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OK Vicki,


This is my first attempt to write a pattern, so bear with me.


The body of the tote will be very tight stitching, to make it extremely durable. I used two strands of ww yarn and an "H" hook.


Form the bottom, approximately 10 x 17 inches

Row 1:ch 61. skip the first ch. Sc in each chain - 60 sc.

Rows 2 through 50: ch 1, turn. SC in each sc, DO NOT FASTEN OFF.


Form the sides: sc in each sc across. Turn the bag 90 degrees when you reach the corner. SC in the ends of the each row. Turn the bag 90 degrees when you reach the corner. SC in the unused side of the beginning chain. Turn the bag 90 degrees when you reach the corner. SC in the ends of each row. (Stitch count should be 220, technically.) Turn the bag 90 degrees. Do not join -- just sc on top of the first row of sc, so your bag is worked in a spiral. Continue sc in each sc until bag measures desired height. I used 54 rows in mine. Finish off.


Make the straps: Make two. For each strap,(row 1) chain 93. sc in second chain from hook, and in each remaining chain. ch 1, turn. ( row 2 through 4) sc in each sc. finish off. Sew both ends of one strap to one side of the tote, approximately 8 inches apart. Sew the other strap to the other side.


Make the pockets: I only used one strand of yarn for the pockets.


BIG pocket: ch 60. DC in 3rd ch from hook and each ch across. Ch 3, (counts as first dc) turn. DC in each dc across. I made my pocket 23 rows, and finished with a row of sc. I left a long tail so I could sew into place down one side, across the bottom, and up the other side.


Small pockets: ch 28. DC in 3rd ch from hook and across. Ch 3 (counts as first dc) turn. I made these 9 rows high. Sew into place.


Small pocket flaps: Ch 28. DC in 3rd ch from hook and across. Ch 3 (counts as first dc) turn. DC in each DC across. Make 3 rows of dc. Then ch 1, turn. sc decrease over first 2 dc. sc in next 9 dc. ch 3. Skip next 3 dc. sc in next 9 dc. sc decrease over last 2 dc. ch 1, turn.

sc decrease over first 2 sc. sc in next 8 sc. 3sc in ch 3 space. sc in next 8 sc. sc decrease over last 2 sc. fasten off.


Sew pocket flaps over pockets. Add buttons to the pockets under the button holes.


Voila! One beautiful bag. Let me know if you have any confusion.



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:waving, friends!


Sarah - :hug:hug and prayers for health, stamina and strength. I hope everyone is ok, and that the little girl gets out of the hospital for her birthday. I am also :xfin that the insurance situation works out for the best.


Beth - :cheer:cheer thank you for sharing your very first pattern with us!!!! That was so very nice of you:hug


Mary - I didn't get as much :yarn as I had wanted, but got enough to keep me going... some lime green RHSS to go with the plum I have. My yarn allowance got re-directed for some school projects that we didn't have supplies for (we have 5 due right after vacation) It's ok...I didn't know where I was going to put it anyway:shrug:lol ... I guess I'll be saving up and waiting for the next sale... by then, I won't have any stash left!:devil


Joanne - :clap sounds like you scored BIG at the sale! I am so excited for you!!! I hope work was easy and quick for you today:hug


Shannon - sounds like you and DH had a wonderful time! I am so happy for you both! :xfin that you get everything stitched that you want before Wednesday! I will be joining you in your charity pledge... but can only promise 50% of my :crocheting time. I have some gifts that need to be finished during Lent... but at least I am trying, right?


:waving, to the rest of our gang... I hope this post finds you well, warm and happy.

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:hi everyone!


A belated Happy Valentines Day! Happy President's Day to my American friends and Happy Family Day to Mary (:lol we don't really say that, this was a recently made-up holiday by the Ontario gov't because it is tough to go from New Years Day till Good friday without a holiday in a dark, snowridden land :rofl) We'll take it!! :yay I worked out awesome this year with it falling on Valentine's Day, the opening of the Olympics, and Chinese New Year was this weekend (that is a big deal here for many).


We had a good weekend. DH enjoyed lots of snowmobiling, DD enjoyed lots of time with her cousins, and we all enjoyed the town's little winter festival. My DH and I have been joking that we went to a quaint little town, rested beside a wood-burning stove, had a horse-drawn sled ride (which we did with DD, lots of fun!)...like as if it was for Valentine's Day :rofl So funny! The only part that I didn't like was that my MIL's house only gets 3 TV channels and the Olympics were not on any of them :angry So, I missed the opening ceremonies. Luckily the men's hockey hasn't started yet. That's going to be the best part!


I missed you guys. I haven't totally caught up. I know Sarah needs our prayers but I don't know the whole story yet. :hug Sarah.


I hope you all had a great weekend!

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OK, I didn't get through everything and I'm sorry if I missed anything important, but here goes:


LeaAnne - Your vacation sounds perfectness! I loved hearing that you and DH are slowing down. :c9 And dinner with your cousin sounds great! Hooray for you!


Shannon - I'm glad to hear that you and your DH enjoyed a Valentine's night out. That would have been a fun concert. Too bad about the lady :( I LOVED :manyheart your pics of the snow family. How fun! That was so cute!!! I liked the beer can best of all :wink The pic of it all melted the next day was so funny. :lol


Joanne - I hope you are enjoying the olympic coverage and a weekend off. I'm glad to hear your DH enjoys his ghan so much that he supported you buying the yarn for 4 more :faint


Beth - Your reindeer tote is cute and is that the pattern for your DS's tote? I hope you got over your needing coffee. And a danish sounds like a definite need on a weekend morning that I can relate to.


Mary - WTG with all that decluttering/spring cleaning. I don't have that bug. Good luck with the sweaters for the grandkids. Will you share pics?


Stacy - Hope the dinner with your friend was good. Too bad that roomie locked herself in her room at clean up time. I gather it was the terror that rain away. Thank God she's safe. Hugs to your girls for being themselves and :xfin that they will be best friends like LeaAnne's chickens.


Sarah - Make sure you get lots of rest and take care of yourself.


Vicki - I hope you had a great weekend and enjoy your laundry fairy.


:hi to all our other besties! Gotta go bath my little chicken. I am working for $ at the clinic tomorrow :eek and will be working a few hours a week there while DD is in school for a few weeks. Busy busy!

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Hi Ladies

Iam now awake from a very early morning. I think it will be an early bedtime tonight also. Youngest DD called at 4am and said her flight got mixed up. She ended up paying an extra $75 and was an hour early. After I got everything straight with her DH and I left for the airport. She only had to wait a half hour for us. That wasn't too bad considering she wasn't suppose to land until an hour later. We got home and the first thing we did was all go back to bed. When the baby got up from her nap so did we. All is well here now.

Welcome home Colleen. Iam glad you had a nice fun filled time.

Sarah Iam still sending prayers for you and your family.

LeaAnne In our house it was the same way. If the kids needed something they always got it first. I think that is just being a MOM.

Joanne I hope you had a good day at work.

Stacy and Shannon Iam going to try and join you with the charity for Lent.

Vicki I hope your day went well and I do remember to say a little prayer for you also.

Beth WTG on writing your first pattern.

Scooby I sure do miss you.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi all,

I wanted to post the pic of the throw I made for step grandaughter- last night's picture will have to do since it was dark when I got home tonight. I also am attaching a picture of my tree with the broken branch. The "tree man" came today and removed it for us. We're supposed to get more snow tonight- 3-6 inches.


I'm going to go back and read what happened today.



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Welcome home Colleen ---What? Only 3 channels and none of them had Olympics-:eek in Canada- the host country?:think Glad you had a fun time and the horse drawn sled ride sounds like a lot of fun. Nice that you'll get to work a few hrs and make some $! Pace yourself!


LeaAnne- I remember those days of buying for kids ahead of me. The lime green and purple sounds awesome together! Yes, I think I overdid it with the Pounders, but I really liked the feel of crocheting with them- and it was such a good buy- NO MORE YARN for me for quite a while!!!


Shannon- Do you have any idea of what charity projects you are going to work on? I 'm going to make a scarf for the Special Olympics- The colors are RHSS Cherry Red and Heather Gray. I'm just going to do a simple sc/dc alternating colors every 8 rows or so, I think


Beth- Thanks for the pattern! I'm adding this to my ever growing list of projects!


Mary- Glad that your DD and GD arrived safe and sound (if early:lol) Enjoy your time with them and glad you got to go back to sleep


I had a good day- the commute to work was great- I think everyone but me was off today:lol. I went to the Gap today after work to get a new pair of jeans, which I had desperately needed- They had 40% off everything today for President's Day- I like the way that their jeans fit- and was so happy that a co-worker told me about the sale!


Vicki- hope you had a nice day off. Did you get some :crocheting done?


Stacy- hope your day was a good one and "terror free":lol


I had some yarn left over, so I think I'll make a small blanket for SGD's doll to go with hers.


Enjoy the evening everyone!

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:manyheartHi Joanne! So funny, I only wear Gap pants too! They fit so nice.


I'm so glad some of you are joining me on the Lent CAL!! Thank you so much! I wonder if I should start a thread for it?:think Just think of all the people we are going to help!:yay


Okay, gotta go get the pizza in the oven. Talk to you later!

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HI guys! I had a professional development day today so no kids in the building today. I wasn't even in my building. I had to go to another building to hear a speaker. He was at least a very engaging speaker and was good to listen to. We got to have a nice long lunch and we got out early. That was nice.

We may have some good news on the job front. I will have to keep you posted on that. I hope to hear something positive tomorrow!

Beth - Thanks for posting the pattern! I need to print it out so I can try it! If I get confused I will let you know but is seems pretty straight forward!

Joanne - No crochet time yet today. Hopefully I can have some once I get off the computer.

Shannon - Is it cold by you? We are very cold here, especially at night.

Sarah - How are you holding up? Take care of yourself and we are here for you.

Colleen - Glad you had a great weekend. 3 tv channels? That's it? Glad you had fun anyway.

Mary - Enjoy the time with your DD and Gk. I know you will!

Stacy - How was your day? I hope you had a good one!

LeaAnne - Yes, kids always get stuff before we do. It's just what moms do! We were talking about that today during the staff development. We were saying how we do things because it is what out kids need and that becomes the most important thing. Other things are less important. It just happens that way.

I hope everyone has a great night. I need to go take my clothes out for the morning and then I can relax for the night. I want to crochet and get comfortable. Talk to you all later!

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Joanne - Your throw turned out so nicely! What little girl wouldn't love those colours?! You are a crocheting machine lately!! Watch out Mary, here comes Joanne!


Shannon - Hope the pizza was good.


Vicki - I'm glad you had a good development day. My fingers are crossed for good news tomorrow :xfin


I know, 3 channels. It reminded me of my childhood. We used to get 2 Toronto channels and Buffalo. Buffalo often came in fuzzy, which we always called "snowstorm in Buffalo" :rofl That's a great memory. This is my MIL's second home and she's not there very much, so she doesn't bother paying for cable or satellite and it is kind of remote up there.

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Joanne- Your step-gd's throw is beautiful! She's going to love it. And what a good idea to make one for her doll!


Colleen- Glad you're back and had fun! A horse-drawn sled ride sounds heavenly!:c9 Bummer about no Olympics though.


Vicki- It's very cold here, but sunny during the day. That's great that the speaker held your attention. That makes a big difference! I'm praying for good news tomorrow!!


Mary- :yay that DD and GD got there okay! I know you are so happy to have them there. Tell them hello for me!


LeaAnne- How are your chickens doing? Are you back to your routine? It always takes me a while after a trip.


Stacy- Missed you around here yesterday. Hope all is well!


Beth- How are you doing? I hope your day wasn't too busy. Thank you so much for sharing your tote pattern! That was very sweet!


Sarah-:hug I pray that you are getting some rest. How is everyone doing today?


Scooby- Miss you friend! I hope you can come visit soon!


I think Joanne asked me what I'll be working on during Lent. I have a RR I need to finish and send. I also would like to do some hats for brain surgery patients, and I have at least one prayer shawl I need to make. The prayer shawl is for someone I know, but it's still something I've been putting off for a while. So I think it goes along with what I'm doing. Just one more day to go!


Since it's past midnight, HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!

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As Shannon posted- HAPPY MARDI GRAS ! Today is FAT TUESDAY As if New Orleans has stopped partying since the Saints won the Super Bowl!:lol


Woke up to a dusting of snow today :whew Didn't want to have to shovel out again! I started the doll blanket last night- and for some reason it is curling- I must have picked up a stitch or two or three :lol I'll be :frog it tonight- luckily I only did 6 rows - silly me kept thinking it would work itself out:lol


Tomorrow begins Lent so I'll start the Special Olympic scarf then. And I'll probably use Lent to work on some more hats for the Boxing Day Hat CAL that I joined- my goal 50 by the end of the year and Ive only done 5!


Vicki- :xfin that today brings some good news.


cya all on the flip side!!!:hug

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I need some advice from people with better taste than I have! I am wondering if the afghan I'm making for my sil would look better with the whipstitch in claret, since there's so much lace (the color of Caron Pounders) around the edges of the square, just to add a pop of color. But it might look bad (see lack of taste above.) Please let me know what you think before I sew together all 10 of the squares that are finished.



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Hi Beth! I think it looks very pretty joined with the claret. Your squares are absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see it finished! Your SIL is lucky!!

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Beth~ I like the claret stitching... like you said, it pops! Your work is so beautiful! your SIL is gonna love it!!!


Vicki~ crossed fingers for good news today... you are due!!! :hug:hug


Colleen~ what are you up to today?


Shannon~ I am still :tired... I dunno... my clock is all messed up. I woke up every morning when I normally do, but stayed up too late... didn't really sleep near enough on the trip.


Joanne~ I adore your throw!!!! Have a great day at work today:hug


Sarah~ :hug:hug:hug and prayers for you and your family (I know they are DF's, but they are yours, too!!!)


Stacy~ Whassup with you and your girlies today?


Scooby~ Missing you, girl!


Mary~ are you and your family all rested up from yesterday's craziness? what are you all up to today?


I am hoping to get some stitchin time in today... we have lots of playdates happening while Daddy is on his business trip.

...gotta go for now...


LOVE YA!:U:flowers

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Hey girls!


Did ya miss me? :devil We have had a busy few days! I told you all about the birthday party on Saturday...Sunday I did a bit of cleaning, then we went to get some stuff for dh's classes, took the girls to play at the indoor playground, and out to dinner. Yesterday the girls had off from school, and I had planned just to hang out here. Until the Terror started with her shenanigans at 9 a.m. :angry The girls and I went to Trader Joe's for picnic stuff, then we went to Travel Town (which is an outdoor train museum) and had a picnic. :manyheart We came home at 3, and dh was home already! Took the girls out to ride their bikes, and came home, had dinner, and watched the Olympics.

Today I plan to drink as much coffee as possible :devil and get some stuff done around here. Dh asked me to make a hat in Steelers colors for his brother's birthday, so I have to go get some yellow. Which reminds me- I tried the Hometown USA and I :manyheart it!! So easy to work with and glides off the hook. I just :xfin that Wally World has the yellow.


Beth...I'm going with a different approach on your squares (which are absolutely gorgeous, btw. :yes) The claret joining is kind of distracting, to me. I think they would be nice joined with the lace, then with a claret border around the blanket after it's finished. :D I'm sure your SIL will love it no matter how you do it, though- your work is beautiful. :manyheart


Vicki, :xfin that you hear good news today!! :hug


Colleen, sounds like you had a nice time away. But really- no Olympics on a Canadian tv? :eek:heehee Just kidding. What are you up to today?


Shannon-ness, happy Mardi Gras! Can someone please pass the paczki? I haven't had a good one since I moved here! How are you celebrating today? Are you giving up anything tomorrow?


Mary, I hope you all slept well last night. Any special plans with the family today?


Scooby- Miss you, girl!! :hug


Joanne, :clap for a dusting of snow. Is your back all recovered from shoveling? Your throw is adorable- I know your SGD will love it.


Leanne....enjoy your stitchin' time. You know....I always thought your name was supposed to be "A stitch in time." Now I see that it could also be "a stitchin' time" which is probably the way you meant it, right? :rofl I am sloooooowwwwww. :wink How long will your dh be away?


I think I have decided on socks for my Lent charity project. L.A. is holding a sock drive for the homeless. If I aim for 2 pair per week, I can have 10 pair done by the end of Lent. :yes I just need to whip out 2 more hats by tonight, then I will be ready to start! :yay

Ok, off to get Eva dressed and finish up some housework. BBL!

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Wow, Stacy- sounds like you have enjoyed some awesome family time!!! I am sooo happy for you! WTG on the "get up and get out" to avoid shenanigans:yes... I am proud of you, taking the high road and all.

Socks sound like a great project for Lent. Have you made them before? What kind of yarn do you use? Socks are another thing that this ole gal has yet to try... sounds like fun!

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YAY! I can FINALLY get on here at work! MY drive with my paper work is back up! I CAN GET MY WORK DONE!!!!!!!


Okay, I've done enough shouting for one day.


Beth - I was able to print the tote pattern out today and as soon as I can I will start the pattern. Now, for your squares. I agree with Stacy. I like the squares joined with the lace and the whole thing joined with the claret. OR, (this was my original thought) border each square with a row of claret. That would give each square the pop of color that you were looking for.


Joanne - Glad you only got a dusting of snow and that you don't have to shovel out again. How is your back feeling?


LeaAnne - Are you well rested from your trip yet? Are you back to baby sitting this week?


Stacy - Glad you were able to escape the terror and had a good day! You put up with WAY too much from her. I hope you can find a good way to make it work through the summer.


Mary - Hope the family visit is going well!


Shannon - It has been sunny here for the last couple of days. Otherwise it has been a very wet and rainy winter. It is supposed to warm up by the end of the week, but is is quite chilly this week!


Good news is still hopefully coming. Don't want to jinx it! Keep the fingers crossed and the prayers coming! I think they are finally working!


Talk to you all later!

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Vicki ~

I am praying... hopefully the good news will come thru today!

I was reading your post, and chuckled out loud about your shout-ness.... My 2 youngers and their friends all just looked at me funny for laughing all by myself.


Oh well:shrug... that's how I roll! :rofl

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LeaAnne - So glad I could give you a chuckle today. What are besties for? I agree with you. I have always wanted to make socks. I actually have a book to do it, but they didn't come out right. I should try them again. They used ww yarn. We should do a sock CAL! What do you think?

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Okay, Beth. So now I agree with Stacy. I think her idea would look great!


Stacy- Sounds like you've had some awesomeness family days!! What is paczki?


I'm supposed to be at Walmart right now, but I don't want to go. I want to take a nap, or crochet, or just about anything else!


Hey, look at the awesome shirts I got for Honey, Sissy, Janna and me!! I got them from twosprouts.com!


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