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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Mary- keep on napping and resting and in no time you'll be back to your usual self.


Shannon- Hope you enjoy the gumbo tonight- That is so Louisianian! And I love the way your tree came out- I think you did a superb job. I like it better in the olive green I think- looks more realistic


Colleen- Good for you getting through your cotton on dischloths! And your dinner sounds yummy. Can't wait to see Barbie's pants- I'm so glad she'll be nice and warm-


I got one strip done before we went to dinner. Then DH wanted to stop at Barnes and Noble after dinner. So we just got home. I've got 4 more strips to get done and then weave in ends and stitch this thing together. I'm thinking it is not going to be done by Tuesday. And I'm also thinking maybe I should have just done 5 blocks per strip (it would go faster). Oh well, i've got 7 blocks on the first strip and I'm not frogging.


Beth- glad to see tht the inventions and dear hubby are taking good care of you. Loved your post on FB- yes, you are right ---your family rocks\


LeaAnne- did you start your flannelghan?


vicki- hope TKD tournament was good. Do you know that the Jets and Giants are both playing at 1? and your Jets are playing LeaAnne's Patriots.


Stacy- are you doing the flannelghan too? I really like the way it looks with the HDC. Glad I am doing that instead of DC


Scooby- hope your main living area is box free . Did you get in any crochet time today?


Have a good rest of the night everyone!

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Shannon, your tree is GORGEOUS!!!! That is an awesome gift -- so pretty and festive. I would love that on my door. The colors are so perfect.


Joanne, I think the only thing I've accomplished in the last two days is folding laundry that is delivered to me, then carted off to be put up. And crochet. And I had to get someone somewhere when my dh was at work, so I sat in the passenger seat while my children did the driving. They are growing up WAY too fast. But it is so nice to be catered to. I actually feel a little guilty, they are doing so much!


Mary, :hug Feel better soon! You are too nice to be sick! I wish I could make you some chicken soup.


Everyone else -- I've had a pain pill, and I just realized how foggy my brain is right now. I'm just going to send another :hug your way, and wish you a wonderful weekend!!!

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Beth- pain pills will do that to your brain- LOL Enjoy the being catered to- you deserve it- don't feel guilty


Well I got 3 blocks done on the 2nd strip and am calling it a night-


Got a text from one of my co-workers- her DH is in the Icu- they thought he may have had a heart attack- his BP was really high (coming down) and his blood sugar is very high. They are going to do a cardiac cath on Monday. She has 2 kids- ages 11 and 7- please say a prayer for her and her family. Her DH just lost his cousin 2 weeks ago ---age 33---heart attack!


Night everyone:hug

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Oh, Joanne, that is terrible! Prayers and :hug to her family at this difficult time. :xfin that the cardiac cath goes well on Monday. :angry at those darn realtors! Don't they know they wasted your precious :crocheting time? Great job on getting to the second strip already. I also join a new color the same way. It saves on end-weaving. :D I am also making 2 right now- one for my dad, and the one I just decided to turn into a snuggie/flannel-ghan. It is coming along nicely. I have 2 strips done already, but I am only making it 4 squares long, since I will have to add the body also.


Shannon, glad you are feeling a bit better. Have fun at your gumbo dinner! Your tree is gorgeous! I love, love, love the ribbons you chose. Where did you find them? I also used olive green and once I put it together, I just didn't like it. Hopefully it will look better once I get some bows on it.


Beth, I'm glad your inventions and hubby are taking wonderful care of you. Don't feel guilty- you deserve it!!! :hug


Colleen, sounds like you had a nice relaxing day. I :manyheart lazy days! WTG on working through your bag of cotton. :h5


Mary, I'm sorry you are both still sick. :hug I hope you get lots of rest and kick that cold soon!


Leanne, :cheer for your low-flow toilet! I'm not a huge fan of them but I am a fan of saving $$! :D I'm happy that you are happy. :hug When is your company coming again?


Vicki and Scooby, I hope you two are having a nice weekend. :hug


We went for another bike ride late this morning, then went to lunch. I think that will be our Saturday family time now. :D When we came home I did 3 loads of laundry, then went to Michael's and Trader Joe's. Bought the rest of the yarn for my dad's flannel-ghan and some extra for Isabella's. I also had a 10% off coupon and it only took of 60 cents! :angry I definitely bought more than $6 in yarn so I was a little ticked. The girl at the register was more interested in gabbing with a co-worker than working, and there was a long line, so I just left it alone.

We had leftovers for dinner then dh and I went to Starbucks by ourselves. :manyheart The girls are gearing up for bedtime, then I will get back to work on Isabella's 'ghan/wrap. I am on a roll with this one and very excited about it, so I'm sure it will be done before my dad's. :lol




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Good morning Besties!

Oh, Stacy- I would have been ticked too- Save your receipt and next time you are there I would take it to the customer service and ask them to adjust it. I still can't believe I got 10 skeins of Paton's Classic Wool for $17.00 (they are normally 4.49 a skein @ Micheal's). I am so eager to try felting! DH and I stopped at Starbucks too last night after Ruby Tuesday- I had a peppermint mocha latte, skim milk, no whipped! YUMMY! Dh had tea (boring...lol)


What colors are you using for DD's flannelghan snugli? And Dad's?


Hope everyone has a great Football Sunday crochet day. (and Colleen- how did your Leaf's do yesterday?)


LeaAnne- I think you said today was company day so I guess that means no flannelghan crocheting for you today. Have fun with your guests


Time to get back in gear on this flannelghan.

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Good morning!


Joanne - My Leafs won :clap It was in OT (so they don't get full points), but they did beat the Capitals. Before the game yesterday the Leaf's owner told the players that if they didn't start playing better he was going to trade them. He isn't going to fire the coach, he's going to "fire" the players :eek I thinks maybe the players were trying to get rid of the coach :2nono, but that backfired, didn't it? Your friend's family are in my thoughts and prayers. Too young to be worrying about something like that. WTG on getting so much done on the flannelghan.


Stacy - You are motoring along on your crochet too! Can't wait to see your unique snuggle creation! Bike ride sounds fun.


I finished another dishcloth and made a little snowflake doily thing out of candy cane cotton. It would look nice under a candle or decoration or something. I personally don't have any candles in my house because DD reacts to the scent, but could be nice as a gift. I've been having fun, because I'm not using any patterns, just having fun with my cotton.


We are heading to the Lego store today. DD is excited. She woke up at 5 am this morning (it just keeps getting earlier and earlier). I gave her a drink of juice and she went back to sleep. I'm wondering if she's growing and waking up hungry :think


Have a wonderful day with your families. Enjoy the Giants at 1 Joanne :wink

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Good afternoon!


Joanne, I keep forgetting to ask...have you tried the new Caramel Brulee flavor at Starbucks? Yummmm!! :drool I've had 2 frapps with it so far and I am thinking that maybe today I will try the latte. Last night I got my usual mocha but dh said that he wants to go later today, too. :manyheart Awesome find on the wool! I saw the gray and some green in a bin at the front of the store, but it didn't have a clearance sign or anything. :shrug


The flannelghan for my dad is sage green and wheat, and the one for Isabella is royal blue and white. Last night I fell asleep with Eva at 8:30 and Jorge woke me up when he came in at 1. :angry I couldn't go back to sleep so I worked on Isabella's snuggie/ghan and had an idea of how to do the body, so I am going to work on that today. We went for breakfast at the IL's and the girls stayed over there, so I will have most of the afternoon to work on it. :devil


Colleen, congrats to your Leafs. Did you get much :crocheting done while watching the game? Hope you are having a nice family time at the Lego store. :hug


Beth, I'm happy to hear that you are healing! :clap I hope you are having some nice relaxation time. :hug


Shannon, how was the gumbo gathering? :hug


Mary, I hope you and dh are feeling much better today. :hug


Scooby, are you having a nice relaxing Sunday, or are you still on an organizing spree? :hug


Vicki, how did dd do at TKD? :yay


Leanne, I hope you are enjoying your company! :manyheart


Dh is working on his paper, so I am going to :crocheting for a little while. Be back later!

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The Giants won- but not after almost squandering the game. It went into OT. But hey, a win is a win. And congrats to Shannon's Saints- still undefeated! Sorry Beth about your skins- I was so hoping that they would have beaten the Cowboys. LeaAnne's Patriots are now playing Vicki's Jets!


I haven't tried the new caramel brulee- but think I will have to. DH went to Best Buy before and I stayed home crocheting and he brought me home a Peppermint Mint Mocha from Starbucks- gotta love the guy!


I am almost done with the third strip on the flannelghan, but my shoulder is starting to hurt. What's up with that? I think I may have to take a small break and then go back to it. Tuesday doesn't look like it will be finished (unless I called out of work Mon and Tues, which I won't).


Well, I gotta go check the pasta.


Have a good night everyone

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How sweet of dh to bring a drink home for you. :manyheart He's a keeper. :wink:lol WTG on getting to the 3rd strip already! :clap I can imagine that your shoulder hurts- mine starts to hurt from working on it after a while, too. Actually the last 2 fingers of my left hand go numb along with the shoulder pain. :blush The first few times it happened I really freaked out, but now I am used to it. I've had x-rays and such but nothing has turned up.


I just finished the 3rd strip of Isabella's 'ghan. I put an armhole in the second one and will do another one in the 4th- it worked out exactly how I imagined it last night, although I had to draw up a diagram first. :blush:lol


Dh is bugging to go out for dinner, but I'd rather stay home and have yogurt with granola. My stomach feels very full, for some reason. :shrug

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:hi everyone!


Well, the first week of my stay at home-maker-ness is squashed :( The Office Manager had surgery on Friday (I worked that afternoon while she was at hospital). I guess something went wrong and she was rushed back to the hospital and had another surgery on Saturday night :( Please include her in your prayers. She is not expected to work all week, so I am working all week. Oh well, it's kind of fun working there and I will make Christmas shopping money :yay (and maybe some yarn :devil:shrug)


The Lego store was fun. DD had a blast racing her lego car. Afterward we went for a drive and saw DH's new office from the outside. He didn't have his keys on him to go inside. It's very nice. Kind of out in the country and very peaceful. :dreaming


Joanne - How sweet of your DH to bring you a drink. Has he caught onto the secret scarf project yet? Congrats to your Giants.


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your quiet afternoon without the kids and got lots of :crocheting done. Did you end up going out to eat or did yogurt and granola win out? I love yogurt and granola. Yum!


Beth - I'm glad to hear you are healing. Healing thoughts coming your way. I'll send them with the bird, he must be ready to fly south by now :lol. He did get my back screen door though :angry, just saw it today.


I hope everyone else had a good day. I am heading to bed soon to rest up for what will be a very busy week.

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Sending prayers for your co-worker, Colleen. How scary that she had complications! I pray that this next surgery goes well for her. :manyheart Good luck to you on your busy work week. :hug I'm glad you all had fun at the Lego store, and that you got to see dh's new office.


Granola and yogurt won out for me. For dh, I made shrimp and spinach tacos with creamy ranch dressing, and Chimichurri rice from Trader Joe's. Yumm! I'm very happy because dh loved the tacos. It is rare that he likes something I improvise on. :blush


Dh worked on his paper, then took a look at my car. Turns out, the fan is not working. He said if I can just run the a/c, it shouldn't overheat, and he will fix it as soon as he comes home tomorrow. Gosh, I cannot wait until those taxes come in! :rofl I got a good 4-1/2 hours of :crocheting time before the girls came home. :c9 They had ice cream for dessert and now are getting their pj's on. Mia brought home a stuffed dog, complete with it's own "crate" and vet kit, and she has already requested a doggie sweater. :lol

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Good morning!


I have one block left on the 3rd strip. I really had to take a break due to the achiness in my shoulder. But I am very pleased with how much of it got done. The instructions say to whipstitch the strips together and also suggest doing a round of single crochet b/4 whipstitching. Any of you who have made this b/4= how did you put it together?


Stacy- Your hook has been smoking too- can't wait to see how the snugli ghan turns out. LOL about MIA wanting a dog sweater for her new pet. Did you ever finish the one for Klaus? (You may have posted that already but I forget). Glad your dinner plans turned out the way you wanted- sounds like everyone was happy!


Colleen- Prayers for your co-worker and welcome back to the working world for a week (yes it will be nice to have some extra Christmas $/yarn$) The Lego place sounds like so much fun. It's nice to be able to see where DH spends his days. How far away from home is it? I drive 17 miles one way to work- I leave early to avoid the peak of traffic- it usually takes me about 30 min to get to work, but then usually 50 minutes to get home- darn traffic!


Vicki- Sorry about the Jets- guess DH wasn't too happy! Hope you had a good weekend otherwise and a good TKD tournament on Saturday.


LeaAnne- Hope you had an enjoyable day with your company and I guess all was good in the stitchintime household with the Patriots win! Did you start Petey's flannelghan?


Shannon- Sorry you didn't get to see the Saints win- so much for the tv network showing Saints game instead of Cowboys games, huh? Are you all better now? How bout Janna?


Beth- hope you are continuing on your road to recovery? Have you been crocheting at all? Sorry that your Skins couldn't beat those Cowboys- close score- almost did it! :(yea, I know, close doesn't count)


Mary- Hope that you and DH got lots of rest this weekend and are starting to feel better.


Scooby- Hey, girl- did you end up getting married or something over the weekend? LOL...I bet your house is almost box free by now- at the speed you have been de-boxing and getting the household set up.! I made it to the post office on Saturday so your bestie square is on its way.


Well, better start getting ready for what is going to be a very busy Monday at work. If you can, please say a quick prayer for my DD's MIL who is having shoulder surgery today and for my co-worker's DH who is having a cardiac cath. Thanks, Besties- your really are the Best:manyheart


Oh, yea, and don't forget those vitamins!:hug

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Good morning, all!


Joanne, the Redskins loss is all my fault. They were winning while I was watching, but when I left to take my boys somewhere, they dropped the ball. They obviously needed my supervision to win. I'll have to remind my dh of that next week, so he can take the boys! LOL. Congrats on your Giants winning. Keep us posted on DD's MIL and co-workers dh. Prayers are heading your way.


Stacy, good luck with your car. It's no fun when it overheats, and it can mess up the engine. That can get really expensive. Tax time is just taking too long, isn't it? Enjoy making the puppy sweater! At least that dog shouldn't get blamed for any messes in your roomie's side of the house!


Colleen, welcome back to the world of work. I'm so sorry to hear about your co-worker's complications. I hope things improve for her quickly. Enjoy the extra money. It's nice to have, this time of year.


LeaAnne, Shannon, Mary, Vicki, Scooby, Jennifer, I hope you have a good Monday. If such an object exists!


I'm puppy-sitting for my SIL while she goes to Florida for a week. "Tinkerbell" is a 6month old bassette, pretty little girl, with a very bad reputation. I believe that she simply doesn't get enough exercise or stimulation at home (both adults work long hours) and she will do wonderfully here. Toby (my dog) isn't too excited about the competition. She'll get over it, though.


I go back to the doctor to get my bandage on my leg changed. I've been changing the one on my belly daily. I am actually going to have to get off my badorkus and do some work now, but I hope the kids will let me ease into it. I am burned out on the Christmas afghan. I just don't want to pick it up.

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Hi besties! I wasn't around at all this weekend so I need to go back and read up on what I missed, but I wanted to come on and tell you about DD's tournament and stuff. If you asked her about it she'll tell you she did "bad". But she really didn't. This was her first tourney, so it was a great learning experience for her. She took second place in her pattern. Her coach said it really could ahve gone either way, it was that close and it went the other way. Not a big deal. She had a harder time in the sparring, but her team mates were watching and they were saying that she was holding her arms up too high and that was why her opponent was scoring. Brianna was getting her kicks in, but she got rattled and had a harder time with it. No big deal. I was proud of her for trying. She did a good job. She fought a girl who has been to other tournaments so this was a challenge for her. A BIG stretch. A stetch is good. This is how we grow.

I did finish her last square yesterday. I got all the squares put together and I am ready to start putting white around it all. It came out much better than I thought it would. I will try to remember to take a picture of it and post it before I start to border it so you all can see it.

Other than that, that was my weekend. We did some Christmas shopping yesterday. We watched the Jets lose yet again. Hubby and I were arguing about whether or not Sanchez should be benched. He thinks he should be. I say that yes, he should, but who are you going to play in his place? The back up? It is an empty threat. And there is really no one mentoring him. That is my stance on the whole Jet quarterback stance. The Jets screwed tehmselves when they went after Favre for one, yes, only ONE year. Sorry, that was my rant for the day.

Ok, my sister wanted to ask us over for dinner for Thanksgiving on Thursday. That was what she wanted to talk to me about. There are other things that I need to say to her, but that was not the moment. Eventually I will. Soon.

I hope everyone has a great day. I will go back and read what I missed and respond to everyone when I do!



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Hi to all my super Besties!


Colleen- Your office manager is in my prayers. Please let us know how she's doing. It's a good thing they have you to call on when they need help. And :yes, extra Christmas cash is nice. Especially when it's unexpected!


Joanne- I'm praying for your DD's MIL too. Keep us posted on how she's doing. :yay for your Giants!! I didn't get to watch any football yesterday. And since the Cowboys were on I didn't want to anyway! I've been hinting to DH that I would love to see the Saints whoop up on LeaAnne's Pats next Monday. I'm hoping that will be my birthday present, but he's not too swift about that type of stuff. WTG on getting so much done on your flannelghan!! I still haven't been to town to get more yarn for mine, but I sure am ready to start working on it again.


Stacy- How's Isabella doing with her glasses? The kids weren't too mean, were they? That's such a stupid, yet normal thing for a kid to do. What kind did she end up getting? So cute about the doggie sweater!! Oh, and I got those bows at Walmart, but they have glitter on them, so I think I'll try to find something different. Glitter is so messy!


Vicki- Sorry about your Jets! I feel the same way you do about Sanchez. I feel bad for him. That's a lot of pressure for such a young kid! :yay:yay:yay for DD's TKD tournament!! Give her a big :h5 from me!


Mary- How are you and DH feeling today? I hope you are 100% better!!


LeaAnne- Did you start your flannelghan yet? How did the one for the benefit do? Are your chickens behaving themselves today?


Beth- How are you, you spoiled little thing? I hope you aren't itching too bad today! Are you working on anything else besides the Christmas 'ghan? How much did you get done on it?


Scooby- How are things going up in Nebraska? I wish for you a Thanksgiving week of no boxes!! I'm sure you've seen your share!


Jenn- Hope things are going well and you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!


We went out to the farm again yesterday. They're all leaving today but more family is coming up today, so I guess we'll be going up there again. I've been trying to get caught up on laundry and tidy up around here. I'm going to call and see if they can put the carpet in before Christmas. If so, I'm going to be in high-gear around here. If not, I'm decorating for Christmas on Friday!!

BTW, I love making the trees. I'm almost finished with the second one!

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Hi everyone

DD's MIL's surgery went well. She was originally scheduled for early afternoon, but the Dr office spoke to her on Friday and had told her to call Monday morning early to see if it could be done earlier. She is like me- up at the crack of dawn. She called and the surgery was done @ 9:30 this morning and all went well. She is home and I spoke to DD and she said SIL just went to pick up her prescription for her pain meds. DD said that she wants to bring a plate over to her on Thanksgiving. I told her she is more than welcome to come over, but she said that MIL had told her that she may not be feeling up to going out- I think mainly because it is difficult to get dressed-I'll call her tomorrow and see how she is doing and extend the invite myself.


My co-worker's DH had the cardiac cath this morning and they found two vessels with 90% blockage. They transferred him to another hospital for surgery. Still waiting to hear how things went- please keep them in your prayers!


Beth- sorry to hear that the Skin's loss was your fault--LOL. How did the bandage change go at the doctor's?


Shannon- How did your baking turkey hand cookies go (saw that on FB). And how was the gumbo? Hoping you'll get to see the Saints/Pats game.


Colleen- how was your busy day today and how is the office mgr doing? Lots of surgeries going on around here.


Mary- hope you and DH are on the mend


Vicki --I agree about Sanchez- I think he has potential, but he is young and there is no one to mentor him. Jet's biggest mistake was Favre. Giants are going to have it roiugh on thanksgiving- played Sunday and then have to travel to Denver to play thanksgiving night- and they are without Antonio Pierce who is really an emotional leader on the defense. Hopefully they can pull off another win. That was good news about DD and her first tournament- I agree everything is a learning experience and you must be so proud of her! WTG on the ghan- I can't wait to see pics of it.


I think I am taking a night off from crocheting the flannelghan. My shoulder was bothering me a bit today. I'm thinking what I might do is start weaving in the ends tonight. I'll show DH what is planned with it and he'll just get it a little late. Don't think he'll mind.


I had a very busy day and tomorrow promises to be even busier at work. I'm only working 1/2 day on Wed since I pick up DD at 12:30!!!! Can't wait.


Have a good night Besties

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Hi everyone

Dh and I are starting to feel better. Thankyou for asking. I was hoping to write to everyone but I have just started coughing again and can't seem to stop. I will try and write to everyone tomorrow.

Good night


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Good evening!

My brain is far too mushy to respond to everyone right now. Too many kids, too much crying. My kids are in bed already and I am getting ready to take a project into my room and get in bed, also. I just wanted to pop in and say good night! :hug I love you all and I will respond individually in the morning!

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:hiFBBs!!!! I have been :lurk off and on all weekend but have been a little busy. Saturday I got a few things done then we took DS shopping for some clothes that he needed and then to dinner and got home a late. We also went to the animal shelter and looked at another fur baby. Sunday afternoon we took our fur baby (female) to meet the new baby fur baby (male) to see if they liked one another. They got along good, with the exception that she is about a year older and about 30 pounds bigger. :lol He is just a puppy (5 mos old) and she doesn't quite understand that she has to be easy with him. But needless to say we adopted him and brought him with us Sunday. They are the same breed, pit bull/lab mix. So far so good except we are having a few issues with housebreaking him. DF spent the day Sunday doing all the :wash and got it folded so all I had to do was put it away when I got home:yay. Today, I spent the day calling the carpet people, taking the fur babies to the vet/and park for exercise, calling the plumber, general pickup, breakfast was for supper, and DF helped me stuff and refix/staple the new fabric to the bottom of the settee. Still haven't made it back in the craft room but it is a must tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow I can get around to responding to everyone's posts. Looks like all the FBBs are a little :tired or busy busy. I hope everyone has a great :night and I will get around to responding to everyone tomorrow. To those who are sick and need of prayer, I will keep you on my prayer list and send out warm wishes and good thoughts. Lots of :hug:hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!
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Good morning!

Scooby- what is a FBB? I thought we were HBB's ? LOL ok, it is early and am still not finished my 1st cup of java! So, now on top of everything, you are training a new furbaby? Congrats on the new addition to your family


Vicki- I just read that the Titans beat the Texans- (sorry about that), but I was rooting for the Titans since they have Kenny Britt as a WR and he was one of my favorite players at Rutgers (let me tell you, too bad he left RU in his jr year to go pro, since RU could really use him this year). But happy for Kenny that he is having a great start to his NFL career.


Stacy- did you get a lot of crocheting done last night?


I didn't do any crocheting yesterday- and today my shoulder feels good. I never had that happen before- I'm thinking its because I am crocheting with 2 strands together and a P hook?


Hope everyone has a good day- time to "make the donuts" as my DH is fond of saying when it's time to get ready to go to work. Lucky him- he is off until Monday and is soundly sleeping now.

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Joanne - You are too funny. I haven't heard that saying in a long time. Anyway, yes, I heard that the Texans had the chance to tie the game and send it to OT, and missed the field goal. Oh well. Nothing to do about it.

Shannon - I love the Christmas tree! How much ribbon did you use for each one?

Stacy - I can't wait to see the pics of the snugli!

Mary - I hope you are feeling better!

Scooby - How is the new fur baby getting along?

Colleen - Glad DD is getting off to school well!

LeaAnne - How are the chickens in your neck of the woods?

Beth - Are you still being waited on? I hope you are feeling better!

I wanted to take a picture of DD's square ghan to show yoiu before the border but my battery in the camera is dead and I can't find the charger! I will have hubby look for it today. Thyen I can snap a pic for you and try to post it. I want to work on a tree, but I will probably start a scarf for my niece for Christmas instead. Otherwise, it will be a quiet weekend. Today is the last day of school for the week! Long weekend here we come! I know, my friday-itis is coming a little early this week!

I will talk to you all later. Have a good day!


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Good morning!


Joanne- I feel so bad that I forgot to ask about your co-worker's DH yesterday. Please keep us updated, and I'll be praying for them.


Vicki- I used pre-made bows and just cut the tails on the higher ones. It's great because they have the wire in the back, and that's how you put it all together. So if a square gets snagged or something, you just untie it and replace that one. I highly recommend it!


Scooby- Congrats on the new baby!! Boy, your plate just keeps getting fuller and fuller! Good luck on the housebreaking!!


Stacy- Did you get a lot done on your project last night? Which one did you work on?


Mary- I'm glad to hear you and DH are feeling better. At least you got it at the same time, and aren't taking turns with it!


Colleen, LeaAnne, Beth, and Jennifer- Have a great day!!


So I'm having the best day ever, and it's only 8:40! I went out to the kitchen this morning, and there were two tickets to the Saints/Pats game taped to the door!!!! :woo:jumpyay:party:dance:2rock:2rock It's an early birthday present from my DH! I'm so excited!! I can't wait 'til Monday. I had to give him a little help to figure it out, but he got it!!


Have a wonderful day Besties!:manyheart

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hi, all-


:bday :bday :birthday, Joanne's Deeee H! :bday:yay:yay




Joanne - I hope your shoulder is feeling better, and that you are having a great day... boy, you really did get a lot done on that flannelghan in such a short amount of time that you had available:cheer You should be proud of you... I know I am :wink. To answer your question about the joining (sorry I wasn't here sooner:blush) I do not do the round of sc's first. Just lay one strip on top of the other (I find doing it on a table works best), and line up your stitches. Use 1 strand of each color in the needle and just whip stitch. It makes a nice strong and blind seam.

Glad to see that DD's MIL's surgery went well:hug How did your coworker's DH make out with the Cardiac Cath? That is sooo scary... I am praying that all is well with him, too.:hug


Beth - I was so happy to read that you are itchy (healing well), and that you are getting spoiled! You deserve to be spoiled!~ Sorry that you have Christmas-ghan burnout, and hoping that you have another great project to take up this time:hug... Are you still "Milkin' it"? I sure hope so:yes


Colleen - I hope that work is going ok, and that you are getting ample rest... btw, I would certainly earmark a portion of this bonus money for :yarn:yarn!!! You have earned it! Even if "Santa" has to leave it for you! (he usually leaves me a couple of skeins, and some tootsie rolls!):lol

Prayers being said for your office manager, that they fixed the complications and she can recover as she should.:hug


Shannon - I :heart your :ctree! Yours looks so much nicer than the original! It will make a LOVELY gift!!!! Good luck on the dates for the carpet, that's really exciting! How is Janna today? :hug

I :lol at your post about the Saints/Pats game next Monday... I have been :cheerfor the Saints all season, too, but this week, I will be :cheerfor my hometown team... DH says that the Saints can lose just 1... to the Patriots!:devil ...you were posting while I was typing... OMG! :faint WTG DH for getting the tickets! That is complete cooliosciousness! Where are your seats?! :drool


Stacy - You are on a roll with the :chook, sister!!!! Wowzers! I can't wait to see the flannel-ness all done, as well as the dog sweater for Mia's pet! I hope everyone out your way is doing well:hug How is your FIL?

Did DH finish his paper in time?


Vicki - :jumpyay for Brianna's nice showing in the tournament! That is total awesome-ness! Tell her, please, that I am very proud of her!!!!

Sorry about your Jets... I would have to agree with your QB assessment. I think they tried to put too much on Sanchez out of the gate. He will end up doing well, but needs some time to become more "seasoned"


Scooby - congrats on the new furbaby! It sounds like you are almost ready for Thanksgiving, too!:clap:clap I hope you enjoy it!


:waving Mary!!!! Sorry to hear about your :cough :cough. I am praying that you are feeling so much better soon! :hug:hug



It has been a whirlwind of busy around here... mom and Uncle Art and Aunt Sue arrived on Sunday. We had a wonderful day:c9. Dinner, football, chatting, and crafting! Uncle Art had his second chemo yesterday morning, so Aunt Sue spent the night with me. He is quite sick this morning, but just wants to go home... poor guy. He is much too wonderful to have to be going through all this:(

Yesterday, Petey got dismissed from school, sick. There seems to be a strain of the stomach bug goin through his class... thankfully, his body decided that the south exit was better than the north. He is home with me again today. I still need to get a couple more things for Thanksgiving...odds and ends. I can get most of my baking done today, while I am home. Perhaps DH can grab what i need on his way home...that would be nice:)


Flannelghan update: I am about to start panel 3. Pete is sooo excited, he can hardly stand it! I think I will go sit down with him for a spell and work on it.


I will try to drop by later, depending on if Aunt Sue is here or not...

If I don't make it, please know I am thinking of you all!!!:hug:hug:hug:manyheart

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