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Plarn purse

quiet dissident

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A friend asked me about making a couple crocheted things for her kids. Her daughter would probably like a purse, she said, and when I asked about what sort of thing she's into these days, I got the following info: Friend's daughter is into the hippie/bohemian thing these days, including bright, obnoxious colors.


Well, I figured, what could be more hippie-ish than some form of recycling? To boot, being "green" seems to be hip these days, and I'm guessing not too many girls are walking around with plarn purses :). I used RecycleCindy's Mini Shoulder Bag pattern, with a couple modifications: I worked the body up with both plarn and some Red Heart yarn I got in at a garage sale, for the bright colors. For the flap, I used some eyelash yarn I'd gotten at my local yarn shop. I went ahead and used the yarn in the strap too, for reinforcement. The button just happened to be in my stash, too.


Here's the result. I hope she likes it.


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Love it! I've been wanting to work with plarn. So much so I've been trying to convince the dh to cut up the bags for me. So far its a no go, but I have persistance! LOL



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This is a really cute idea! About a year ago I started a plarn mesh bag and cutting the bags actually wasn't that bad...I had my dds help me, one is 11 and the other is 6. And the three of us actually had so much fun.....so go ahead and cut those bags, no need to wait for the dh to get it in gear.

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