enough whining!


I did 2 loads of Laundry so far, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher twice, cleared off and wiped the island/breakfast bar and two of the counters.

Dinner is almost done so I will check back in later


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The weekend is here!!! :cheer:clap:cheerThe weekend is here!!!:cheer:clap. I made it after working 12 days straight!:clap:cheer


I have to clean the house in the AM- you know, clean the 2 bathrooms, clean the kitchen, wash the floors in the kitchen and 2 bathrooms, vacuum the rest, dust, change sheets, do laundry. I want that done by noon-and then the rest of the day is going to be spent on my badorkus with :crocheting!! My middle DD told me that is what I should do, so I will :lol

Scooby- love the snow pics. WTG on all that Charity crocheting!


Tena- don't stress- like you said you can only do what you can and it will be good enough. Glad you are getting the BP checked again next week.


Stacy- What???? :eek Giving a final on another class's material? I would definitely have him contact the department chair. Somehow that is just not right! Glad you got your rainy day- we had very cold (about 22) and windy weather today.BRR......


Vicki- I just might fall asleep in my chair tonight too- but I so want to finish my penguin- we'll see if the eyes hold up:hook


Colleen- Loved your post on FB- about skis on the shopping cart:lol. How much snow did you get?


Everyone else- time to go see if dinner is ready- pork chops, applesauce and veggies tonight!


have a great night- Anyone going to be here for chat tonight? I can't believe it's only 2 wks till Christmas- I'll never be ready- but, I'll try- so much for all the handmade gifts I was going to make!!! I guess if I make hats- they go fairly quickly ....even for me!:yes

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I hope to be her tonight.

I want to work on the cowl I started for the other grandma.

I had one going but decided it was to lacy for the kind of weather we have up here

Here the link, not sure if you would have to sign on first or not to the Bernet website. http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=4515


See you all later on tonight,


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I hope to be her tonight.

I want to work on the cowl I started for the other grandma.

I had one going but decided it was to lacy for the kind of weather we have up here

Here the link, not sure if you would have to sign on first or not to the Bernet website. http://www.bernat.com/pattern.php?PID=4515


See you all later on tonight,


I love the pattern! TY for sharing..

I hope you're still doing okay.

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Hi Ladies

We have SNOW and SNOW and SNOW and it is still snowing.

I don't think I will be here for chat tonight. My computer didn't get fixed yet. My friend didn't make it here today cause we have SNOW. I am using it right now but I don't know how long it will last before shutting down.

I hope everyone is doing well and getting all your christmas shopping done. I have finished shopping I just have to go and get groceries the week of christmas. I have everything wrapped also. I still need to put my tree up yet, maybe tomorrow.

It would be nice if everyone took a pic of their christmas trees so we can all see, what do you think?

I will try and come back on in a bit too see who is all here, If I can't know that Iam thinking about you all.

Talk to you later

hugs and Love

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Hey girls!


Just checking in. I took Isabella and Mia to the boutique- the only thing handmade was jewelry, everything else looked like it came from the dollar store. :blush The girls had a blast- Mia made 2 bracelets, they both decorated pine cones and Isabella entered a coloring contest. They had their faces painted and got cotton candy, and saw Santa! Mia was afraid at first but when she saw that he had candy, well- she almost ran up there. :rofl

We got a fabulous report from Isabella's teacher today. The teacher said she is a joy, works well in groups, goes above and beyond when doing in-class work, especially with vocabulary, and that her stories are very colorful, with lots of adjectives. :manyheart She got a ton of 4's on her report card- the teacher said they don't like to give in the beginning, because it implies that there is no more room for improvement, but she felt she had no other choice. :clap She basically said just keep doing what we're doing, because it is obviously working. :D We let Isabella pick dinner, and of course she chose pizza, which we ordered after returning from the boutique.


Ok, that is all from here. I don't think I will be here for chat, as I have started coughing and feel very stuffy. :sick Going to get some :yarn and plop my badorkus on the couch.


Mary, I hope you can get your computer fixed soon. :hug Stay warm with all of that snow! I like the idea of sharing our Christmas trees. I still have to get into the garage to find the rest of our ornaments. Hopefully this weekend.


Joanne, hope you get that cleaning finished quickly so you have more time for :crocheting. Enjoy your pork chops! (Btw, my oldest's nickname has been Pork Chop since the day she was born. She even tells people that it is her middle name. :lol)


Tena, have fun with the :crocheting. Have fun at the Christmas party. It is nice that they are a jeans-type group. :yes


Scooby, thanks for the pics! I got all cold and frosty just looking at it! :manyheart



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Ok, just read your post- hope you feel better- crochet is the perfect remedy.:clap:clap:clap for Isabella's great report card!!!! That is fabulous news- and yay for letting her pick dinner. You must be soo proud of her:manyheart


Shannon-ness- glad you popped in -how are the wedding plans coming along?


Tena- sorry I wasn't here earlier- I got carried away with the :crocheting

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I don't know why I am making this penguin bag when I have so many gifts left to make-I have decided hats it is. I'm going to make ones with the rest of the Thick and Quick Yarn and Homestyle Yarn I have - work up quick with an N hook! And when they are done, I have to finish DH's flannelghan- only one more strip and then put it together.

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