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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hi Ladies. DH says thank you for the birthday wishes!


Leslie~How have I missed your Kitty Quilt? We'd love to see it. :yes


I had some pics somewhere of early progress, have absolutely no idea what happened to them. :think I'm going to try to post a pic of the design. I've been having trouble with that so we'll see what happens.


Well, it didn't work. When I went to the insert image button all I got was a beep and nothing. Does anyone have any ideas??:thair

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Well, it didn't work. When I went to the insert image button all I got was a beep and nothing. Does anyone have any ideas??:thair

Do you use photobucket? If you do, it's easy from there...

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Actually, I do use photobucket. The problem seems to be when I click the insert pic icon. There's a beep, well more of a blop, and nothing comes up. I've got a bunch of pics I want to post, (after all that's part of the fun) and can't seem to get it working. :ohdear Guess I'd better PM Amy.

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Leslie -


Actually, all you have to do is take the address of the photo (in photobucket, you want the ones that you generate thumbnails) and put each of the photo addresses in an tag...


So, your end result should look like:



[**IMG]http://i23.photobucket.com/ ..... **[**/IMG]



You have to ignore all of the **. I had to put them in to confuse th post that I wasn't putting an actual image in there.i120.photobucket....%20%5C

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Krystal, all I saw in your examplie is /followed by a space that looks like it's saving room for a pic with an x in it. I wonder if DH changed something on the computer. However I can view other pics and things here.

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Tam - Let me just say this about making your own pattern. I don't feel for one minute that anyone is "stealing" from me by using the saltine pattern to make up a quilt or whatever. Quite the opposite, I am thrilled beyond all belief when someone uses them to make something of their own design. In a small way I kinda feel like I'm empowering folks to try their creativity which is incredibly important to me. Hopefully, that didn't sound immodest. Might not have come out quite right but I think you know what I mean. Anywho, as far as turning a previous quilt pattern into a ghan pattern that's kind of a gray area. I wouldn't try to publish a replica of a completed quilt even if it's a traditional pattern. The way it's arranged belongs to someone else. It's all very complicated. :think That being said, that doesn't stop you from making it for yourself. Also, pull out some graph paper and crayons and see what you can come up with just playing with lines. That's all it really is :D Okay that was a way too long winded reply :lol


:hugYou are a doll! Thank you for your generousity!!! And thank you for your help with my question. I think I'm starting to understand better.

I'm going to go ahead and make this quilt I started... its the one with the old pattern. Its amazing what stuff sticks in your head... because its not really from a physical pattern I have in front of me... its an old pattern I remember from years back. But I understand what you mean about the artist that created it... so I can make this quilt... but not claim the pattern idea... hence selling the pattern... got it! Whew. thank you!

okay... back to crocheting... had to set my saltines aside for a quick baby blanket for a friend that I need to mail Monday.

have a GREAT day!


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I'll add my 2 cents worth.

1) The Saltine Smackdown is a competition (?) we came up with to see who could make 2,000 squares first. Or is it now 2.000 points. Anyway, we report to Krystal how many squares we have done either by the day or by the week and she keeps track of everyone's total points. 1 point for a solid square, 2 points for a two color square, 3 points for a 3 color square, and 4 points for a 4 color square. Feel free to join in. It's all in fun and games. The winner gets a small prize from each of us. Nothing big and fancy, just a token.

2) Several of us have designed our own patterns. I couldn't find a pattern for a train, so I dreamed one up of an old fashioned engine with a cowcatcher on the from and a coal car behind. My grandson is nuts about trains and I wanted to make him something special for Christmas. That one is patentable, since I didn't use anyone else's ideas. Then I found a quilt pattern in a book of quilt patterns and fell in love with it. It was someone else's pattern that I adapted to work in a new medium. I haven't figured out all the ins and outs of whether I can get a patent on it or not. But won't take any chances on infringing on the original owner's design until I understand everything better. I am almost done making it for my own pleasure. Then a lot of us have taken patterns from cross-stitch books and done them in crochet. These are definitely NOT patentable. All we did there is use someone else's pattern, with nothing new added, except how it was done. How's that? Clear as mud? :think

3) Cara's style of putting patterns together using saltines has inspired a number of us to take off and do patterns other than hers. I know I give her credit for giving me the idea and means to do this. I would never, ever have thought of how to do this without her creations to guide me. She has answered innumerable questions for me. My hat's off to her. :nworthy She's still the design queen in my opinion.:nworthy :nworthy


Hmm.... okay................... well... I'm off to a slow start here.:blush thank you for explaining!

32 solids ~ 4 bi-color

I think I'm staring to understand better about designing... I THINK. hehehe

Thank you so much for taking the time to put your 2 cents in... its much appreciated!

I would have to agree..... Design Queen is a good title for Cara! The quilts are an amazing idea!!!

Thank you again dear for helping me.

have a wonderful day!!!


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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - WOW!! You certainly turned that quilt around! The dolphin and fish are simply fabulous! Especially that little dolphin. He's sooo cute :manyheart Definitely worth all the hard work you've put into it! :clap


Leslie - Oooh and the kitty cats too!! That's looks fabulous! I loved it on paper but I'm blown away by it in person! Excellent job! :clap


What a great bunch of posts to wake up to :D I'm starting a third go round on the Desert Star today. Couldn't find colors that were like the original chart I made so I'm winging it and didn't like the first two color combos but I think I might have one I like now :yes Wish me luck :hook

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For all you computer guru's, how do you post a clickable picture. I'd like to save the photos bigger and have the thumbnails clickable like some of you use. Can anyone explain it to a technically challenged individual. :D

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You all may have noticed my boo boo. I set this aside for so long I forgot what hook size I used. The middle block is a wee ittle bit smaller. :blush I'm not doing it over, I'll just stretch the little dear. :hook

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You all may have noticed my boo boo. I set this aside for so long I forgot what hook size I used. The middle block is a wee ittle bit smaller. :blush I'm not doing it over, I'll just strich the little dear. :hook


We like to call that "fudging" :D:lol :lol :lol

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