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My son's tote, with 5 pockets. Don't you LOVE the big one... it'd be perfect for patterns. And the one on the side with the white thing in it -- he holds extra parts for his army in it, but I have the same type of container that holds my hooks and measuring tape and needles and scissors. I could SO use this tote for myself! It would be perfect for afghans!!!




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Wow Beth- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tote!


Working from home was so nice- got a lot accomplished!


DH on the other hand, broke down in Staten Island- the low battery light went on so he went to the mechanic he uses over there and he needs a new alternator- so they are going to replace the alternator and the battery and he gets it back on Saturday. Well, the snow is coming down fast and furious- and luckily someone he works with lives a few towns over, so she gave him a ride home(well to the corner of our block) and he made it home safe and sound.


I was worried cause he wasn't answering his cell phone - he had forgotten to charge it last night and it died--but how was I supposed to know??


I don't think I'm getting out of here anytie soon- I tried to shovel- my back won't let me- my neighbor did the driveway once with his snowblower- which was really nice of him- but it is already as bad as it was b/4 he did it.


Here's a picture of the snow - from my garage door-


Oh, and LeaAnne texted me- she is stuck in Vegas- scheduled to leave tomorrow morning.


I'll try and be back later- gotta go start dinner


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Joanne, your winter wonderland is pretty. I hope you can get around in it OK. I'm so glad you got to work from home today. I'm glad your dh made it home safely, eventually. Poor guy -- what a day he had!


The state police are advising motorists to avoid the interstate between Newport News and Williamsburg here (it's about 15-20 minutes west of where I live) because there are so many crashes. I'm so glad I'm home. Not that it matters: our streets are very clear right here.


Thanks for the compliments on the tote. It was fun to make. My son is happy to have it.

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Ok, the snow is still falling- they are saying until about 9 tonight. My neighbor was very kind and had done my driveway and sidewalks earlier today- looking out now you'd never guess it! And the plows came by again and we have a mountain of snow at the end of the driveway- my back is still achy so I can't do too much. But, mother nature is going to do her thing whether or not I like it:lol


It is very pretty, but the snow is HEAVY- the poor trees- they are covered in the thick white (pretty) snow!! They have closed some roads here too- although I have no plans to venture out!! SIL has to go to work tonight at 10! At least there shouldn't be too many cars on the road when he has to leave for work.


Here comes the plow again- building that mountain at the end of my driveway even higher:eek


Have a good night everyone- I think I'm going to :crocheting for a bit!

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Hi Ladies

We just got a very light dusting of snow. At supper time the sky had turned blue. I guess no snow for us.... Thank God.

Beth I love the tote and yes I thought also it would make a nice crochet carry bag.

Joanne your snow pics are sooooo pretty. Are you going to work tomorrow? or staying home?? Thanks for the up date on LeaAnne.

Colleen have fun at the hockey game tonight.

Stacy and Shannon I love your stories. I sit here and read them and laugh out loud and DH just looks at me funny.

Vicki and Scooby I hope you are have a great day.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hey all!


Joanne, the snow is so pretty. :manyheart I'm glad that your dh made it home safely. Will you be working from home tomorrow, too? Thank you for the update on Leanne. Is she stuck in Vegas because of all the snow back home?


Mary, I'm glad you like the stories. :clap for no more snow up your way.


Shannon. how cute about dd. When Isabella was little, she used to dot her forehead all over with the holy water. :heehee When she finally got it right, I was a little sad that she wasn't dotting herself anymore. Sorry the shirt was a bust. Maybe it will grow on her. Just leave it out where she can see it. LoL I will join you in your charity-making. I have been thinking of it for a couple weeks but I don't know what I will make. Let me think over the weekend and I'll let you know. Do you know what you will make?


Beth, your son's tote is awesome!!! :h5 It would be a very nice :crocheting bag, also. Did you use a pattern or did you make up your own?


Colleen, I hope you all had fun at the hockey game. I'm sure dd will be beside herself when she finds out you are watching her friend. :yes


Ok...I typed this about an hour ago and I swear I posted it, but when I kept checking back from my Ipod, my post never showed up. :think So I went back to my computer and noticed that I never sent it!! :rofl Oh goodness...it must be time for bed. :lol I finished Mia's cookies, now to let them cool as I read a book to the girls, then put the cookies away and go :crocheting in my room. Nighty night, girls! :sleep

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Morning ladies-

Yes, LeaAnne's flight was cancelled cause of the snow in the East!

WE got lots more- and the bottom of the driveway is a mountain lol==my job has delayed opening at 11-hoping to work from home


DH has to get to work- don't know how we are going to get the snow cleared, but we will try- off to go help


cya later

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Joanne, I hope your snow clearing didn't hurt your back.


Stacy, I didn't use a pattern for the tote. I made a sc rectangle for the bottom, then just sc'd around it until it was tall enough, added pockets and straps, and Voila! The post not posting sounds more familiar than I care to admit! I blame it on my sketchy internet, of course, not me!:blush


Mary, I'm glad you didn't get buried in snow. It would be nice to see blue sky for a change. There is this odd glowy thing in the sky today -- I think it's called the sun???


Colleen, It sounds like you are getting to be the go-to volunteer for the school. Is it hard to find other volunteers to help you? Hooray for moms that help! How is your ear?


Shannon, your dd is too sweet. The crocheting for charity for lent sounds like a very clever idea. I hope it goes well for you!


Vicki, I hope your week is going well. It's almost Friday! Is your headache gone?


LeaAnne, I hope your arms don't get tired from flying home to your chickens! Did you miss them? Did you have a great time? You know I'm :hyper for all the details. Gotta live vicariously through my friends that actually get to go places.


Here are some big :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to my besties! Thank you for being here!!!

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Joanne - I hope everyone is safe and sound. Your picture is very beautiful. Enjoy the pretti-ness of the snow from the comfort of your warm home.


Beth - Your tote turned out so nicely! I bet your DS loves it! Lucky guy!!! His little army men are lucky too ;) I'm just the go-to volunteer for the Kindegarten classes right now. I can handle that. It is hard to find volunteers because most families have 2 working parents. But, I got my volunteers lined up so all is well. Still soda free? Is it getting easier?


LeaAnne - Snowed in in Vegas :think .... :rofl That's kinda funny! I hope you had a wonderful trip and have a wonderful reunion with your chickens. Can't wait to hear all about it!


Stacy - I hope the Valentines party at Mia's school is fun today!


The hockey game was good. Our team won and DD had a great time. The only problem was I got a horrible headache yesterday early evening and it stayed with me all night. A hockey game with a headache is not fun. Hockey games are noisy! I'm a bit fuzzy today but otherwise feeling alright. DD's playing with her little friend now and I've got the laundry started. Just have to get us organized for swimming and get organized for our weekend. Looks like the weather will hold out and that we will be going so I've got to get packed! Then I'm going to relax the entire weekend. :c9

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heeheeheehee! I'm giddy because it's snowing here. No accumulation, and I have to squint a little to see it, but it's snow just the same.


I need to finish tidying up the house. The Orkin man is coming today, but I don't know what time. Then I'll come back and talk to you all! :manyheart

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Good morning to my besties! Yes, it is still officially morning here so I can say that to you all! I can finally log on and say hi to you all! The network at work has been down since yesterday afternoon and I have not been able to come and say Hi! I was too tired after tkd to jump on and I thought I would be able to this morning. Oh, no, why should the computers be working this morning? Not when there are things that I could be doing on them!

Joanne - I hope your back is feeling better. Did you get out okay? What about your DH? Did he get out okay?

Shannon - No snow here! It is too warm here to snow. It is all rain here. Just cold and yucky rain. Enjoy the snow!

Stacy - I am glad to hear that the girls are well. How are the cookies for the party?

Beth - My headache is much better, thank you. And the sneaky dogs are staying in the yard! I got worried yesterday when I got home because I didn't see them, but they were there. It is cold here so they are not wandering too far off lately. The tote is gorgeous! I want one! Show me how to make one, please?

LeaAnne - Safe travels home my friend!

Mary - I hope you are enjoying your day! Are your hooks smoking still?

Colleen - Glad to hear that DD is having fun playing with her friend! How was swimming lessons?

Glad I was finally able to come on and catch up with you all. Talk to you all later! Have a good rest of the day!

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Hi again friends!


Joanne- Did DH get out okay? How's your back? Did you get to work from home again?


Mary- My DH looks at me funny all the time. Not for any particular reason, just 'cause. Hope you're staying warm up there!


Stacy- I'm so glad you're going to join me on the Lent Charity CAL!

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Sorry, I had to go do something and didn't want to lose my post.


So Stacy, I'm already a little panicked and trying to get as much done on my other projects as possible. But I am excited about getting some charity work done.

Oh, and about the holy water. One day DD was really thirsty, so I brought her into the bathroom for some water. Apparently I didn't give her enough, because when she went for the holy water, she tried to lick it off her fingers.:lol:lol:lol I caught her just in time!


Colleen- Those darn headaches!:angry It's like they know when the worst time to come is. I had one during the SuperBowl. I was NOT a happy camper!


Beth- Your tote is amazing! It's a great size, perfect for a project!


Vicki- Are you getting a lot of rain? It's been snowing here all day, but it's just now starting to stick. DH is hoping that he won't have to work tomorrow so he can take DD out there and play.


LeaAnne- I hope you can make it home today. Safe travels, friend!


Scooby- Miss you and hope all is well!:hug


Orkin man came, then I worked on DD's tic-tac-toe game. I hope I can finish it for Valentine's Day, but I still have quite a bit to do. I'm such a slow crocheter!:( Maybe when I grow up I'll be faster.


Have a wonderful day everyone. We're going to have a cuddle-cozy day and watch the snow fall!! Love you all!:manyheart

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Shannon - :c9 A cuddle cozy day watching the snowfall sounds perfect! I hope it sticks and that DD gets to play in it a bit.


So you know how I told you I was teaching DD to crochet. Well, she's liking it. She's working on a nice long chain. Anyway, yesterday morning she was grumpy getting ready for school because she wanted to stay home and crochet. Then after school was upset that I made her have a rest because we were staying up late at the hockey game. She wanted to crochet. Then this morning when her friend arrived she wouldn't come to the door to greet her because she was crocheting. I've created a monster :lol Then today while her friend was here she asked me what DD was doing, so I taught her too. When she got her first stitch and I praised her you should have seen how this little girl's face lit up! Priceless! She told her mom when she came to pick her up that she sewed :lol


Beautiful sunny day here. I pulled my chair in front of my South facing bay window and soaked up some sun for a few minutes.


Have a good one!

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Hi Ladies

Monday we are picking up youngest DD at the airport. She is coming for a month or maybe longer. :clap

Today I decided to pull my bedroom apart. I have been going threw things and throwing stuff out. Iam not quite finish yet but I will have to get it done before bed time.

Colleen if you teach all of DD's friends how to crochet what a nice world this would be.

LeaAnne I hope you made it home ok.

Joanne I hope you got to stay home and work today.

Shannon :clap for the snow, hope DD gets to play in it.

Beth, Vicki and Stacy I hope you are all having a great day.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hey there!


LeaAnne just texted me and asked me to tell you that she's home in a snowless Boston. She said she'll talk to you all tomorrow. I think she wants some chicken time!:manyheart

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Awww, so nice for LeaAnne, some chicken time. :manyheart Glad she's home safe. Thanks for letting us know. So Boston is snowless :think How strange!


:hi Mary, nice news about your DD coming to stay.


I'm so :tired Packing mostly done. I've got to sort out a crochet project and pack all the warm winter woolies. I'm thinking of checking that my SIL has a slowcooker and doing a roast or something on Saturday and spending as much of the weekend crocheting or watching the Olympics as I can.

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I got to work from home today! It took about 1 hr 1/2 to dig out the extra car we have for DH to take to work (it was my Dad's) I kept it cause you never know when we or one of our DDs needs a car). The plow had totally buried the car and the bottom of our driveway was up to my thighs. Thank goodness for the snowblower- but still had to shovel some.


Then about 12 PM the snowplow came down the street and buried the end of the driveway again- I went out and asked why they have to put it all on my side of the street- they said they have to - ??? are you kidding me?????


Anyway, I told the guy my back was really sore and I can't keep shoveling out so he was a nice guy and took some of it to the other side. But I still had to shovel some more. My back is achy , but I sat all day with the heating pad on it as I worked and that seemed to help.


Dh is home- and I finished "working" at 4- I can really get used to this work at home thing- I get more done here than at work- plus I got my laundry done too. But, alas, it's back to the office tomorrow!


Shannon- enjoy your snow- and you can have some of mine! Good luck with the charity crocheting. Thanks for letting us know about LeaAnne! She had texted me yesterday and said she thought they cancelled the flights too soon since Boston really wasn't getting snow.


Stacy- YAY for the new router for your internet !


Mary- Yay for DD coming to visit and for cleaning out your bedroom- You'll feel like you've accomplished alot when you are done!! How are the potholders coming along?


Vicki- glad you were able to get online and that the sneaky dogs are behaving themselves. We had sunshine today too and it looked so nice against the snow. But I am more than ready for spring-- and to move to the adult communiity where I won't have to shovel! now if only we could sell the house!


I didn't get any crocheting done yesterday- I went to bed at 8- I was tired- and my back hurt- the sleep did me good!


Oh, one of the branches on my pretty tree in the front yard broke from the weight of the snow- it is currently hanging to the ground on the sidewalk- Once the snow clears, we are going to have to have it cut off. It's so sad- It's going to leave a bare spot on one side, but we'll have to see how it looks when spring comes and the leaves are back on.


Well I better go get dinner started!!!


Have a good night everyone!

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Oh Colleen- I didn't mean to forget you- That is so neat that DD is loving crocheting and that you taught her friend too- They'll be making Barbie clothes before you know it!:lol Glad you had a good time at the hockey game, but sorry about the headache-Hockey is loud, so that must not have felt too good. How nice to sit by the window with the sun shining in. The sun was shining in the "office" today while I was working (sure beats a cubicle at work:lol)


Ok, gotta go start dinner!

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Hey all!


I am :tired- long day, on the go since 9 this morning. I have 2 hats to finish tonight, and dh and I are going to watch a movie. well, as much as we can, anyway- the commentator is here tonight. :rolleyes

Mia's party was nice- a bunch of parents brought snacks and they were sent home with lots of Valentines.


Shannon, thanks for letting us know that Leanne is home. :hug


I'll talk to everyone else in the morning, when my brain is functioning. Love you! :manyheart

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Good morning all and TGIF!! Welcome home LeaAnne!!! Colleen- have a fun weekend- I plan on crocheting and watching Olympics--that is after my hair and nail appt (that got postponed from last Saturday thanks to the flaky white stuff!)


Stacy- Glad to hear Mia had fun at her Valentines party- did you get to watch the movie w/out too much commentator-ness going on?


Vicki- Happy Friday/end of the work week to you too!!


Beth- how are you ghans coming along? I just love your tote that you made- your hooks have been flying too!


Mary- Enjoy your weekend I know you must be so excited that DD is coming to stay for a month (or longer). That will be good for you!


Shannon- how much snow did you get? Do you want some of mine? You can have it!!!


Scooby sent me a message on FB- said to say hi to all the Besties.


Ok, well, I have to get dressed today for work- I got spoiled the last two days working from home! Have a great day and I'll catch you all later! Anyone going to be here for chat tonight?

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A late good morning to you all. :c9 I don't have to do anything until the vet appointment at 10:30 today, so I went back to bed after my dh left. And he worked late yesterday, so he's coming home early tonight, so our weekend starts early!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer:yay:clap I really need some relaxing time!


Joanne, enjoy your day at work to work. Do you think you can explain that you get more done at home, and get to work from home more? I hope your tree isn't damaged too badly.


Stacy, I hope you enjoyed your movie, despite the commentator. Did you sleep well?


Colleen, have a great long weekend trip! I hope the weather behaves for you. Isn't it awesome to teach young ones to crochet? That is so much fun!


LeaAnne, WELCOME HOME!!! I am glad you are back at your chicken coop, safe and sound. I'll be the chickens missed you. I did.


Vicki, happy Friday to you! I will try to write up the instructions for the tote, and send them to you.


Mary, Always good to hear from you. I'm glad your dd is staying with you for a while.


Scooby, sending love your way!


I finished my reindeer tote yesterday. I'll post a pic in the 12 months of Christmas Caroling CAL. Now I'm going to work on my poncho. I'm working on the Christmas afghans every morning, and they are coming along. I'm working on my charity hats when I'm waiting for kids in the car. Most weeks, I get one done.


Enjoy your weekend, everybody! :hug:manyheart:hug

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