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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Thank you Sue, for the pretty square for Kalie and I!!! They are wonderful!! What are the patterns if you don't mind my asking?

I also have 2 squares you were requesting for a couple of weeks ago. Mailing out Monday, I so hope you still need them. :( I have been so busy the last couple of weeks trying to get everything (paperwork, etc.) ready for husband to go on new job. He will be leaving 14th for Singapore. He's finally getting to go back to doing what he likes after 2 years. Praise the Lord!! :clap I have been in such pain though with my neck, back and shoulder. Was in accident over 20 years ago and over the years that along with stress has caused major mialignment in my cervical spine as well as to find out I now have spinal arthritis. But I will get past this! Needless to say, it has hampered all of what I have been wanting to do.

Have really been praying for all of you "ville friends living up north in all this snow and ice! Hope everyone is alright and making it through okay!!!


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Thank you Sue, for the pretty square for Kalie and I!!! They are wonderful!! What are the patterns if you don't mind my asking?

I also have 2 squares you were requesting for a couple of weeks ago. Mailing out Monday, I so hope you still need them. :( I have been so busy the last couple of weeks trying to get everything (paperwork, etc.) ready for husband to go on new job. He will be leaving 14th for Singapore. He's finally getting to go back to doing what he likes after 2 years. Praise the Lord!! :clap I have been in such pain though with my neck, back and shoulder. Was in accident over 20 years ago and over the years that along with stress has caused major mialignment in my cervical spine as well as to find out I now have spinal arthritis. But I will get past this! Needless to say, it has hampered all of what I have been wanting to do.


Have really been praying for all of you "ville friends living up north in all this snow and ice! Hope everyone is alright and making it through okay!!!


You're welcome! :hug They came out of the 200 Blocks book. :)


And yes, I still need squares. I have 4 and need 8 more!


I hope you can find some relief for your pain!



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Thank you Sue, for the pretty square for Kalie and I!!! They are wonderful!! What are the patterns if you don't mind my asking?

I also have 2 squares you were requesting for a couple of weeks ago. Mailing out Monday, I so hope you still need them. :( I have been so busy the last couple of weeks trying to get everything (paperwork, etc.) ready for husband to go on new job. He will be leaving 14th for Singapore. He's finally getting to go back to doing what he likes after 2 years. Praise the Lord!! :clap I have been in such pain though with my neck, back and shoulder. Was in accident over 20 years ago and over the years that along with stress has caused major mialignment in my cervical spine as well as to find out I now have spinal arthritis. But I will get past this! Needless to say, it has hampered all of what I have been wanting to do.


Have really been praying for all of you "ville friends living up north in all this snow and ice! Hope everyone is alright and making it through okay!!!


Those are cute squares!! and I'm sorry about all the pain I hope it goes away :hug

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You're welcome! :hug They came out of the 200 Blocks book. :)


And yes, I still need squares. I have 4 and need 8 more!


I hope you can find some relief for your pain!




I'm going to have to get me that book one day! :D I will then mail you the 2 squares Monday!! and thank you.



Those are cute squares!! and I'm sorry about all the pain I hope it goes away :hug


Thank you so much Melissa!! :)

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Hello Ladies,


I hope everyone is having a fansastic weekend! It's a bit cold here but at least there's no more crazy snow and ice, just some flurries.


I had a rough couple days with my brother he had an accident with a circular saw, and cut is hand almost all the way off! He's fine thankfully and had it re attached. Lots of physical thearpy ahead, but thankful that he's going to recover. I'm gonna see if he'll let me take his boys out for a day next weekend and give him and his wife a day to recover from all the stress.


I plan to work on my 3sub I really need to finish it. I also got my stitch sampler laying around un finished. The 3 sub shouldn't take long though, I've just been too caught up in reading lately to get any crocheting done. :lol I'm not very good at balancing things out

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Hello Ladies,


I hope everyone is having a fansastic weekend! It's a bit cold here but at least there's no more crazy snow and ice, just some flurries.


I had a rough couple days with my brother he had an accident with a circular saw, and cut is hand almost all the way off! He's fine thankfully and had it re attached. Lots of physical thearpy ahead, but thankful that he's going to recover. I'm gonna see if he'll let me take his boys out for a day next weekend and give him and his wife a day to recover from all the stress.


I plan to work on my 3sub I really need to finish it. I also got my stitch sampler laying around un finished. The 3 sub shouldn't take long though, I've just been too caught up in reading lately to get any crocheting done. :lol I'm not very good at balancing things out


:eek I hope your brother will be okay! :hug


I'm not good at balancing things out either. And now with school I really need to learn! :lol



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I recieved a lovely square from someone the other day, but Im not sure who it was from as my mom had thrown the envelope away before I had a chance to post on here :(


But thank you, thank you, thank you :hug I love it :)

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Hello Ladies,


I hope everyone is having a fansastic weekend! It's a bit cold here but at least there's no more crazy snow and ice, just some flurries.


I had a rough couple days with my brother he had an accident with a circular saw, and cut is hand almost all the way off! He's fine thankfully and had it re attached. Lots of physical thearpy ahead, but thankful that he's going to recover. I'm gonna see if he'll let me take his boys out for a day next weekend and give him and his wife a day to recover from all the stress.


I plan to work on my 3sub I really need to finish it. I also got my stitch sampler laying around un finished. The 3 sub shouldn't take long though, I've just been too caught up in reading lately to get any crocheting done. :lol I'm not very good at balancing things out


I will certainly be praying for your brother's hand! So sorry to hear you've had such a rough couple of days for sure! :hug

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Melissa, so glad your brother is okay. Still praying for a quick healing.


They missed it today, (thank God). We are supposed to get snow, rain, sleet up to 2 inches. Now saying less than 1/2".


Been working on a new square. It's simple but I just notice a boo boo 3 rows back. I hate that. Makes me want to scream. It had color changes and no sense pulling it all out. Easier to just start over. ugh.

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Thanks guys. He's doing fine now


I'm with a friend today helping her babysit. We got her son Anthony, and her friend Nikki's two little girls Avah and Annah. Avah's such a sweetheart she has down syndrome, but she's so smart. She's already my lil buddy today. I hope you guys have a wonderful sunday!

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wow! how quiet it is around here!!! Hope everyone is okay..... I feel so much better after this am's appointment with the chiropractor, I actually am feeling like I'm going to make it now!:lol

Still so busy running around today, trying to get my DH ready to go to work...plus a death in the community so I'm cooking now to drop it off on my way to pick DD up from school. Maybe within the next couple of days I can get back to my squares!!!! Haven't done a stitch on anything in way over a week!! :eek

Sue, I sent off those squares today.. sorry so late. Anyway take care everyone!!

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wow! how quiet it is around here!!! Hope everyone is okay..... I feel so much better after this am's appointment with the chiropractor, I actually am feeling like I'm going to make it now!:lol

Still so busy running around today, trying to get my DH ready to go to work...plus a death in the community so I'm cooking now to drop it off on my way to pick DD up from school. Maybe within the next couple of days I can get back to my squares!!!! Haven't done a stitch on anything in way over a week!! :eek


Sue, I sent off those squares today.. sorry so late. Anyway take care everyone!!

It has been a bit quiet lately. I'm glad your feeling a bit better. I think I'd go nuts I have to crochet SOMETHING at least every other day! :lol


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I have been getting use to my midnight schedule, and even though my daughter was married over the summer,(it was a very small ceremony to get everything in order since her dh is in the marines) we are doing a huge ceremony and reception in 3 months. so i am making all the prizes and stuff for the shower that is in 2 weeks, and the cake, decorations...and the same for the wedding, cake flowers, decorations, favors,...so I am a bit overwhelmed right now :( and really want to get back to making squares soon.

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I have been getting use to my midnight schedule, and even though my daughter was married over the summer,(it was a very small ceremony to get everything in order since her dh is in the marines) we are doing a huge ceremony and reception in 3 months. so i am making all the prizes and stuff for the shower that is in 2 weeks, and the cake, decorations...and the same for the wedding, cake flowers, decorations, favors,...so I am a bit overwhelmed right now :( and really want to get back to making squares soon.

Congrats on your daughter getting married!!!

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I work a weird schedule some weeks. Last week and this week are 2 of them. We have to have someone there 7 days a week to take care of the turtles. :)





Can I volunteer? :D Of course, it would be a bit of a long drive. :(

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Hello Ladies

@Stephanie Hoping you got the VW Bug off the skating rink

@ Michelle Those are beautiful squares you got from Sue. I too have been making squares from that book. I love it. I dread returning it to the library...lol


@ Lacey & Michelle you are very welcome for the square. Im glad you both like them.


Hope everyone is having a good day


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Hello Ladies

@Stephanie Hoping you got the VW Bug off the skating rink

@ Michelle Those are beautiful squares you got from Sue. I too have been making squares from that book. I love it. I dread returning it to the library...lol


@ Lacey & Michelle you are very welcome for the square. Im glad you both like them.


Hope everyone is having a good day




Thank goodness. Now I have a name to put with the square :) I was :think trying to figure out who it was from. :manyheart

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Hope you all are having wonderful days filled with lots of yarn and happy thoughts :)


Im extremely anxious about my court date tomorrow morning for my divorce. :(


Ill be sure to let you all know how it goes as soon as I can

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Hope you all are having wonderful days filled with lots of yarn and happy thoughts :)


Im extremely anxious about my court date tomorrow morning for my divorce. :(


Ill be sure to let you all know how it goes as soon as I can


Right back at ya Lacey! And good luck! :hug



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@ Michelle Those are beautiful squares you got from Sue. I too have been making squares from that book. I love it. I dread returning it to the library...lol


Thanks! Its one of my favorite square books. I use an H hook for the squares and they come out 8". :)



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