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left hand and shoulder pain when crocheting

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I'm right handed and I started having left handed hand/wrist and left shoulder pain while crocheting. I've never had any problems with anything like this before. I think it's weird that it's the hand holding the yarn that is the one hurting. My right hand (holding the hook) doesn't bother me at all. I had to take Advil because the pain is bothering me so bad. Does anyone else ever get this? What suggestions do you have for me to keep from getting this pain? Am I doing something wrong?

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I'm having problems with my right wrist, elbow, and mostly my shoulder. I went to the doctor last week, and he said it's the muscle impinging on a nerve. He just recommended resting it and exercising for strength and flexibility. I also got a prescription for Ultram for when it gets really bad. I had reached my limit on NSAIDs and developed severe gastritis from taking them for so long, so the Ultram is quite nice, since it doesn't aggravate the gastritis.

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Could it be the way you are sitting when you crochet? Maybe the chair or couch is not "crochet friendly" - I have one couch that I can't do my work it... not enough support in my back to accomodate the position I need to sit to make whatever project I am working on.

Since I found that out, I have one particular chair that I sit in to crochet and have never had body aches & pains anymore.

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try putting a pillow under your arm to "support" it it could be muscle strain from holding it up at a comfortable level. It happens to me quite often. Also try to move your arm position while crocheting. the arm that holds the yarn is a fairly stationary one and can get stiff and sore from being in one place or trying to be in one place.

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Thanks for all of your suggestions. I haven't crocheted since having that pain on Monday but when I crochet again I'll try what you all said.


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I too get that, especially when I am SPEED crocheting, AKA trying to get ALOT of projects done at once. I find that if I correct my body positioning it helps alot, oh and when my morphine pump kicks in tooo that aint all bad..lol..I am NOT promoting morphine, I am just on it for my End Stage Lupus. BUT I still take ibuprophen with it, because it is an antiinflamitory med. that and an ice bag helps me shoulder, I too crochet right handed, but am LEFT handed..lol..BUT my left arm/shoulder hurts too like yours. Good luck sweetie.

Hugs JoBug

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Excuse me while I put on my physical therapist's hat...ahem.

COULD be carpal tunnel...

COULD be nerve impingement originating at the level of you cervical spine (neck) from inadequate posture for an extended period of time...

COULD be an ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow...

COULD be radial nerve impingement...

You would have to know specifically WHAT part of the hand is affected...the entire hand? Isolated fingers?

Any activity you do for an extended period of time without a break can create problems. If you insist on crocheting, watch your posture, keep your spine well aligned and set a kitchen timer for 30 minutes (no more) and make sure you take a 10-15 minute break to get up and move around. There are stretches you could do, but again, one needs to know where the problem originates.


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I'm right handed and I started having left handed hand/wrist and left shoulder pain while crocheting. I've never had any problems with anything like this before. I think it's weird that it's the hand holding the yarn that is the one hurting. My right hand (holding the hook) doesn't bother me at all. I had to take Advil because the pain is bothering me so bad. Does anyone else ever get this? What suggestions do you have for me to keep from getting this pain? Am I doing something wrong?


I have the same problems. I saw the dr. for it, he took x-rays of my shoulder and neck. I do have a spasm in my neck on the left side but other than that, everything looked fine. I'm not sure why it is the side holding the yarn, but the dr. seems to think it is totally unrelated. I disagree but I have no idea what it is. I have to take a break from crochet every now and then until it feels better, because if I don't, the pain will radiate and my last two fingers become numb.

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  • 5 months later...

I thought I was the only one with this problem. I do have carpal tunnel since I do a lot of typing at my job. But when I crochet I notice that I twist my left wrist to help my hook catch the yarn. I don't know any other way. Maybe I should get some lessons on what to do with left hand holding yarn.

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