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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Colleen, yup - that was the only way I could think of to explain the energy level I had...it was either clean and run errands... or explode.

I chose the better way:D


Good for you Judy! I hope everything is okay :hug

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Sants Clause is Coming to Town is coming on soon! YAY! We are going to watch it as a family! Good thing. I have a headache!

Beth - I think I am so tired just because I am stressed. Hopefully all will be well and things will get back to normal.

Joanne - Yes, I got my blood work back today and everything came back normal except the thyroid, which came back high. The doctor forwarded that info to the endocrinologist. I am going back to see him in three weeks.

Colleen - We get two weeks off for Christmas break. My sister is coming down for part of the time. She is arriving the day after Christmas and leaving on New Year's Eve.

Mary, Victoria, Shannon, Stacy, Frogger, Judy (I hope I got everyone!), I hope you all had a great day!

Time to watch Santa!



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Colleen, your penquin is too sweet! How adorable!


Vicki, I'm so sorry about your headache. I hope you enjoy your movie.


I just got home from work, need to elevate the darn leg, but had to see what my Besties are up to first! Here's a big :hug for all of you!

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Hi all

I won’t try to catch up just yet but I will.

I have been on the sofa the last few days with blood pressure problems. 5 nose bleeds in 2 days. Not good! Never had problems before, now it’s high. Went to Dr’s today, got meds and blood workup.


I’ll try to catch up tomorrow, just wanted to let you know where I am,

Nite all,


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Take care Tena :hug Thanks so much for stopping by.


Vicki - I hope you enjoy your family movie. Sounds like a good way to destress a little bit. I'm glad you get some time off work over the holidays. Hopefully you can relax a little bit.


Beth - Thanks for the :hug, back 'atcha :hug Do tell us about what kind of yarn you bought and what you plan for it :dreaming Inquiring minds want to know! :devil

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:blushI think the craft room is finally done. Just a few more little things that need a home but :yay:cheer:clap:yes it is pretty much done!!!!! DF still needs to hang up my cabinet for my pattern books. I will take pictures tomorrow after I take out this big bag of trash and get all the coats on the back of the chair hung up and get my desk top straightened up.

:manyheart your penguin bag Colleen. :yes I agree, your mom did put a lot of thought into DD's calendar. Already curious to see what surprises there will be tomorrow :lol. We are expecting a foot of :2snowand very high winds overnight.

Hope you got a good night's :sleepJoanne. You definitely deserve it. Have a good day at work tomorrow.

:eek Wow, WTG Beth on your 100 skeins of yarn. What did you get? Do tell, as that is an awesome Christmas gift. Have lots of fun :crocheting with all that yarn after the Holidays.

:lolJudy, I work off a mad sometimes too and often find that I get more done that way.

:hug Tena. So sorry to hear that you are having BP problems and hope that you get to feeling better soon.

:hug going out to LeaAnne,Frogger, Stacy, Mary, Victoria, Shannon (I feel like I forgot someone, if I did :hugto you too). I think I am going to watch a little tv and :crocheting as I haven't got to yet.Hope you all are having a great night and see you all later!!!! :manyheart

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Good very early morning! Wide awake at 4:15! But that is because I fell asleep around 8- so "House" watched me!


Love the penguin bag Colleen! I need to finish my snowman!! Can't wait to read what todays Advent calendar surprise is. Your mom was so sweet to put all that thought into it.


Tena- take it easy- glad you went to the Dr.- I had high BP too, but now it is under control.


Judy- I love that expression- working off a mad. I know I get so much more cleaning done when I'm upset about something- when I'm in a relaxed good mood, I just want to sit on my badorkus and:crocheting


Vicki- Did you enjoy the show? How's the headache. Good luck to DH today on the interview!!!:xfin


Scooby- WTG on getting the craft room ready.:clap..can't wait to see the pics!! A foot of snow- WOW!


Beth- :yayDH got tix to The Nutcracker at the PaperMill Playhouse for Sunday afternoon!!! So it will be a perfect Sunday- Nutcracker in the afternoon, Giants football at night !!! I can't wait to go see it-


Stacy, LeaAnne, Shannon, Mary, Frogger- have a great Tuesday.:hug


Only 3 more days after today and I'm off for the weekend:cheer



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Hello besties!


OK, you asked: Herrschnerrs had a special on bags of yarn, so I went bananas! I got Moda Dea Sassy Stripes, which is sock yarn, but I'll use it for gloves and hats, and maybe a scarf -- I have a lot of it!


There's Moda Dea Tweedle Dee -- I think I'm in love with this one, from the brief petting I did. It changes colors as you work it. Should be fun to play with, and it feels :c9. This will definitely be a wearable for ME, unless my dd claims it. She's been known to do that, even though she's a small, and I'm an extra large.


Red Heart Light and Lofty yarn -- I got two bags of this, planning on making snugglies. It works up fast, with a big hook.


Craft Cotton - two bags of this for oven mitts, dish cloths, etc.


Ironstone Brooke Yarn - I just wanted to see what it was. It's pink and purple and fuzzy, so I can make stuff to sell for the ballet company out of that. LIttle girls love pink and purple and fuzzy! So do I, actually!:blush


And Nob Hill Jewel Sparkle, to see what it was like. It's very pretty, but I don't really have an actual PIM for it.


Tena, I'm glad you went to the doctor. I hope you get your BP under control soon. That's so dangerous, and we want all our besties to stick around! Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I'd offer to babysit for a while so you can rest, but it may be too much of a drive to get there.:hug


Joanne, :cheer for the Nutcracker and the Giants! You are a well-rounded person! You like ballet and football! That's so cool. happy Almost the Weekend!


Scooby, you have been so busy! So are you done organizing from your move now? Will you have more time to :crocheting? And a foot of snow! :eek Where will you put it??? Are your dogs really hungry? :rofl


Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy, Frogger, Victoria, Judy, Jennifer (I feel like I'm saying goodnight at the Waltons!) Have an awesome day!:hug

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Good morning all! It is a dark and rainy morning here! The cold and the snow are long gone!

Beth - That all sounds like heavenly yarn! Can't wait to see what you make with it all!

Joanne - Good morning! The Nutcracker in the morning and the giants in the evening! That sounds like a nice day!

Colleen - Did the Leafs hold on to win? I saw that they were winning with very little time left in the third period last night during MNF and I thought of you!

I finished the scarf! It is now waiting to be wrapped along with my nephew's presents. Then I am officially almost done with my shopping! When my sister comes down then we will take care of each other's kids. It was easier to do it that way. I did the first two rows of the baby sweater that I needed to start. I will continue that one now. I feel like I am in a crunch. I have all these projects to do and no time :eek!

I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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:hi everyone!


Vicki - The leafs did win last night :yes, but we weren't watching it. We watch the line up of Monday night comedies (How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Accidentally On Purpose) on Monday nights. I'm thinking about your DH today :xfin


Beth - Your yarn sounds heavenly. Enjoy! You deserve it!


Scooby - Good job on the craft room! :yay 1 ft of snow :eek I'm going to have to look at a map to get a sense of where you are. Looks like you might expect a white Christmas? That would be different from a Tennessee Christmas, wouldn't it?


Joanne - Glad you had a good sleep.


Advent calendar today: A lego caution barrier/sign (this is a Lego City set, so it is oriented around a little city theme) and a chocolate santa. I just spent most of the morning ordering pictures from our trip. Didn't get them all ordered, but I got a start on it. We have the day off of school, work and must do's. Only plans are a trip to the grocery store and maybe a hair cut for DD. Have a great day!

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:jumpyay:wooIt's finally as done as it is gonna be for now. Yes, I am speaking of the craft room. It has taken me forever.


Not much has gotten done around here today. The kids are out of school today as the :flake keeps falling. I needed to go to the post office and grocery store today but think it will have to wait as we are under a winter storm warning.


:lolYes Colleen, a white Christmas would be nice as we rarely get those in TN. And another :yes, right now they are saying 6" to a foot by tomorrow morning. The winds are 20-30 mph and gusts near 40 mph.It is very :wbrr. Sounds like good :crocheting weather to me :c9.


:lolBeth. Hopefully I won't have to put the snow any where as I have run out of room. The dogs better get to eating fast as it just keeps accumulating. They are loving it but don't know what to think when they go out and it is so deep now. :yes I am pretty much done organizing from the move now. There are still a few odd and end things that need to be done but the major stuff is now done except painting and carpet. Now I will be back to the everyday hum drum of just keeping the house cleaned etc etc so the :crocheting time should start rolling in more often.


:huggoing out to the rest of the Besties!!!!! I hope you all are having a great day!!!!!!


Drum Roll......and now the pics you have all been waiting for.....Some of my yarn is in the closet in our room, and some of it is still downstairs in baskets in the living room. I ran out of room in the craft room so it is just wherever I could find a place to put it.

The first pic is all RHSS(shelving unit on right hand side) with the bottom shelf just a misc assortment of 4 ply. The second set of shelves is RH sport on top 2 shelves and then SS and Yarn Bee baby yarns on the rest, with an assortment on bottom shelf.

Second pic the first short unit first two shelves is Naturally Caron Country, botton shelf is Sinfonia and Moda Dea Ticker Tape. The second shelving unit is thread and bottom shelf is Yarn Bee Jewel Song and other various fuzzy yarns. And then a night stand behind the door with a basket with various yarns in it and patterns in the drawers LOL.

The third pic is the same as second.

The fourth one is on the opposite side of the room. The craft table and those totes are full of yarn.

The fifth picture is the craft table and that shelf has part of my cotton and ribbon. The bottom shelf is just misc craft supplies, mostly styrofoam stuff.

And then the Scooby bed, tv and computer. And that is the craft room.

In the closet where you can't see LOL is where all my plastic canvas, cross stitch, wreaths, embroidery, and other craft stuff is. Under the bed is where all my plastic containers of beads,purse handles, buttons and other notions are all stored.









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Good morning!


I started my supplements yesterday and I must say I can notice a difference already. I have been much less cranky and seemingly better able to control it when I am. However, I didn't get much sleep at all last night and don't think I have the brainpower to address everyone. Just wanted to stop in and say :xfin and good luck to Vicki's dh today! :hug And Beth, what a haul!! Do you happen to have a picture of all of that yarn? I'd love to :drool over it! :lol


Well I'm off to make my bed and fold some clothes before going to get Mia. Today is a bus day so I have to leave in about 45 minutes to pick her up. BBL! :hug to everyone!

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:jumpyay:wooIt's finally as done as it is gonna be for now. Yes, I am speaking of the craft room. It has taken me forever.

You are the :queen of stashes:nworthy

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Oh my, Scooby, THAT is one big stash of yarn! WOW! I am glad you finally got it all squared away and organized! Good for you!


Well the interview went well, according to hubby, but the job was not offered yet as there are still other people to interview. So at this point there is nothing to report other than that. The Store managers that hubby interviewed with seem to be strongly behind him, but I guess it is that whole thing that there have to be a certain number of people that interview before they offer a position. So now we wait.


Just wanted to let you all know where we were on it all. Talk to you all later!



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:embar:blush I warned you guys. I told you the stash was huge here along with all the other scrap yarn and craft stuff that you can't see. Now I can sit and :crochetingand start using some of it up.

:hug Vicki. Keeping :xfin that all continues to go well with DH's interview and employment with this company.

:hug:yaythat your supplements are working. Hope that you are taking it easy today and getting some rest. :lol Well, let me know if there is a color that you need as I may just have it and I don't mind mailing it out if I do. There's more than enough here and I am also buying especially when I get it at a good price :rofl.

:lolJudy. I don't know if I am the :queen of stash or not, there are prolly some out there bigger than mine. I did tell DF that I could open a yarn store out of my craft room :laughroll.

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:faint Scooby :eek Our LYS don't even carry that much yarn! :drool You did a wonderful job on the craft room. :dreaming What a lucky girl to have that room. I would be in heaven in a room like that. :c9 By the way, I showed DH and DD your pics and said "this is my friend's new craft room... And you think I have a lot of yarn!" I know you have a sense of humour, so I'll tell you how they reacted. They marched around the house saying "coo coo!" for 5 minutes :rofl They just don't understand :shrug


I got A LOT accomplished today. Ordered pictures (gotta go pick those up once DD is in bed), organized address labels for Christmas cards, returned books to library, bought groceries and picked up prescriptions, took DD for a hair cut, brought groceries home, drove 20 minutes each way to my mom and dad's to check on something, successfully made my mom's Yorkshire Chicken recipe for the first time for supper :yay, tidied house, 2 loads of laundry. :whew I so deserve some :crocheting time :yes


Vicki - I'm glad DH's interview went well. That's all you can do for now, so just relax and wait.


Stacy - I'm glad to hear the supplements are helping you feel better.


Everyone else, I hope you had a great day!

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:hug:hugColleen, I've never heard of Yorshire chicken. What is it like? Congrats on your successful attempt at Mom's recipe!


Scooby! I don't know which I like better: all the yarn, or all the Scooby accessories! I love your craft room! You must be so happy with it!


STacy, :hug So glad your supliments are helping you feel better. My yarn-stash-in-a-box is still in a box, since I'm supposed to leave it alone until after Christmas. My fingers are itching to play with it. May be a good thing I can't -- I need to get flying on the Christmas afghan.


I just got back from work, and I need to elevate!


Love you all!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Oh my word! Is that Scooby's Craft Room or is that Scooby's Store?:eek So much yarn- and how lucky to have your own room-it is truly you- scooby themed and tv, computer and:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn. You are so lucky!!!!! Thanks for sharing with us. :hug


Colleen- if I show my DH that pic, he'll think the same thing as your DD and DH!!! But then maybe I should next time I'm on and he is downstairs with me- then my yarn stash won't look so bad. :lol You sure did earn a lot of :crocheting time. And I'm with Beth- never heard of Yorkshire Chicken- can you explain? Glad you were able to get Mom's recipe right. And congrats to your Leafs!


Beth- Elevate, elevate, elevate!!! And wow did you get some neat yarns- heaven! And now you have to wait till Christmas to play with it!!!:lol


Vicki- Glad DH felt the interview went well. No use stressing over it- relax, enjoy your bowling night!! WTG on getting the scarf done. Are you gonna show us??? The right answer is :yes


I finished my snowman:2snowman this morning b/4 work except for the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons. I'm going to stop at ACMoore on my way home tomorrow night and get some small pom-poms for the eyes and nose and then Ill finish him with his face! Think I'll start the penguin tonight since I found a skein of black yarn . I'll post pics when I'm done.


Judy- Did you have a:crocheting day today?


All besties- Hope it was a good Tuesday.:hug to all.....off to:crocheting

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Hi, Joanne!

I got some more work done on the lapghan I'm making for Fisher House....it's nearing the finish line.


Have a good night, everyone.

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OK, I need help. I am trying really hard not to stress about gifts, but the teacher gift is stressing me out. :thair Options: 1. Go buy yarn and make a scarf. I'm kinda wanting to make this one, but I only have a week. 2. DD is making these for her Grandparent gifts and she could make one for the teacher and fill it with chocolates and tea or something :shrug. 3. I make her a little tote bag and (this is a teacher friend of mine's suggestion) fill it with school supplies/books for the classroom. What do you think? I really don't have a big gift budget.

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:c9 I do love my craft room Beth. I can come upstairs and I can watch whatever I want on tv, sit on the bed and :crocheting or play on the puter.

:laughrollColleen, that is way too funny about DH and DD. I probably have to agree with your DH and DD I am a little :loco coo coo, but not as far as the yarn is concerned :rofl. Those who aren't yarnies just don't understand :lol. I like the idea of the tote bag filled with goodies. She can always use the tote bag for something else. I have never heard of Yorkshire Chicken either, but I bet it is delish!!! WTG on getting so much accomplished today.

Good :idea Joanne. Just show your DH my yarn stash and maybe he won't fuss about yours :lol. WTG on finishing your :2snowman. You have the same thoughts as me, I like to glue on pom poms, wiggly eyes etc etc instead of stitching them. :lol

:yayon getting some :crocheting done on your lapghan Judy!!!!Hope you get to work on it more tomorrow.

I hope the rest of the besties are having a great evening. I think I am going to scroll around the ville for a minute and then settle down and cash in on some :crochetingtime. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

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