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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Those doggies are pretty .Are they like lassies ?



The policeman was a really young guy and real polite . I bet he wishes it was all on film ,he woulda got lots of chuckles out of it back at the police station .

Miniature lassies...very small, and very, very bright dogs.


...Jules...I'm sure your story was told and retold in the station house!:lol

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Yes, it sounds like you've been a pet owner for a long time. did you have pets when you were little too ?



I probably WAS quite the laugh for awhile in that town. It's a fairly large town in our area, much fancier and richer, so they would have thought it quite funny,especially from us Hillbilly Yokels down this way .

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Yes, it sounds like you've been a pet owner for a long time. did you have pets when you were little too ?

No pets till a cat when I was in high school...except I do remember having a puppy when I was very young - and briefly - must have gone back to the pound. My mom couldn't have handled it with us 4 kids and my dad's "issues"

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Thanks Julie and Cindy! She got her shawl today. She was so surprised and she loves it! She opened it just before we left for are luncheon.

I know i'll make another one but not sure when. I want one myself. It really is easy. I double checked my work with the pictures that are with the pattern. They really helped. I did find a mistake I made.

Maybe if you guys decide to make one sometime we could do them together.

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If we ever did one together, you'd have to be the leader for it. I think Cindy mentioned trying it before, I know I tried it several times. I don't know what it is about it, but I get so mixed up everytime I try that pattern .

It is beautiful,but I just cannot for the life of me figure it out . I start out ok, but always get mixed up .

I'm glad she liked it, though-- it does make a beautiful shawl !

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Ahoy, Maties!!


I had not touched this project since the start of the Crochet Games. Finally last night I finished another square and started another. Since the games are over now and I have also finished a couple of charity projects, I am now back to this project. Aarrggghh, maties, me be a-planning to finish this in the new 2 or 3 weeks. :hook


How is everyone else coming along ??

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Ahoy there Debbie

I think lots of the ladies may have completed this, but there are still a few working on theirs ,so you should still have a few people in here with you .


Keep on crocheting those squares,and you'll soon have it complete. It is really a pretty fast moving project ,so it won't take too long to have it done .

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Keep on going Sheila- you'll make it !


Sounds like you are going with the traditional food of the holiday ! I just make the same old stuff I always make . We're pretty crotchety and set in our ways here and never do anything out of the ordinary . We have a boring life, but I LIKE boring . Too much stuff going on makes me a nervous wreck .

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:lol here is my slow progress..I took the first square ripped it out of the way I had it whipped stitched and added blue yarn that I am going to trim in instead

very pretty!!!


JULES- everytime I look at my Jackson monster ghan...I want to make it bigger: bedspread size . Ifigure I'd have to make another 60 squares to do that....maybe over time. I can make another whole ghan, attach it to the brown border and it'll look planned, with the brown stripe down the middle:lol


I think I'm losing it...being without electricity since saturday has gotten to me...

Okay - no more negativity. Hopefully the next time I post it'll be from HOME!

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Well, the good thing regarding this pattern is that you could always add onto it later if you decide to do that, or even make a scrap-ghan -- just make squares once in awhile and pile them up, then when you get more, you can add them on .


I know you must be getting real tired of no electric . I've been thinking of you guys everyday over there. Sure hope they get on the stick and get things repaired soon .

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