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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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I sold scarves, hats, bookmarkers (crocheted and plastic canvas) afghans, baby blankets, hair scrunchies, wreaths, plastic canvas tissue box covers, gift baskets, floral arrangements. One of my biggest projects ever was, I made all the Christmas decorations for a couple and decorated their 4 story house.

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Wow, Scooby that's so neat! 4 stories of Christmas crochet heaven!! :manyheart

My mom used to do plastic-canvas photo albums, and she did pretty well with it. But they live in a small town that values actual craft-work. Isabella's school is having a "holiday boutique" on the 11th. I can't wait to go and see what will be there! If there is enough interest in :crocheting, I will try to do it next year.

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OMG! You made all the decorations and decorated a 4 story house? Where do you find all he energy ( and where can I find it????)


I would think afghans wouldn't be worth it- (cost of yarn, plus the time involved). Baby afghans on the other hand don't take as long)


Anyway, I have to keep on crocheting and practicing- and it is an art. I can see the difference from last February to now- the more I do it the better I get.

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Oh, ok. Well now that you mention it, the few times I've been in the hospital, I always did see the CNA much more often than the actual RN's. She is a very snobby nurse- which is very common here. I've known several that are quite snobby about their profession- it really gives nursing a bad name!


A craft show sounds like fun! Good idea to go and do some pricing. You can also find out which items seem to be popular. :cheer


From what I saw today, as far as crochet it was only like 2 or 3 bags (all the same pattern), one scarf, a few hats, some ear warmers (the head band style ones) and mittens. DF says for some reason crocheted stuff really really sells well here. But it usually just your basic stuff like scarves and ghans. So if that is the case, I could introduce them to some of the other crocheted goodies we make. He said at the craft fair there are always vendors looking for handmade crafts to buy directly from the maker and they take on the responsibility of vending it at the fair so that might be an option too.

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WEll, my Hbb's- it's been fun chatting with you. But I am starting to get sleepy and I have an early day tomorrow. Cleaning in the AM (you never know if we'll have people coming to look at the house), and laundry needs to be done. And I have a flannelghan to get done!!!


Have a great night and weekend ---I enjoyed our time together tonight- the chat is something i look forward to!

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:lol Yeah it was a 4 story house. I had a cleaning business at the time and I cleaned their house. They were a young couple at the time in their late 30's, millionaires, no kids and were never having kids, so I made all the decorations and decorated their house for them as they were having a big Christmas party.
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Scooby, it is awesome that your df supports you in your craft! I :manyheart it! Tell him that I said he rocks! :lol

Well, I am getting tired and Mia just fell asleep, so I better get going. Have a great weekend, girls! :hug

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WEll, my Hbb's- it's been fun chatting with you. But I am starting to get sleepy and I have an early day tomorrow. Cleaning in the AM (you never know if we'll have people coming to look at the house), and laundry needs to be done. And I have a flannelghan to get done!!!


Have a great night and weekend ---I enjoyed our time together tonight- the chat is something i look forward to!



:night Joanne. Have a great nite and a wonderful day tomorrow!!!!! :hug:hug:hug Lots of Love to ya!!!!!

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. He said at the craft fair there are always vendors looking for handmade crafts to buy directly from the maker and they take on the responsibility of vending it at the fair so that might be an option too.


That sounds pretty neat- I should look into some around here- and I would love to back to jim thorpe PA for Earth day- I went with DD last year- it's a really neat town and they do a craft show up there a couple times a year- folks there are into handmade-


Sweet dreams!:manyheart

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That is really neat!! How fun it must've been to decorate a house that big!


Good luck with that flannel-ghan, Joanne. Can't wait to hear another update. :wink


Good night, Scooby! Let us know when you set a date to run away and get hitched. :hug

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Oh my gosh- I can't believe I forgot to tell you all!

Isabella got an award for reading today- 80 words/minute! She is reading in the 75th percentile for 2nd grade already (but is only in first)!!! :cheer:clap I am so, so proud of her. :manyheart We let her pick dinner, and she chose pizza, which we ate while watching Batman (also her choosing.) Later it was topped off with cookies and hot chocolate.


Ok, now I am really going to bed! LoL Good night, HBB's!!

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Good morning!

Oh, Stacy that is so aweseome-ness about Isabella!!! And so neat that she was rewarded with pizza and her choice of viewing pleasure!!! You are really helping to make her feel special!!! WTG Isabella:clap. How are you feeling today? Did you take your vitamin C?


I am up early (yea, I know- what else is new??:lol) I have the flannelghan on the brain- I have the laundry going and have dusted all the rooms but the bedroom (Dh is still soundly sleeping). I cleaned the downstairs bathroom, too. I'll wait to run the vacuum when DH wakes up and clean the upstairs bathroom.


Beth- hope today finds you feeling ok and that you will be able to keep those legs up with :crocheting in hand!


Colleen- hope that your earache didn't keep you up last night and that it is feeling better today. So glad you joined us for chat last night. Welcome to your first official day as a SAHM!!!


Scooby- It was fun chatting with you last night. You really, really amaze me with all of your energy. Hope you get to relax a bit today.


Vicki- How did you all enjoy Red Lobster last night? Good luck to DD at the tournament today:cheer


LeaAnne- How's the new toilet flowing today? Hope all went well with the installation! Did you get a chance to start the flannelghan? I was hoping to ask you a question last night about it. When you switch to crocheting with the 2 colors, did you start 2 new skeins i.e. MC and CC or did you just drop one strand from the first skein(MC) and pick up a strand from the CC? I decided to drop one strand from the MC and pick up strand from the CC. (I don't know if what I just said made sense or not:lol)


Mary and Shannon- hope you both are on the mend.


Seems to be a lot of "not feeling well" going on here. So, all I can say is remember your vitamins!:lol And of course get well quickly!!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful day- time to pick up the ole :hook and :yarn!

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Good morning, everybody!


Joanne, I don't know how LeaAnne does it, but I usually do what you did when you switch one color of yarn. That's less ends to work in! How do you like your flannelghan so far?


Stacy, I'm so proud of Isabella! That's excellent news about her reading. I like your rewards, too. You are a good mom!


Colleen, I hope your ear feels better today. Congrats on being a full-time homemaker! I like that term, too.


Scooby, your DF sounds pretty awesome! I hope you are as happy in 20 years as you are now! Tell him I said "Hey'hey' hey" right back!


LeaAnne, how are the chickens doing?


Shannon, how is your little chicken?


Mary, are you rested up after your exciting week last week?


Vicki, how is everyone at your house? Are you getting a relaxing weekend?


I'm going back to my bed with the cushions for my feet. Today is exciting! I get to take my first actual shower, but I have to figure out how to protect the leg bandage from getting wet.

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good morning, everyone...


so sorry to have missed chat last night. I sat down on the couch for "a minute", and was GONE! By the time I woke up to go to bed, it was too late. Oh, well, I guess I needed it!:lol


I :manyheart my new potty! It is a water saver. Only uses 1.26 gallons per flush... very cool!


Joanne - I switch my colors exactly as you did... I hope you get lots done on your flannelghan today:clap:cheer


Colleen - I hope your ear is feeling better! And congrats on Day 1 of staying home-dom! I must admit that I had a good :lol about the bon-bons, and DH calling to see what you were "doing"... sounds like my DH!


Stacy - :cheerfor Isabella! I hope you are feeling ok today...


Scooby - :xfin for some R&C (relax & crochet) today! I was happy to read that your house is in order but for the craft room:cheer You have done so much in a short time! good luck with your decision of whether to pick up a part-time job.


Beth - I hope you got to enjoy your shower, and that you get lots of :crocheting time today:hug


Vicki - how was dinner? Were the shrimpy's extra yummy? Good luck to DD at her tournament today!


Shannon - how are you and Janna? Sending good thoughts and :hug your way!


Mary - Hoping you and DH are feeling ok, and that you are getting lots of rest!



...well all, I gotta get my patoots in gear... get my gotta do's done, so I can sit down with my :yarn:yarn & :chook


Have a wonderful day!:manyheart:hug

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Good morning Besties!


LeaAnne, Congrats on the new toilet! We got a low flush one in our downstairs bathroom and I like it too. We are hoping to redo the upstairs bathroom sometime soon. I hope you get your gotta do's done so you can :crocheting. Did the lady ever call about the job?


Joanne - Sounds like you got your cleaning done early! Good luck with the flannelghan. Can't wait to see it! :clap


Stacy - That is wonderful about Isabella doing so well with her reading. Makes my heart burst in pride for her! Good girl picking pizza and Batman. Sounds fun! Makes me think maybe I should go rent a movie and plan a family movie time this weekend :think


Scooby - I hope you have a great day! Don't work too hard! Your DF rocks. Tell him hey hey hey from me too :wink


Beth - Glad to hear you are keeping your feet up. Enjoy your shower. That will feel very nice, I'm sure. I'm sure your family will be happy too :rofl


:hi Shannon, Mary & Vicki - Have a wonderful day!


I just ran to the store to get some milk and bread. I've planned a couple meals for the weekend, so now I can relax. I'll do some laundry today and a bit of cleaning, but I'm hoping to get my :hook and :yarn out. I'll be thinking about you while I do!

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Good morning Besties!


Oooh, Colleen! I just missed ya! Enjoy your relaxing today! And have fun with that :hook and :yarn.


LeaAnne- :yay for loving your potty!! (that's a weird sentence) As my family would say, don't forget to mention my name, you'll get a good seat!:lol


Joanne- Look at you, cleaning up a storm. I'm lucky if I can walk in a straight line before 9! Have fun with your flannelghan, and I hope you get lots done!


Beth- I'm glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your shower...and your :hook and :yarn!


Mary- I hope you and DH are feeling 100% better today!:hug


Stacy- WTG Isabella!! That's wonderful, and I love her rewards. You done good momma!! Thank you again for your beautiful square! I just love it!


Vicki- How was DD's birthday dinner? I hope DD does well at the tournament today, and that you get that last square finished.


Scooby- WTG getting everything in order! I hope you can get into the craft room today. At least you saved the best for last. Organizing a craft room sounds like more fun than work to me!


So far this morning I have folded a load of clothes and filled the dishwasher. I have a load in the dryer and a load in the washer. I'm getting ready to pick up and dust in the living room. We're still not over our colds, but we're getting better. We're supposed to go to DH's dad's deer camp tonight for gumbo. Some family's in from out of town. Well, DD just told me to turn the computer off, and she's the boss. I'll be back later. :manyheart

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Glad to hear that the way I changed colors was the way Beth and LeaAnne do it. LOL


I've almost finished the 1st strip. We got a call that someone is coming to look at the house between 1 and 2. So I had to do extra cleaning this morning...And I don't feel real comfortble being here when folks are looking so I think I'll go out and run my errands now- then when I come home I'll be on my ole badorkus with my:chook and :yarn!


I love the way the colors look together on the flannelghan. I'm thinking there is lots you can do with this pattern.


Hope everyone is enjoying their day


Oh, LeaAnne, when we re-did the bathrooms we changed the toilets to the low flush kind too. Love them and they really save $ on the water bill!

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I got Stacy's square! I got Stacy's square!!! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!:c9:manyheart:hug Thanks, Stacy! I absolutely :heart it. You did a great job, and you made me :D.


Colleen, your comment about my shower made me :rofl You are a hoot!!!


Love you all:manyheart

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Well, I stayed out longer than I needed to since when I got home there was a message from the realtor saying that the people had cancelled. UGH! I called the realtor and told them they need to call either mine or DH's cell phone, not the house phone since we are out more than we are in. But on a happy note--my car drove me to Michaels since I had a 10% off yarn purchase including sale yarn coupon. So guess what I bought? I bought 10 skeins of Patons Classic Wool! (they had some of them on clearance for $1.99 so it came to $1.79 /skein.) I bought Dark Gray Marl. I have been wanting to try felting so this was the perfect opportunity to stock up so I can make something to felt after the holidays!


DH was out at a class today, so I lost valuable flannelghan time being away from the house and now he is on his way home and wants to go out to dinner. He got a free dinner coupon for his birthday from Ruby Tuesday- I won't argue with going out to dinner!

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My first attempt at the tree. I may add one more "branch", but I like the size. What do you guys think? Be honest, it's a birthday present! Oh, and you can't tell but it's olive green.


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Oh Shannon, that turned out beautifully! I love it! :manyheart:drool How tall is it? It would look nice hung on a door, don't you think?


Beth - I'm so happy I made you laugh and that you got Stacy's square. It's nice to get a little something in the mail when you are stuck on the couch.


Joanne - I'm so sorry to hear you lost valuable flannelghan time :angry Silly realtor. Oh well, at least you got a good deal on the wool! Good luck with the felting. I'd like to try that sometime soon.


We had a lazy day. Thank goodness, we all needed that. DH is still fighting his cold and my ear is still bothering me. I finished barbie's pants (will get a pic later) and I'm working on some dishcloths. I'm getting through my bag full of cotton, so that feels good. We just had soup, crackers and cheese, and crescent rolls for supper. It was just right. Now I'm going to settle down for an evening of :crocheting. It's Hockey Night in Canada, so I can :crocheting to my :heart's content.:c9 Now if those stupid Leaf's would just do something right, all would be well in the world. Richest team in the NHL and they are in last place. :rant

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Hi Ladies

Dh and I are still sick. Both of us are coughing like crazy. We are not getting too much sleep at night but we are napping in the day time. We just kinda sleep when we can. I have been crocheting a little when I can, but NO CLEANING here at all.:devil

Sorry I missed chat last night but was having a hard time keeping my head up. I hope to be here next week.

Glad to here everyone is getting well/ is well/ and I hope you all stay that way. This cold has taken alot out of me. Before long I should be back to normal with my :hook and :yarn and :crocheting up a storm.

Talk to you later

Lots of love


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