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Happy Tuesday to all!

Joanne - Another foot of snow!?! YIKES! I hope that means you can work from home on Wednesday! Stay safe and warm!

Beth - have you dug out from all the snow you got? Have the inventions learned to drive in the snow yet? How is your MIL feeling?

Stacy - How are the girls feeling? Are they better? What about you? Are you feeling better?

Colleen - try an antihistamine if your ears have water in them. That may clear them up.

Shannon - Is the party still going on down there?

I didn't get much done last night. I had a headache when I got home, so I made dinner and I relaxed the rest of the night. Hubby was downloading music on to the computer now that he knows how to do it. I started the next in the long line of projects that I need to do. I think DD wants a scarf so I have to go through my yarn stash and see what color she wants. I have a light purple she can have. Maybe she will want that. We'll see. We can do that this weekend. It is supposed to get cold here again this week. Nothing over 50 degrees all week!

Have a great day all and talk to you later!

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Are you SURE it's morning? :morcoffee


I was working on the second row of one color on the niece's afghan, and realized that the skein is about used up. There's no way 6 rows will be big enough. I was :think. I had to go to Walmart to get something, and stopped by the yarn department. They have Caron Simply Soft there, in 6 oz. skeins. The ones I have at home are 3 oz. skeins... Hmmmmmm. Maybe there's more yarn in the bigger skein, ya think??? So I bought more yarn. I should be set. The afghans are coming along slowly and steadily, which is what I want. I am confident I have enough yarn to make a nice size throw now.


And I almost had my YTD stashbusting score at zero. :sigh


Joanne, hope your back feels better. You need a nice massage chair like I have! :c9 That and a heating pad takes care of muscle stiffness.


Vicki, I hope your headache is better today. I cannot imagine teaching with a headache. The light purple scarf sounds lovely. Any particular pattern?


Stacy, I do not know how you put up with your roomie. I couldn't do it. I can see why you get a headache from it. And you probably are very nonconfrontational, right?


Shannon, so good to hear from you! I hope Janna isn't grumpy today!


Colleen, I hope you feel better soon.


Mary, LeaAnne, and everyone else. Have an awesome Tuesday!!! Love you all.

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Oh Beth! I had a good chuckle at your comment this morning. I am very non-confrontational. :yes:blush You hit the nail on the head there. I don't know why that made me laugh, but thank you. :wink Glad you got all of your yarn and :xfin that you have enough now for your throws.


Joanne- another foot of snow!! :eek Yikes. So are you on another 12-day streak now, or is it a normal work week for you?


Vicki, I think a light purple scarf sounds :manyheart. Purple is my favorite color. And now that you mention it, Mia did ask me to make a scarf for her, too. Thanks for the reminder. :heehee I hope your headache clears up. :hug


Shannon, Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Leanne- good morning to you all! :hug


It is supposed to rain again today. The weather man even said hail at some points. I doubt it but we'll see. I have a bunch of errands to run while Mia is at school, then after Isabella gets out, I am taking her to get her hair cut. She has pictures tomorrow and she will not let me put it in a ponytail or style it in any way, so I told her she must get it cut. Her bangs are hanging in her eyes. :sigh Then we are going to get their Valentines for school. Mia's teacher usually has a little party but she hasn't sent anything around, so I asked about it. Guess who she put in charge of it? :blush:lol That's what I get. So I need to buy stuff to make cookies, and see who can get the plates, etc.

Well I better get going and start the day. Have a great day, besties! :hug

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:hi everyone! I'm still a little fuzzy in the head. I got some decongestant and I'm giving that a try. My mom came over first thing this morning to go to the tot skate at 9 am and DD was not in a good mood. She didn't want to go, but my mom came all this way so I made her get dressed and go. I figured she'd love it once she got going. Well, no such luck, full out tantrums on the ice :ohdear Skates off and boots back on and we called it a day. What can you do? The rest of this day will be spent cuddling, reading books and resting. Dr. Mom says so :lol


Beth - WTG getting some :crocheting done at work! And that's great that you found the yarn for your throws. Those tricky little skeins.


Stacy - Have fun with the Valentines party. Way to be voluntold :lol I'm sure Mia will be proud to have her mommy involved. I volunteered for the pancake breakfast at school next week and got voluntold to find all the other people to help me.


Vicki - A purple scarf sounds nice.


Have a great day everyone!

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Voluntold- I love it! :lol You are a much more understanding Mommy than me- if my kids were full of tantrums, especially out in public, their tushies would go right to bed once they got home. :yes


I have nooooo motivation today. :ohdear It is dreary, and I want to curl up on the couch with a :mug of coffee and girlie movies all day.

A mom from Mia's school texted to see if I would pick up her daughter, because "the baby is sick." It is raining and I happen to know that this woman is very lazy about going out in the rain. (Last time it rained, she texted me to see if I was taking Mia, because she didn't want to be the only one not taking her kid.) And they live one block from the school. I just don't get lazy parents. "shrug


I smell a dirty diaper so I better get moving. BBL! :hug

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I agree about sending your kids to bed for tantrums, Stacy. Normally I would. However, I feel that it was my fault for pushing her to go. I have seen signs in the past couple days that we are just doing too much and I should know when to say stop. Sometimes a tantrum is more a sign of her needing rest than it is a sign of bad behaviour. This is one of those times. I actually put her in danger because tantrums with blades on is bad, bad, bad. Bad mommy, maybe I should go to bed :lol


Oh girlie movies and a :mug sound nice. :c9 I've got laundry on the go and I'm crocheting. I need to do another load or two and get that all put away. I'd like to bake some muffins too. Otherwise we're just resting. Bowls of cereal for lunch. Supper will be mac and beef casserole.

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Hi friends! How is everyone today?


We're good here. DD had her first writing lesson this morning with "Teacher Mommy". She traced my A, B, C and D. Every time she finished she said, "Not too bad.":lol:lol:lol That girl cracks me up!! And she did very well for her first try. I'm a proud momma!


Beth- How's your MIL today? Good for you for getting the yarn you need, and working on the 'ghans. Slow but steady wins the race!


Colleen- Bummer about the tantrum. Hope it wasn't too bad. Were you there to witness it? Sounds like you both deserve a pj day!!


Stacy- Good luck with the voluntolding. (that's too funny!) I hope your weather doesn't get too bad.


Joanne- :hug I hope your back feels better soon. The heating pad does wonders for mine.


LeaAnne- Are you having a fabulousness time in Vegas or what??? Can't wait to hear all about it!!


Vicki- It's very cold here today. And windy!! They're forecasting snow on Thursday and Friday. I'll believe it when I see it!


Mary- How are your hooks holding up? Have you ever worn one out? I wouldn't doubt it!


Scooby- :hug Miss you and hope you can stop by soon!!


We need to go to the store for Valentine's for DD's class, and I need to run to the bank. Other than that, we're just hanging out. Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day. Loves!!:ghug

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Hi guys! You will never guess what hubby just told me! Last week the dogs got out of the back yard. It seems there was a hole in the fence and they found it and went romping around in the breezway behind the house. Well we have noticed that in the last day or so they would go "missing" for a few moments. When we went out and called them they would come racing from behind the pool. Guess what they did? They managed to PULL the boards loose and get out of the fence! And then get back in the yard when we called them!

I knew these dogs were smart, but can you believe that one? They kill me.

Just had to share that one. I thought it would bring a smile to someone's face.

Colleen - Hope you are feeling better.

Stacy - Hope you got what you needed for the party.

Beth - Glad you were able to get more yarn!

Hope all my other besties are having a great day!

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WTG Janna on the writing!!! :clap "Not too bad" :manyheart Have fun with the Valentines. I would suggest you focus on the letters in her name first so she can write her own name. Makes them proud. She's lucky, only 3 letters to learn for Janna.


I was there to witness the tantrum, Shannon. I believe this was DD's first in public tantrum. I usually nip them in the bud. I was just anxious to get her out of those skates before she hurt herself or my mom or me. All ended well. She's happy now and I just taught her to do a crochet chain. She's getting it (a little bit :wink) Now she wants to make a Barbie dress :rofl Um, no. Let's just practice the chain! :lol


I made bran muffins. 2nd load of laundry folded. One more to fold and put away before I call it a day on the laundry front. We're expecting a couple inches of snow tonight. The decongestant seems to be helping. I'm not feeling as dizzy. Off to take care of that laundry before I start supper. I hope you all have a fantastic evening!

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Loved reading about all that went on today in everyone's world!


Snow is coming- at least they say it is- 12-18 inches. They already announced that the NYC public schools are closed as well as many in NJ- and we haven't seen a flake of snow yet!!!


Good news is I am working from home tomorrow!!!! Unfortunately DH has to go to work- hope the roads arent too bad!


Stacy- I give you lots of hugs/kudos for putting up with roomie- but I understand that it helps financially. I hope it doesn't affect your health- be careful, ok! Headaches are not fun- and are probably being caused by stress!


Vicki- That was a funny story about the smart dogs- thanks for sharing. I also got a chuckle out of your comment on how cold it is --50 degrees! I'll take that in a heartbeat!!!


Colleen- WTG on DD learning to crochet! Temper Tantrums are not fun- I agree, maybe it was her way of saying slow down, we're doing too much!! Hope you are feeling less dizzy.


Beth- Glad you have enough yarn to finish the ghans- and I'm sure you'll get your stashbusting score down again. Me on the other hand, could never be part of that CAL- I am too tempted by sales- and different yarn. But, then, on the other hand, maybe that would keep me from buying--LOL


Shannon- WTG on teaching Janna to write- Not too bad, huh- give the girl a hug!!!

I'm watching CNN and they are showing the Saints New Orleans celebration! I think New Orleans will be celebrating right through Mardi Gras. Amazing how far they have come in 4 years since Katrina! it's really neat- Geux Saints!!


Mary- bet your hook is still smoking--how many pot holders have you made?


LeaAnne- thinking about you in warm Vegas!


Scooby- thinking of you too!


My back is feeling a little better- I'm sitting with a heating pad on it now and it feels good. And to think tomorrow, I'll have to shovel again!


Have a good night everyone- time to go get something to eat- leftovers again from DD's party! (the best part- no cooking- just heating up!) Then I'm going to crochet some more of stepgrandaughter's blanket!

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Hi Ladies

Just popping in quick to say hi and to tell you all that DH and I have been married 30 years today.

Shannon yes I have broken a metal hook before. I was crocheting away and it just went snap. DH couldn't believe it when I showed him. It happened about 3 years ago.

Talk to you all later

Lots of Love


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Congrats, Mary, to you and your dh!!!!! 30 years- that is fabulous! I'm with Colleen- you should be very proud. :manyheart Did you do anything special to celebrate?

:heehee at your breaking a metal hook- I can believe it. :yes


Joanne, I will take your smilies as a sign that the snow has arrived! Good thing you are working from home tomorrow! Can't wait to see those pics of Belle.


Colleen, I see what you mean about dd being over-tired. How was your pj- and- cuddle time? I hope dd is feeling better. :hug


Shannon, too cute about Janna!! Give her a :h5 for me! What a big girl.


Vicki, you have some smart dogs! They probably do think they are tricking you. :heehee Is your headache better? :hug


Leanne, I'm thinking of you and hoping your trip went well. :hug


Scooby, I'm thinking of you and sending lots of :hug your way.


Beth, how is your arm doing from the kitty scratches? :hug


I took Isabella to get her hair cut. It is super-cute- it is short in the back and goes down to her chin in the front. She still has bangs, which she wasn't thrilled about, but she seems to like the cut anyway. We went to Target to get Valentines, then to Trader Joe's. After we came home, they wrote cards for their cousins, so I mail them tomorrow. Now they are all in bed, and I'm waiting for Jorge to come home. Astronomy class tonight.

Mia asked me for a scarf/hat set, and I have most of the scarf done already- the one-skein scarf from the HH book. I'm also almost out of yarn, so I'll have to run to Michael's tomorrow. Guess what else she asked me for? If you guessed a flannelghan, you are right! :rofl:rofl I have 3 skeins of ILTY in periwinkle, and I'm thinking that will be enough if I just make a 5-block one like Isabella's.

Well I'm going to finish the scarf. Good night, friends! :ghug

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Happy Anniversary, Mary and Mr. Mary!! What an amazing accomplishment!

That is too funny about breaking a hook! My P.E. teacher in elementary school used to jump rope so fast that the rope would smoke and break. That's what I see when I picture you crocheting. Lots and lots of smoke!!


Joanne- Stay warm in all that snow! I'm glad you get to stay home tomorrow. And I'll say a prayer that DH stays safe out there. Has he started his new job?


Colleen- I hope the rest of your day was tantrum-free. Not so much here. Oh, well. How are you feeling?


Vicki- That is too funny about your sneaky little doggies! My little one keeps getting out too. It's not funny though, 'cause she's deaf and I'm afraid she's going to get hurt.


I still have wash to do tonight. DD's staying with Honey and BigBob tomorrow. I ironed on the cutest fleur de lis to one of her shirts, and she's wearing it to school tomorrow. I may have to make me one too. I'll take pics and post them on fb.


Have a great night everyone!!:manyheart

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Good morning- snow is on the ground and still falling. So happy I am working from home, but wish that Dh didn't have to go in. He starts his new job on 3/1, and if he calls out he risks losing all his accrued vacation time-so he has to go in.


Congrats to Mary and her DH- 30 years- WOW that is a special milestone! Continued happiness to you both!


Ah, Stacy- another flannelghan in your future- don't forget what's on your siggy!!:lol


Have a good day

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Hi besties,

Joanne - Glad you get to work from home today. A snow day for NYC schools. Nice for them. They never get those! Hope DH makes to to work and back safely. Enjoy your day at home! Be careful shoveling!

Mary - 30 years! Congratulations! What did you do to celebrate? I hope you had a wonderful evening!

Stacy - Another flannelghan in your future! You are too funny! What color will you do with the periwinkle?

Colleen - How is DD doing with her chain? Has she picked it up yet? Good for her for trying!

Shannon - YAY for Janna for learning to write! Good for her! What a smart girl you have there!

Scooby - Missing you and thinking of you.

Beth - Hope all is well with you and your inventions.

Bowling scores for the night: 146, 139, and 129. I took 2 out of 4 points. Not too bad. I could have done better.

Tonight is tae kwon do so I won't be cooking. I am thinking it will be a left over night. Lots of good stuff in the fridge! We'll see when I get home. Hubby may change that!

Have a great day all! Talk to you later!

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:coffee Morning Besties! :hi


I am feeling a little bit better. The decongestant seems to be helping. DD is at school, I have to go there later for pizza day, and I have some stuff to get done around the house. Laundry, general tidy, change DD's bedding. I've already shoveled the driveway once, although I might need to do it again later. We aren't getting a lot of snow, just a steady fall. I need to pop out to the store quick too.


Stacy - I bet Isabella's hair looks beautiful! Have fun with the flannelghan for Mia.


Shannon - I hope Janna has a good day at school and likes her new fleur de lis shirt. Sounds cute!


Vicki - WTG at bowling! Have fun at Tae Kwon Do tonight! Leftovers sounds like a good plan to me.


Joanne - Enjoy your day working at home. I'm not so good at that. I get too distracted by the laundry and the food in the fridge :lol


Beth - I hope you have a good day and that you are not working too hard. :hug


Mary - I hope you and DH enjoyed your 30th anniversary.


LeaAnne - I hope your trip was awesome-ness. I can't wait to hear all about it.


Scooby - Missing you :hug


Has anyone seen anything from Sarah around here? I've seen C4J out and about in the 'ville, but not Sarah. :hug if you're out there! :hi to Tena, Judy, Frogger, Chaya and all our other friends.

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Good morning!


I went in the girls' room to tell Isabella that breakfast was ready, and guess what she was doing? Praying the "Our Father." :faint She has a little prayer book and she was stumbling over "hallowed" so I told her how to say it, then left. A few minutes later, I went to the bathroom (where I can see into their bedroom) and she recited the whole thing, then did the sign of the cross. I am so proud! I had to share. :manyheart So that was a nice start to my morning. :yes


Joanne, :cheer for working from home. Prayers to dh that he makes it to and from work safely. He will lose his accrued vacation if he calls out for one day? Yikes! That is a stringent rule.


Colleen, glad you are feeling better. Have fun at pizza day. :hug Is dd feeling less crabby today? Isn't the hockey game tonight? How is she feeling with the puffers?


Shannon, the fleur de lis shirt sounds so cute! Can't wait to see the pics. I just had a funny vision of the jump roping teacher with the rope smoking. :heehee Is Sister staying with you, since Janna will be at Honey's house?


Vicki, good bowling scores. :h5 Yay for no cooking, and leftovers. My dh won't eat leftovers, so I try to make exactly what we need, or it will just go bad.


As for Mia's flannelghan, I have some pink leftover from SIL's ghan...I think it might be too dark, though. I was actually thinking of just using white. I guess I should ask the one it's for. :lol

(Don't worry, Joanne- I am still trying to work out the colors for yours. I have all of 2010, you know. :rofl)

Dh has school again tonight, so the girls and I are going to work on their Valentines, and make cookies for Mia's class tomorrow. He called last night at 10:30 to say his truck was either towed or stolen. :eek I asked Roomie to watch the kids, then jumped in my car and went over to the school. (It's only a 5-minute drive, thank goodness.) Well when I got there, I called him to find out where he was, but he didn't answer. I started to drive around the first parking lot, and noticed a truck all the way at the end of the parking lot. I drove over there and sure enough- it was his. :rofl He just forgot where he parked. :rolleyes So I drove back to where he was (after calling 2 more times) picked him up, and took him to the truck. He was sooooo embarrassed. I said it was a good thing we only live 5 minutes away or I would have been mad that he wasted my gas. :rofl Poor guy.


Well I better get going and do some domestic stuff before Mia goes to school. Happy Hump Day! :hug

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:rofl:rofl:roflWow, Stacy! I really needed that laugh! Thank you. But don't thank DH. He may get mad that you shared the story with us.

On a more serious note, way to go Isabella for praying the "Our Father". That's wonderful. And to bless herself too. I think you have a special little lady there. DD tries to bless herself, but her hands go all over the place. I'm not ready to teach her the correct way....it's too cute.


Colleen- I'm glad you're feeling better today. You've been busy! Don't work too hard.


Joanne- Have fun working from home today. I don't think I could do that, but I'm glad you get to.


Vicki- Nice bowling scores! I've become quite the pro myself....on the Wii.:lol I haven't been IRL bowling in ages. How are your sneaky little dogs today?


Mary, LeaAnne, Beth and Scooby- Hi there! Hope you're having a wonderful day!!


Well, the fleur de lis shirt was a bust. She wouldn't even try it on. She said it was "too scary". That's her excuse for everything, but nothing actually scares her. Crazy lady. Anyhoo, I wish I had known, because I love it and I would have put it on a shirt for me! She's such a bum sometimes. So I'll be cleaning house all day until DH gets home. We may go out to eat.:eek We don't do that with the munchkin 'cause she thinks every restaurant is Honey's restaurant.


I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!! What's everyone's plans for Valentine's Day??? Inquiring minds want to know!:manyheart

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Oooh, I forgot to tell you. I have a hard time making things for charity, because there's always something I want to make for someone I know. So for Lent, I'll be working on charity items. Just charity. I'm hoping to have 7-10 things done by Easter. Anyone want to join me? We can have a little CAL, and help a bunch of people too.

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:hi all


Mary, Happy Anniversary!!! What a great milestone. I hope you and dh had a wonderful special day to celebrate!!!


Stacy, maybe your dh "forgot" where he parked the truck so he could get some one-on-one time with you. How romantic!!! I would think romance would be scarce in a home with a roomie and all those little ones.


Joanne, I'm glad you're home safe and sound. We got some of the white flaky stuff today, which surprised me. It came down FAST, too! But it seems to be done, and the roads are clear.


Vicki, your OK bowling days are a whole lot better than my best bowling days! I hope you had fun.


Colleen, I'm glad the decongestant is helping.


Shannon, I can't imagine jumping rope fast enough to make it smoke! Even when I was young, I wasn't very good at that. But that is quite the image of Mary crocheting!!!


LeaAnne, thinking of you in Vegas. Speaking of mental images, I hope you're living up to my imagination.


Scooby, sending love your way, friend.


I finished the tote, except for the buttons. My son decorated them, so I'm waiting for them to dry, so I can sew them on. Ewwww, sewing!


I'll post pics when it is completely done!

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:hi everyone!


Okie dokey, another pizza day down. Today there were all these extra pizzas for classes that go on field trips tomorrow and stuff. I actually had to use my head a little bit :lol I'm helping to organize a pancake day for next week. I called the lady to volunteer and she told me to find other volunteers to help me :eek But I'm all set, I've got one for sure, another one I left a message for, and my mom on standby (gotta love mom!).


I've got my load of laundry in the dryer, the dishwasher going, my errands done and now I'm going to shovel the driveway again before going to get the girl. She was a little bit crabby still this morning. Luckily today is her last day of school for a week because we are going away for the weekend and Monday is a holiday here (it's Family Day). Hopefully she can rest up a bit. That said, tonight is the hockey game, tomorrow is swimming and (she doesn't know this yet) I'm looking after her little friend tomorrow morning.


Stacy - I had a good laugh at your DH forgeting where he parked the car. :rofl All I can say is, sometimes it takes a woman to get things done :yes Stolen :rofl That's so cute about Isabella praying the Our Father. You should be proud. That is good that Isabella can read it herself, my DD does it by how she hears it. "hallowed be MY name" :rofl


Shannon - It is cute when they cross themselves all over. DD used to do that, now she just occassionally uses the wrong hand. :lol Don't correct it, it's too cute. Too bad about the fleur de lis shirt, but she may change her mind. I can totally sympathize, my DD has major feelings about clothing. Scary makes total sense to me. :yes DD's latest is "it makes me feel all freaky leaky". :shrug Whatever.


Beth - Can't wait to see the tote! :hyper


Alrighty, better get at that driveway! We're having grilled cheese for supper tonight and I'm going to try to fit a nap in for DD and I before the hockey game.

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