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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good morning (I think) to everyone. It's rainy and cold here. I'm so glad I'm not going anywhere until later. Stay warm and dry, my friends!




I love all 3 of your gift ideas. I vote for the second one: the reindeer made by dd would be very meaningful, because SHE made it for the teacher.

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Wet and rainy here too this morning and I have to go out in it! I would love to stay home, all warm and dry....only 2 more days till I can! It's finally Hump Day!!!!


Colleen- I like the idea of a tote- something she can use. The scarf is beautiful, but with only a week, that might put undue stress on you. The reindeer is so cute, but I think it is more suited for family. JMO


well, off to get ready for a wet, soggy commute to work!


How's the snow in Nebraska, Scooby? Mary and Colleen- are you getting any of the flaky white stuff?


speaking of stressing for Christmas gifts- I am trying really hard NOT to stress- I haven't had a whole lot of time lately to even think about Christmas---maybe I'll figure everything out this weekend......


Have a great Hump Day!

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Hi Everyone

This is going to be a fast post because Iam having computer problems. Iam going to call today and see when my friend can come and look at it.

I love all the pics. They have just made my day. I love the craft room Scooby, can you come and do mine too? It really needs some help in there.

The bags are sooooooo cute that you are all making. Colleen I vote for #2 because DD made it and you could put a couple of dishcloths in with it. Teaching kids to make things instead of just buying is a wonderful lesson IMO.

My voice has returned as long as I don't use it too much. But it is much better.

That is all for now. Know that Iam thinking about you all and keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Talk to you later

Lots of love


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Good morning everyone. I had a decent night at the bowling alley. I bowled a 185, a 137, and a 133. Yes, the 185 was a great game. I started off with 3 strikes in a row followed by three spares. Not often that I do that!

Anyway, I am in a blah mood today. I have lost all my cheer and I am stressed. I know I need to relax and all, but I am really having a hard time with this.

Stacy - Glad the supplements are helping you feel better.

Mary - GLad you are on the mend, girl!

Colleen - Glad to hear that dinner was yummy!

Scooby - How much more snow did you get? Are schools still closed up there?

Joanne and Beth - Stay dry in all the rain!

Have a good day all and I will check in later!


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:hi Everyone. Well we got tons of :2snowbut the :sunis shining today. According to the weather channel it is -2 degrees but feels like -20 :wbrr. The winter storm warning has been lifted and but we are still under a wind chill advisory for another 10 mins:lol. I really need to go out and run some errands but think I am going to wait until tomorrow because it is supposed to be a little bit warmer.

:thinkBeth and Joanne. Don't know which is worse, :rain and :wbrr or :snowand :wbrr. Stay dry and warm you two!!!!!

:yesSchools are still closed Vicki. The kids are loving it, but they are driving me crazy. We probably ended up with about 6-8 inches. I took pictures from the doorway yesterday, but forgot to post them. But will try to remember today. Lots of :hugto you, as I know it must be hard not to stress, with the holidays coming and the situation with DH. I have faith that everything will be ok.

:lolMary. I will be right over to organize your craft room. So sorry to hear you are having :ccompute problems but was good to hear from you. Glad your voice is coming back and you're feeling better, just don't over do it.

Guess I better :fire under the ole badorkas and get my chores done, which aren't going to be many today. Have a great day and see you all later. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

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Good morning!


Beth, I forgot that you're not supposed to play with the yarn. Oh, well...it will be a Christmas surprise for us to see, also! :lol


Colleen, I've been thinking about teacher's gifts, too, since we have 3 teachers this year (Mia has 2 in the pre-k class) and not much budget for them. I vote for the second one, also. It does teach dd that you don't always have to buy gifts. Also, it can be reused later on if the teacher decides she needs a pencil/pen holder or flower pot. :wink


Vicki, :hug to you. I'm sure it is hard to not stress about the situation. Great job bowling, though- looks like you took out a lot of aggression on those pins! :h5


Mary, I'm glad that your voice is back! Good luck getting your computer issues straightened out.


Joanne, try to stay warm! I :manyheart the rain, even when I have to go out in it. LoL I know I am a weirdo. :woohoo for 2 more days!! You can do it! :cheer


Scooby- stay inside!!! No errand is worth freezing in -20 degrees! :wbrr


Shannon-ness, Leanne, Judy, and Tena- hope you all have a fabulous day!


It has been cold the last 2 days. Well, cold for here, anyway. Yesterday morning it was 33 when I walked the girls to school- I know it's nothing compared to what some of you have, but it is unheard of here. Today it is sunny, but it is supposed to rain Thursday-Sunday. :clap I made a mitten/hat set for Eva last night and Mia asked if I would make her a scarf. I guess that is what I will be doing today. Jorge also wants a scarf and I'm sure at some point Isabella will decide she would like something. I have been a busy :crocheting lately! I really need to get cracking on my dad's flannelghan- he doesn't know if he'll make it out this year, and I need to have it ready to mail, if necessary.


Well girlies, I have to get going. Be back later! :hug

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:hi everyone!


We got lots of snow and then rain today. What a mess! In 12 hours my front hallway turned into a drying room. There are coats and snowpants and boots everywhere! And I only have 1 kid :lol I got a lot accomplished again today. Took DD to school, came home and wrapped gifts for 1 hour, went back to the school to help with pizza day, went and did errands and more shopping, came home and got DD from school, DD and I shoveled the bottom of the driveway before it turned into a pile of ice and now I am exhausted! I think I need to sit by the tree and enjoy the snow and the decorations. I bought myself some instant cappucino today and some biscotti to enjoy :c9 Thank gosh i have leftovers in the fridge today!!! Yorkshire chicken is chicken baked with a yorkshire "pudding"/bread around it. Yummy!


Thanks for the feedback on my teacher gift. I'm still struggling with a decision, but your opinions help.


Vicki - :hug everything will be okay. I repeat a little mantra to myself when things seem tough. "Everything is okay the way it is right now". You have your family and you will get through this together. Make sure you take some time to relax.


Stacy - Good luck with all your projects! It is nice that your family asks for things.


Scooby - I hope it warms up for you.


Mary - Glad to hear you got your voice back.


Joanne, Beth - stay warm and dry.


Tena - Thinking about you and hoping you are feeling alright.


LeaAnne - Are you home from the bye bye booby bash yet? How are you feeling?


Shannon - I bet you are up to your ears in wedding preparations. Have fun!


:hi to everyone else! Have a good day.

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This was a wierd weather day here- it was cold and rainy this morning and then this afternoon the sun came out and it was 52 degrees. Very strange. Scooby- I wouldn't run errands in -20 degree feeling weather unless it was a dire emergency!!!


Colleen- You sure did get a lot accomplished today. Did you take some time to relax by the tree? Good luck with your decision on what gift to make for the teacher!


Stacy- you have been on crocheting frenzy- you amaze me with how quick you get things done. I guess I am just a slow crocheter. Maybe after time I'll get faster! I really like my snowman- I stopped at ACM on the way home from work and decided to put colored buttons on him and an orange button nose and black button eyes with "googly eyes" glued on top. I didn't start the penguin last night- I went to bed early again!! Maybe tonight- although crocheting with black is hard on my eyes- better suited for a Sat or Sun in the daylight:lol. Just read through the pattern- it seems easier than the snowman in that there is more repeat of the same thing. Wow 33 is cold- esp for Cali! Keep warm and enjoy your rain ===you can have mine anyday!!! I don't like it unless I get to stay home- I dislike driving in the rain- especially when people drive on your you know what!


Scooby- Keep warm - you now have your craft store...I mean craft room all set up so you can work on your:crocheting and other crafts to your hearts content:clap. Hope the kiddies go back to school tomorrow- so you can have some peace and quiet!!


Vicki- I wish I could give you a :hug in person. I always say the serenity prayer when I'm feeling stressed (it's in my siggy on my email even to remind me that I can't change certain things and have to accept them as they are). I hope that there is resolution to your stress soon! wTG on the bowling last night!!!


Mary- glad to hear that you have your voice back! And I hope that your :ccompute problems are solved quickly!! Have you been doing any :crocheting?


Everyone else- hope you are doing well and had a good day:manyheart

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Well, I got brave and went out in this :wbrr weather today. All I can say is watch your :mail as I finally got my bestie squares to the PO :wink. I also decided with all the :snow I had better go get some boots, so I bought two pair, and I also went to the Goodwill just to see what I could find. Yep, I bought some :yarn:lol, some fleece, some mini bows/decorations, and :shrug what else, I can't remember. I meant to take the books and CDs back to the library but forgot those too, so maybe I can do that tomorrow. Other than that I didn't do much today but clean up the kitchen, general pick up,and we had left over chili for supper with sub sandwiches from Subway. DS's new GF works at Subway and he "just had" to go visit her, so I thought why not.

:eekStacy. You have had a lot of :crocheting projects on your plate lately but still manage to get them all done :yay. Wow that is cold weather for you. Hope you are staying warm and stay dry during the rain you are expecting in the next few days.

:bowColleen you did get a lot accomplished today :clap. I didn't shovel any snow, the boys (DS's friends) came over and shoveled my front porch, sidewalk and driveway for me. GL in making your decision on the teacher's gift.

:yesYour weather was strange today Joanne. :lol my craftstore, umm craft room, is a great hang out place if only I could hang out there more. I don't know if they kiddies will go back to school tomorrow or not some of the roads are still really slick. This is funny and I have to share this. I heard the boys talking and praising one of the kids that has been coming over ever since we moved here. So nosey me had to go in the living room and see what was going on. Just as I walked in I heard my DS say ":yay:clap:cheeryou sure came thru for us." The young man receiving all the praise has already graduated, but his dad is the superintendant for the school system and I didn't even know it :rofl. No wonder the kids were all over him and singing him praises :lol. Your :sman bag is really cute and I just :manyheart him.

I hope the rest of the Besties are getting well, staying warm and enjoying their evening. I think I am going to maybe watch some tv and :crocheting for a while. I may be back later to check in one more time. Take care and lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!!

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Hey girls!


Joanne, your bag is way too cute! I love the buttons. :manyheart The penguin is a bit easier because of the repetitiveness but I ended up messing with the pattern anyway. :rofl I just can't follow something exactly. Enjoy your early evening. Yes, I agree about the drivers- esp. the ones out here who have absolutely no clue how to drive in the rain, and follow your rear (like you said) and also think they can stop on a dime. It drives me bonkers!


Colleen, you have been busy, busy! Good luck with the teacher's gift. I had to Google Yorkshire pudding, as I've heard of it but never knew what it was. Of course, me being a vegetarian didn't think it sounded tasty, but dh wants to try it now! :lol


Scooby, look at you, mailing your squares in the :wbrrtemps! You must really love us. :lol I will be eagerly awaiting the mailman. What kind of yarn did you get at Goodwill? :heehee @ the boy's dad being the superintendent. What did he really come through on, though? It is sweet that the boys shoveled the snow for you. :manyheart


Vicki- :hug to you! I hope you hear something soon.


Shannon-ness- I saw you post on FB! I hope the preparations for the wedding are going smoothly. :hug How is our little Janna-ness?


:hug to the rest of my besties! :manyheart


So, guess what? Klaus the Wonder-Peeing dog decided to pee on the rug- right in front of us!!! I am at my wits' end with that dog. We are planning to take him for obedience training after Christmas, but right now I just want to get rid of him. :( He is cute, but between the chewing and potty issues, it is driving me crazy to deal with him. I already have 3 kids to care for and I feel like I can't give him the attention he deserves. He is always in the crate and I feel really bad about that- what kind of life is it for him to always be stuck in there? But when I let him out, he chews and goes wee-wee everywhere. :shrug

Well Mia just came out crying so I better go. Good night!


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Joanne, I love your snowman! I love the buttons! So cute! Sorry for my forgetfullness. The advent surprises were a Lego traffic light and a pretty barrette for her hair.


Scooby - The Superintendent's son is a good friend to have :wink Stacy - I think he came through on getting them a snow day. How exciting that you mailed the squares, Scoob! I will probably get it just in time for Christmas :clap


Stacy - Those are chilly temps for you! Good luck making a decision about Klaus. Just do what feels right.


I did sit and have a coffee by the tree earlier. And then I fell asleep :lol I think walking up the hill to the school and back in the snow three times today really did me in. I think I'll get a good legs workout over the next 3 mos. :yes I haven't slept well the past few nights. DD has a cough.

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:lol Stacy, you are right Colleen, the young man (which is the superintendent's son) came thru by getting the kids a snow day. :lol or at least the kids give the son credit for the snow day.We had those same problems with Titan, but have pretty much gotten them under control in the short time he has been here. I started getting frustrated too as I know it is hard. I hope things get better for you and Klaus. :yes:yes I really love you all to brave the snow and freezing temps to get the squares mailed. I just hope that you all like them :sweat:worried I got some RHSS in blue and 2 pastel variegates. I got one skein of a beige color and the label says 100% Dupont Orlon Acrylic, and one skein Caron Jewel Box in Pearl. I have never seen or heard of this yarn before but I bought anyways, it is made in Canada, the label says Phentex Knitting Yarn of "100% Olefin" Polypropylene Capri 2 ply. I got 3 skeins of it in a kelly green, 3 skeins in bright yellow and 3 skeins of it in white. I also got 2 partial skeins/balls of knit-cro sheen in a light green, a partial ball of variegated purple thread, and a partial ball of Puritan Star Spangled Crochet Cotton thread in black with a gold strand in it. There was also a small ball of white 4 ply acryllic and a 2.5 oz skein of RH cotton in white.

Well guess I better go get some :crocheting in before bed. Hope you all have a great night!!!!

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Here it is- my snowman bag!

Very cute!:clap

So, guess what? Klaus the Wonder-Peeing dog decided to pee on the rug- right in front of us!!! I am at my wits' end with that dog. We are planning to take him for obedience training after Christmas, but right now I just want to get rid of him. :( He is cute, but between the chewing and potty issues, it is driving me crazy to deal with him. I already have 3 kids to care for and I feel like I can't give him the attention he deserves. He is always in the crate and I feel really bad about that- what kind of life is it for him to always be stuck in there? But when I let him out, he chews and goes wee-wee everywhere. :shrug

Well Mia just came out crying so I better go. Good night!


Stacy, we've owned dogs for over 35 years....and the first one BEFORE we had DS. Can I offer suggestions? My first question is about the dog. Big or small breed?


Then, esp as you're trying to get him to eliminate outside, AS SOON as you let him out of the crate rush him outside and don't let hm in till he goes. Then say "Good job" or something positive. It may take a while to get him to do it outside since he has a fav potty place inside, but stay firm. YOU'RE in charge, you know.:)


To eliminate the scent that keeps attracting him, get NATURE'S MIRACLE. Some supermarkets carry it as well as Pet stores. It completley gets rid of the scent from pee, etc. Read the directions and you'll be amazed at the result. I'm never without it.


Don't allow the dog to drink all the time. Pick up the water dish off and on, and don't allow water after a certain time at night once dinner for him is over, etc.



They have to pee after playing alot, waking up, and eating....none of these things were explained to me when I had my first dog and it as a disaster for a while.


CHEWING: Kong toys are great (I put a little PB in the opening and it keeps them occupied) and nylabones are great - and safe.


Please don't give up...I know it''s hard, but with some attention to a few things you'll be amazed how much dogs want to please and you'll get through this.:hug

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Good morning besties! Almost through the week! I fell asleep to the hockey game last night but I thought I heard that the Rangers lost in OT. Not too surprising.

Anyway, it was a restless night. I was doing better for a few days, and now I am not again. Oh well. I guess it will come and go.

Enough of that. Stacy - I make sure the first thing my dogs do when they get out of their crates is just what Judy said. They go out. And they stay out for a little bit. They must relieve themselves before they can go back in. For a while I would actually go out and watch them, but they got the idea quickly enough. After they take a nap or rough house for a while, they go back out also. Mine are small dogs, so I let them out more often. It will come. It just takes time.

Colleen - Thanks for the Advent calendar update!

I have a meeting after school today. All special ed department chairs. The last one before the Christmas break. Then I get to go home and finish editing my friend's paper. I am part way through it. I should finish it tonight.

Have a great day all and talk to you later!


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Thanks, Judy! First, he is a 1 year-old wiener dog mix, so he is small- less than 20 lbs. I do make sure that he goes outside as soon as he is let out of the crate, and I used to stand out and watch him until he went. Now he goes as soon as he steps foot outside (which usually means in my planter, but at least it's outside!) I make him stay out for about 20 minutes (sometimes a lot longer if it's warm) but I swear sometimes it seems like he holds a reserve, just for when he comes in! I have watched him poo outside, only for him to come in 10 minutes later and go again. :angry His favorite place to poo is in Roomie's bedroom, but he doesn't care where he pees- girls' room, rug in the living room, rug in the kitchen...actually it seems that he only goes when there is some kind of covering on the floor. He won't actually go on the hardwood.

I've used the Nature's Miracle when we had a cat and it didn't do a thing, but maybe it works better for dogs? :think I'll have to get some and try it out on the rugs.

As for drinking...I do fill up his water dish in the mornings but that is all he gets. It is usually gone by his dinner time, and he doesn't get more (from me) until the next morning. The problem is that we have a roommate who has a boxer and her dog's dishes are right in the kitchen, where mine can access them if he wants a drink. :blush

He does have a Kong toy and he loves peanut butter. We have an endless supply of raw-hides. I will have to check out the nylabones, though, as the raw-hides really don't last long. He also has a rubber tire toy that he adores, and a fondness for stuffed animals. We bought him 2 stuffed rats and he tore them both apart within a week. :blush


Ok, FIL is on his way so I have to go but I will get back to this later! Thanks for your help, Judy! :hug to all of my besties today!

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Stacy, you'll have to enlist some help from your friends - having an inlimited water supply for a small dog isn't at all a help!

Natures Miracle is good - just make sure to follow the directions/suggestions on the bottle.

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Hi Besties,


I posted a "Good morning" to everyone, but my internet connection is very flaky lately, and it disappeared.:( So Good Afternoon, Besties! :hug:hi


Joanne, love the snowman bag. He's adorable. Happy Thursday almost Friday to you!


Stacy, I feel your pain, after babysitting that bassette that week. We changed her name (for our house only) from Tinkerbelle to Tinklebert, because she tinkled constantly. LIke Klaus, she would go again, as soon as she comes back in from going outside. :think She chewed on us a lot, when we first got her, but we'd give her a rawhide chew, and she was very happy with that. Probably tasted better.


Judy, I enjoyed reading your suggestions. I enjoy having a dog very much. I like my four cats, too. And my rabbit, and the two guinea pigs,... OK, maybe I have a problem beyond my yarn addiction. I like fur, too.


Vicki, sorry to hear you aren't sleeping well. I hope things destress for you soon. When do you get your Christmas break?


I'm not even going to try to name everyone right now. I don't actually have a headache, but I think I may end up with one soon. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday evening. :hug


Oh, I just wanted to add: i'm down to 55 motifs to go on the dreaded afghan.

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I'll ask, but given her attitude in the past- my hopes aren't too high that she will move the dog's dish. :blush I will check out the Nature's Miracle when we are out and about this weekend.


Beth, WTG on the motifs!! Are you joining as you go? I think you mentioned that you are. In that case, I think you would be pretty close to being done, besides the ends and border, right? :clap I hope you didn't end up with a headache.


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I hope you hear about that job soon- I'm sure it will ease some of your stress. :hug Thanks for letting me know about your dogs, too- honestly I never thought about letting him out more often since he is small. :embar


Colleen, thanks for the Lego update. I bet the mailman is cute! I hope dd is feeling better and that you got some rest last night. Thanks for the heads-up on the snow day thing, too- I am kinda slow like that sometimes. :lol


Okie dokie, gotta go get Isabella. She is getting out early today and tomorrow due to parent conferences. BBL!

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Stacy...just one more thing: don't let the dog have the run of the house as best as you can control that. See if he'll stay with you guys and then you may have a better chance of watching his body language and catching him before he does too much damage.

Sometimes those little dogs are hard to housebreak...but it DOES happen!

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From everything I've read about the breed, they are supposed to be very hard to train and housebreak. I really don't think he has the run of the house (Roomie also suggested that) because he is almost always in his crate or outside. He's not allowed on furniture, goes in his crate when we eat dinner, etc. :shrug He stays with us at all times (as much as I can help it, anyway) when indoors because of problems I've had with Roomie in the past. Like I said, we are planning to take him to an obedience class after the holidays. :xfin that it works!


Whew, what a day. Took Isabella to school, then FIL called to say he was on his way, went to take Mia to school, came home and made gingersnaps, went back to get Isabella, went to get Mia, came home to do homework, then went back out to pick up FIL. :whew The younger ones are playing dress-up the older ones are watching tv. Time to figure out what is for dinner. Dh has his last final tonight and I WILL work on the cross-stitch as much as I can!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Go me! :rofl I have just been unenthusiastic about this project but it is something he has been asking for, for years. So I feel like I must do it!



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Stacy, I hope the obedience classes work!


What cross st are you working on? I have 2 WIPs...one is an old sampler I never finished, the other is Le Chat Noir:)

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