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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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:birthday:cake Petey! Hope he is feeling better and able to enjoy his birthday! (Thanks Shannon for reminding me!). What are the pretzel rolo thingys you are making? Sounds very interesting.


Colleen- Yes, working full time is a badorkus-killer! LOL! It's especially difficult when you have a young one at home! Hoping that tomorrow is too terrible for you.


Stacy- I forgot to tell you that I tried the Caramel Brulee latte at Starbucks this afternoon- yummy!


DD's have been baking/cooking up a storm in the kitchen. They have relegated me to my favorite chair and my:crocheting. So I worked on DH's flannelghan for a while. I showed him pics of what it will be like when it is done and he likes it!:yay. So far DD's have made green bean casserole, fresh cranberry sauce (from scratch), homemade pumpkin pie with a homemade crust (something I've never done, but oldest DD loves making them), pudding pie with avocado (Stacy- I'll get the recipe from DD for you- I know she uses avocado, cocoa, agave and almond milk) Since middle DD is a vegetarian/vegan, we are going to have lots of veggies. And she only uses organic foods. It's really nice that they have taken on alot of the cooking. Tomorrow, I'll make the mashed potatoes and the sweet potatoes with marshmallows. DD is in charge of making the stuffing and the turkey.


Crochet preparedness- I love it!!!!


I am so glad that we are not FBB's!! As soon as Stacy posted what it stood for, I was like DUH!. I almost finished one of those! Which reminds me, when I am done with Christmas gifts, I should finish that Fat Bottom Bag!


Vicki- Did DH get his truck back? And are you two getting along today? Men can be exasperating at times, can't they?


Beth- hope you are feeling better each day and that you are enjoying Tinkerbell. DD called and she said Belle was really being "crazy"- so she is not coming over tonight- probably because she was crated since SIL left for work at 1:30 and she didn't get home till 8:30- so she is going to play with her for a while and try and then try and calm her down.


Have a wonderful night!:hug

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Isn't the caramel brulee latte yummy?? :drool Too bad it is only a holiday flavor. All of that cooking sounds yummy-ness! It is really sweet of your dd's to do so much cooking. Sounds like you are having a nice, relaxing evening. :hug I had a good :heehee at your FBB comment- "I almost finished one of those." :lol


I decided not to go out with Roomie. I'm just not feeling very "bar-ish" tonight, not that I ever do. Dh seemed kinda irked (largely because I say I never go anywhere by myself :blush) but I told him what I really want to do is sit in bed with my :crocheting and :yarn. :yes He is playing video games, so I think it will all work out. :wink

I made the cranberries and I am thinking of cooking the potatoes tonight, too. Or getting up super-early to do them. The landscaper didn't finish with the water main tonight so he will be back at 9 a.m. tomorrow. And he will have to turn off the water "for an hour," which is what he told me today, and it turned into about 4. I don't want that to happen tomorrow! :eek

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Oh, no, Stacy- I hope you have water for your cooking today!


The turkey is in the oven and I am cooking the sweet potatoes now. DD's are asleep! I'm enjoying the quiet time right now before it gets crazy- but it will be a good crazy


LeaAnne, Beth, Vicki, Stacy, Scooby, and Shannon-:pilgrim:tdance:ttalk:tdance:ttalk


Colleen and Mary- Happy Thursday:manyheart



Remember to take your vitamins and have a spendiferous-ness day!


PS- GO GIANTS (8:30 tonight)

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:yay I have time to say :hi and Happy :tdance day! What you all are cooking up sounds so good! It never occured to me to do the potatoes and sweet potatoes early in the morning or the day before :think I should try that!


I was up at 6:00, showered, dressed, had breakfast, packed lunches for DH and I, did a sink-full of dishes, got DD her breakfast and set out her clothes, packed her up for swimming followed by a day at Grandma's and now I actually have some time to relax before it is time to leave for swimming (I'm going to work right after swimming). :sigh I think I'll have a :coffee


Have a wonderful day everyone! Enjoy the holiday :manyheart

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So I called my mom today to wish her a happy thanksgiving. She told me everything that was going on, including that her tablecloth was a bit wrinkled on the edges, but she didn't feel like ironing it. I suggested that she toss it in the dryer for a few minutes. I mentioned that my dryer has a setting called "Wrinkle Release."


Now she wants to come over and climb in my dryer for a while....



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Hi everyone

Happy :ttalk:pilgrim everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderfull dinner. I would have like to have turkey tonight too :yes Oh well christmas is coming soon.

LeaAnne please say :birthday to pete for me please. Sorry I forgot.

Colleen just keep thinking one more day :cheerhope today was not too bad.

Stacy sorry to hear about your car. When we lived in the city I would take my kids on the bus sometimes too, they thought it was great.

Vicki hope DH is out of the doghouse soon.

Shannon hope you are having a great day.

Beth can I get in your dryer too?????? LOL hope you are feeling better.

Joanne glad you have all your girls home with you.

Scooby your furbabies are just toooooooooo cute.

Is anyone going to be here for chat tomorrow night? I was just wondering.

Talk to you later


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Good morning!

Well the day was perfect-ness until the Giants decided to play like a HS football team! :angry But we all had fun watching the game together.:yes Don't know what is going on with them, but they are not playing well at all!


Today we are all planning on going to see the movie "The Road". We looked online and lo-and behold, the closest movie theatre that is showing the movie is about 45-50 min away. But good news is there is a neat downtown area, nice cafe, two LYS shops, (not that I need any more yarn) DD and SIL are coming over for breakfast this morning and then our day will begin. Right now the whole house is sleeping!


Colleen- this is it- TGIF!!!! Hope it goes by quickly for you.


Mary- it was good to see your post and happy that you and DH are feeling better. I'll try to be here for chat- all depends on when we all get back home.


Beth, Shannon, Stacy, LeaAnne, Scooby and Vicki- hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.


On a happy note, my co-workers DH was home for Thanksgiving.:) He still needs to go back in 2 weeks for another surgery, so please keep him in your prayers.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day- it is gray/cloudy, misting here today, so what better day than to go to the movies.


Did any of you get up in the wee hours of the AM to go shopping? I've done that a few times, but have no desire to brave the crowds anymore. I'll never forget one year about 6 years ago, DD and I got up really, really early, waited on line for a TV that I was going to get her, only to have the tv be sold out when we got in- Never again!

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Good morning :hi I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Mary, I hope you are getting better :hug.


I have the morning off :sigh:c9 I work for 3.5 hours this afternoon and then I am done work for the week :clap Tomorrow I am going to a craft show that I go to every year at the school down the street. I usually go alone as a yearly treat, but my little angel will be coming with me, because DH is working tomorrow. I also need to, at some point in the next couple days, do some yarn shopping :dreaming I bought bows to make a tree like Shannons, but I don't have the yarn. I'll go in the next couple days and see what I can find. We are going out to a friend's house on Saturday night. So, it is shaping up to be a good weekend. :yay


I might be around for chat for a little while. There are a lot of midnight madness sales on, but I doubt I'll be out that late.


Have a wonderful day everyone! TGIF!!!

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Morning all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day! We were at my sister's house and her husband made WAY too much food! I brought some turkey home as well as the brownies and half the cheesecake. The cookies that I made were a total flop. I didn't even bring them over. I threw them away! I don't know what happened to them. Who is a baker? The cookies were supposed to be in the shape of a ball with a Hershey kiss in the middle, but the cookies flattened out. I was talking to my other sister in NY and she thinks that the recipe needed baking powder/soda (which was not called for in the recipe). Anyway, they didn't work, and I was dissapointed. So was DD.

Hubby did get his truck back Tuesday night. He is in heaven now that his baby is back. He needs to bring it back in three weeks so they can check the paint job and make sure there are no bubbling problems with it and so they can wash and buff it.

I got my car fixed. $600.00 dollars later. The cam shaft was clogged I guess is the best way to describe it because I am not the best at getting oil changes every 3000 miles. Since I don't do that it was filling with oil sludge. So now I need to get engine flushes with it for the next 3 or 4 oil changes. I just love cars. Between mine and Stacy's we are doing well!

I am planning on doing some purging today! I want to purge in my room today. I have a shoe corner that I need to clean out and I want to straighten up my sweater/turtle neck tote area. Maybe even my yarn tote. I straightened up one corner of my kitchen counter last night. Hubby needs to clean off his mail on the kitchen table. I need to lay down the law there. He needs to go through it every day and throw it out every day. This is not that difficult people! He is annoying me lately, but he is a man and I think it is what they do. I am just in a funk lately towards family in general. Nothing I really want to get into right now.


I took the pictures of DD's square ghan minus the white border for you all to see and I can't find the cord to connect the camera to the computer. It is probably in hubby's camera bag, which is God knows where! I will have to look for it later and post the pic later.

LeaAnne - Happy bday to Petey. I hope he had a great day!

Joanne - How was dinner that you didn't make? Those are the best kind! Enjoy the day with the girls!

Scooby - I have a friend who has a pit bull and that dog is the biggest MUSH you have ever seen! One day when she was a puppy, she saw herself in the mirror for the first time and she thought there was another dog. So she barked at the "other" dog. She got scared of herself and hid under the bed! It was very funny to see this dog who was bred for fighting hiding from herself.

Stacy - Sorry to hear about the car, but at least there are options to get the girls to school. Let us know how Mia likes the bus!

Colleen - You can make it to the weekend! You can do it! Have fun swimming!

Mary - Glad you are feeling better!

I should be here for chat tonight, but don't hold me to it. We need to rearrange the living room a little. We bought furniture for the living room and it is being delivered tomorrow afternoon. I am taking DD and her friend to Build A Bear for her birthday tomorrow and then she is going to sleep over her friend's house. Maybe I will pull out Christmas presents and start to wrap with her out of the house. That might work.

I will talk to you all later. Have a good day all. If anyone is braving the stores today I hope you are getting great deals and let us know if you do! Have fun!


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:applause:ducky:hyper:dance :elle:yay I got my Stacy square! I got my Stacy square!


:yay I hadn't been to the mailbox in a couple days and there it was! Thank you Stacy, it is beautiful! I love it! I love the colours! I loved your note and the postcard and the goodies Yumm!


What a perfect end to a busy week!



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I got a good report from the doctor!!! No more cancer! I'm clear!!!:clap:yay:manyheart:c9:cheer:cheer:cheer


Colleen, TGIF! I hope you get a chance to relax this weekend! It's hard to work full-time and be a mom! Have fun at the craft show.


Vicki, I am looking forward to seeing the pic, once you find that cord. Congrats on the new furniture. What colors? What type? And :birthday to your dd! Build-a-bear sounds like fun.


Joanne, enjoy your long weekend with your family. Sounds like a lot of fun! You seems to enjoy your time together so much.


Mary, it's good to hear from you! I hope you are feeling much better now.


LeaAnne, are you having a good Thanksgiving weekend? What are the chickens up to?


Shannon, speaking of chickens, how is your wee one? What's up in your corner of America?


Stacy, I'm so sorry to hear about your car. I'm so glad you have the option of mass transportation. Good luck with being a one-vehicle family for a while.


Scooby, How was your thanksgiving? How did the company go? Did you get any :crocheting time?


The nurse said I'm doing a good job taking care of my stitches, and my sites look good. I thought my leg looked pretty :yuck but I'm not the professional. I get to keep my leg up for a while longer. I see the doc next Thursday.

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:hi, all!


I hope everyone is enjoying their day! I can't respond to everyone individually right now, but wanted to stop in quick to let you know I am thinking of you, and am so very thankful that you are my friends!


Peter had a wonderful 8th birthday, and :ttalk day was very nice and relaxing... i am still full! :rofl


Hugs to you all, and I'll be back soon:manyheart:manyheart:hug:hug:hug

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I'm so glad you like it, Colleen! :clap Good luck with your 3.5 hour day, and have fun at the craft fair.


Vicki, I'm sorry you are in a funk- I am, too. We can be funky together. LoL :clap for dh getting his truck back. Sorry to hear about your car- cars suck. As for the cookies, it sounds like they needed baking powder, which is a rising agent. If you're willing to share the recipe, I'd be willing to try it out for you. :lol Have fun at Build-a-Bear. We've only gone in to browse, since my kids have more stuffies than they know what to do with.


Joanne, sounds like you had a wonderful day! Have fun going out to the movies with your dd's.


Everyone else, I hope you had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving. Mary, we have tons of turkey left, I'd send you some if it would stay! :lol


Ours was very low-key- an extremely welcome variance from the usual holiday stress. :D Dh started the turkey around noon and I waited until about 2 to start everything else. It worked out well because I put something in the oven, then prepped another dish so it would go in when that one came out. Plus we have 2 racks in the oven so 2 or 3 dishes could go in at once. BIL and his fam came over and we just hung out. FIL arrived right as the turkey was done. It was so good to see him. He is looking much, much better than last week. MIL stopped in on the way home from her sister's to say hello.

Dh had to take his truck to be repaired, and I need to go to the grocery store when he gets it back. Later tonight, Roomie is watching the girls, and we are going to a concert at the Whiskey! :clap We went once last year and it was soooooo loud- I ended up going to the bathroom and putting balled-up t.p. in my ears so it would be muffled a bit. :rofl This time Roomie is going to give me a pair of her earplugs. :heehee

I hope you all have a great chat! :hug


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:hiBesties!!!! I hope all my American Besties had a Happy :tdanceDay and all my Canadian Besties had a Happy Thursday!!!! Of all days, I woke up with a horrible stomach ache yesterday (IBS acting up) but managed to get better as the day went on.I got all the cooking done but didn't eat much. For some reason, when I cook all the food my apetite just disappears :lol. DF's DD,DGKs and her DB came. I think everyone had a good day.

:yay:cheer:clap:c9 Titan is feeling much much better and seems to be back to his normal puppy self so I turned him loose and not keeping the two furbabies separated anymore.

Yesterday evening after everyone left, DF and I sat down and watched a couple of holiday movies on Hallmark Channel and I got to :crocheting a little. Not planning on doing much today unless I go up to work on the craft room. I still need to get that room finished :sigh.

:yay:hug Beth!!!!!! That is great news about your leg and NO CANCER!!!!! :c9That is truly something to be thankful for!!!!!

:c9:yay:manyheartI got my Joanne square but forget to mention here on Wednesday. I must have been so excited to finally get some mail here that it just slipped my mind. Sounds like you and the family are having a great time being together, lots of fun fun fun :D.

:yay Colleen!!!! Glad to hear that you are finally done for the week. Maybe now you will get some SAHM time to :crocheting, :compute:book:shop or whatever you and DD decide. Have fun at the craft fair. You will have to let us know what goodies that you find. Can't wait to hear about it.

:(Vicki. So sorry your cookies flopped.Usually when I make those, I make peanut butter cookie dough, roll them in a ball (I don't roll them in sugar nor do the criss cross thing with the fork) bake them and as soon as they come out of the oven I put the hershey's kiss on them and then let them cool and I have no problems. I have tried them with sugar cookie dough too and did the same thing but the boys prefer PB cookies:lol. I don't know what recipe you used but I have never seen those cookies remain in the shape of a ball with the kiss on the top so I :shrughow to help you. Mine always flatten out and then I add the kisses. :cheerDH for getting his "baby" back and :yuck on yours costing so much. :clover getting everything purged and can't wait to see DD's ghan!!!!

:hugMary!!! Are you and hubby feeling better? Lots of :ttalk left here and I am sure we will be sick of it by the end of the day :lol. Yep, :smiling will be here soon, just seems like it is coming wayyyyy to fast.

:2hug Shannon. How are you and DD feeling? Much better now I hope. Hope you all had a Happy :ttalkDay.

:hugStacy. Your welcome for the info!! I don't blame you for not wanting to go out bar hopping as we call it :lol. I too, would much rather sit at home and :crocheting:book or whatever. I never did enjoy that much. I have too many other interests and I am not big on drinking either. Every once in a while, I will drink a sweet mixed drink but that is very rare. Hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving.

:hi:2hug LeaAnne. How are ya Bestie? Tell Petey :birthdaybelated. Are you, DH, and the chickens doing ok? Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Well ladies. Think I am going to turn on the tv and :crocheting for a spell. But I really should go up in the craft room and and do some work, although I am just not in the mood for it :lol. I will have to :think about and see if my energy level rises to the occassion. I will try to make it to chat later tonite. Have a great Friday and see you all later.

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Oh, I am SO done for the day. Yes, I purged. I started out in my room, as I planned, in my shoe corner. It was quite messy and has grown. I pulled my shoes out and started to throw stuff out that I don't wear or don't use. I found at least four skeins of yarn that I didn't know I had. One of them was a Caron pounder! I even found two of my Def Leppard cds that I was looking for! Those are going straight in my car. I emptied out and threw away a box of stuff that I really didn't need any more of stuff that I was just holding on to for the sake of holding on to. There was some stuff in there that I needed, such as pictures of DD when she was a baby and those I saved of course, but otherwise, if it was junk, it was thrown away! I ended up filling a lawn and leaf bag. Then I reorganized my shoes and put the spring shoes in the shoe rack. I put the sweaters and the turtle necks back in their tote. I vacuumed the bedroom. And hubby cleaned the bathroom. I put the bath mats in the washing machine and threw them in the dryer. While I was purging, he purged the kitchen table. After lunch I then mopped both the bathrooms. And now I am back here. I just called Good Will to see if they wanted my old furniture. They don't have a truck to pick up so I will have to rent a truck to bring to it to them.

Beth - Great news!!!! YAY YOU! Glad to hear that they site looks good. Keep up the good work and keep your legs up!

Stacy - This is the recipe: 1 cup butter; 1/2 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla; 1 3/4 cups all purpose flour; 1 cup finely chopped walnuts or almonds (we didn't use these; don't like nuts in coookies); 36 Hershey's kisses; powdered sugar.

Beat butter, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed in larg bowl until fluffy. add flour and walnuts; beat at low speed of mixer until well blended. Cover; refrigerate 1-2 hours or until dough is firm enough to handle.

Remove wrappers from candy. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Using about 1 tablespoon of dough for each cookie, shape dough around each chocolate; roll in hand to make ball (be sure to cover each piece completely). Place on ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 10-12 minutes or until cookies are set but not brown. cool slightly. Remove to wire rack. While cookies are still slightly warm, rollin powdered sugar. Cool completely. Store in air tight container. Roll again in powdered sugar just before serving.

That's it. My sister was thinking along the same lines as you, that it needs some sort of leavener. I remember thinking as I was looking at it "that's it?" Let me know if you have any success. It can't be any worse than what I ended up with!

Scooby - Did you get to your craft room or did you opt for the crochet time?

Have a great rest of the day all! Talk to you all later!


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Beth - :yay:clap:yay:clap:manyheart:hug I am so happy for the results at the Dr.! That is wonderfulness!


Stacy - Your Thanksgiving sounds very nice! Enjoy your concert out and the ear plugs sound like a good idea :yes Thank you again for your beautiful square. I love the colours.


Vicki - WTG on all that purging and cleaning :nworthy You rock! I would try your recipe but I don't make anything with nuts. Scooby's idea sounds like a good one. :shrug


LeaAnne - :hi glad you had a good Thanksgiving and that Pete had a good birthday.


Scooby - I'm so glad Titan is feeling better. I say turn on the TV and crochet. Close the door on the craft room for a couple days (unless you have to go in and get yarn of course :lol)


:hi Shannon, Mary & Joanne


I am so ticked at myself. I found a recipe on-line for slow cooker macaroni and cheese and got it all set before I went to work. The recipe called for 1/2 lb of macaroni. Everything here comes in metric measurements so I looked up the conversion of 1 lb to grams and put in 1 lb of macaroni :oops So of course there is way too much noodles to liquid ratio and I realized what I did on the way home of work. I am so grumpy now :angry Now I have to think of something for supper. I threw some boiled water in, but I doubt it will be very tasty. :bang I may laugh about this later, but not right now.


See ya later.

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You know, Vicki- they don't have egg, either. :think They don't necessarily have to, but there does need to be egg or baking powder for leavening. I'll get some Kisses when we go out later and do some experimenting this weekend. :D Thanks for sharing!


Colleen, sorry about your mac-n-cheese! :hug


Ugh, the Terror is on full-force today. "Someone" keeps leaving the front door open and Klaus runs as soon as he sees it. Then I end up chasing him for 4 or 5 blocks, praying that he doesn't run into the street. Last time it was after dark and I lost him after the 3rd house. Thankfully the next one over had a motion sensor and I found him from that. Anyway, so she is out front right now, opening and shutting the door. I've asked several times to keep it closed, and she will close it, only to open it again. Finally I went out to Roomie and told her that the door needs to stay shut. Now the girl is ringing the doorbell repeatedly. AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! :bang:bang:bang:thair:thair:thair Really? If that were one of mine, they would be in the bedroom for the rest of the day. But she is still out there, ringing the door bell and swinging on the screen door. I seriously want to cry right about now. :angry

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Hi Ladies

Glad to hear that everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

Beth that is the best news ever. I was really worried about you. Now I can breath a sigh of releaf for you.

Well ladies I think I spoke too soon about feeling better. Last night I felt just rotten. This morning when the DR's office opened I called for an appt. and got one this afternoon. Went to the appt and the DR said I had the flu and broncides (sp) He gave me medicine and said if I don't start to feel better within 24 hours or I get worse then go to the Hospital. My head is banging, sore throat and coughing like crazy, I also feel like I got run over by a truck. I did manage to finish my table runner, not real happy with it. I will take pics as soon as I can.

I will try and make it to chat tonight for a bit.

Talk to you later


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Hi everyone,

Mary- so sorry that you are not feeling well again. Listen to the doctor- if you are not feeling better, follow up. bronchitis (that is inflammation of the air passages) can sometimes lead to pneumonia.


Beth- AWESOME NEWS!!!! :clap:yay Did the happy dance when I read the great news!!! you must be on:c9!!!!


Stacy- Enjoy the concert (and your time away from the terror) What is up with roomie that she doesn't control that child???? Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and happy to hear that FIL is doing better.


LeaAnne- glad Petey had a good birthday and that you and family had a good Turkey Day


Vicki-:clap WTG on the purging!! It feels great doesn't it? I have cleaning to do on Sunday. And think I'll purge some more as I do- I wish DH could get the purging bug too. I have made peanut butter kiss cookies and I always make mine rolled into a ball, roll into sugar (regular, not confectioners) and after the initial time, you put a Kiss in the middle and it kind of flattens out the cookie in the middle and then bake 3 more minutes. I am downstairs and the recipe is upstairs, but there is baking powder I'm pretty sure in the recipe. They always come out good and I HAVE to make them every year for the holidays!!


Colleen- Well, you made it through the week!! And sorry about your mac and cheese- I always have a tough time converting. I love google for that- I just type in convert x lb to x gram and it gives me the answer. Don't know how I ever survived without it. LOL


Scooby- Sorry about the IBS, but glad you had a good first thanksgiving in NE and glad that Titan is feeling better too. Relax, and :crocheting! The craft room can wait. Glad that the square arrived. Hope you liked it.


Shannon- Are you getting psyched for some Monday football?!!!!


We had a great day today- We all had breakfast together and then we went to see "The Road"- good movie. We then went to a cafe called Eclectic cafe and had a bite to eat. The latte I had was awesome-ness. Then we dropped off DD and her BF, then youngest DD got dropped off and now it is just oldest DD, DH and me at home. Youngest may come back over later - she wanted to spend some time with Belle since sil is at work and she has to work a 12 hr shift tomorrow. The nest is emptying again. i so enjoy my time with all of them- it just does my heart good:manyheart


Not sure if I'll be here for chat or not-I'll try- but not sure what we will be doing later. :hug to all of you!!

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Doing good thanks. Are you feeling any better? :hug:hug I am so sorry to hear that this crud you have is lasting forever. No, unfortunately I didn't get anything done in the craft room, hopefully in the morning I can work on it.

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