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Is there a suppport group for pattern addiction???

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Hi, I'm Debbi, I'm a pattern addict.


I found these magazines Crochet Magazines I Found at a second hand store and I'm still looking for more.

I check out CPC Newest Patterns just about about every day, I could check it weekly... but...

I also go on Ravelry and look at the newest patterns.

My D drive at work (can be used for personal stuff) is full of crochet patterns. I put them on a card and on my netbook at home because they were fixing it but they're still on there and so I have them. Plus printed out ones...


Nope no cure.

But what a way to go!:hook



OMG I didn't know that CPC had new patterns weekly either, now I have more to check!!!

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Honey, you are so not alone...my husband, who rarely gets on my case about my "addiction" was dead serious when we were moving back to the states and he said, "You cannot have this many projects going at once..." I told him forget about it, that's the nature of the beast...and patterns...I have binders and bookshelves full...I have quite the library...

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I thought I was the only one that had more patterns than could be used in a lifetime. I am almost 66 years old and I am still printing out patterns. I have them bookmarked on google and on yahoo. I have a bunch saved in my word program and I have notebooks full, I also have book after book that I have bought. I used to pick up leaflets at Wal-mart but since I can't get to the store anymore I gave that up. Besides being a pattern addict I am a yarn addict. My house is being overrun but I love it. My dh is an enabler.


I often wish I could turn the hallway closet into a yarn collection. With as many colors as I feel I could like in all types of yarn so that I could make whatever I want, whenever I want.

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I have more patterns than I need... yarn I store in the attic space in the garage, and project kits that I purchased years ago that are still waiting their turn to get completed. :crocheting


I see none of this as a problem! Evidently, I haven't yet hit rock bottom! :lol


So, while all of you start on your road to recovery, I'll be here happily drowning in yarn and not looking for a way out! I dont' want out! :hook

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HI my name is Dizzy and I too am an patternaholic, with the additional problem of yarnaholic. My husband swears if I by any more yarn or patterns he will move me out to the dog house.:lol Of course when I come home from shopping with huge bags of yarns he just gives me that "your are so sick look" and helps me unload them. I have so many patterns from collecting them for over 30 years and inheriting them from my grandmother and mother when they passed away. I keep promising myself to go through and get rid of the ones I know or think I know I will never make, but so far have found every excuse I can come up with not to do so. But I keep looking and keep adding to my already over loaded dinnig room:eek- which is actually my crochet room. What a life to live-glad to have something constuctive to do all the time-plus it sure saves my sanity.

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I thought that I would collect patterns for projects to do when I retire (in 5 years) but I think I'll have to live to 200 to finish all the projects I save.



That is how I started out; I retire in 6 yrs. I started saving just 12" afghan squares to my hard drive. Now, I have expanded to more categories than I want to know. I get the digital Crochet World & Crochet! I start every day with a cup of coffee and my daily pattern web sites. Then, I read Crochetville & Ravelry. That can take a while because I can easily get side tracked with people's links to more patterns. After I have gleaned the forums, I head over to my email to check all the daily newsletters, updates and specials. It is a good thing, I start work at 11am 3 out of 5 days! I just checked my crochet folder and I have 4.75 GB of patterns. :eek I remind myself I am helping the environment by saving trees. Ohhh! I don't want to mislead you. I have many printed patterns books, leaflets, vintage magazines, and lets not forget all those free project sheets and yarn bands! Ooops, don't get me started on the :yarn!

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Alas, it is the fate of all crocheters to have at least 10 times more patterns that they will ever be able to make in a lifetime!


I'm in SW MO too, Neosho, where are you. I am getting a real kick out of this thread.

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I am not sure that I agree with the idea that Crochetville is a support group for patternaholics............more like an enabler if you asked me! I am also a patternaholic with tons of patterns that I will NEVER do, but it feels so good to have them printed out in my posession just in case.....Now that Annies Attic no longer has a free pattern a day I am lost......the other sites are just not the same for me:blush

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I know my MIL has a cajillion patterns printed out. And lately has been talking about needing to get more ink so she can print out more patterns. I guess she is an addict.


Since Im new to crocheting, I seem to like and redo the patterns I have actually managed to make...easy patterns at that!

I think I could be more of a yarn addict then a pattern addict

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I too am addicted to new patterns... I have 6 projects that I have started. It's quite frustrating because I want to finish them all but before I get around to it I start a new one! **SIGH** Nice to see I'm not the only one with this problem!

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  • 4 weeks later...

:yarnI have a pattern addiction, yarn addiction and I am a crossstitch addict as well.


My children childen tease me that my crafts are my crack, They have told me on more than once that I get really grumpy if I don't have at least four or more projects going on and so to keep me happy the keep crocheting something for them or friends.

They even buy things for me if they I will like the patterns or yarn talk about enablers and I love them for it:crocheting:blush

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I love this thread and laughed so much at all the "confessions". I too, am a patternaholic! Like so many others I have many binders full of patterns printed from the internet. I stock up on paper protecters whenever I can. I also have stacks of purchased books. I love to find little treasures at used book sales, or those little hole-in-the-wall stores we sometimes come upon. Not a day goes by that I don't study my books or browse the web in search of something new, or even a new technique or unusual stitch, or color combo. It makes me happy!! :clap

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I can categorically say that there is no cure known to mankind. I am preparing to go to China to teach English and I just can't be without my crochet. I've been collecting patterns madly on my laptop to take with me. The yarns are lovely over there (so are the fabrics).


Suzi - the chick with a stick


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