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Good morning to everyone- Happy Hump Day!


Congrats to the Canadian Hockey Team- hey they should win:yes- they have my favorite player- Martin Brodeur of MY NJ Devils Team as their goalie!:clap

Can't wait for the games tonight! Ohno is skating again in speedskating as is Shani Davis and Shawn White is competing in the half pipe snowboarding competition Should be fun to watch!


I frogged the doll blanket and then decided to forgo it. Instead, i started a throw for my godmother's 80th birthday. Her daughters are giving her a party on Long Island on March 6 and DH and I are going. Couldn't think what to get someone who has everything, so decided on a throw--in my favorite mindless 'pattern'- the 'never ending square'! LOL


Oh, well, better get ready for another day (hopefully only 8 hr day) at work!


I'll catch up with you all later! :manyheart

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Happy Wednesday to all! It was a semi good bowling night for me! I bowled a 128, a 164, and a 165. I didn't win any points though. The guy I bowled against had a higher average, but bowled out his a**, so I lost. My handicap should have helped me win, but not against someone who is routinely throwing 7 and 8 strikes in a row!

I missed a chat again! I never seem to be able to catch them! Oh well. I may catch the next one on Friday if my chair doesn't catch me first! DD has her DI tournament on Satruday, so it may be an early Friday night for us. She may go to tae kwon do Friday night since she won't be able to go on Saturday. I need to figure out her schedule. Haven't gotten that far yet!:lol

Hope everone had a great night. I am getting ready for my day. I am tired and ready for a nap! Can I take one in the middle of the day? DO they allow that in middle school?

Have a great day all and talk to you all later!

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Good morning!


I have lots to do today, so I'm just popping by to say hello before the madness begins!


Have a great day, Besties!!:manyheart:ghug

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Morning, all! (It is still morning- I checked! :heehee)


Busy day here already. The younger girls and I made it to 8:30 mass, and I must brag- my kids were SO good! :cheer:cheer I took plenty of Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shop, along with juice and cereal bars. They played with the toys the entire time, and I didn't even have to break out the snacks. (Which I hate doing in church.) :manyheart

Anyway, afterward, we went to Wally World and Joann's. I found the yellow I need, but only in skeins of sport-weight. How many strands do you think I'll have to hold together, to equal the thickness of the Hometown USA? :think


I still need to run to Trader Joe's for car-trip snacks, but I think that can wait until tomorrow. We're going to El Centro for BIL's birthday this weekend, leaving Friday afternoon so I won't be here for chat.


Well, I better run and get some :crocheting in before it's time to pick up Mia. Happy Hump Day! :hug

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Hi Ladies

Everything here is going great. We went shopping yesterday and got some things we needed and went grocery shopping also. It was a long day. Oldest DD and her kids are coming on friday. Iam soooooo excited to have all my kids and grandkids here this weekend.

I hope everyone is having a great day. Oh I have all the peices made for the 3 sweaters and Iam going to start putting them together tonight.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:clap:cheer:cheer:cheer for family time, Mary!!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer:clap

Enjoy every moment of them all... :hug:hug


Stacy - :cheer:cheer:cheer for the girls in church today! I hope the rest of your day is wonderful!


:hi, Colleen, Joanne, Vicki, Shannon, Beth, C4J, Scooby, Sarah, Chaya, Tena, Frogger, and anybody I am forgetting:blush


I am slammed here, trying to put my house back together before DH gets home from his trip tonight, so I can't stay...


tomorrow we are having "family day":cheer so I want everything done tonight.


I am thinking of you, and love you all:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

I'll be back when I can, ok?

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Hi all!


Crazy day, and not much accomplished.:( Oh, well. There's always tomorrow.


Stacy- :yay:yay for well-behaved girls! That is so exciting! I'm proud of them too. :hugs to them!


Mary- I am so excited for you and your family!! :yay for everybody being together! Please share pics when you finish those sweaters!


LeaAnne- Don't work too hard. Sounds like you've been busy! Enjoy family day tomorrow.:manyheart


Everyone- Lots of :hugs and :manyheart to you all! I am truly blessed to be in this group and have the bestestness besties ever!!

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LONG week for me. I worked 3 whole days in a row! (Joanne, :nworthy to you!) I'm beat. My middle child is at lifeguard training. I came home to blissful quiet. The other two must have bullied dh into taking them shopping. I'll bet you could smell the smoke from their money burning holes in their pockets!


I'm plugging away on the Christmas afghans. I made an experimental hat out of wool and felted it. It's still too big. Can you re-shrink things? I love the change in texture, though. The yarn was quite rough, but it's so soft and fuzzy now.


Stacy, HOORAY for children being good in church!!!


LeaAnne, good luck getting your house hubby ready.


Shannon, we :heart you!


Colleen, I hope you are enjoying the Olympics. And your volunteer job.


Mary, :heart family!!! I'm so glad you get to spend a weekend with everyone. Enjoy!


Joanne, Vicki, Scooby, Tena, Sarah, Frogger, C4J and everyone else, :hug

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Mary, like I said, it was just an experiment. I read an article that told me to use a hook 2 sizes bigger, then wash the finished article in hot water, cold rinse, in my washing machine. I tossed it in the dryer when I was done. Not hard.


I'll try to find the article that told me what to do, and send you a link. :hug

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Hi everyone!

Not a bad day today- I was home by 5- so it was good. Then I was watching curling- pretty interesting- I'd never really paid much attention to it. Unfortunately the US lost in the extra round they had to play since they were tied. DH was the one who put it on TV- and I asked- since when are you into curling? He says he always has liked it. Oh, well, news to me:lol


Beth- Have you been working at the ballet studio? Trust me, no need to bow down to me- after so many years of working, I am used to long hours (well, maybe not 12 day weeks, but at least 40 hrs a week:lol. I would so love to be able to work part time- it would be the perfect balance- but that is not in the cards for now- maybe in a few years?:devil


Stacy- Nice that the girls were behaved in church- :clap it is always a challenge with 3 young ones! Have fun on your trip this weekend for BIL's birthday (did you make him a flannelghan?)


LeaAnne- :clap for Family Day tomorrow- enjoy- hope you got everything all tidied up b/4 DH came home from his trip. (and why is that us women feel the house has to be tidy for the man? Do the men worry if we are out and the house is tidy for us? :lol


Mary- I can't wait to see the sweaters. I'm sure you are on :c9 with the youngest DD and GD and with the rest of the family coming this weekend. Enjoy your family time it always seems to go by so fast!


Sarah- keeping you and your family in my prayers Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug for you!


Vicki- I think your bowling scores were pretty darn good. i don't get the losing a point because the other guy did better thing, but as long as you do, that's all that counts.:lol Did DH hear anything?


Colleen- hope you had a nice day- how was work today? Have you decided what kind of yarn you want to buy with your hard earned $? :lol


Well, I'm going to finish watching the Olympics and do some crocheting! Have a wonderful night everyone!:manyheart

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Oh Beth- felting is on my list of things to try this year. I was thinking of doing a bag from the Chicks with Sticks book I got from Christmas. I got a bunch of Paton's yarn on sale a few months ago- some if on clearance for 1.99 so I thought that would be worth it to try felting (if it messed up, not too much$ down the drain, so to speak:lol)


As far as your ghan you are making for SIL, the squares are beautiful:yes. I think I would join with the lace and do a final border around the ghan with the claret. Don't you just love the claret and lace? I love how it goes with the blue you are using!

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:hi everyone! I am so tired! I didn't work today, Joanne. Well, not for money. I worked at the school doing pancakes for the kids who didn't have school yesterday. I was back to the school later for parent observation, went grocery shopping, back to the school again to pick up DD, and went to MIL's for potato pancakes. Tomorrow I have DD's little friend for the morning, swimming lessons, and then a meeting at the school about my volunteer job. What a week!


Joanne - Glad to hear you enjoyed the curling. I grew up waiting for my parents at the curling rink. I'm sure they will tell you they spent their adulthood waiting for their kids at the skating rink/gymnastics club/school, etc., etc. :lol I probably won't spend my yarn money until I've used up some of what I have. Too guilty :blush Unfortunately I don't crochet as fast as you do! But when I do spend it it will likely be ww yarn from Mary's store for a flannelghan. Haven't decided on colours yet.


Beth - WTG trying the felting. I've never heard to use a bigger hook. :think Makes sense.


Vicki - WTG at those bowling scores!


LeaAnne - Enjoy Family Day. Are the kids out of school tomorrow? I hope you got the house ship-shape for DH's return.


Shannon - Sorry you didn't get much done. :hug for crazy days (I know all about them this week!).


Stacy - :yay for good girls at church!


Mary - Enjoy having all your chickens around you :manyheart Can't wait to see those sweaters (especially with the cute little ones inside of them).


Sarah - :hug Thinking about you.

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:waving, friends!


I thought it was just me having a wild and crazy day, but I wasn't alone! Seems as though amany of us were in the same boat!


Beth - Way coolness that you got to try felting! I think I read that you can re-shrink... you'll have to let us know if it works out. It was nice to "see" you today... I really have been missin ya!


Colleen - congrats on surviving "pancake day"!:hug:hug I am tired just reading about your busy adventures! Wow! you sure do get lots done! :nworthy

and :yes, my chickens are off of school all week, for February vacation.

I was glad to see that Canada won another cold last night! I immediately thought of you and Mary:D


:hi, Mary! :hug Love ya!:D


Shannon - It looks like you had the same kind of day as me... "wild and crazy"! I hope you get a good night's sleep! Hey, did you get to Walmart today? Or was that tomorrow? My days are getting all mixed up!:blush


Vicki - any news? I am thinking of you!


Joanne - :jumpyay for a quick workday! Your idea of a 'ghan for your godmother sounds perfect! She will Love it, I am sure!


Sarah - prayers for you, DF, Keith, and DF's family:hug:hug:hug


Stacy - I hope the rest of your day went well:U


Scooby - :hugmiss you, girl!


:hug to you all, my besties! I, too, feel blessed to have friends as wonderful as you:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart


DH is on his way home from Fairport, NY. He drove there yesterday with his boss for some big meeting. They worked all day today, and then hit the highway at about 5:30. It was snowing there. He said he hopes to be home before 1am. Honestly, if his boss wasn't with him, he would have probably stayed over and drove in the morning.


Well, I am done... including finishing catching up my laundry.:yawn:yawn

I am taping American Idol to watch with the kids in the morning. It's just me and lil Pete awake, watchin the Olympics!:wink


Nitey nite all! Have sweet dreams!


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Wild and crazy days all around! :clap


LeaAnne - Wow! Can I have a February vacation? I've never heard of that before. Nice! We get a March Break in a few weeks. Enjoy your family day and I hope DH gets home in good time. Shoot darn I didn't realize American Idol was on again tonight. Oh well, too late now. :lol

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Quick good morning to everyone!! Running late here - the carbon monoxide/smoke detector decided to tell us "low battery" last night at around 1:30 AM! It just kept "talking and saying your batter is low, your battery is low" Changed the battery and then the alarm went off and we couldn't turn it off. Guess it's time for a new one....but it really ruined by sleep last night!


I'd better get hopping! Cya on the flip side.:manyheart

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Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday to all my besties! Everyone is asking is we have had any news yet, and the answer is no, but, there is still very good prospects, so keep those fingers crossed and those prayers coming! Hubby was sent for a drug test and now we are just waiting!


Colleen - Lots of the schools in the northeast have a winter break in February. Small history lesson here. It was originally done way back when to save on heating bills for the schools. Now it is just ingrained that they get that week off. Sorry. For a minute there I sounded like a teacher!


Joanne - Hope you have a great day at work! Is this another marathon week for you? Hopefully not!


Beth - Did you decide what to do with the squares?


Sarah - You and your family remain in my prayers girl. Hang in there. All will be well.


Shannon - Hope you have a less crazy day today!


Stacy - Yay for good girls! Hope they have a great day today!


LeaAnne - What is on your plans for family day? Where are you all going? I hope you have a great day!


Mary - Can't wait to see the sweaters with the little ones! Have a great family visit!


I need to get running! The bell is getting ready to ring and I need to get upstairs! Have a great day all and talk to you all later!

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Went to bed with a tummy ache, woke up with a headache. So this is going to be short.


I love you all, and send :hug :hug :hug your way.


Vicki, I decided to join with the lace, since it's not for me. If I make one for me later, and I might, I will join the squares by crocheting them together with claret. I don't like neutral colors that much, and don't like a lot of them together.


I found the article about felting and e-mailed it to Mary. I will try to find the link for it, and post it for everyone. It taught me a lot.



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Vicki - Thank you for the history lesson. That's interesting. I love that kind of thing! And who better than a teacher to give it to me :D I had a laugh the other day at work, I wrote a patient's appointment for her on her appointment card, she looked at it and said "very nice printing". I said, "Are you a teacher?" She said "Yes". :lol


Well, I have 2 little 5 year old tearing around the house here. We are off to swimming shortly. I am looking forward to about 2:00 when DD will be having a nice long quiet time and so will I. :yes


Gotta go, I've got a monkey jumping on the bed and that is a no-no in this house!

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Good morning friends!


Another busy day today! DD's last speech session:(, then (finally!) Walmart, then back home to get the house in some kind of order.


Vicki- Thanks so much for the history lesson. I was wondering about that. I'm still praying for you and hubby!


Joanne- Don't you hate it when that happens?!?!! And it always happens at night. Ours was next to DH's side of the bed under some things (don't ask me why:shrug), and it started going off. He was right there and slept through the whole thing. I had to turn all the lights on so I could find it, while he slept there like a baby!:lol Have a good day at work.


Colleen- Monkeys aren't allowed to jump on beds here either. Did you call the doctor? Did he say no more monkeys jumpin' on the bed?


LeaAnne- Have a great family day!! I can't wait for one of those, but DH has to work this weekend too. Yep, every day since January 4.:angry:(:angry


Sarah- How is everyone feeling today? :hugs and prayers to all of you! We're here when you need us.


Stacy, Mary, Beth- I hope you have a magnificent day!! Speaking of which, time to get my badorkas in gear!

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Colleen, sounds like a busy morning with 2 5-y/o's. Enjoy your long, quiet break later. How funny about the teacher! :heehee


Vicki, thanks for the history lesson! We had long breaks in February, also, when I was in school. When Isabella started, I was really surprised when she didn't! LoL That explains why. :xfin that dh hears something. Going for a drug test is a good sign! :yes


Leanne, enjoy your family day. :manyheart


Joanne, sorry about your smoke detector! Funny that it talks, but I think it would freak me out to wake up with something talking! Hope you have an early day so you can come home and rest.


Mary, how exciting that all of your children and grandchildren will be home at once! I'm sure you will be :c9!!


Sarah, you and your family are in my continued thoughts and prayers. Maybe I missed an update, but did the little girl get to come home on her birthday?


Beth, WTG on your felting project. Thanks for the article link. I've done it several times, but it's always nice to read what I'm actually supposed to do. :lol When I tried it, I went up one hook size and used hdc instead of sc or dc. And, I've even accidentally tried it with superwash. :blush It obviously didn't work. :rofl I hope your headache clears up soon. :hug


I emailed the Mommy and Me instructor to let her know we wouldn't be there today. Klaus threw up on my bed last night :yuck so I have to run to the laundromat. Our comforter won't fit in our washer. Also need to go to Trader Joe's, fuel up the car, and pack. I hate feeling rushed, but at the same time, I seem to work best when a deadline is looming! :lol

See ya later, besties! :hug

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:hi everyone! I am happy to be nearing the end of this busy week! Swimming done, taking care of the friend done, meeting at the school done (I start with the student on Monday), 4th load of laundry underway, dishwasher ran and unloaded, chili all done in the slowcooker, cornbread muffins in the oven. I just need to clean some cold veggies and supper is ready. I also have a little girl asleep on the couch with a sore throat :(:xfin that she's better when she wakes up.


I hope you all had a great day. I won't write to each of you now. Just know that I say :hi and I'm thinking about you all! :hug

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Hi everyone!

So happy that I got out of work at 4 today-:clap I was home by 4:40 and the sun was still out!! How nice!:c9 DH isn't home yet, so it is nice and quiet. I started the laundry and put the water on for pasta. Quick dinner of pasta, salad and garlic bread tonight.


Colleen- Too funny about the monkey's on the bed:lol-Monkeys were not allowed on my beds either- and Shannon- I loved that line about did you call the Doctor about the monkeys jumping on the bed- brought back memories!


Stacy- Ick- Klaus throwing up on the bed- hope you were able to get to the laundromat and Trader Joe's and get your packing done. DD and I are meeting in the town where Trader Joe's is at 10 on Sat- I can't wait! She can take the train from where she lives to the Trader Joe's town- perfectness!!! I can't wait to go- and my list of your recommendations is on my blackberry!


Vicki Fingers/toes crossed, prayers being said- going for a drug test is a very good sign!!:yes And as soon as you presented your history lesson of the day, I remembered that fact being told to me many moons ago -:)


LeaAnne- I hope you are enjoying Family Day- can't wait to hear what you all did today!


Beth- I hope that your headache went away! That stinks going to bed with a tummy ache, waking up with a headache! Thank you too for the article on felting. I think that will be my next project- and I think I'm starting over with the afghan for my godmother- for some reason, it is wonky looking- I must have been tired when I started it- seems to be a pattern here- last two things I've started, the doll blanket for SGD and now this one coming out wonky. I kept thinking this would work itself out last night, but when I looked at it tonight I decided it isn't and it will bug me the whole time I'm making it and it won't be fun- so time to start over


Mary- hope you are having lots of fun! How are the sweaters coming along?


Shannon Sad about last speech lesson today- I know you and DD will miss her-but everything happens for a reason! I can't believe your DH has worked every day since Jan 4-:eek I thought I had it bad! This week is a regular week for me with the weekend off, but next Monday begins another 12 day week since I'm working next weekend!


Sarah- thinking of you and praying for you, DF and family every day!!!:hug


Oh, Stacy- yes, the girl did come home-the day b/4 her birthday!


Ok everyone, DH is home- and the water is ready to boil so I'm going to skedddle- have a great night:manyheart

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