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Plastic forms?


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I'm looking for round plastic shapes to put in the bottom of bags specifically to hold a round shape.. Don't have to be really heavy but should be strong enough to not bend in the middle.


I'd google it but I have no idea even what they would be called... anyone get the idea of what I'm looking for? :think

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I thot about that but not sure it would be strong enough? I want it to hold the shape of the bag round at the bottom without sagging in the middle? :think



I reckon it would depend on how much junk they keep in the bag.. In my case I really need rebar and concrete reinforcements.. :devil:blush

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Have you thought about sone of the pre-formed wood? I know that for those that doo woodpainting (Tole, etc.), they can be purchased in the round, but I don't know about the cost.

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I thought about the wood actually and may look into that tonite at Wallyworld where I know they sell it :) I'll also try the plastic canvas.. that might work actually if it's several of them together :)



Thanks Everyone! :hug

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Not sure how big around you need, but a CD would work great if it was the right size. They're really hard to break, and will hold its shape.




That's brilliant! and it would work perfectly for the smaller ones :clap:clap:clap


Somewhere in a box is the ex-boyfriends old crappy CD collection he never came back to get.. I think they may just get donated "to the cause at it were" :devil

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Somewhere in a box is the ex-boyfriends old crappy CD collection he never came back to get.. I think they may just get donated "to the cause at it were" :devil


Some good might as well come out of them, eh?

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its possible :) I'll have to try that.. probably would be easier to cut as well. I started a smaller purse last night that a CD will fit in the bottom.. now I just gotta get the fabric cover on it ;)

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