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Yes. I just don't understand how one child can whine and cry and complain so much and not get tired of it. LoL


How is your back? Do you have daily pain or is it sporadic?

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It's mainly when I do a lot, like on the days I do my cleaning. Or when I lay flat on my back. But it's been starting to get worse. It feels okay right now.

The doctor called me tonight and said it is my scoliosis that's causing the problems. Not only is it curved, but my spine is twisted too. I find out what he'll do about it tomorrow. I really like him though. He actually apologized for no one else offering to help me with this. Awww.

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Wow, that is so sweet! It helps when you have a doctor that you really like. :yes You will feel so much better once you start treatment.

I had 2 vertebrae that were twisted, and the ones in my neck actually go forward, instead of curving. I moved before my treatment was finished, though.


The Terror is almost 5- she is 2 weeks younger than Mia.

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Do you have problems with your back?


My neck is straight. I guess he'll work on that, too. I didn't know it was so bad. My neck never hurts me.

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:rofl I am lol right now because you asked me that! ME! I just figured out that sl st and sc are two different things!


Seriously though, I've never tried to do that. I bet you could though.:cheer

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Good morning all from snowless NJ!


They are still predicting a foot of snow between today and tomorrow. Right now it is drizzling, but the winter weather warning is in effect saying it is changing to snow this morning. So, I guess I'll have to go into work and then get stuck driving home in a snowy mess....I'll leave early if the snow does actually start and finish the day off at home- at least that is the plan:devil


I bought the brown rice rotini, too Stacy- I already know DH won't like it- it is a struggle to just get him to eat whole wheat pasta!:lol So I'll make him some regular pasta w/the 'meatballs' and I am so anxious to try the brown rice rotini!

As I sit here, I'm drinking a nice cup of Joe's Dark Coffee!! Every time I have coffee or something from Trader Joe's I think of you!!:hug


Shannon- glad the chiro called you back and you found out it is your scoliosis. How much of a curve do you have? My youngest DD has scoliosis too, but the degree of curvature wasn't enough that she needed to wear a brace. My niece, though had to wear a brace for about 1 year and 1/2 to straighten out her curvature.


Everyone else- have a great Thursday! And I may be back on earlier than usual:devil



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Good morning! Yes, I can still get from from school! YAY ME! I told hubby what happened when I called the doctor's office and he was MAD! I told him I called and made an appointment with a new doctor though. He was happy with that one. It is during spring break so I have to decide fi I will find a sitter for DD or take her with me. I may just take her. She is a good girl with stuff like this. I can always bribe her with lunch!:rofl

Tae kwon do was funny last night. Her lima green belt pattern is kicking her butt! She is having so much trouble remembering this one and I don't know why! But is it fun to watch her keep at it! She will have to compete under the yellow belt pattern next weekend, but that is okay. I knew that would happen.

I did manage to get a load of laundry done yesterday. Hubby was cleaning out his closet and going through his clothes. He wound up not going to tae kwon do with us and he had dinner all made for us when we got home! It was home made pizza. Love home made pizza!

then I watched Team Canada beat up on Team Russia on the hockey rink. I don't think the russian team showed up for the game! Team USA won their game in the afternoon so they are on their way also!

Shannon - Glad to hear the chiro appointment went well. Let us know what he has planned for you!

Joanne - Be careful driving home! Your party sounds like fun! Gla dyou had a great time! Hope your tooth feels better soon!

Stacy - Sometimes I wish there were more time to make something for myself too. My round ripple has been sitting forever not worked on because other things have come up! Hang in there girl! You will get something for you done!

Colleen - No, the snow did not stick. It rarely does down here. DD was jumping around trying to catch it in her mouth when it was falling. It was fun to watch! Farther up north it was sticking a little, but not much. By yesterday morning it had stopped and there was nothing to speak of. But I can't wait for the warmer weather to come. I didn't move to Texas to see snow this much! 3 times in one winter is a lot for this part of the country!

Have a great day girls and I will talk to you all later. I need to do a yarn search for a Red Heart yarn and I can't remember the name of it. The color of it reminds me of rainbow fish. I want to make DD's tae kwon do teacher's a graduation present. She is one of the helpers andher team coach. DD has really grown attached to her and has become her shadow.



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Good snowy morning from snowy Ontario! We are expecting 5 or 6 more inches today and more tomorrow :clap Just in time for the weekend! It's so pretty :c9


I posted the March song for those of you who are in the Christmas Carol CAL. :)


Joanne - I mix my whole wheat pasta with white pasta half-and-half. It makes the meal a bit healthier and I find DH and DD don't complain because you can't really taste a difference. Drive safely today :hug


Vicki - :xfin for DD and her lima green belt! It's a good lesson that you have to work hard for something you want :yes Good for her! What do you have in mind for the coach's gifts? Time to start thinking ahead to teachers gifts I guess. :hug


Shannon - I'm glad the finding out what's wrong part is over with and now you can move forward to fixing the problem. I'm glad your Dr. is nice. That helps. :hug What are you and Miss Janna-ness up to today?


Stacy - :hug Here's hoping you have a good day.


LeaAnne - :hug I hope all is well with you.


Mary - :hug Have a good day.


Sarah - :hug I hope you have a good at-home day.


Beth - :hug Enjoy your time crocheting something other than the Christmas 'ghan.


DD has swimming lessons this morning, so we will be spending our time at the community center and library. I love Thursdays. It is a relaxing day for me and I really enjoy spending time watching DD at the pool and enjoying the library. I am hosting Scrabble tonight, so I have some cleaning to do and we have to pick up some snacks/drinks.


Have a great day everyone!

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:eek:c9:yay:hug:manyheart HI BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it is me, Scooby Dooby Doo!!!! How's everyone doing? Well I have good news and bad news. First, the good news. I got my house and the bad news is I HATE MOVING :lol, but will start moving (again) tomorrow. It will take several days for me to get all my stuff moved as I have to work in between. All is going well here and can't wait to get back to my regular routine again. I miss being here and seeing what everyone is up to and I really miss :crocheting.

I need to send out some very special Thank you's while I am here.

Mary- It was so nice of you to stay in touch with me on FB. It was good to see you and be able to talk to you during my time of trouble. I cannot express how much it meant to me for you to take the time to get the word out over here to the besties that all was well with me and that you had spoken with me. TY for all the chat time you put in with me. It made my days/nights happier.

LeaAnne- TY for taking the time to send out the emails for me and checking in with me thru text messaging. Having very limited time on the puter it was nice to have another means of staying in touch. You will never know how much it meant to me that you took the time to let all my other friends know that things were ok here and what was going on. Seeing a familiar name and knowing that you cared made things much easier to talk about and share. TY LeaAnne.

Shannon- It was great talking to you too on FB. I received the lovely box of :yarn and my bestie square today. My package contained a skein of white, purple, monet and artist print. I can't wait to sit down sometime today and start working with it. I am going to make ME a lapghan of some kind with it and I will always remember you, your kindness and love, when I cuddle with it. The only yarn I have had for the last month and a half is little balls of scraps which I have been making squares or yo-yos with so I am going to choose a pattern that does not involve either of those :D. The square is absolutely beautiful. I love the colors and can't wait to display my fleur de lis in my new home :c9. TY again Shannon!!!!!

Vicki- It was awesome talking with you also on FB. I really enjoyed our conversation as it made my day so much brighter to know that you all were thinking about me and concerned. You made me laugh and brought smiles to my face, especially when we were talking about that "Magic Chair". TY Vicki!!!!!

Joanne- It was nice corresponding with you also on FB. You too brought smiles, joy and happiness into my days when it didn't seem like there was any. TY Joanne for being there!!!!!

TY to all of my besties for your concern and inquiries. You are a very caring and AWESOME group of ladies!!!! I am proud to say that I know you and am involved with you all!!!! TY so much for all that you have done. I must go now as I have some errands to run today and will never get done if I keep sitting on the badorkas. Time to :fire:kickso I can get motivated here. TY again. Lots and lots of :hug and :manyheart going out to you all!!!!!

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:eek:c9:yay:hug:manyheart HI BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it is me, Scooby Dooby Doo!!!! How's everyone doing? Well I have good news and bad news. First, the good news. I got my house and the bad news is I HATE MOVING :lol, but will start moving (again) tomorrow. It will take several days for me to get all my stuff moved as I have to work in between. All is going well here and can't wait to get back to my regular routine again. I miss being here and seeing what everyone is up to and I really miss :crocheting.


I need to send out some very special Thank you's while I am here.


Mary- It was so nice of you to stay in touch with me on FB. It was good to see you and be able to talk to you during my time of trouble. I cannot express how much it meant to me for you to take the time to get the word out over here to the besties that all was well with me and that you had spoken with me. TY for all the chat time you put in with me. It made my days/nights happier.


LeaAnne- TY for taking the time to send out the emails for me and checking in with me thru text messaging. Having very limited time on the puter it was nice to have another means of staying in touch. You will never know how much it meant to me that you took the time to let all my other friends know that things were ok here and what was going on. Seeing a familiar name and knowing that you cared made things much easier to talk about and share. TY LeaAnne.


Shannon- It was great talking to you too on FB. I received the lovely box of :yarn and my bestie square today. My package contained a skein of white, purple, monet and artist print. I can't wait to sit down sometime today and start working with it. I am going to make ME a lapghan of some kind with it and I will always remember you, your kindness and love, when I cuddle with it. The only yarn I have had for the last month and a half is little balls of scraps which I have been making squares or yo-yos with so I am going to choose a pattern that does not involve either of those :D. The square is absolutely beautiful. I love the colors and can't wait to display my fleur de lis in my new home :c9. TY again Shannon!!!!!


Vicki- It was awesome talking with you also on FB. I really enjoyed our conversation as it made my day so much brighter to know that you all were thinking about me and concerned. You made me laugh and brought smiles to my face, especially when we were talking about that "Magic Chair". TY Vicki!!!!!


Joanne- It was nice corresponding with you also on FB. You too brought smiles, joy and happiness into my days when it didn't seem like there was any. TY Joanne for being there!!!!!


TY to all of my besties for your concern and inquiries. You are a very caring and AWESOME group of ladies!!!! I am proud to say that I know you and am involved with you all!!!! TY so much for all that you have done. I must go now as I have some errands to run today and will never get done if I keep sitting on the badorkas. Time to :fire:kickso I can get motivated here. TY again. Lots and lots of :hug and :manyheart going out to you all!!!!!





:hug and glad you got the house even if you hate moving =0) Nice seeing you back on here =0)

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:hug:waving, friends!


I must apologize for having been away all week... it's been crazy here, and I have not even been able to have a turn of going online since I checked in quick on Sunday. We have had lots going on with family, health, etc, and lots of school projects that need "computer time" for research, or papers typed etc.... MAN, I MISSED YOU GIRLS!!!!!


Vicki - WTG on calling a new endocrinologist. One other place you might want to complain about them at is your insurance. I used to have a doctor that thought nothing of having patients in the waiting room for 2-3 hours... after my insurance company was "notified" during a customer satisfaction survey, the wait in office dropped to 10 minutes! Of course, you had to wait longer for an appointment, but the lesson is that Everyone's time is valuable, not just theirs! I have also heard of insurances dropping Doctors that are not service oriented:devil


Scooby - :hug:hug:hug good to hear from you, and great news on your new home!!!! I will pray that you and DS settle in, and that you don't need to move for a VERY long time!!! We all missed you so very much, and are always grateful when you can let us know how it's going.:manyheart


Shannon - :xfin for a good visit with the Chiropractor tonight. I have heard that chiropractic care is also great for migraines:yes It sounds like you have found a really nice doctor! I hope that everything goes along nicely for you:hug...


Sarah - I really love your granny 'ghan! It's absolutely lovely! I was glad to read that you get to be home for a few days, and that you'll be able to catch up a little around your own place. Even though I haven't been on here, I have been praying for you all... a LOT!:hug:hug


Stacy - Glad you made it back, and that you are settling back in to "normal" days. I love reading your posts... your plays on words and pun-ness crack me up!!:lol:lol You were asking about converting knit to crochet... I have done it. It's kind of fun. If you need help, I'd be more than happy:U Basically, exchange each knit stitch with a sc. You can also "purl" with sc... check out YouTube for how to do it. I hope you get some "crochet for you" time soon... it's hard to go without that!


Colleen - :hug:ty for the nice words...you are a sweetie! I missed you too! It turns out that my Not-feeling-good-ness is a crappy cold!

Hey, the Women's Hockey tonight sounds like quite a game... USA vs Canada! Oh, and I cried the other night when your Canadian figure skater performed "for her Mom"... it was so sad, but inspiring at the same time.

Did you get to watch Idol this week? We did... i must say that so far this season, there hasn't beem much to get excited about.


Beth - :faint your invention filed income taxes?! And did the form himself? :nworthy... wow! that is quite a milestone! You must be so proud, but a little sad at the same time, huh? I was glad to see that you are moving along so well on your "assignment"... have you picked a "for you" project to play with? I hope Quicksilver has been able to catch her breath!:lol ....I missed you!:hug


Joanne - :cheer:cheer On you work party, and :xfin for a "Real" weekend! How is your godmother's 'ghan coming along? Have you had time to work on it at all? Is is this weekend that your DD goes down to N'Orleans? DH starts his new job on Monday, right?

Wow!!!! time sure does fly by!!!


Mary - How are you feeling? Is your back ok? How are all of your chickens and their chickens? Are you all still having a great family time up there in God's Country? I was thinking of you the other day... I had 5 missed calls on my telephone from Ontario. It just made me think of you:hug:hug:hug I really hope you are alright.


Well, I have lots more I could tell, but I will chalk it all up to "life happens". I have so much that I am so incredibly thankful for. And at the tippy-tops of my list, right next to my family, is YOU!!!!:hug


Love you, girls, and can't say how much I miss you when I can't be here.


Hey.... that reminds me... Who can come to chat tomorrow night? Seems like we are a week or so past due!:yes:wink

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:yay Scooby! So nice to hear from you and that is great news that you found a new home! Been thinking about lots!


LeaAnne - I'm so glad you are alright. Sounds like you've had a very busy week! I hope you are finding time to rest and fight off that cold. I did watch Idol this week. I only saw some of the men last night, because there was a hockey game, but I think I caught all of the women. Not too excited about any of them this time either. I like a few of them, but haven't really learned their names yet. I think the judges are talking too much, but I enjoy Ellen's refreshing non-industry feedback. Hopefully it gets more exciting.


Gotta run, I've got a ham and a blueberry pie (:devil) in the oven. I need to peel potatos for supper and I still need to clean my bathrooms before my scrabble buddies come over tonight.

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Hi all,


I got to work from home today- at about 6:15 it started snowing so I emailed my boss and asked if I could work from home and she said yes. So I did!!! And I was very good and really worked- I would feel guilty if I'm supposed to be working and was online doing other things. I already shoveled X2 - it is the wet, heavy, slushy, ugly type of snow- but I'm done for the night- even if the snow isn't. It's going to get colder tonight and keep on snowing- so I'm hoping for a work at home day again tomorrow.


LeaAnne- good to hear from you- and yes, DH starts his new job on Monday- And DD is going to New Orleans March 27- April 1. I'll bet she wishes it was this month. Hope that things happening in your life aren't too terrible. Hugs to you my friend:hug


Scooby So great to see you back here at the Ville. :yay:clap for the new home- Good luck with the move and hopefully this will be the last for a while. Thank you for being you!:hug


Colleen have fun at Scrabble- sounds like a fun evening. I plan to work some more on my godmother's ghan- or just do some squares- I'm alternating between both- can't decide what I want to :crocheting. And I'll try the 1/2 and 1/2 pasta- that just might do the trick. DH wanted Chinese food tonight- so he brought it home after work. Tomorrow will be the pasta night/meatless meatballs if I work form home again. When I finish posting, I'm going to check out the new christmas carol for March!


Mary- How are you doing? How's the back? And how is everyone in the family- are you having fun yet? :lol


Vicki- Good for DD for perservering with her lima green belt pattern! That is such a good skill to learn- sticking to something..even if it's not easy :clap

That was nice of DH to make home made pizza- I love home made pizza too, although I haven't made it in a while.


Shannon good luck at the chiro tonight.


Stacy- how was your day- Hope the terror wasn't too terrible!


Beth- :clap for DS doing his own taxes!!!! My DD (middle one) always asks DH to do her taxes and he does. This year she said she wants him to show her how to do her own. Finally!!!:lol


Well, let me go check out the Christmas Carol for March.


I should be here for chat tomorrow night:manyheart

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LeaAnne, love the new avatar. Think Spring!!! I'm glad you're back. Hope you feel better real soon.


Colleen, I read your post "ham and blueberry pie" like it was one thing. I had to re-read that one. What you are making sounds VERY good!!! We did fast food for dinner. BAD MOM!!!


Scooby, so good to hear from you! I would hate to move, too. This house is going to be wonderful, though. You and your ds will be able to stretch out some roots here!


Vicki, snow in Texas! How often does that happen? We are having snow showers here today, but they aren't sticking.


Shannon, Whatcha up to? How's our Jannaness? When do you go back to the chiro? Sounds like you found a good one.


Mary, I'm thinking about you. I hope you are having a truly wonderful time with your dd and grandchildren. I hope your back is OK after that fall.


Stacy, every time I read your posts (and Joanne's lately) I think that I need to get back to Trader Joe's. I love that they have a 7 page double column list of gluten free foods! I think I need to try that dark coffee.


Sarah, Your family is on my mind. I hope you and your df and ds are taking some time for YOU! It sounds like your little one is quite the trooper, and quite the sensitive, caring child.


I feel that I'm missing someone, and I don't know who:think So I'm going to throw out some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor anyone who needs them (or wants them.)


Today I cleaned out the cat boxes, got my son to clean the rabbit cage. the kids did the laundry, and I folded it. We had our normal school routine. I worked on the poncho I've been making since Christmas, off and on. I bought a new comforter and sheet set. I took the kids to the dermatologist. We went out for fast food when it was over to celebrate that all their moles are OK.


This weekend, I am puppy-sitting my "niece" Allie. She's a golden retriever puppy that loves to chew on people. I only have her for a day and a half.

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Have fun with your "niece" Beth!!! And hopefully she doesn't chew you too much!


Yes, Trader Joe's has a ton of gluten free food and the prices are really quite reasonable. I can't wait to go back there. And the Joe's Dark Coffee is my new fav coffee to make at home!!!!

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Hey all!


I can't stay, but I wanted to pop in and say hello. I see that Scooby is back! :clap for your house!! Is it in the same city? How is Josh doing with it all?


Leanne, it is so good to hear from you! Sorry to hear things have been hectic. I hope you are feeling better. :hug


Joanne, :cheer for working from home! As for the pasta- the package directions say to cook it for 7-10 minutes, but check it after about 5. I let mine go for about 9 minutes and it was chewy but gummed up a bit after I added the sauce. :think The texture is slightly lighter than regular white pasta, so your dh may not even know. :wink


Beth, I have to tell you- after we had dinner last night (it was the brown rice pasta,) Mia asked for more and said it didn't even make her tummy hurt! :manyheart I spoke with the dr. on the phone and she wants me to keep a food journal of everything she eats, with any after-effects, until her 4-year check-up at the end of the month.


Okie dokie, gotta run. I will be back tonight! (And Leanne, I am hoping to be at chat tomorrow night. Dh is sick and doesn't want to do anything this weekend, so I should be around.)

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It's so quiet tonight!


We had leftovers for dinner (except dh, who just had soup.) I made a batch of blueberry muffins, and have a batch of egg-less brownies in the oven right now. :drool I feel like baking tonight but ran out of eggs. :lol


I don't think I'm going to make my sock charity goal- I've barely started the first pair. :blush Maybe I should work on something that doesn't require so much detail? :think

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LeaAnne, love the new avatar. Think Spring!!! I'm glad you're back. Hope you feel better real soon.


Colleen, I read your post "ham and blueberry pie" like it was one thing. I had to re-read that one. What you are making sounds VERY good!!! We did fast food for dinner. BAD MOM!!!


Scooby, so good to hear from you! I would hate to move, too. This house is going to be wonderful, though. You and your ds will be able to stretch out some roots here!


Vicki, snow in Texas! How often does that happen? We are having snow showers here today, but they aren't sticking.


Shannon, Whatcha up to? How's our Jannaness? When do you go back to the chiro? Sounds like you found a good one.


Mary, I'm thinking about you. I hope you are having a truly wonderful time with your dd and grandchildren. I hope your back is OK after that fall.


Stacy, every time I read your posts (and Joanne's lately) I think that I need to get back to Trader Joe's. I love that they have a 7 page double column list of gluten free foods! I think I need to try that dark coffee.


Sarah, Your family is on my mind. I hope you and your df and ds are taking some time for YOU! It sounds like your little one is quite the trooper, and quite the sensitive, caring child.


I feel that I'm missing someone, and I don't know who:think So I'm going to throw out some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor anyone who needs them (or wants them.)


Today I cleaned out the cat boxes, got my son to clean the rabbit cage. the kids did the laundry, and I folded it. We had our normal school routine. I worked on the poncho I've been making since Christmas, off and on. I bought a new comforter and sheet set. I took the kids to the dermatologist. We went out for fast food when it was over to celebrate that all their moles are OK.


This weekend, I am puppy-sitting my "niece" Allie. She's a golden retriever puppy that loves to chew on people. I only have her for a day and a half.


He's sure not being that tonight... we're watching a friend's son who's the same age as Keith but Keith is being a bit of a bully (which I kinda understand since his cousins constantly bully him, but we're trying to teach him not to do it to others). Friend is moving so asked if we'd watch her son while her and her husband loaded the truck... and having moved while dealing w/ Keith I said yes cause I understand how hard it is (and we didn't have someone to watch Keith as I didn't know her yet, so I understand how hard it can be)


hope the puppy doesn't chew too much =0)

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Good morning and Happy Friday! Snowy day here- I'm so ready for spring!!! It's supposed to continue throughout the day. While yesterday's snow was heavy and wet, it now seems to be light and fluffy- the wind really kicked up last night and there are drifts everywhere!


Hoping this will be another work from home day. DH, on the other hand, has to go into work- it's his last day- and then starts the new job on Monday!


Just wanted to stop by and say hi ---gotta grab another cup of Joe's Dark and then go outside and help DH clear the driveway!

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