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The ~63~ Club


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Wow, it has been quiet in here. I have had a busy day of homework and grocery shopping. The Hubby wants to take a walk because it is beautiful out today.


I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather. :manyheart


Have fun with Cam, Julie. :hug

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Thanks Tab -

We have had a good visit, but short. He will be leaving soon, I guess he has to go see his other Grandpa tonite, so short visit this weekend .


I'm still glad to see him, even though it wasn;t for as long as usual . I don't have as much steam these days ,so I guess it 's for the best til I get some power back. Hard to keep up with him .


Guess I'll try to get busy on more of these squares tonite if I can keep myself awake long enough .

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Hi Everyone!

I am still around, but so busy and now I have a cold, darn it. :sick

Your squares are all so pretty! Pam it is so nice to see my old "card mate" - I love the yellow square too.


I've finished 2 squares, but they both need major blocking. Hope to do it before I post pictures next week. I probably won't be around as much as everyone else, but I am working on my 63. See you all and thanks for hosting Julie!

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See you all tomorrow . Been pretty quiet in here today,in fact the whole board has been slow -- must have been a busy day for people today .


Will see you guys tomorrow bright and early .


I think we were all enjoying this gorgeous weather. :yes



And I got tomorrow's homework done. :cheer

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Hi Everyone,

West coast girl here, so it's not quit bed time yet. I have been lurking around this website for a long time now and suddenly have become quite the joiner! I saw the "63" book at Joanns last night and decided "why not?". Then I was reading the directions and got confused. I know I saw somewhere a discussion about how the heck you are supposed to join blocks that have two different sc counts for the border. Can someone tell me what page in the thread it's on? I am not advanced in skills, and I don't get that at all.:think In fact, I don't really understand how to get to the border with the directions they give, but I'll wait until I get there and then perhaps post a picture and beg some help. :P


PS> I was out in the beautiful AZ day taking the last of the oranges off my tree when it started to HAIL! Well, it ionly lasted about a minute, but it was funny. We are supposed to get rain tonight. Yeah!!

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Hi Diane

I was just thinking of you yesterday. Glad you are still out there, but sorry to hear you are under the weather. hope you soon feel better. I know you are busy ,so keep working along at your own pace and post when you can. It's always good hearing from you .



Tab- you could be right, if the weather was that nice, then people could have been out . It was ok here, we still have plenty of snow in the yard, but it's gradually sinking . At least we had blue skies yesterday and even sunshine in the afternoon. It sure looked good,after so many dark days in the winter .


Hey Cindy- I'd say goodnight, but I'm too late for that, so I'll say good morning for when you check in today. I checked out last night and got another one and a half squares done ,so it was fairly productive last night .


Denise-Welcome !!!!

It's always nice to meet new friends. As for the bordering of the squares , I'll try to explain it in simple terms, if you are a little mixed up about them . If this doesn't help, feel free to post for help at any time. Any one of us would be willing to jump in and help you,I'm sure. All the ladies in here are nice .


For the border , the book reads to place an even number of sc's along each edge of the square. I'm not sure if each book says to use the EXACT same number . I'd guess they'd all be in the low 20's. like 23,24 ... evenly along each side .


That CAN be frustrating if you let it be, but you just kinda got to space them and fiddle with the square a little. You may find that you crochet looser than others and your squares may come out larger ,so the book may say they should be 7 1/2 inches. Yours may come out 8 . It's perfectly ok, as long as the others come out to 8 or close to 8 .


This book can make you very frustrated if you let it, but if you follow these rules ,then it makes it so much easier and a lot less stressful :


We all crochet with different tension,so our squares won't all be exact in size,even though we may be using same yarn,same hook ,and same pattern .


As long as your squares come out fairly close to the same size ,they will be fine . You can "tweak" the borders to make them fit properly .


To edge the squares, try to sc at an even pace on the sides of your square and get as close as you can to the count they suggest .You may have to pull it out a time or 2,but you'll get the hang of it, it's really not all that hard .


Sewing together isn't bad at all. We'll lead you through that part when you are ready. You can do that as you complete the squares, or wait until you get them done . Whatever way you want to do it .


Hope this helps, and welcome !!! Holler if you need anything else .

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Good morning everyone.


Denise, I don;t worry too much about how many sc are on each side, except that I try to make the sides of a square have the same number of stitches,(maybe give or take 1) just because it makes the square look more even. when I sew together, I clip the squares together at the corners and then sew.

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Hi Everyone -


Quick question, probably for you, Julie. I went to the first post to find out how to choose the 3rd square (#1 was an odd number, #2 had "2" in the directions...), but I don't see anything there now. Have we decided not to follow any particular method of choosing squares to do? Any way is fine with me, I just don't want to have missed anything, which I have a way of doing. Thanks and happy crocheting!

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Hi Diane

Yea, I kinda revamped the rules to make is simpler for everyone involved . I know in one group we did at one point,one of the girls wrote each number on a slip of paper, stuck each one in a jar, then pulled one out at a time. Whichever number she pulled out, that was the next one she made .It made it a lot of fun for her,and the rest of us ,to see which square she chose next .


I just tried to make the rules as simple as possible in here,since we are using so many different books and patterns .


If you want to try the jar-type idea, it'd be fun for us to see what squares you choose.

I'm just kinda thumbing through my books and randomly choosing squares .

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Good Morning and almost Afternoon. :manyheart


I am still sitting in bed, but I do plan on getting up. :lol It is suppose to be near 50 degrees here today, so we are going to take a family walk. :yes I just hope grumpy bear is in a better mood than yesterday. :angry Somedays I want to buy a huge steel toed boot like guiness book records huge and kick him in the rump. :rofl


Have great day and enjoy the nice sunshine.

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Tab...I'll tell you a secret...as a baby my hubby was knick named "Grumpy"...and he is still known by that in his family. Because he is a very serious, deep-thinking person many things he sees going on around him and in the world in general keep him in a down mood.


I don't allow that to affect me - I go off and do something fun for me and stay clear...

Give that a shot if you can....:hug:manyheart

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Me, you and Jude make quite the team .


Jude is the diplomat and very polite and ladylike in her advice . She is a good,kindhearted lady .She has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone .


I myself would purchase the steeltoed boot and kick the crap out of him .


The choice is yours,my dear .

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Julie and Gardener,

Thanks for explaining. I am a bit of a type "A" person, and I work best when everytyhing is in perfect order and there is no guessing or fudging!! You can guess that I was just staring in disbelief at the book. :eek Crochet is supposed to be all about the correct number of stitches and everything matching up!! This will be my first try at tweaking. And, I crochet very tight. I usually use a hook two sizes larger than is called out in the pattern or on the yarn.

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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Hi everyone,


Sorry about not posting yesterday, I had so much to do for I am redecorating my bathroom and kitchen and was running around to the stores looking for shower curtains, bath rugs, table cloth, curtains, etc, etc.. I decided to make my bathroom curtains, I'm glad for I haven't sew in a few years. It was fun but of course I didn't find everything I was looking for. Went to church this morning had the car washed, have to make dinner and do some lite house cleaning then guess what, then some ME TIME (Yipeeeee) :hook I plan on using my me time picking out my squares for this week and crocheting, I probably will knit also. It is a beautiful, sunny, mild day and I can't wiat for spring to finally be here. Talk to you all later.

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Hi Denise

Well, this afghan may just be when you will be able to let loose and try to relax a little in your crocheting .It may be really hard to stick to exactness in order to do this. Not saying it can't be done, because it probably can, but it will take a lot of work ,changing hook sizes, redoing squares, etc to get everything to exact proportions .

When I made the one from book one, I was worried a lot about that and spent lots of time trying to get the squares exact and worrying that they wouldnt all fit together exactly right.

Even though,in the end ,some werent exactly the same size, they came together when sewn up,and made a really nice looking afghan . I only wish I could find the photos. I know we have them ,but my husband is the picture guy,and he has gazillions of them online. They are listed in with some others taken at a family function we went to ,and many of his are listed by dates, rather than the name of family function.

I just don't have the patience to look through a gazillion photos .


Anyhow, this is do-able ,and achieveable, even without the squares all being exactly perfect, you'll see !!

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Wow, you have had one busy weekend,havent you ? What colors did you get to change your rooms into ? I like doing some changes in the house in the spring. Kinda freshens things up and makes everything look a little more spiffy and bright .


I'm glad you'll get the chance to knit or crochet today -- you deserve some time for yourself too !:)

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Tab...I'll tell you a secret...as a baby my hubby was knick named "Grumpy"...and he is still known by that in his family. Because he is a very serious, deep-thinking person many things he sees going on around him and in the world in general keep him in a down mood.


I don't allow that to affect me - I go off and do something fun for me and stay clear...

Give that a shot if you can....:hug:manyheart


Mine is the SAME exact way and I cannot stand it. I suffer from depression and he has been a real bring down lately. I have a hard time doing anything but laying on the couch.



Me, you and Jude make quite the team .


Jude is the diplomat and very polite and ladylike in her advice . She is a good,kindhearted lady .She has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone .


I myself would purchase the steeltoed boot and kick the crap out of him .


The choice is yours,my dear .


I personally like the boot better too, much easier. :yes:devil;)

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Our situation is a little different . Sam is pretty much straight-line. I always say he reminds me of Plymouth Rock .

Nothing upsets him, nothing gets him super-excited,nothing gets him extremely angry, he is just as steady as a rock .

In a way that is a good thing, because I am like a volcano . My moods change like the Ohio weather . I can go from happy to mad in 10 seconds if someone says the wrong thing .

I have actually threatened to kick a lady's rear ( polite term since this is G-rated) in the Walmart parking lot, and WOULD have if she would have still been there when I got to my car.

I will say ANYTHING to ANYBODY .

So,if they could put you on a mood meter, Sam's would be straight-line.

Mine would be off the top and off the bottom of the chart .


We kinda equal each other out somehow .


He sometimes frustrates me when he doesnt get angry about things , but it's good when I'm falling apart about something because he is sturdy so I can lean on him .

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Well Pam




Welcome aboard, and you definitely chose a picturesque way of showing us your first square !


What a nice sight for sore eyes after seeing snow for so many months .


Talk soon !


That was my hope. I'm accustomed to our spring arriving a bit sooner than those of you east or north of me in the USA. Portland Oregon is on the western side of the Cascade Mountains , so we have milder weather here due to the air flow from the coast. True, it tends to amount to wet, really wet in fact, :help but the gardens enjoy it. I'll try to keep hope alive for those of you still looking at snow. It won't be long. :bheart

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Diane ! :jumpyay


My long lost card pal. Gosh, we were the perfect pair on that. The only two that just went by our own schedule. Would have driven anybody else nuts..but the very best way for us. :hug


Sorry to hear your feeling under the weather, but sure glad to hear your voice.

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