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Blankets for twin girls

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Hi everyone,


I am making baby blankets for my friend that is having twin girls. However, I'm very undecided if I should make 2 blankets that are the same or should I make different ones?


I've already started to make one of the blankets--it's made from basic 4 round granny squares with three alternating colors in the middle bordered by white. Should I make the same for the second twin? They'd be slightly different since I'm randomly picking the colors for the squares. OR should I do something different but using the same colors for the other twin?


Any ideas?:think

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Sometimes people dress twins in the same outfits and get 2 of everything exactly the same- you can't tell one from the other. This does not make for any differences for the children - and they are each individuals within themselves.


I say : I would make 2 different blanket patterns in a similar color scheme.

This way each baby will have it's own blanket and individuality.

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I agree with everyone else. I would be inclined to use the same pattern but with contrasting colours. I have make blankets for several sets of twins this way.


In These one I use the same yarn for the background but did the motif in different colours







While in this pair I used alternate colour schemes






Hope this helps you decide

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Kind of agreeing with some of the above; since you have already started in granny squares bordered by white for one, finish it off with an all-around border in one of the other colors. Make the other the same but finish with a border in another of the other colors. That way they are similar but easily distinguishable as "belonging to" twin A or B.

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I made starghans for twins boy/girl and did 2 shades of pink for the girl and 2 shades of blue for the boy. I would use the same colors just put together diff.

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