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Our House [Archive 4]


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Hi everyone. :) For anyone lurking and making quilt ghans, we'd love to have you join the "Saltine Smackdown." It's all in fun, and totally voluntary. Just let us know if you'd like to be added to the list. :hook


As always, please let me know if you find mistakes. :yes

Updated Friday, August 29, 2008


Mary (Skysmom) 1585

Tracy (tracystroebel) 1467

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Linda M. (mizmo) 1173

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1130

Dusti (rii698) 890

Karen (econ-nerd) 790

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Shay (Shaylen) 630

Wendy (Aussie) *** 494

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Cathy (crashcat07) 470

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) *** 435

Heather (hseger) 345

Donna (sewnsew) 184

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Judy (judianne) 55

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 48

Krystal (Krystal 16) 40

Tammy (TammyG) 25

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

Cara (Misa).....Our Honorary CSM (Chief Saltine Maker) :D



*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

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Here it is - the top left corner of my STIC! :lol Doesn't look like much, does it?


Judy - this is therapy for me... the only rule I use is that two touching squares can't be the same color.


Great start, Krystal! I love the look of the random colors for this pattern.:hook

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I would love to join the 'Saltine Smackdown'.

I made 34 yesterday :D:eek


Here is what I got done yesterday and this morning. The colors don't show real well :blush. I am using RHSS in the colors Cornmeal, Aran, Turqua and Light Mint. Not sure if I like the Turqua in it, but I'm using what I have in my stash.




both clicky

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Sunnyvale ----your ghan is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. It looks kingsize and I really want to know how long it took you.....It looks like at least a years work..

Fantastic...kudos to you...:cheer:cheer:cheer


:clapthank you - but it didn't take years at all. i started it around late april and was working on it on and off. i made a dress, two skort outfits and some another quilt afghan before finishing.

I did the first part in 5 down and 4 across. then on most of the other blanket i did 4x4 and the last part i did 5 down and 4 across. i connect as i go and it turned out to be faster then i thought it would be. :hook

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1. Is there a pattern for a "saltine"?

2. Do you make all the squares first or do you make and attach them as you go?

3. Are there specific layouts for beginners?


You can use any pattern for the "saltine", but Cara also has instructions on each of her patterns for the single and bi-colored saltines.


We each do it differently. I follow Wendy's (Aussie) lead and leave a long tail instead of finishing off the square immediately. I use that tail to join the square, leaving only one end to weave in. I sew on each square as I go, but some people make a whole bunch, leave tails and then sew them all on at once. It all depends on what works for you.


For a beginner, I would recommend something like the gingham, Around the World or Irish Chain - they are just single-colored squares.


The comment about the desk....when did you meet SDR?:lol

I've known a number of OCD people. If it weren't for having kids, I would have been OCD myself, I'm quite sure. Having four kids cures you of the "need" to have it that way, because it just is NOT physically possible when you have four behind you messing up. However, my purse is VERY organized... which should say something... :lol

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I would love to join the 'Saltine Smackdown'.

I made 34 yesterday :D:eek


Here is what I got done yesterday and this morning. The colors don't show real well :blush. I am using RHSS in the colors Cornmeal, Aran, Turqua and Light Mint. Not sure if I like the Turqua in it, but I'm using what I have in my stash.




both clicky


Looking good, Mel. :cheer I'll add you to the scorecard. :)

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Hi everyone. :) For anyone lurking and making quilt ghans, we'd love to have you join the "Saltine Smackdown." It's all in fun, and totally voluntary. Just let us know if you'd like to be added to the list. :hook


As always, please let me know if you find mistakes. :yes


*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

Mary please add me to the smackdown :hook since Monday I have made 51 solids

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Mary please add me to the smackdown :hook since Monday I have made 51 solids


Yay! Another new name on the list! A few others have joined in, but have already been working on something for a while and I started them with the number of squares they've made since the contest began (mid-January) if they were members of the 'Ville at that time. So, if you can come up with an estimate, we'll start with that figure.:hook

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For sewing I usually go through the back loops once and the corner back loops twice.


This is exactly the way I do them :yes




Here it is - the top left corner of my STIC! :lol Doesn't look like much, does it?


Judy - this is therapy for me... the only rule I use is that two touching squares can't be the same color.


Looks fabulous K! :cheer


Dusti - it is actually more like "Aversion Therapy"!!!! :lol You know, like forcing and OCD person to sit at a skewed desk or something like that. I'm about as anal with colors as can be, so this is a real challenge for me... I keep having to tell myself to breathe and relax, just LET IT BE... :rofl (I'm NOT kidding!)


OMG I could not sit at a desk like that :lol I'd straighten it then have the Lemon Pledge out :rofl


Ok I started watching this post as it just seems like so much fun.. so I have some questions...


1. Is there a pattern for a "saltine"?

2. Do you make all the squares first or do you make and attach them as you go?

3. Are there specific layouts for beginners?


I may just join you!!




1. The basic pattern for a saltine is the first two rounds of a granny squares.

2. Don't make them all and then join, too intimidating. Follow the grids at Cara's website (www.happyyellowhouse.com)

3. See above web site.


Come join the fun. These are really pretty when all done.




Hi Kidge! :hi Welcome to the group :hug We keep kinda bumping into each other around the 'Ville. :lol I see Joyce has answered your questions :D And I always recommend the Baby Gingham as a first project. It's the simplest :yes


I would love to join the 'Saltine Smackdown'.

I made 34 yesterday :D:eek


Here is what I got done yesterday and this morning. The colors don't show real well :blush. I am using RHSS in the colors Cornmeal, Aran, Turqua and Light Mint. Not sure if I like the Turqua in it, but I'm using what I have in my stash.




both clicky


You've got it nailed Mel! Great job :clap


:clapthank you - but it didn't take years at all. i started it around late april and was working on it on and off. i made a dress, two skort outfits and some another quilt afghan before finishing.

I did the first part in 5 down and 4 across. then on most of the other blanket i did 4x4 and the last part i did 5 down and 4 across. i connect as i go and it turned out to be faster then i thought it would be. :hook


It is amazing how fast it goes if you make sure to join as you go :hook


You can use any pattern for the "saltine", but Cara also has instructions on each of her patterns for the single and bi-colored saltines.


We each do it differently. I follow Wendy's (Aussie) lead and leave a long tail instead of finishing off the square immediately. I use that tail to join the square, leaving only one end to weave in. I sew on each square as I go, but some people make a whole bunch, leave tails and then sew them all on at once. It all depends on what works for you.


Yep absolutely true :yes Just the first two rounds of whatever square you like to use. This is the one my momma taught me so that's the one I use. 37 years of making them one way will do that to a person :lol


Gotta get myself together here a bit more then I will have photos :hook

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Ok, I played around with colors. I'm not sure if I'm going to do 5 squares as my longest/widest row or 7 yet. But this is a test. The lighter purple will probably be the ombre Vanna's choice. I did up two, both images are clickable.





I think I'm leaning towards the cream. I think it'll make it look warmer.


I like the cream one to...it just looks more cozy.




Here it is - the top left corner of my STIC! :lol Doesn't look like much, does it?


Judy - this is therapy for me... the only rule I use is that two touching squares can't be the same color.


I really love the look of all the colors up against the black Krystal.


I would love to join the 'Saltine Smackdown'.

I made 34 yesterday :D:eek


Here is what I got done yesterday and this morning. The colors don't show real well :blush. I am using RHSS in the colors Cornmeal, Aran, Turqua and Light Mint. Not sure if I like the Turqua in it, but I'm using what I have in my stash.




both clicky


I love these colors together and i think you are doing a great job.


Welcome to the new ladies...you will be hooked one saltine at a time :hook

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Yay! Another new name on the list! A few others have joined in, but have already been working on something for a while and I started them with the number of squares they've made since the contest began (mid-January) if they were members of the 'Ville at that time. So, if you can come up with an estimate, we'll start with that figure.:hook


I didn't mean to set the rules all by myself. :blush Whenever this came up, it was the only fair way I could figure out. Obviously, going back to January '08 can't go on forever, so should we make a cut off date(for making square counts retroactive) of December? Please let me know what you all think.:yes

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Okie dokie here's where I am so far. Just about out of yarn. I wanted BD to take me to HL tonight but he said we have to wait until tomorrow :grump


Anyway...here's the photo with Little Miss Tuon getting in on the act :rolleyes



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Shay ~ How is your ghan coming along? :crocheting



Its going great and i think im really liking the lilac and pink on the border...wasn't sure if i would...should have a new total for you by tonight...how are you doing with the family??

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Thank you everyone for the kind words.

I guess lurking here for so long gave me pointers on how to put them together.

I have been wanting to make one of these for so long, but was afraid I'd end up with stacks of saltines and wouldn't put them together.


Now, where are all the granny squares I made years ago and never put together :lol

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Okie dokie here's where I am so far. Just about out of yarn. I wanted BD to take me to HL tonight but he said we have to wait until tomorrow :grump


Anyway...here's the photo with Little Miss Tuon getting in on the act :rolleyes




Oh wow Cara...i really like that...its going to be beautiful when done...what are you going to do for the border??

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Oh wow Cara...i really like that...its going to be beautiful when done...what are you going to do for the border??


Thank you :hug Gonna do a really wide border of about 8 rows probably of just the red. The width it is now fits perfectly on top of the king size bed it's for. I want the border to drape about halfway down the sides and end of the bed :yes

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Denise - I say she could always sleep in the stash. Should be nice and fluffy :devil


Mary - Hmm, that's a good question about the cutoff :scrachin I'd say either til the end of September or the end of the year. After that it's a fresh start :yes Just my two cents :D

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Mary since January I have done at least 200 (including the 51)


OMG I just went into Tracy's bedroom(she wanted to show me somthing) and saw her stash and it is a fraction of her stash :eek Tomorrow her stash is comiong :think Where is she going to sleep?:sigh:think

Yarn is soft....might make a soft cozy place to sleep :lol

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