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Hooded rainbow button up sweater


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I never followed a pattern, I always made/make things up or look at a picture and make it as close as I can to turn out the same, as I self taught myself how to crochet last fall using youtube hahah


anyway I googled pictures of crochet hooded sweaters for toddlers and came across this sweater by pink willow designs.



the other pics I have attached are my version so far what I have done. I started it months ago and got bored fast lol Been working on it here and there and picked it back up today. The hood is half done and it still needs sleeves but the body is done and buttons are on. It's not perfect but I think turned out pretty cute. It fits my 3 1/2 year old daughter.







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Holy cow.......that is FANTASTIC.....are you sure you just learned how to crochet last fall....and can look at a picture and just "do it" THAT IS AMAZING......for some of us {me} it has taken us 40 years to get to the point of looking at something and reproducing it GOOD FOR YOU!!.....it is beautiful!

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Holy cow.......that is FANTASTIC.....are you sure you just learned how to crochet last fall....and can look at a picture and just "do it" THAT IS AMAZING......for some of us {me} it has taken us 40 years to get to the point of looking at something and reproducing it GOOD FOR YOU!!.....it is beautiful!

lol yeah everytime I have attemped a pattern I mess it up somehow or can't follow it. I find it easiest to copy the look of something or just make a pattern up myself.

Other than a mitten pattern I did and one hat pattern. lol

tks for the comments

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