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:hi all!

Whew, I am almost finished with everything! Got some clothes packed before I took Mia to school. After dropping her off, we ran to Target (I realized last night that I had forgotten 2 Christmas gifts! :eek) Then to Trader Joe's. Went to pick up Mia, then Isabella, and now we are home. I need to finish packing (only dh's and mine left) then wrap the gifts. I am :xfin to go get my mani/pedi tonight after dh comes home.


Joanne, thanks for letting me know about the little girl. :manyheart I'm glad that she was home in time for her birthday. Have fun at Trader Joe's! I have a couple things to add to your list- cucumber wontons (in the frozen section,) fat-free black bean dip (it's awesome with their organic corn chips, but we used it for nachos the other night and it was :drool) chocolate-covered peanut butter pretzels (also :drool but I can only eat a few at a time) Rainbow's End trail mix and Simply the Best trek mix (any of their trail mixes, really!) I just went shopping today, so I had to come up with more things for you! :lol Have fun with your dd! What else do you have planned for the day?


Colleen, I hope your dd feels better after her nap. How is she doing with the puffers?


Shannon, I hope speech went well today. I know you are sad about it, but :clap for Janna-ness that she doesn't need it anymore. She is a smart little cookie. :hug to you both.


Well I better run and get dinner started. Swordfish steaks (:yuck) rice pilaf, and broccoli. I just remembered that I need to clean my car out, too! Yikes!

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:hi again,


Stacy - Happy packing! DD has done well on the puffer. She was to take it for 2 weeks, which is over now so she is off it and she has not been coughing at night :yay I'm sure it won't be the last time we use them, but they definitely work.


Joanne - I hope you figure out your wonky 'ghan. How was the pasta? Sounds like my favourite meal, pasta, salad and garlic bread. Yum yum! Enjoy your day at Trader Joes. Is that a specialty grocery store?


LeaAnne - How was your family day? Enjoy your February vacation. :manyheart Do you have any time off from your job during the vacation?


Shannon - How was your last speech appointment and how was Walmart?


Beth - I hope you are feeling better. :hug


Vicki - How did your day go? :xfin that a drug test is good news.


Mary - I bet you are in heaven with all your chickens and grand-chickens around you. :manyheart


I'm happy to report no more monkeys jumping on the bed and none fell off and broke their heads. :tup DD had a big nap on the couch this afternoon (very unusual for her) and it seems her sore throat is gone but she's got a runny nose now :( There were 4 kids away sick from school yesterday so I guess it is going around. :ohdear DH and I are planning a scrabble game tonight. :clap Wish me luck!

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Hi girls!


I hate Walmart!!:angry Especially when I had NO caffeine in me. Not good. But I'm home now, enjoying my one Coke for the day, and getting ready to treat myself to some coffee ice cream! Mmmmmm!


Colleen- Good luck with your Scrabble game tonight. I hope DD isn't getting sick. Of all the things kids could share in school....


Stacy- You've been busy today! I hope you get your mani/pedi tonight! You deserve it!:yes DD still needs speech, but her therapist got a full time job. We're going to try a place in Shreveport.


Joanne- :yay for getting home early! You needed that, considering the night you had with the smoke alarm. Yeah, my poor DH.:( He did get to go in late on Sunday, since we had gotten a hotel room for Valentine's Day.


Beth- I hope your head is feeling better! Thank you for the felting link. I'd like to try that one day too.


Sarah- Praying for all of you, hun.:hug


Vicki, LeaAnne, Mary- I hope you're having a wonderful day filled with lots of smiles!!:D:D:D

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Colleen- It looks like I picked up a stitch on one side and then it started going only one way and then picked up a stitch on the other side-- I don't know- I guess I got carried away watching the half pipe competition and not paying attention to what I was doing! Glad the monkeys are OK and fingers crossed about DD- of course, school is for sharing fun things like colds- LOL---Stacy can probably explain Trader Joe's better than me- I've never been- but I guess it would be considered a specialty grocery store- and the prices are good from what I've heard.


Shannon- glad you made it through Wally World! And no caffeine b/4 you went? What were you thinking??? LOL


Stacy- WTG on getting so much accomplished and thank your for the list of additional things to spend my $ on! Seriously, much appreciated!!


Well, off to continue the search to see what I'm going to make.


Have a good night everyone!!!!

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Shannon - They sell caffeine at Walmart :rofl I can see how that would be tough, though. :xfin that you find someone in Shreveport for speech therapy.


I know, kids do like to share germs, don't they? Well, she seems to have perked up again. I told her she could stay up a bit later because she had a big nap.


"I didn't nap".


"Yes you did".


"No I didn't"...


"OK, well if you didn't nap then you better get right up there to bed".


"OK I napped...Hey Daddy, Mommy says I had a big nap so I can stay up later". :rofl

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Colleen, sounds like a busy morning with 2 5-y/o's. Enjoy your long, quiet break later. How funny about the teacher! :heehee


Vicki, thanks for the history lesson! We had long breaks in February, also, when I was in school. When Isabella started, I was really surprised when she didn't! LoL That explains why. :xfin that dh hears something. Going for a drug test is a good sign! :yes


Leanne, enjoy your family day. :manyheart


Joanne, sorry about your smoke detector! Funny that it talks, but I think it would freak me out to wake up with something talking! Hope you have an early day so you can come home and rest.


Mary, how exciting that all of your children and grandchildren will be home at once! I'm sure you will be :c9!!


Sarah, you and your family are in my continued thoughts and prayers. Maybe I missed an update, but did the little girl get to come home on her birthday?


Beth, WTG on your felting project. Thanks for the article link. I've done it several times, but it's always nice to read what I'm actually supposed to do. :lol When I tried it, I went up one hook size and used hdc instead of sc or dc. And, I've even accidentally tried it with superwash. :blush It obviously didn't work. :rofl I hope your headache clears up soon. :hug


I emailed the Mommy and Me instructor to let her know we wouldn't be there today. Klaus threw up on my bed last night :yuck so I have to run to the laundromat. Our comforter won't fit in our washer. Also need to go to Trader Joe's, fuel up the car, and pack. I hate feeling rushed, but at the same time, I seem to work best when a deadline is looming! :lol

See ya later, besties! :hug


Yes she did. Her b-day was yesterday and she came home tuesday. We're throwing a b-day party for her on Sunday. She's so overwhelmed right now though it's kinda sad. She's sooo not used to having so many people care for her and be around to help her and she's having some trouble dealing with it. But she's starting to open up. I wish I'd had my camera handy today cause we're painting the rooms her and her brother will be in and she'd come in to watch us and I handed her the paint brush with the trim color and showed her what to paint and let her go at it (the suprise and then huge grin had me almost in tears).


I've been doing updates in the post in the prayers/warm thoughts forum, though there's no real news yet on her mother. They're still trying to determine what all is wrong with her though it's pretty much a given she's paralyzed but now they think there might also be brain damage but they're still trying to determine that, she's also still on life support. So we're just waiting to see what's going on there.


We're also trying to get as much of the painting done and all the flooring done throughout fiance's mom's house by this weekend (CPS is involved due to some stuff that was going on before the accident and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't go into on here) so they've got to get everything done as fast as possible to get the house up to standard (carpeting needed replaced badly and the tile in the kitchen had started coming up so was half tore up). Thank goodness family is coming through and we've been having 4 or 5 helpers every day.


We've been over there every day this week so it's been crazy as we get up, leave then just get home in time to go to bed to get sleep for the next day. It's starting to wear on all of us, but especially Keith. So tomorrow Keith and I will be staying home while fiance goes to his mom's (and I get the chores that have been neglected here done, especially the dishes)

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Good morning!

Sarah- thanks so much for the update. Prayers continuing and seems like the family has been coming together to help. I sure hope that you don't overdo today at home- enjoy some "play" time with Keith- I'm sure all this activity has been overwhelming for him. I wish I lived closer to give you all a hand, but all I can offer is encouragement, support, and cyber hugs!! :hug:hug:hug


Colleen- thanks for the laugh this morning- So how late did DD get to stay up since she decided after all that she did have a big nap?:lol


Stacy- In case I miss you later, have a great weekend! How long of a trip is it to BIL's house? I'll be thinking of you when I am at Trader joe's tomorrow!


Beth- hope that today brings a headache-free, tummy-ache-free day for you!


Vicki- TGIF girlfriend!!! So excited for the weekend- lots on tap for tomorrow- between going with DD to Trader Joe's and then at 4 we have step-GD's birthday party. But Sunday, well, Sunday is going to be my day of rest and crochet time since Monday begins another 12 day week!


LeaAnne- hope you had a great family day yesterday? What's on tap for the DK's last day of 'vacation'?


Mary- I think you said oldest DD comes today- (or was it tomorrow?:think) In any event, I'm sure you are enjoying your time with family! It's wonderful, isnt it?:manyheart


Shannon- Good luck with finding a new Speech therapist for Janna. How far is Shreveport from where you are? Or will the new therapist come to your house also?


Scooby- think of you often and hope all is going well!


Have a great Friday everyone:hug

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good morning everyone,


Joanne, enjoy your weekend. I hope you won't have too many more 12 day weeks in the future. That would be draining. particularly with the long days you work.


Sarah, :hug:hug:hug I'm so happy to hear that family is coming together. You have many prayers going in your direction.


Colleen, you gotta love your dd! that story is priceless. Thanks for the smile last night.


Stacy, I hope you are having a great time.


Shannon, Good luck with the speech therapist. Wish I could recommend my kids' therapist, but it's a bit of a commute for her. She's also moved up the ranks, and is in charge of special education for the city now. But what a NICE lady. They're out there. I hope you find one soon.


LeaAnne, What are the chickens up to this time of year? Your house just sounds like a fun place to be.


Mary, I'm so glad you are getting surrounded by family this weekend. I close my eyes and picture you holding babies... :manyheart Enjoy, sweetie!


Vicki, Happy FRIDAY!!! I hope you have a relaxing weekend. I really don't know how you and Joanne do it -- I respect working moms so much! Make sure you do something JUST FOR YOU this weekend!


Big :hug:hug:hug to everyone, particularly if I forgot to mention you by name. Just cause my brain can't hold on to your name doesn't mean my :heart doesn't know you!


I started sewing the squares together for my SIL's afghan. I really hate sewing, so I need to keep motivating myself. But the squares are large, big stitches, so it's not too bad. I still don't like it, and I have so many ends to work in. :yuck But I finished a row, which is 1/7 of the afghan. My goal is to have the first two rows together by the end of the day.

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Hi Ladies

Iam still around. I can't always get to the computer but Iam thinking about everyone and Iam always sending :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and prayers.

Oldest DD comes today with her 2 kids, Iam soooooo excited.

I hope everyone is having a great day and weekend. I will try and check in tonight or tomorrow.

Love you all Lots


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Morning all! This has to be quick because my first period partner is out today and I need to get a student this morning. But I have to get my morning does of besties!


DD has her DI tournament tomorrow, so I get to sit in a high school ALL DAY. I will bring my :crocheting with me to keep me occupied. Poor hubby will probably be home, but that is okay. He can be my house elf!


I will try to come back on later and respond to everyone later! Have a great day!

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Good morning!


Sarah, thanks for the update. I will be sure to keep reading the prayers/warm wishes section for more info. I'm sure it's a pain to write it twice. Continued prayers that the dr.'s can figure out what is wrong with the mother. Enjoy (as much as you can) your "day off" at home. :hug:hug:hug


Vicki, good luck to dd at the tournament tomorrow! :cheer:cheer


Mary, enjoy your dd and gdk time! :manyheart


Beth, WTG on getting a strip done! :cheer Good luck with getting it finished. You can do it! :cheer


Joanne, have fun at Trader Joe's tomorrow!


Colleen, Trader Joe's is a a specialty grocery store- they carry lots of food for certain dietary needs/restrictions- gluten-free, vegan, low-sodium, Kosher, etc. All of their breads, cookies, pastries, and juices are made with all-natural ingredients. And their prices are excellent, as long as one stays away from the candy section. :devil

Your story about dd was adorable! How late was she allowed to stay up, since she had a "big nap?"


Well besties, I better get this day started. Got everything packed last night, except for toiletries. Just have to pack it into the car, and pick up some stuff from FIL. We are :xfin leaving at noon to beat the traffic. I shudder to think about being stuck in freeway traffic at rush hour. :yuck Joanne, it takes about 4 hours to get there, as long as we have minimal stops. The girls are actually really good about not stopping, because they are eager to see their cousins. :lol

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Stacy - Have fun on your road trip! Enjoy the visit with BIL!


Mary - You must be so excited to have ALL the chickens under the roof! Have fun and enjoy the visit!


LeaAnne - How was family day? Did you do anything fun and exciting?


Sarah - How are you holding up? I am glad you at least have a day to take care of things on your end. You continue to be in my prayers girl! Hang in there!


Shannon - Sorry to hear that Janna had her last session with her speech pathologist. Hopefully the one in Shreveport will pan out and will be good for her. Let us know how it works out!


Joanne - Yay for a weekend off! DO you have any other plans other than going to Trader Joe's with DD this weekend?


Beth - How is your stomach feeling? I hope you are feeling better today. What is on your agenda for the weekend?


I have a bit of a migraine today. I think it is all the stress of the past few months making it way out. It usually happens that way. After a particularly stressful period I get a migraine. I am surprised it is not bigger. I guess the migraine meds the doctor has me on to prevent them is doing its job! YAY ME! I am going to take some exedrine migraine and that should knock this out. I can tell you that hubby is on another interview today for another company and that they plan on sending him for an drug test also. We may be on the tail end of things here! YAY! I can go buy yarn again! I haven't done that in months!


Have a great rest of the day! I will try to be here for chat, but tomorrow will be an early day with tournament.



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Good morning!

Sarah- thanks so much for the update. Prayers continuing and seems like the family has been coming together to help. I sure hope that you don't overdo today at home- enjoy some "play" time with Keith- I'm sure all this activity has been overwhelming for him. I wish I lived closer to give you all a hand, but all I can offer is encouragement, support, and cyber hugs!! :hug:hug:hug


Colleen- thanks for the laugh this morning- So how late did DD get to stay up since she decided after all that she did have a big nap?:lol


Stacy- In case I miss you later, have a great weekend! How long of a trip is it to BIL's house? I'll be thinking of you when I am at Trader joe's tomorrow!


Beth- hope that today brings a headache-free, tummy-ache-free day for you!


Vicki- TGIF girlfriend!!! So excited for the weekend- lots on tap for tomorrow- between going with DD to Trader Joe's and then at 4 we have step-GD's birthday party. But Sunday, well, Sunday is going to be my day of rest and crochet time since Monday begins another 12 day week!


LeaAnne- hope you had a great family day yesterday? What's on tap for the DK's last day of 'vacation'?


Mary- I think you said oldest DD comes today- (or was it tomorrow?:think) In any event, I'm sure you are enjoying your time with family! It's wonderful, isnt it?:manyheart


Shannon- Good luck with finding a new Speech therapist for Janna. How far is Shreveport from where you are? Or will the new therapist come to your house also?


Scooby- think of you often and hope all is going well!


Have a great Friday everyone:hug


Keith actually is the one who's had the least trouble since he has kids to play with. One of his cousins is usually there since his parents are helping plus the 2 kids of the step-sister. Keith is actually the best at behaving around the little girl and being gentle with her (his cousin IS NOT) though her brother does well also but can sometimes be a bit to eager to help her and end up causing more problems for her (which is interesting as Keith is the youngest but he's the one who's understanding best that he needs to be gentle with her because of her injuries)

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Welcome to the weekend!!!! YAY!!!!!

Vicki- We also have my step grandaughter's birthday party tomorrow afternoon at 4- on Staten Island- so tomorrow will be a busy, but fun day- Trader Joe's in the AM with DD and then the party in the PM- which doesn't leave much time for cleaning ...LOL Good luck to DD tomorrow!!! And prayers/fingers crossed for Dh and that you can buy some yarn soon!!


Stacy- you are on your way now- have fun!!!


Mary- Enjoy the family time!! I can tell by your post that you are having fun.


Beth- I will have 12 day weeks every month until this project is done- and already it has been pushed back another month till August....The last weekend of every month we have to work. But, I am lucky to have a job- and at least I like what I'm doing. Good thing that my DD's are all adults now- there is no way I could have kept up this pace when they were younger at home!! WTG on your SIL's ghan!!! You are on fire like Mary with the hook and yarn!


Sarah- that is so sweet that Keith is so good around the little girl! I hope that you were able to decompress some today. Continued prayers and hugs!!!


LeaAnne, Colleen and Shannon- hope you had a fabulous Friday!!!!


Off to get something for dinner- Just got home around 6:30!


Hugs to all! Not sure if I'll be here for chat- I need to do some cleaning tonight since I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow and I want to do NOTHING but watch Olympics and crochet on Sunday to rest up for the long week ahead!!!


Can't wait for the Hockey game on Sunday- USA vs Canada!! Go USA (but I won't be heartbroken if Canada wins, since I really like Martin Brodeur) LOL

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Stacy - I think I missed you but have a great, safe trip! Have fun! A vacation away from the house ;)


Joanne - :yay for the weekend! Enjoy your time with your DD. I'm looking forward to the hockey game too and I'm a big Brodeur fan too. I think if I had to pick a second favourite team I would consider the Devils because of Brodeur. We had a nailbiter last night against Switzerland. Went into OT and then a shoot out and :whew Canada pulled it off. I can't say I'll be as gracious as you about caring who wins when we play the USA. :lol


Vicki - :yay for the weekend for you! I hope your DH had a good interview today and that something happens soon. I hope DD has a great time at her DI tomorrow and that you enjoy your time watching.


Sarah - :hug Thinking about you lots, girl. We'll keep an eye on the prayers/warm wishes section so you don't have to post twice. I hope you and Keith recharged a bit today.


Beth - I hope your square sewing is going quickly and is not too painful. I love making squares but do not like joining, so I can understand your pain. :hug I hope you enjoy your weekend with your big kids. Funny story to share, my nephew is turning 11 soon, so we were telling DD he is going to be a teenager in a couple years. "Are you going to be lazy like [our other cousin]?" she asked him (the other cousin is a teenager and plays Wii from a lying down position on the couch). :rofl That made me laugh. I must say, though, my nephew is a very hard worker and will not be lazy. Names have been left out of this story to protect the innocent LOL


Mary - I hope you are enjoying having all of the family there.


LeaAnne - How was family day?


Shannon, Scooby and all our other friends - :hi, hope you had a great day!


I have been feeling unwell all day. I worked this morning, slept this afternoon and crocheted and read this evening. I'm thinking it might be early to bed tonight, but if I'm still up I'll try to stop by to say hi at chat time.

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Hi Ladies

I had a good start to today but then went to my Mom's for supper and as we were leaving I fell down the stairs. My back and whole body is just aching right now. I still have some pain pills from the last time my back went out so as soon as I got home I took one. Tomorrow Ds is coming for the night. So there is going to be lots of picture taking tomorrow with the big and little kids.

Iam going to watch a movie with my 2 girls tonight. Oh and I have 2 sweaters done just have to add the buttons.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Good morning!

OH, no Mary- Hope your back and body aren't too sore today!!! That must have been scary falling down the stairs! Don't overdue and let your DK's and DGK's wait on you! Enjoy the family time!!


Colleen- Hope you feel well today- and thanks for the laugh with the story about your nephew and what DD said! Her perception of teenagers is priceless! And what's not to like about Brodeur? Perhaps one of the best goalies in hockey history! Yes, you should be a Devils fan- behind your Leafs. DD is a Bruins fan first, Devils fan second! And the game should be a good one tomorrow evening!


Vicki- Good luck to DD today at DI and to lots of fun watching and crocheting!


LeaAnne- missing you the last few days- how's the family time with the chickens? Did they get their school projects done? Sometimes it's harder when they have a week off school but all get projects assigned that need to be done!


Beth, Shannon, Sarah, Stacy, Scooby and everyone- have a great Saturday!!!

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Mary - Sorry to hear about the fall. I hope you are feeling okay today. Take it easy. :hug


Joanne - Enjoy your day :c9


Vicki - :cheer Vicki's DD at DI! Tell her to have fun!


I am feeling much better this morning. It was almost as if I had the nausea that usually comes with a migraine without the headache. I'm feeling better though and we have a quiet day planned. A PJ day. I might go to the store later because there are a couple things on sale that I need. I am cooking chicken for supper. I have some cleaning and laundry to do. Otherwise we'll just watch Olympics and relax and rest. :c9 Have a good one everyone!

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I can finally tell you all because it is more or less official - HUBBY GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!! He was given an offer from the company he wanted on Friday after he got out of the other interview! He starts on either Feb. 28 or March 1, they haven't decided which. He will train for 12 or 16 weeks (I don't remember what they said!) and then he will be given his own store when one comes up! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to go to tournament! Have a great day all!

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:clap:woo:jumpyay:woo congrats to Vicki's DH!!! Vicki- you must be on :c9!!! Enjoy your day!!!! And :cheer to DD!!


Colleen- Enjoy your PJ day- that is the kind of day I have planned for tomorrow. :c9 Glad you are feeling better today!!!


Got the rest of the cleaning done this morning and now off to take a shower and head out to meet DD at the train station by Trader Joe's:clap


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone:hug

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I can finally tell you all because it is more or less official - HUBBY GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!! He was given an offer from the company he wanted on Friday after he got out of the other interview! He starts on either Feb. 28 or March 1, they haven't decided which. He will train for 12 or 16 weeks (I don't remember what they said!) and then he will be given his own store when one comes up! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!


Now I have to go to tournament! Have a great day all!


:clap:yay:jumpyay:woo:dance Yay Vicki and your DH! That is WONDERFUL! I am so happy for you. I know you will enjoy your day today and hopefully you can relax a little bit now. That is wonderful. :day

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Where are the smileys for backflips and cabbage patch when you need them???


I am SO very happy for you and DH. I'm so glad he got the position he really wanted. Hooray!!!


Joanne, enjoy your day. It sounds like heaven.


Mary, I'm so sorry about your back. I hope your children and grandkids are spoiling you, instead of the other way around. I hope you aren't in pain. Gentle hugs your way, dear Friend. And prayers that you feel good enough to enjoy your family while they are there.


Colleen, I'm glad you didn't get the migraine to go with the nausea. I hope you are feeling better today.


Stacy, have a good road trip day.


Shannon, I hope you and Janna have a fun Saturday.


LeaAnne, is today chicken day, I mean family day for you? I hope you have fun.


Scooby, I hope you aren't buried in snow. Sending extra warm thoughts your way.


Sarah, hugs and love going your direction. Do you feel them?


C4J, Tena, Frogger, and all our other cyberfriends, have a great weekend.


There's a swim meet this afternoon/evening, and I'll probably be herding kids that are bored and antsy, and stuck in a small, noisy, cold room (while they are wet) I woke up in a bad mood. This is not going to be fun.


Hope your day is great! :hug

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OMG, Vicki!!! I am sooooooo Psyched for you and your family!!!!



I couldn't wait to say that!


:waving everyone! I need to go catch up with what you've all been up to, and I'll be back to post "proper"


I have missed you all, but have been enjoying my chickens more than I could ever imagine:U I have done nothing I planned to do this week, but what are vacations for, right? :rofl... Let's suffice it to say that school projects assigned over vacations offer lots of "quality bonding" time!:c9


I'll see you in a bit!:hug:D:c9

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:waving, Besties!


Ok...here goes... I really hope I remember everything I want to say:lol


Beth ~ I hope you are feeling better, and that the kids do their best to entertain YOU today... after all, it is so not likeyou to be in a bad mood:(

WTG on your join-ness project with SIL's ghan:clap It seems like you just started it:think I hope today turns out so much better than you hope:hug:hug:hug


Vicki ~ :xfin that DD does well at the meet today! It is so nice to hear the smile in your posts, girl! I couldn't be happier for you:hug:hug...oh, and :yay to new :yarn:yarn in your future, but will you lose your "elf" now?!:rofl


Colleen ~ I loved following the adventures of DD this week:manyheart... she is too funny:lol...oh, and I wanted to tell you that we are also very excited about the hockey game tomorrow! Lil Pete says that he wants Canada to win... because it's "their" Olympics!:wink... that guy is too much:c9


Joanne ~ I hope you got to enjoy Trader Joe's and the birthday party... i am sure that SGD will :manyheart her new blankie! I can't believe it's already the end of another month... where does time go? I will be here, :cheer for you, on your next 12 day week. I think it is so wonderful that you enjoy what you are doing. You have a wonderful outlook on life, and you always inspire me!:hug:hug


Stacy ~ I hope you have an awesome time at BIL's, and that the girls have a blast with all of their cousins:hug:manyheart


Mary ~ How are you feeling today, dear? I hope you're ok:(:( that fall sounded so scary! What time did DS arrive? Enjoy every moment of having all of your chickens, and their chickens peeping around you:U:hug


Sarah ~ :hug:hug:hugYou all continue to be in my prayers. I hope you all remain strong for each other... this sounds like it's going to be a long road. I hope it isn't. I will pray for your collective strength. Never underestimate the power of family. It's so nice to hear that everyone is rallying, and WTG Keith, for being such a caring little guy:manyheart His Momma is training him well:yes


Shannon ~ I hope you had a funtabulous night last night! sorry about speech ending... I am praying that you find someone even more awesome-er for our Janna! so... what are you up to this weekend? Any fun stuff? How are Honey, BigBob and Sis doing? Sorry about DH having to work so many days in a row... I admire you, for being able to do what you do... I think you are one of the most independent friends I have ever met! :nworthy...:hug:hug


Scooby ~ I hope you are well... I pray for you each day, too:hug



Oh! I almost forgot!! Family Day. We ended up doing school projects on Thursday, since DH ended up having to work. so we went yesterday. Bowling! We ended up going to Boston to the place where they filmed the movie "KingPin". It was really cool! The bowling was not candlepin.... It was the regular big-balls. You will be proud to know, Vicki, that I bowled a 128! Isn't that cool? I was very excited, especially since I beat DH:devil


Well... Krissy is wanting a turn on the computer, so I gotta run... I have chores to not avoid anymore anyway:lol


I'll be back later on.... meanwhile, I hope your day is the fun-est-ness!:c9

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