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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi again!


I just popped in to say hi.


Stacy - great job at getting at those kitchen chairs. Sounds like a big job. I have no idea what would happen if you put them in the shower :think. Do you have an upholstry cleaner like a little green machine? We have one of those and it works well. Anyway, good luck!


My neighbor--the one who's upstairs window had a visit from our bird--had someone come clean her windows today. I guess the bird doo forced her to make the call. Anyway, I thought it was kind of funny because not 2 hours later it rained :devil. I'm not a mean person, really. I just think it's funny.


I had a 1 hour nap today :clap, folded some laundry and kept the kitchen tidy. I also :crocheting a bit. I don't feel guilty one bit, because my house is clean and tidy :clap.

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That is funny about the window. :lol Really, though...why pay someone to come and clean the window when you can do it yourself? To each their own, I guess.

I let the chairs dry and took a peek at them when I came home from picking up dd- they look good! Better than I thought they would, anyway. I will probably give them another scrubbing tomorrow. We have a steam cleaner but it does not have an upholstery attachment. The good thing is that the only part of the chair with fabric is the seat and back, so there really isn't a lot to scrub. There are just a lot of chairs. :lol

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Hey ladies. Professional development day, so nothing was done today. I did make dinner, but truly did not feel like eating. Not in the mood for tacos!


Stacey - I thought the yarn at Michael's was nice. Not too scratchy. I will get some and try it. But it looks like they got rid of a lot of stuff. They used to have the Bernat Softee Chunkee and I didn't see any.


Shannon - Congrats on the trailer! I hope you have lots of fun and many happy memories with it!


Have a good night all. I am tired and plan on hitting the sack early.



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Okay, it's time to start punishing myself for not getting anything done. I'm not allowed to touch :hook or :yarn until my house is in some kind of order, unless I'm somewhere where I can't work on my house. I have to do this because I have no drive to do anything. I'm just in a rut I guess, but it's driving me crazy!! I haven't even exercised in about 2 weeks. If it's okay I'm still gonna be here. Your support really does help. I just don't know what else to do.


On a happier note, our new trailer is home and we're staying in it tonight! I'll probably sneak into the house to clean after DD goes to sleep though.


Have a great night everyone!!

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Shannon :cheer for the new trailer. As for your rut....:2nono Here's your:kick. I guess we'll have to light a :fire under your badorkus. Just think, ALL of us were in a rut when we started this and look where we are now! You can do it and we are not only here to give you a :kick but also to :cheer you on!


LeaAnne - Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you :hug.


Stacy - WTG on those chairs! Just think when they are done you'll have nice shiny clean chairs to enjoy.


Have a great evening all!

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Hi all,

Had a busy, busy day at work- but good news- starting next week, I am being assigned to a special project- which means I don't have to supervise anyone! It is a temporary 6-8 mo assignment- It will be a challenge for sure, but I'll be responsible for me, not 7 other people.

Had a lovely visit with DD and SIL this evening :)and just got in a little while ago.

Congrats on the trailer Shannon- enjoy it- what fun sleeping in it tonight! And Colleen is right- we are here to:cheer each other on-

Vicki- hope you got a good nights rest

Well, did not get any cleaning done today, but hey, I worked my badorkus off at work! (the mail however, was looked through)

I like the idea of going through the cutlery drawer (should also tackle the infamous junk drawer in the kitchen). That is my project for tomorrow night after work- I'll let you know how it goes


Cya tomorrow!

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Joanne~That's great that you are on a different project that you will enjoy more. :)


Colleen~congrats on getting your trailer. :clap Hang in there, we all get in those kind of ruts. I am just coming out of one. :yes They do end, sometimes we just need to get the energy & mood to pull ourselves out of it. Thankfully we have yarn to pull us out. :lol This CAL helps push us to get things done, especially with so much friendly *nudging*.


I've worked my tushy off today decluttering & boxing up some things for Sat. (I want to set up a table at the flea mkt. & sell some of this junk lol) Sad part is that after a busy day I am too tired to crochet! :eek Always tomorrow though.

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Joanne- Congrats on the special project! I'm sure it will be nice just looking after yourself for a change. :cheer


Shannon- a new camper! How exciting. Enjoy. Don't worry about the rut- we all get into them at some point! :hugWe will be here to :cheer for you and give you a little kick in the badorkus once in a while. :lol


Vicki- if you get some, please let me know what you think of it. I will probably get some soon, too, just to try. The Michael's closest to me got rid of lots of their other yarn, too. I was using Softee Chunkee for my snowflake afghan, and now I cannot find it anywhere. :shrug I will have to check Ebay because I still need a lot of it- I barely finished half of the blanket. :blush:eek


Scooby- I tried the alcohol/water solution for cleaning my mirrors, windows, and table today. It worked wonderfully! Thank you so much for the tip.


LeAnne, FosterMom, Beth, Miss Scarlet, and Kazily- Hope all is well with you! :hug

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Good morning everyone!

Hope everyone has a great day!

How was your first night in the trailer, Shannon?

Kazily-WTG on the decluttering! Good luck selling it all at the flea market (then you get $ to buy yarn!)

Stacy-Good luck in your search for the Softee Chunky!

Vicki- Nothing wrong with not doing much and hope you got a great night's rest

LeaAnne, Scooby, FosterMom, Mary, Beth, Miss Scarlet- Hope you are all well!


Well, time to get ready for another day at work....cya all later!

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Good morning everyone

Yesterday morning i got some cleaning done. Cleaned the kitchen table and got the new table cloth on it. Stripped our bed and got clean sheets on it. The dishes got done. Finished the trim on a sweater and got buttons on it.

Then Dh and i went to town cause i had to have 2 cysts removed from my head. I get them all the time. My head really hurts so i took it easy the rest of the night.

I have been up since 4.30 am this morning and managed to get stuffed picked up, and i finished the trim on another sweater and sewed buttons on.

Friday i have surgery, just waiting to find out what time. They are cutting out a peice of my colon. I guess for this week and next Iam only going to get to crochet:devil


Iam trying to keep up with reading all the posts and keeping up with all the news. I really like the pics of the dresses and tops. I will have to keep them in mind because i do have 2 granddaughters.


I miss everyone and i do look forward to reading all about your days. :cheer:c9

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:hi everybody!


I was feeling a little :yuck yesterday, so all that got done was laundry (with my ds's help.) But I did get some good :crocheting done! Today is already more productive. I already put away clean dishes, and I took my vitamin (thinking about you, imanurse!)


miss scarlet - I'd say your surgery gives you a "get out of cleaning free" card. You deserve to be allowed to :crocheting and recuperate with no guilt whatsoever!!!


imanurse - congrats on the special assignment. I hope you enjoy it.


Stacy - if I see any softee chunkee on my yarn drooling web surfing, I"ll let you know!


kazily - good job on the decluttering! Doesn't it feel great!:c9


irishrose - don't be too hard on yourself. You need to acknowledge everything you do during a typical day. Having a dd that's so young requires a lot of work. If your house looks lived-in once in a while, that's OK. Just do what you can! We're :cheerfor you! And believe me, I've been there.


Colleen - how was the nap? I would laugh about the neighbor's window, too.


Vicki - are you on vacation now?


:hug to all my friends.:manyheart

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Good morning all!


Joanne - Congrats on your special assignment :clap.


Shannon - How was the trailer?


Stacy - Good luck finding the Softee Chunky.


Mary - I'll be thinking about you lots this week with your surgery. Take it easy and focus on getting better!


Beth - Glad you are feeling better today!


Kazily - Good job getting lots done yesterday!


Well, we had a rough night last night. My DD coughed and coughed, keeping all of us awake. Then she was sick. Good news is, she is doing much better! So, not a great sleep. But I am off to a great start too. So far I've done a load of laundry (the PJs, shower curtain, etc. that got the worst of it last night), unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, done a sinkfull of dishes. I'm off to do groceries now.


Have a great day!

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Morning all!


Colleen- Sorry to hear about dd. Glad she is feeling better, though.


Beth- thanks for the link. I checked it and they do not have the green I need but they do have white by the bag so I will probably get that on Friday. I'm thinking now that I got the green at Wal-Mart before they did away with their craft section.


Miss Scarlet- You got a lot done yesterday, good for you! :cheer Good luck with your surgery- I would say that definitely gives you a free pass to relax and :crocheting for a while. :hug


Shannon- How was your night in the camper?


Kazily- Great job on de-cluttering, and good luck at the flea market!


I made breakfast for dh and myself, and thought I would jump on here for a bit. I got tons of stuff done last night, and ran toy patrol to make sure my living room stayed clean. :lol I swear, someone needs to invent a gadget that sucks up toys if they are brought through the doorway. :rofl

Today is laundry day. I also need to start packing for our trip.

Oh, guess what? Remember the pictures I put on the toy bins? They are a success!! :clap:cheer:yay Yesterday it only took 4 y/o dd about 10 minutes to clean up the bedroom- alone!- once she figured it out. She was really excited that she has her own box, too. :woo

Well I should get going and put all of the clothes in the living room so they are ready to go. See you later!

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Good morning ladies!!


I'm feeling better today. The night in the trailer was okay. I had to go to the bathroom and I was freezing, so about 3 am I ahd to come into the house to teetee and get a blanket. After that I was good. I'm still super-excited about it!:yay It's so nice!!


Thank you everyone for being so supportive! I feel blessed to be a part of this group. You are wonderful friends!!


Today I'm going to dust the living room and kitchen, vacuum, sweep, and laundry. I'm also going to work on the guest room for 1 hour and my decluttering for 20 minutes. I figure if I write it here, I have to do it.


I'll write personal messages later. I have some cleaning to do!! :manyheart you all!!

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Boy, oh boy, have I missed you all!


I have been :lurk reading what you've all been up to, but haven't had a minute to sit down and post. So instead of a :crocheting break today, I am opting for time with my friends:ghug


Shannon - so glad you are feeling better today... I was :worried about you... Don't be so hard on yourself! After all, you have a beautiful DD to spend some time with, and I can honestly say that if I was in your shoes needing to do all of the extra work that you undoubtedly have had related to those little flea buggers it is perfectly normal to get overwhelmed! You are doing a great job:clap

Congrats on the trailer:yay I hope that it brings your family lots of wonderful times:manyheart


Colleen - :hugTY so much for thinking of me... you are so sweet:yes I had a great :rofl about your neighbors windows! that was TOO funny!

:clover on your cutlery drawer... sounds like a great project that is about 3 weeks away for me :shrug.. oh well, I'll catch up:yes I am glad that your DD is feeling better today:) and I am hoping that the 2 of you get to take a nice long nap today!!! That's really hard when you miss a lot of sleep like that :tired


Joanne - :clap:applause:clap on your new assignment! Very cool and exciting:yay ... and I am happy that you won't have to be responsible for anyone else at work until next year! :woo that must be a great relief for you!

p.s. WTG on your vitamins AND your mail! Keep up the good work, lady!

Oh, and :xfin for the Magic tonight... I don't think I will be able to stay up that late, but I am gonna try!


Stacy - I was so excited to read about your DD's Heritage Day and this weekend's competitions! :clap Please give her an "I'm proud of you" :hug from me... and tell her that medals look REALLY COOL hanging over your bed! ;) AND... wtg on the photo'd toy bins! Way to enable your DD to feel like a big girl and be responsible for her things!

Where is your trip to? When are you going? I couldn't seem to find that post:blush...so sorry...

Anyway, I hope that you have a fabulous time! :manyheart


Beth - You have a very cool DS... helping with laundry! :2rock That is wonderful! And I am happy that you took some down time yesterday... that can be very hard to do:blush

I am glad you're feeling better!:hug


Mary/Miss Scarlet - I have been thinking a lot about you, and please know that you are in my prayers... My mother had that surgery the day after Christmas:( Make sure you do EVERYTHING they tell you... rest is the most important part. You :crocheting as much as you can, ok?


Kazily - great job on all of that decluttering! :yay

I hope you have a lot of success at the Flea Market:yes

oh, and I think you mentioned that you are owed some :crocheting time... ENJOY!:lol


:hi, Scooby! How are you feeling? And how's that getting your vitamin D going? Please know I am thinking about you:hug


Vicki - Happy "no more kids at school!" How many development days do you have left? I think that should count for some extra :crocheting time with or without household chores getting done for a few days:yes:yay

Hope you're having a great day!



So, this is what's been going on around this cuckoo bin...

Saturday's grad party for my niece was nice... we stayed for a few hours, then came home. :yes It was nice to come home to a clean house... I need to remember that feeling for next time, fer shure.

Sunday was food shopping, a birthday party, and softball practice. Day: GONE! Only made supper, and that was about it.

Yesterday, was my 5th grade DD's end of year field trip (the big one). We went on a lunch cruise on the Spirit of Boston. It was so much fun! The kids had a ball. I was wiped out when I got home, so DH ordered me to the couch with the exception of dinner.

So far today, it has been an :ipod cleaning FRENZY! I did all of my Sunday and Monday stuff this morning, as well as spending an hour in the other girls' closet, getting rid of more stuff. I am still plugging away at laundry, but my ambition is taking a bit of a dip... Oh, about that Organizing book I found last week... I have decided that I should send it to Shannon so she can work on her posture! :rofl... no, really, now I know why I tucked it away. When I browsed it, it made me feel very stressed out. all they did was rearrange TOO MUCH stuff into baskets, and other pretty hiding places. The pictures of the finished rooms still looked cluttered to me. I also forgot to mention why that book would have been in DD's closet in the first place. This will explain a lot, and prove how much I really need my friends here... last YEAR, my DD moved into her own room. We live in a 3 bedroom home with 4 children. SO... we moved our family room upstairs, and did away with the "formal" living room. We then moved the master bedroom downstairs. Since there was is no closet down there, for all of this time, 1/2 of DD's closet has been filled with my clutter.:blush

So, you see... if it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have my day-to-day cleaning under control enough to be able to spend ANY time on an organizing project. I am just so very thankful to you girls. No, the word is grateful! I feel like I am FINALLY beginning to "get it"... I feel truly blessed, guys, that I know you...Thank you, for being my friends! :ghug


Have a blessed day...

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:waving, again!


Have any of you seen today's free pattern on the Annie's Attic website? It is some really cute round placemats and coasters. They look like they could be fun to try.


It's only there today till midnight, so if you want to join me in making them, go grab that pattern! :yes:yay

It will be my next :crocheting for the house project. Once we know who got it and who's in, we can pick a start date:manyheart


p.s. My :hi's are below... but I forgot to add this in :oopsand I think I ran out of room on THAT post! :rofl

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Hey LeaAnne!! We've missed you! Thanks for the heads-up on the free pattern at anniesattic. They are really cute!! I printed it out and just let me know when you're ready to start. I've got my badorkas in gear today so that I'll be able to join you.


For the record, none of us would be here if it wasn't for you!! I am very grateful to you for starting this, more than you'll ever know.:hug I hope you know that this CAL will have to exist forever, or my house will get gross again! And I'll be lonely without all my wonderful friends! Thank you, LeaAnne, for this CAL!!


I got the living room dusted and vacuumed! If I can just concentrate on laundry and the kitchen the rest of the day, I'll be able to work on everything else tomorrow while DD is at Honey and Big Bob's house!!

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Hey LeaAnne!! We've missed you! Thanks for the heads-up on the free pattern at anniesattic. They are really cute!! I printed it out and just let me know when you're ready to start. I've got my badorkas in gear today so that I'll be able to join you.


For the record, none of us would be here if it wasn't for you!! I am very grateful to you for starting this, more than you'll ever know.:hug I hope you know that this CAL will have to exist forever, or my house will get gross again! And I'll be lonely without all my wonderful friends! Thank you, LeaAnne, for this CAL!!


I got the living room dusted and vacuumed! If I can just concentrate on laundry and the kitchen the rest of the day, I'll be able to work on everything else tomorrow while DD is at Honey and Big Bob's house!!


:heehee:lol:heehee I know what you mean about the gross house! :rofl

You are the cutest! Hey, and don't worry about that badorkus... it seems that you and I are in parallel with the need for :kick's :lol Have a great day:D

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Yay! I am so happy to have heard form LeaAnne. I missed you! I know you guys must be friends, because I worry about you when you are not arround. :manyheart


LeaAnne - WTG on getting so much done and on getting to the second closet. :cheer You are tearing up the cleaning circuit! I see you have been very busy with parties and field trips. Sounds fun!


Shannon - sounds like you've got today off to a great start and that things are looking more sunny:). No worries, we are here for you and it will all get done!


Stacy - I'm thrilled that the girls toy bins are working out. I love your idea for a toy sucker :lol.


Since I was here this morning, I bought my groceries, put them away, did another load of laundry, made lunch, just finished roasting a chicken breast for supper and now I have a few minutes to finish a :crocheting project before I bath DD and head to work. I am definitely going to be ready for an early night tonight and I can't wait!


I have that summer flair table set pattern, LeaAnne. It must have been a free pattern last year. I made one placemat to use as a bottom for a round basket I have and it turned out nice. I made it out of acrylic ww and I would recommend cotton. It has been on my WIM list to make the entire set as a wonderful gift for a while. I'll consider it after my June CAL list is done. Which reminds me, I must go :crocheting!


:hug everyone!

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Yay, LeAnne checked in! :hug Sounds like you have been very busy with the field trip and parties. Great job on getting started with the second closet! :clap I am :ohdear about the book- I love Real Simple magazine but it seems that they do the same thing- "organize" things into pretty boxes and tell you to stow them away. That doesn't really help with the purging and organizing at all.


Colleen- Sounds like you have been busy too! Roast chicken breast sounds yummy. Enjoy your early night.


Shannon- great job on the dusting and vacuuming!


The Annie's Attic set is really cute! As soon as I get some of these WIP's knocked out, I will join you. I don't have printer ink right now so I saved it in a Word file. Hopefully I'll remember what they look like when the time comes to make them. :lol


I did laundry and brought it upstairs...where it sits, in my bedroom, as usual. :blush In my defense, though...I told myself I would only check in while I was eating lunch. So as soon as I'm done typing, I will head in there and get everything put away. I also put on a pot of beans for dinner. DD has karate practice tonight and Dh has his second pre-diabetic class. Hopefully this one goes better than last week.


Oh, LeAnne- I don't think I mentioned the trip before. My SIL is graduating from nursing school. They live in El Centro (which is very close to the CA/Mexico border) so we are leaving after school/work on Wednesday night. We will be there until Monday. I don't think they have internet right now so I won't be able to check in until we come home.

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:hiEveryone!!!! I missed everyone yesterday, as I was extremely busy. Looks like all of you were busy too!!! Took DS to ortho appt and everything :checked out good. They worked on bottom braces and ortho examined the top. We got fussed at :yell:grump and ortho told us that DS needs to still keep his mouth/teeth extremely clean as everything has not completely healed yet. Geesh, don't fuss at me :2nono:rant:thair about him keeping his mouth clean. I can talk till I am :ohdear in the face, but he is just to big for me to hold him down and brush,floss and gargle his teeth/mouth. I remind him all the time. After that we went to my mom's and I did 11 loads of :wash:eek, but I had blankets and other misc stuff besides clothes. Her dryer takes forever to dry, but I just kept washing and ended up taking 3 loads to the laundry mat to dry and hung some stuff out on her deck. I cooked dinner for everyone, washed my poor dirty truck, and ran some errands (dollar store/grocery). I now have a full supply of all my vitamins. :yay we finally stopped by the storage bldg and dropped off/picked up some stuff. It was late (11 pm) when we got back, but I insisted all laundry get put away. I did a general pick up and that was it. So far today I made the beds, general pick up and dishes. I am still wore out from yesterday. I have also started sorting out my summer clothes that we picked up yesterday, as I am sure some of this stuff I can no longer wear/want. :(:yuck Just means more :wash to do this week. I don't plan on doing too much today, as I am still :tired from yesterday :lol.


Stacy- :cheer:clap:yay WTG DD on the medals!!!! Please tell her good job from me and give her a big :hug. Sounds like you all had a good time at the Heritage Fair too. WTG on those kitchen chairs. I probably need to do mine too, as it wouldn't take long. They are all wood. YW, glad you liked the alcohol and water solution for your glass/mirrors. You know, I started a snowflake ghan and never finished it either. I have found some of the motifs stashed here and there and probably should gather them up in one place and work on that:sigh.


Joanne- How exciting that you get to work on a new assignment with no responsibilities for others :yay. I hope that you enjoy working on it!!!! Happy belated first anniversary to DD/SIL. Glad that you got to go for a nice visit with them!!!!


Colleen- So sorry that your DD was :sickand I hope that she is feeling better. TFS :photo of those cute tops!!! If I run across any free patterns, I will gladly share them with you and Shannon. Patterns are another one of my addictions. :clover with the office project and cutlery drawer. :sofunnyabout the bird story!!! Reminds me of yesterday when I put my clothes out on mom's deck to dry. I asked her would they be ok out there and she said as long as a bird doesn't come along and poop on them they are fine:eek.


Shannon- :woo:jumpyaySo happy for you that you got to bring your travel trailer home!!!! I had to :heehee a little about you running in house for blanket and bathroom. Don't feel to bad about not exercising the last couple of weeks. It has been longer than that for me :blush. So you are doing much better in that dept. than I am :). I just don't like doing it, but everyone keeps telling me that I will feel much better if I would just do it :yuck.:hug:manyheart Don't beat yourself up about not getting a lot done. Having a little one around is a full time, nonstop job in itself. Just do what you can, as it will eventully all fall into place. Every little bit helps!!!



Vicki- Is that your last professional development day for the school year? I hope everything slows down for you and you can enjoy the summer!!!! By the way, I took my APA manual to the storage building last nite. And as I was digging around looking for the stuff I needed to bring home, that stupid book kept appearing every time I turned around. Finally I crammed it in the box with all my other school books :lol.


Shell- WTG getting everything boxed for the fleamarktet. I hope you have a lot of buyers and get rid of that stuff so you don't have to lug it all back home!!!!


Mary-:hug I hope that your surgery goes well on Friday!!! I will be thinking about you and keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. When you get home, you just need to sit on your badorkas and :crocheting until you are 100% healed!!!


Beth- WTG getting the dishes and :wash done!!!! :jumpyayglad you are joining us on the vitamin taking!!! Makes me feel so much better about taking my Vitamin D and other vitamins Dr. wants me to take. I just dreaded having to take 4 more pills added to the 5 or 6 that I already take on a daily basis. Having all of you join me makes it so much better. I don't feel so all alone!!!! Knowing all of you are taking vitamins too helps keep me on track and the daily reminders ensures that I haven't forgotten them :lol. Yesterday, I took my oldest DS's dog out for a walk in the :sunso I soaked up some Vitamin D then too!!!!


Leanne- So glad you and family had a nice time Saturday!!! Wow, what a nice field trip!!! Sounds like everyone enjoyed themselves. You are doing such a fantastic job with your cleaning/organization projects!!!! Keep up the great work. Glad to hear that you are finally "getting it" and that it is working for your benefit.:hug I am feeling better, thanks for asking/thinking about me. My hip isn't hurting anymore . Oh yeah, I printed the pattern from Annies Attic. I am still working on some WIPs that I just can't seem to get done but I will join you on this one.


I guess I have been here long enough. I am going to finish sorting thru all these clothes. I also need to get the :rabbit cage cleaned. I probably am not going to do to much more than that. I also want to go out for 15 mins while the :sunis still shining. It keeps trying to cloud up like it is going to :rain. I hope everyone has a great day and I will be back later to :check in. I am getting ready to take my vitamins did everyone else take theirs??????



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Happy Tuesday to all! I am home from what was supposed to be my last professional development day until August, but that has now changed. I have one more in July that is a half day one for the gradebook system. It is going to be web based, so we have to be trained on how to use it. Fun stuff, huh? I get to go the Monday I get back from California. The good part is I am going with a friend, so that won't be too bad. Now I just have to see what to do with DD. I hate to put her in day care for only a couple of hours. I will see if the hubby can work late that day. That will help!


Stacey - Have you looked in Mary Maxim for the Softee Chunkee? There shipping is expensive, though. I know there are other websites that people have posted about here that may have it. Hopefully you will find it soon to finish your project.


Shannon - We all get in those ruts sometimes. Chocolate is always my answer! I truly believe that chocolate makes the world go 'round. Seriously, take it easy and relax. You will get through it and when you do we will be on the other side helping youget back on track.

Scooby - I am jealous that you got to put your APA manual away! Make mine disappear, please!



Have a wonderful rest of the day all!



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I just have to share this story with you girls!!


I was trying clothes on my DD (3 1/2 yo). We were in between shirts when she decides to use her hands to push her "booblets" together. So I said to her, knowing she wouldn't understand, "Are you trying to give yourself cleavage?" She points to my chest and says, "Like Mommy!" :laughroll:haha:rofl:haha:laughroll

Cracked me up!! I don't know where she gets this stuff. And I am soooo not blessed in that department. Sorry, I just couldn't keep it to myself!!


I have picked up the kitchen and swept, and my 5th load of laundry is in the washer now. I think I'll get my organizing book out later and see if I can learn anything. If I find some good tips I'll share. :manyheart to you all!!

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Glad to read about everyone's adventures of the day-

So good to hear from LeaAnne!- I'm currently watching the Yankees Red Sox and I am NOT happy that the Yanks are down 4-0! (but I'm sure my DD is very happy- as I'm sure you are too)

going to watch the Magic /Lakers game in between Yanks/Sox

Mary- I'll be saying prayers for you that all goes well with the surgery Friday- and rest, rest, rest and of course crochet and sit on the ole badorkus!


Yes, took my vitamins today- I am now taking my bp medicine, my multi vitamin and my calcium with Vit D every day


I'll try and write more tomorrow- there is just too much going on right now with the game- this is after all one of the biggest rivalries in sports----right LeaAnne?


Have a good night


Go Yanks and Go Magic


Cya in the AM for my daily check in before work!!!!

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