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substitute for lionbrand homespun


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I want to make this for my hubby


I would love to do it in homespun but it is more than I can really afford for yarn...is there anything less expensive that I can use that would work with this? I usually use the super saver type yarns for larger projects but would that be soft enugh? What so you think.




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Have you checked ebay? I noticed some "generic" yarns listed under "homespun" that are just as pretty and may be a bit less expensive. I seem to remember them being on ginormous cones.


Of course, I didn't actually *do* the math, so your mileage may vary. :P Good luck. I'm in the same boat. I want to do one out of Homespun just for myself, but I'm cringing at the cost.

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I have noticed that with Red Heart yarns, the brighter, brasher colours tend not to be as soft as more subdued colours. I use Red Heart super savers for dang near everything and I have not had any issues with softness. If these still aren't soft enough for you, try TLC Essentials. I seem to recall that they are made by the same people as Red Heart but are softer overall.

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I have bought boucle from two sellers on eBay. You would need to get a 500-600 ypp boucle to get one like Homespun. The 800 ypp (yards per pound) is a little thinner, but is a worsted weight.


Fiber Options and Rodney's Specialty Yarns (both sellers on eBay)have boucle, the prices are much better than Homespun, although the colors will vary. Shipping is actual shipping for both and yes, it is a deal!


I am in a hurry now, don't have time to link, but if you are interested in finding them, contact me through PM and I'll link you up (or do a search through sellers on eBay)

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I once used Red Heart baby clouds in place of homespun for a baby afghan. I beleive that is the same yarn as their light and lofty, but I came up a little short and had to go back to buy another skein...then had alot left over. It was alot cheaper and I got it to work to the same gauge without any problem. You could always compare the two at Wal-mart to see before you bought it.

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I thaught about that when I went to walmart earlier, but the colors were not something my dh would like. I got red heart super saver in windsor blue,gray heather and aran fleck. I am pleased with how the colors look togeather and I'm gonna start it later tonight. I may have to play a little bit to get the squares the right size but I think it will be alright.

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I just got my new Jo-Ann flyer, and Homespun is going to be on sale for $3.75 starting this Sunday. :D


aww man, i wish i were still getting the flyer..(i don't live near a joanne's to get my page scanned LOL) I could price match that at walmart!! :(

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also.. if you have an AC Moore around you can get homespun mill ends for 5.00 a pound.. which is about three skeins in a bag.. so not a bad deal i dont think


of if you dont have that here is a place the sells the mill ends for 5.99 a pound




and if u use the 40 percent off coupon on it u can get a 1lb of homespun for 3.00:hook

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The woman at my LYS said she made an afghan as a gift out of some cheap yarn, washed it, and a year later the recipient still comments on how soft that afghan is. My mom just made me an afghan for my birthday, and she's retired and living on a fixed income so I know she's not buying expensive yarn, and it's very soft to the touch. That's a nice pattern, BTW, I was thinking about it while ago for a nephew for Chirstmas. And the colors you chose sound very pretty to me! Patty

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Thanks for your help guys. Where so you get the 40 % off cupon for ac moore? and how much yardage are you getting in a pound of home spun? The way I figured it you get about 493 yards but my math is really not so good. If I'm right that is an amazeing bargin! what are yarn ends anyway? Was that a stupid question?

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its corporate policy that they have to give u a coupon if u ask for one at the check out ... so just ask ... if they dont oblige ask for a manager they could actually get fired for not giving u a coupon .... as long as they have a coupon that week

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