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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Colleen- I am cracking up! Sorry about your audiobook experience but the way you describe it was very entertaining. :lol My 4 y/o is very particular about how "closed" the door is, too. Great job on making your "from scratch" meals. That is the only way I cook now and it is not easy. I used to be so good at meal planning, etc, but lately I have been feeling so lazy...I usually just check the cupboards at 4:30 to see what I have and throw it together. :blush Dh only truly likes 3 things that I make anyway, so I suppose it doesn't matter anyway. :rofl Great job on cleaning out the closet, too!


Leanne- Glad you are feeling better! Hope you enjoyed your company and good luck with those recipes! I love school/church cookbooks. My mom sends me one every year from her church.


Beth- Happy belated birthday! Good luck with that game- it sounds pretty intense!


Mary- Welcome back! Have fun with your DD's this week.


Shannon- that's very nice of dh to take care of the fleas so you can go to your party. We had fleas last week (brought them home from dh's aunt's house. Seeing as we have no pets, I was pretty upset. :() I found this flea spray at Target for the apartment...I sprayed it on all of the carpets and furniture and no one has been bitten in a few days. :clap Of course, if you have pets it's not quite so easy. :blush I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that the chemo and radiation will work for her.



Ok, it has been determined (by me :lol) that dd doesn't have chicken pox. I've been searching pictures online and what she has doesn't look remotely close. She also says it doesn't itch anymore, and I don't think she ever had a fever.

We ventured outside today- to dd's school. Today was the volunteer tea, which I had completely forgotten about until my 6 y/o told me this morning, "Mommy, today we are singing Apples and Bananas." Oops...:blush So we went. There were only 2 other kids there and they were all the way across the room. There was some good food, though, let me tell you! :devil I came home and cleaned up a bit. My desk is still a mess and I need to work on the shoes.

Oh! But I forgot to tell you that I cleaned out all of my dresser drawers and organized them yesterday! :clap:cheer Dh's aunt gave me a bunch of clothes that had no home so I had to make room for them. I found 2 bags of stuff for Goodwill. I imagine once I actually get to the shoes :blush I will find much more.

Dh is getting a tattoo today so I think I'm off the hook for dinner. After I pick up dd, I just need to sit and wait for my swap package to arrive! :D


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:rofl :rofl


You sound like ME!


I love that story, and every part of it is something that i can relate to fer shure... even the foam headphones!


Hope you have a great night at work... I am off to the ballfields! I'll be back later.


:hi, everyone! I hope you had a great Thursday so far!:hug

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Colleen I was crackng up when I read your audiobook story! Thanks for the laugh! Hope you had a good night a work and will enjoy your new earbuds (w/no foam)

Good luck with all that typing LeaAnne. We did a cookbook at work in my department around Christmas time and donated the $ we raised to an orphanage. I love those types of cookbooks too (even though my favorite foods are takeout!) I guess after all those years of having to cook every night I'm burned out (how's that for a pun) from cooking! I have opted to stop using the smiley's all the time cause it slows me down and also I get kicked out of the computer sometimes when I use them. So they will be used only when absolutely necessary

Shannon- have a great time in New Orleans- never been, but would love to go sometime. Nice that DH will take care of the flea situation. I've never had them (and hope I never do) And I hope all goes well with your friend

Stacy- glad to hear that DD doesn't have chicken pox and WTG on cleaning out the dresser drawers


Darski- we're here whenever you want to just stop by to say hi- and we'll see you around on other posts


Today was good at work, but it took me over an hr to get home (16 mile trip) due to traffic!!!


Please say a prayer for my friend whose daughter is in Honduras and she hasn't been able to contact her. She was there with a group from her college, St. Peter's University doing some habitat for humanity type of work and they had the earthquake there this AM. They have contacted the embassy- but seems that communication is out so she is worried sick. I'll keep you all posted.


Well, time to go figure out what we should have for dinner (where are leftovers when you need them?)


Got my mail today (and an answer from the post office indicating that they are looking into what happened to it yesterday). So I did go through the mail and emptied the dishwasher. Put one load of laundry on and also started going through my shoes. Found a pair I had totally forgotten I had bought so it was a pleasant surprise- there are definitely benefits to cleaning!


Have a good night all!

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Hi everyone

I took my mom to get a hair cut this morning and then we went shopping. Had to go to the dollar store, wal-mart and then get food. I got home and Dh helped me put everything away. I brought home a frozen pizza, Dh made it while i had a cat nap. I didn't sleep too well last night, so I have been very tired today. I think all this rain has something to do with it. It has rained for 2 days here and they are calling for rain again tomorrow. I need sunshine. Think Iam going to make a cup of tea and get my crochet and watch some T.V.

Congrats on everyone getting their cleaning done :cheer

Tomorrow iam hoping i will get everything done that needs to be done before the kids get here.

Goodnight all

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Stacy - Good news that DD doesn't have chicken pox. I try to cook everything from scratch too and it is VERY hard. I am not very good at planning meals. My DD has food allergies, so I try to make whole foods but it just doesn't come naturally.


Joanne - Your friend's DD will definitely be in my prayers and your friend too! She must be beside herself with worry.


Mary - I hear you about the rain. It was so dark and dreary today I think everyone felt like sleeping.


I'm glad you guys liked my audiobook story. I think it could be something I enjoy now and then. My DD and DH both talk NON-STOP, and I like to have quiet time doing quiet things, so a way to kind of tune them out is good. That may sound terrible, but I really go crazy with them both yapping all the time.


Speaking of DH, he is now going to be working only one day a week for a while due to his injury. Which means he'll be here ALL day. I'm really going to need those head phones! :eek

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Thank goodness, Stacy, that it's not chicken pox! And I am glad you got to get out and enjoy that Tea! I know you were looking forward to it so much! :clap And WTG on those drawers! That job is :blush...on the list for me, too...pretty far down, though. Hope you have a great night, and that things will soon be back to normal for you!


Hi, Mary - It sounds like you had a nice day with your mom. And WTG on your DH for all he's doing for you... sounds like he really missed you while you were away! LOL

I have my fingers crossed that you get everything done that you want to do before the DD's arrive, but I have a feeling that they won't mind if you don't :wink

I am also praying for some sunshine for us all. I am like you, and feel much more "alive" when the sun is shining! :D


Hello, Joanne,

I am praying for your friend... that sounds so scary! I hope that all is well.


Hey, Shannon! I hope you have a terrific time in N'Orleans. Like Joanne, that is one place that I have always wanted to visit. I am even a little bit of a Saints fan. I have liked them since folks used to wear brown bags on their heads at the games! they're not the Patriots, but I will always have a special little place in my heart for them;)

Tell your grandma that we send our best, and try to get a pic of her in that shawl, ok?

Be safe, sweetie! :hug


Colleen, I saw you come in while I was "proofing" my post... Oh, boy, can I relate to "quiet time" activities! It doesn't sound terrible to me at all that you want to tune DH and DD out now and again...I would say it's a very SANE thing to do! I'd say it's the perfect time for you to be getting hooked on audio-books! :wink :manyhearts


Thanks, all, for the encouragement on the typing (and I LOVED that "burned" out pun :lol Plays on words are my FAVE kind of chuckles :heehee)... I had to take a break to go coach a softball game (in the cold and drizzle :yuck). We got back, and I got my kiddo's some soup (EASY & perfect night for it!) they are all tucked in, so it's back to work for me... click, clickety, click! Only 20-something left to go! I got close to 20 done while everyone was gone today, so I will work on it for as long as I am able to sit here tonight, then finish tomorrow. Our deadline is confirmed for Saturday, so I want to get them done a day ahead if I can. That way, there will be time for proofreading (quickly), and formatting that might need to be done.


I like these kind of books, too (I still have mine from when I was in school.)...I guess that's why I suggested that we do one, and am pushing hard to make sure it happens. We did pretty good: about 300 recipes from only 165 families in the school. Our profits will be going toward our enrichment program budget for next year. We did a pre-order, and will sell extras at our Backyard BBQ social that is coming up.

I will have to remember to share some of the good ones with you all (was it Colleen who suggested some kind of recipe sharing event here?)


As you can see, I am also trying to cut back on the smileys. The only ones I am using here are the ones that I remember the keystrokes for.


I guess I should get back to it...while I am still cookin' with gas!

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Good evening everyone!


Great story Colleen! I guess you didn't get the memo that foam is the devil and that's why they invented earbuds!:laughroll I really needed a laugh tonight. Thanks!;)


Stacy- Glad your DD doesn't have chicken pox, but do you have any idea what she had a reaction to? Having fleas STINKS!!:yuck I'm glad you got rid of yours fast. We have to cover everything and bomb the house, while we give the dogs baths and put stuff out in the yard at the same time. So not fun!! I cannot cook from scratch, but I wish I could. If it's not in a box, I usually don't attempt it.


LeaAnne- I hope your fingers aren't sore tomorrow! It's so nice of you to still check in with us when you're so busy typing.:hug


Joanne- You should definitely go down to New Orleans! I was born there, the first "coon ***" of the family. My parents are from Long Island. Anyway, NO is such a great city, and they've done a lot to fix it up since stupid Katrina! I will say many prayers for your friend and her daughter. I can't even imagine how scary that is. Please let us know as SOON as you find out something.


Mary- Rain, rain, go away. I actually love the rain, but there can be too much of it. I'm sure you'll get everything done in time. We're all here to help you get your rear in gear if you need help.


Well, I've been running around all day like a chicken with its head cut off!! And I'm not done! But I had to check in with my friends. I'm going to try to come see you again in the morning, but if I don't, have a great, safe weekend and I'm going to miss you all!!:ghug Oh, I did want to share that my DD has just started saying complete sentences!! This morning, when the microwave beeped, she said, "My pancakes are ready!" We are all so excited and couldn't have asked for a better outcome with this medicine. Her first full sentence was, "My mommy said no.":blush And she's said it a few times since then.:D Anyway, I better go finish packing and cleaning. :manyheartLove you guys:manyheart

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Okay that's just funny that there are as-terisks where I had typed something else!!:devil:rofl:rofl

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Good morning and Happy Friday!

It is raining here (can't I just stay home in bed???)

Hope you didn't "run out of gas" LeaAnne

Colleen- Hope you got the earbuds so you can have "quiet" time to yourself- we all need it and nothing wrong with it. It is our sanity!

Shannon- have a great trip!!

Mary- enjoy your DD's

Well off to get ready.....have a wonderful day!

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Good morning all! I went to the doctor yesterday and I seem to have some junk collected on my right tonsil that is causing me to not feel well. Now I have been put on antibiotics and hopefully I will start to feel better soon. I am just so TIRED!


Colleen - I can't use the earbuds. I find they hurt my ears because they are so small.


Leann - I hope you got all your typing done for the cookbook! Hopefully you have some good recipes


Happy Friday all!



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Vicky - I hope your antibiotics kick in and you feel better soon!


Shannon - Have a fantastic trip!


LeaAnne - Happy typing.


Joanne - TGIF!


Well, it is Friday and I am running around doing errands for most of it. I need to get a b-day gift for a 5 yo boy. ????? Boys are a mystery to me.


Have a great day!

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Good morning, all, and HAPPY FRIDAY!


I just got back from drop off, and got all my chores done early, so here I am... ready to get back at it!


Vicki - I hope you are feeling better... Happy Friday! make sure you get lots of rest :hug


Shannon - have a safe trip... we miss you already! :wink


Happy Friday, Joanne! Hope it's a wonderful day for you:c9


Colleen - good luck with your errands! I find that boy's b-day gifts fall into 2 catergories: sports and not... how about a soccer ball or some Matchbox cars? I hope you find the perfect gift. :yay


Hi, Beth! see you in a bit...


Hope you all have a good day, I will be back a little later on :ghug

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'Morning, ladies!


Colleen- how about Spiderman or Batman action figures? My 6 y/o only likes "boy" toys, and she is really into super heroes, and, as LeAnne suggested, Matchbox cars. Kids could play all day with them, I think. :)

I can so relate to your kids talking non-stop- my 6 y/o is a never-ending chatterbox and my 4 y/o picks up on it when she is home. Dh doesn't, but he loves noise, so at times he will play music on his computer while watching TV. :thair:rant I think I've mentioned it before but, sometimes I just put my earbuds in, turn up the Ipod, and go about cooking or cleaning or whatever. Sometimes we just need that "quiet" time.


LeAnne- "Cookin' with gas!" :rofl I love the phrases you come up with. Good job on getting all of your chores done early. I can't believe you got so many of the recipes typed already! I sure hope your fingers aren't sure tomorrow.


Vicki- I am glad you found out what was wrong and have some antibiotics. Hope they kick in and you feel better soon.


Shannon- I have no idea what she had a reaction to. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she pointed out that it could have been soap (from her bath,) or even a change in laundry soap or softener that MIL used for the towels, especially since she has excema. MIL was slightly offended yesterday when I asked if she has used something new. No one in dh's family has allergies so they really don't know about them. She also rarely buys the same kind of soap/etc twice, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a reaction to something like that.

Have a great trip! I've never been to New Orleans but I would love to go. Dh was supposed to go for 311 Day last year and his trip was cancelled at the last minute.


Well...TGIF! LoL It was a short week, though, so I can't complain. I'm supposed to go grocery shopping today but dh wants me to take lunch to him and I promised dd that we would go to the park to ride her bike. Why do I make these promises? :lol It feels like I have so much to do on Fridays yet I am always unorganized about it. :blush One would think I would have learned by now to plan ahead. Oh, well.

I am off to get my cleaning done. Have a fabulous Friday!

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Thanks for the ideas for the b-day gift! I like them all and I'll see what I can find.


Groceries done. Off to the library and then b-day present shopping after lunch.

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hi, girls!


I needed to take a break... all this typing is making me HUNGRY! :rofl


main dishes and sides are done

appetizers are done


now I am off to do beverages, cookies and desserts.


glad you are all having a nice day... oh, and Stacy- I am starting to think that "chaos is the new organized!" LOL kind of like pink is the new black

I think I am living a parallel life to yours! And I have my :ipod on standby for when my cranky kids get home (:shrug they are always the most tired and cranky on Fridays :think go figure!)


Well, I better get back at it, and see what's for dessert :wink


Thanks for being here for my break :hug

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Hi ladies, I hope everyone has a nice weekend.


Vicki-I hope you are feeling better. I'm sure you're right about the FM unit. Ds is at that age--so he already has qualms about using it in middle school. If teachers face him when they teach (not teaching at the back of class behind him), his seating area etc we might be able to limit it's use but the FM makes it easier for teachers so they don't have to make so many changes for ds. We'll see how it goes.


I need to do 2 loads of whites before I can crochet today. I better get moving! I already mopped the kitchen. BTW since someone mentioned it, I love the swiffer mop.:yes I don't have the steam mop though my carpet shampooer does floors. I don't like the cleaner that my carpet steamer uses though--makes the floor look dull.

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:whew! :faint


I am DONE! :woo... 50 recipes, typed and gone to the proofreader!


I think I'll rest my hands for a while, then pick up a :hook... I have earned it. :yes:yay



Hey, Kazily... hope you got caught up ok...

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Hi all- work week done! Yay! My friends daughter was located by the embassy- she is shook up (I'd guess she would be "shook up" from an earthquake) but she is ok. Due home on Tuesday- so that was really good news


Kazily- I also have a swiffer mop- and I love it too.


Glad that LeaAnne got all the typing done- and yes you deserve a break!


Colleen- hope you found the perfect present for the 5 year old! Know what you mean about boys- having had only daughters myself, I was always in a quandry when it came to buying gifts for boys- but always found sports stuff, matchbox cars were pretty safe.


to everyone else- enjoy your Friday night- I'm off to order chinese food for dinner and watch the Yankees game with DH. Then will probably switch to the Lakers/Nuggets game- Did I tell you I am a sports nut????


Check in later......

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Phew! What a day! I am so happy to finally be sitting down here to chat with my friends. My day included a whole lot of running around doing errands and a few other things. I could list it all, but it would just make me feel more tired.


I ended up going with a camping theme for the 5 yo's b-day gift. This family camp a lot in the summer, so I got him a butterfly net, a mesh cage for putting bugs or other critters that he catches (his mom will love that!), and a little lantern. I hope he likes it.


I have the most exciting news! During my travels today I popped into a thrift shop. I always look at the books and patterns when I go in, and I scored big! I got a book called 100 Crochet Patterns. It was published in 2006, so this isn't an old book. And it looks brand new! Not a dog ear in it! I am so excited! So, my evening plans are to sift through the book and maybe crochet a row or two.


Congrats on getting the typing done, LeaAnne!


Joanne, I am so happy to hear that your friend's DD is safe and sound and coming home soon.


Kazily - good job on getting so much done!


Welcome to the weekend everyone!

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Hi everyone

Todays chores done

went to work for 2 hours

picked up some groceries again

did the dishes

picked up stuff

swept and mopped floors

mom did my hair

cleaned the bathroom

picked up the clothes for the laundry ( when it stops raining and the sun comes out i will get laundry done)

I have not even got to crochet yet today :(

Congrats on everyone getting chores done today.

Dh does help alot around the house which is nice cause he helps make the mess.

I recall somewhere along here everyone was talking about remembering what was said. I have a rotten memory. I like the idea of writting things down. I will have to try and remember to do that.:P

The DDs have alot of things planned for the coming week. They want to get alot of stuff done around here for me. ( i will be helping )

Iam going to have surgery in 2 weeks and i think they are all a little worried about it, including Dh. Iam trying to stay positive cause i know everything will be alright.:) Keeping busy with cleaning has kept me on the right track. Thankyou everyone. So my cleaning chores will be a little different this week but i will keep you all up to date on what we are getting done.:cheer

Have a great weekend everyone

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I had this huge reply typed out, and the computer ate it. :(


Colleen- the birthday gift sounds great! My daughter has been asking for a bug catching set for ages. I hate bugs so I've been avoiding it. :blush Great find on the book! Have fun looking for new patterns. :hook


Joanne- So glad to hear that your friend's daughter is safe and coming home. Enjoy your games.


Kazily- hope you got your clothes finished.


LeAnne- Congrats on getting all of those recipes typed! :clap "Chaos is the new organized..." Love it!!! :woo It's going to be my new Facebook status. :rofl



I did some grocery shopping and cleaned up, although you really can't tell since dd and dh came home. I have dinner going now and then I am going to start an afghan for ME!! I will make it the right size this time, though. :lol

Have a good night, ladies!

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Good morning all and welcome to the weekend!

Colleen, the gift sounds perfect! And congrats on your great find at the thrift store. Hope you had fun looking through the book last evening!

Mary enjoy your DD's and keeping you in my prayers for your upcoming surgery!

Stacy- So sorry to hear the computer ate your reply- happened to me before a few times and I really think it has something to do with some of the smiley's- hence I use them sparingly now- (it always seemed when I used a lot of them, the computer ate my replies too)

Kazily- hope you got your clothes finished

LeaAnne- have your fingers recovered from all the typing?

Well, the Yankees won which is good, but I was rooting for the Nuggets to beat the Lakers and they lost- so 50/50 isn't bad I guess


Well, better get my bodorkus (spelling?) in gear- want to straighten up the kitchen before I go to the hair salon@8!


Have a marvelous day all and cya later!

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Hi everyone,


It's crazy busy here -- the taxi driving is double the normal -- swim practice has started, the ballet dancer has a recital this weekend, and the oldest is working almost every day. Gotta get that boy his license! I've also been running to stores at least twice a day. The normal housework is getting done, but nothing special.


I hope to teach a girl to crochet today while waiting at the school where we are having the recital. She is only one for one part, and she has to wait all 3 hours, so we'll have some time.


Please keep writing. I am too brain dead to remember who does what, but... I'm happy to hear that dd is coming home. I hope the surgery goes well. I like the camping theme for the birthday present. I'm glad the cookbook typing is over. Did you find any good recipes? Hugs to everyone. I am glad I have a corner of sanity to come to when my days get out of hand.

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Go, Lakers! :cheer:cheer (Sorry, Joanne, I had to. :lol) Hubby was so excited when they won last night. His dad gets tickets sometimes (the owner of his company has a box at Staples Center and he gives his tickets to his employees) so dh is really hoping to see one of the games. I highly doubt he will give THOSE ones away. :lol


The post I had typed didn't have any smilies in it yet (I usually type it then go back and insert them.) Oh, well. Maybe it's because my computer is from the dinosaur ages.


Beth- Good luck teacher the girl to crochet. Sounds like you have been crazy busy! This coming week is going to be like that for us, I don't even want to think about it right now. I just want to enjoy my nice relaxing weekend before the craziness starts. LoL


I am off-duty today. (Well, cleaning duty, anyway.) We are taking the girls to the zoo. We haven't been there since dd's 6th birthday and my youngest is (I think) old enough to enjoy the animals now. so we are going to renew our membership and maybe take them to the huge play ground that is nearby, afterward.


Have a beautiful Saturday!


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Have fun at the zoo, Stacy- and my DH was rooting for the Lakers too (I was rooting for the Nuggets cause I like Kenyon Martin who used to be on the Nets (until they made the lame move to trade him away!) So DH is happy! Rooting for the Magic to win tonight!


Got home from the hair salon and DH had cleaned the kitchen- all the appliances done with the stainless steel cleaner and the floor mopped. He made the bed and vacuumed the BR's and the LR- what a guy!!! (Now wonder what he wants from me?)


I cleaned the bathrooms and the laundry is on. So having a productive cleaning day today. Now off to buy some groceries (so we don't starve here)


cya later

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