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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Thanks, Joanne, I'm rather fond of them. :lol I pray that they will grow up to be friends. My mom and her sisters are always arguing and not speaking.


I wish it would cool off here! It is supposed to next week, but they always say that.

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Joanne is right. Your girls are absolutely beautiful, Stacy. I don't know how you do it with all those little ones!


So who wanted to watch the Robinsons show, LeaAnne? Must have been Mr. Stitch-in-Time :lol

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:rofl... you are right, Stacy... we don't need the parts any more, might as well get rid of 'em! That would fix George, but good!:lol


Jaonne - you are right... our weather is perfection!


Mary - WTG on clearing your name! Don't take any guff... do you want me to come up ther and talk to anyone? :tryme

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We live in a very small town, so when something is said everyone hears it. Dh and I went to a meeting on Wed. and we were attacked verbally. About what a bad job we are doing at the hall ( cleaning) This person said some names of groups that come to the hall (rent it) that had said the hall was dirty. We were centre out. It took all my might not to lose my cool. Yesterday and today I have been calling these groups and telling them what was said and if they said these things. Not all of it was true. One person I talked to today would not say yes or no if he said anything but he was really made that I had called him on this. Bottom line is Dh and I have quit our job and quit the club as a member also.


So in the next week or so if you see the sky light up it is just me fighting back full force. Sorry this is long

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The play date was not so great. This woman I met at the park has 2 very nice little girls. 6 and 3, so my DD at 4.5 is right in the middle. Very nice girls. We get there and learn another family is coming with girls also 6 and 3 which is fine. Also very nice girls and we don't get to play with other girls all that often. Anyway, DD wanted to play with the 6 yo's, but she only wanted to play what she wants to play (she's been very much acting like an only child lately). Anyway, she ended the play date in tears, which made all the other little girls feel bad. I wasn't too pleased with her.

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Mary- that is terrible! Good for you and DH for standing up for the truth and for trying to clear your good names. i think we need to plan a Besties trip up to your neck of the woods and show them all!! (wouldn't that be great?)

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Thanks Vicki, glad to know she's not the only one. I know she is an only child and that is going to happen, but she's not going to make or keep friends if she behaves like that. I try to talk to her before play dates to set her expectations. Hopefully she'll learn better with age. :shrug

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Colleen- sorry that the play date didn't go well. I love how you put it-- I wasn't too pleased with DD.


Vicki- you have an only child too, right?


I wouldn't know what kind of advise to give since I had three close in age like Stacy- they had to learn how to share and cooperate, etc from the get go.

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