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Oh my! I forgot to thank you all for the warm welcome! I think I'm going to like it here.


Oh, and I have a Janna-ism for you. I taught her how to play Mother May I? the other day. Only she says, "Mumma a my?" I tried to correct it a few times, but then realized it's too cute!!

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HI girls! It was a busy day for me! I ran to get dog food and hubby took DD to tae kwon do. Then when I came home I put the dogs out and vacuumed. Once that was done I finished the border on the baby blanket. I folded the sheets and the towels. Then I started the scarf for my niece. Yes, I finally got that project started! After hubby came home (he stopped to mail something after dropping DD off) we went to Joanne's and got buttons for the baby sweater. I am not completely happy with them, but the didn't have the best button selection. We picked up DD, had lunch, put clothes away while DD picked up her play room and then she worked on her book report. I continued the scarf and I actually finished it! YAY me! Hubby began to purge clothes from the closet. My room is a disaster right now as there are clothes everywhere. Like Stacy said, it looks like a clothes store exploded in there. Right now, we just finished cleaning up from dinner. DD is in the shower, hubby is continuing the purging, and I am relaxing watching the Rangers play Joanne's Devils.

And now for a flannelghan question. How much yarn do I need? Also, how much do you all pay for the Caron pounders? I was looking today at how much they were in Joanne's and they were $7.50. I thought that was high, but I wanted to ask you all. I didn't buy any yarn yet because they didn't have the colors hubby wants. He wants Mets colors. Blue and orange. They had a good blue, but not orange. Once I am ready to start it I will ask for directions. I know Joanne has posted them somewhere here, but I don't remember where.

Stacy - I hope the girls are feeling better. You take care of yourself too.

Joanne - I hope you are enjoying your winter wonderland. Better you than me! The afghan is just beautiful! DD will love it!

Colleen - Did you find something appropriate for DD to wear to lunch?

Shannon - Glad you came to visit! Hope you have a good night!

Tomorrow is grocery shopping and laundry. Hubby requested some different things for me to buy. He is trying to change some of his eating habits. I have told him I will buy whatever he wants as long as he eats it.

Have a great night all!


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Shannon-ness!!!! Too funny about Big Boob...er Bob!!!LOL


Thanks for letting us know that LeaAnne was on the way to the airport. I chatted with Scooby a little while ago on FB- what a pleasant surprise!


The snow stopped around 4- we are all shoveled/snowblower'd out. It is cold so there is some ice- glad the power is on and that I got to crochet today. My back is sore- I think from moving a huge bucket of paint in the garage last night- and then shoveling today. It is achy, but nothing that I can't handle.


DH just told me I'm missing a good hockey game- Devils vs Rangers ! So I'm going to go and watch- what was I thinking- missing the game among rivals? LOL LOL


Have a good night everyone--Go Devils!

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Vicki! Can you believe I didn't realize the Rangers were playing the Devils until DH just called to me a few minutes ago?


I paid 4.99/skein for the Caron Pounders on sale at Michael's. I bought 2 of one color 3 of another. If you use RHSS you need 6 of one color, 4 of another (that is per LeaAnne)

She altered the pattern and used HDC instead of DC (which I did too)

14 rows of each color, 7 blocks each strip (or you could do 5 if you want a smaller ghan) Ch 1 at end of each row. there are a total of 5 strips per ghan. The flannelghan directions re on the Flannelghan CAL post 1


Well, off to go watch some Hockey!!! GO DEVILS!!

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I finished the afghan for DD and am going to start another (smaller) for step grandaughter for her birthday which is on Valentine's Day- but the party isn't until the 21st. The one for DD is about 55X 55- so without further ado....here it is!


Joanne you did a great job. I just love it.

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That's neat that you spoke to scooby too, Vicki! It is not so neat that the Rangers are beating the Devils! The Devils usually beat the Rangers---lol


Thanks for the compliment Mary- it means alot coming from the "Afghan Queen"!!


I decided to do a different blanket for my stepgrandaughter. I'm using the pattern called Little Girls Favorite Throw from the LionBrand site. I am using 2 colors- pink and purple- It's a simple V-stitch pattern -another mindless one- I did 6 rows of pink and 3 rows of purple- I think that is what I'll keep for the rest of the throw.


Rangers Won- Congrats to Vicki!

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Happy Super Bowl Sunday Besties!!! GEAUX SAINTS!!!


It is cold here today, about 17 deg but the sun is trying to come out! There are patches of ice now! We are supposed to be getting another storm Tuesday evening into Wednesday. Enough with the white flaky stuff already!


I'm planning on baking choc chip cookies this morning to bring to DD's for the Super Bowl Party. I already cleaned the bathrooms this morning and just have to do the floors and then vacuum and dust.


I texted LeaAnne last night to see if she made it and when I woke up this AM I had a text back -posted 11:30 my time that she had landed. Not sure what time zone Vegas is in- probably pacific like Stacy so it was 8:30 her time. I didn't hear the phone- I was sound asleep. I'll text her later to wish her a great vacation from everyone!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday-----Geaux Saints!

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Morning all! Glad to hear that LeaAnne landed safely in Vegas and hope she is having a great time! Thanks Joanne for letting us know!

I finished DD's square ghan last night. I was just in the mood to get stuff done! I put it on her bed as she slept. She knew I was finishing it so I just gave it to her so she would see it in the morning. She was very happy. Today she is going to play at her friend's house.

Grocery list is done and DD is having breakfast. I am going to take a shower soon and get myself to the store. The worst part is putting it all away!

Thanks Joanne for the info on the flannel ghan. I thought that was a lot to pay for the pounder. I saw it on joanne.com for $5.49, but even then I have to pay for shipping.

Have a great day all! Talk to you later! Enjoy the Super Bowl if I don't get back on and Go Saints!

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I think it's morning -- haven't had any coffee yet, so I'm not sure.


I will just wish you all a pleasant Sunday. Joanne, be safe in the ice!

LeaAnne, enjoy your vacation.

Vicki, I wish I could have seen your dd's face when she woke up with her new afghan! What a fun way to get a gift!


Love you all, just too groggy to talk to you all yet.

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Good SuperBowl morning!!


I had dreams about it all night! Well, except for the one where John Cusack worked at my mom's restaurant and my dad was a surgeon. :think:think:think How weird is that? BTW, the Saints won every time! My cousin's husband is at the game. I'm so jealous!!


Well, got to get ready for church. I came on to let you know that LeaAnne made it to Vegas, but Joanne beat me to it.


Have a great day everyone! Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints? WHO DAT? WHO DAT?

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Good Morning Ladies

Iam glad LeaAnne made it to Vegas. I hope everyone has a great day today. As for me I think it is going to be a crocheting day here. It looks really cold outside here and I think Iam going to have a pj day also.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Cleaning is all done and the chocolate chip cookies are baked!!! Now I have the rest of the day for me and then later Super Bowl Party!!!


Vicki- Michael's has the Caron Pounders on sale this week for $5.99- (maybe that is what I paid last time???) Just thought I'd let you know.


I'm honestly thinking about doing another one- depends on what colors they have...guess where I'm going in a little while???? LOL

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Hi Mary!

Crocheting sounds like the perfect thing to do- and pj day is awesome! I'm going to Michael's and then later on going to DD's- going to bring my crocheting with me- Last year at her super bowl party I was making my 2nd scarf since taking up crochet! So, I must bring it today- it's a tradition!! LOL

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Good morning!


I'm glad to hear Leanne arrived safely! :yay I believe she is in the same time zone. It is frustrating to know that one of my besties is so close, yet so far away! My car would totally make the drive- think dh would know if I went missing for a day or so? :rofl


Joanne, your chocolate chip cookies sound yummy! Now I'm thinking of making a batch. :yes Have fun at the Super Bowl party. Sneak a pic of that little grand-dog, if you can. :wink


Miss Mary- what day is not a crochet day for you? :heehee Just kidding...enjoy! What are you working on now? How did your meeting go?


Vicki- what a cute way to give dd her afghan. I'm sure she just loves it. Caron Pounders and LB Pound of Love are both $7.99 here! I always buy the yarn on sale (which, yes, Joanne, last time it was 4.99) or it just doesn't financially make sense for me to make one. Enjoy your quiet time while dd is at her friend's house. :hug


Shannon, what a weird dream! Do you secretly have pent-up emotions about John Cusack, or...? :rofl Enjoy that Super Bowl, girl! Geaux Saints!! :cheer


My computer is funky this morning- won't let me add color or smilies. So if there are little smiley commands in some places, know that I was trying...I just couldn't remember what they were! LoL

Dh's cousin spent the night, and his other cousin, and my old man friend are coming over to watch the game. I still have to get the food, so I better jump in the shower and get ready. I will also try to get a :photo of SIL's ghan today- I love the way it turned out and am seriously thinking of doing one for myself. I think hers turned out so much better than dh's, with the hdc instead of dc. But don't tell him. :wink

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Joanne - Thanks for letting me know about the yarn sale. Maybe I will take a ride over there. See if they have the colors he wants. Have fun at the party and take a picture of Belle so we can see how big she is getting!

Stacy - Yes, it is quiet in the house without DD here! There is not t.v. on at the moment and we were actually able to have an adult conversation at lunch! I will go get her before dinner. She was very happy to see her afghan on her bed this morning. She asked when I put it on there and I told her when she was sound asleep! She was very happy to get it!

Mary - Hope you are having a great pj day! I did that last week! It was so nice!

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Hi all,


I "spoke" with LeaAnne- via texting--she is doing good and said to say Hi to all the Besties!


I went to Michael's and was very disappointed! Not a good color selection at all- all they had was sage green, another green, white, lace, off white, claret, purple, yellow and dusty rose. I already did the Claret and Lace one and the other colors didn't do anything for me! LOL


But they had Jiffy on sale and I've never tried it before, and it felt so soft so I bought some! I bought dusty pink and apple green. On my way home, I stopped in ACMoore, just because...and they had a ton of Caron Pounders in all kinds of colors (even orange, Vicki!), but of course, it wasn't on sale. So I'm going to wait till ACM has a sale and then get there 1st thing the day of the sale.


We had someone look at the house- so we'll see if they are interested if we get a call. - Good thing I cleaned this morning.


Vicki- good for you having an adult conversation- and WTG on finishing DD's ghan- pictures??


Stacy- remember- you owe us pics of SIL's ghan too!! Have fun watching the SuperBowl -it's always fun when there's a crowd!!


I'll try and remember to take pic of Belle!


And for those not on FB Shannon posted this prayer today- Our Breesus, who art in N'awlins........Geaux Saints! I thought it was so cute.


Have a great rest of the day everyone!

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:hi everyone!


I'm glad LeaAnne got to Vegas safely and I hope she is having a wonderful time!


Joanne - I'm glad you got dug out from your big snowfall. Your afghan is beautiful! Your DD is going to love it! 55 inches! That's very good in such a short amount of time and while you were working so much! :nworthy


Shannon - It is so nice to see you posting here again :manyheart I will be thinking of you this evening and your Saints.


Vicki - It sounds like you had a nice, relaxing but productive weekend. If you get a chance please take a pic of your DD's afghan. I'd love to see it!


Stacy - How are your girls feeling? Enjoy having your friends over for the Super Bowl!


Mary - I hope your PJ/:crocheting day was a good one. It is cold out there! Nice and sunny though.


Beth - How is your family this weekend?


We had a good lunch with some of DH's extended family yesterday and then enjoyed having our friends over last night. Today I just slowly cleaned up from last night, went to church, did 2 loads of laundry, and did some crocheting. My Christmas sampler ghan is 1/2 done and joined. 10 more squares to make. It will just be a little thing, more for decoration than for staying warm. I'm still working on DD's tank top and I'm about 80% done on it. Another busy week about to start here and first on my list tomorrow is buying gifts :yuck 1 wedding, 1 baby shower, 2 birthday, and something for DD for Valentines.


Enjoy the game for those of you who are watching it! Good night!

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Another one, Mary?!! Your hooks must be smokin'! :cheer


Woot Shannon!! Geaux Saints! Who dat?!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that our internet is having funky problems, so I won't be on for a few days, probably. We are thinking we need to buy a new one but Roomie is being difficult as to the type we buy, so...:shrug I hope to be back soon, but know that I am thinking of you all! Love and hugs! :hug

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Good morning!



What a great game- had lots of fun at DD's house. DD's sister in law asked about the blanket that was on her couch- who made that she asked? DD answers my Mom- she loved it! It was the never-ending square ghan I had given her for her birthday. She said how she wanted to learn how to crochet...and, well, since I had my crochet w/me I started teaching her!


Well, must run and finish getting ready for work- cya on the flip side all...:hug

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Happy after the Super Bowl Morning to all!


I hope you all survived the game - Especially Shannon down in Louisiana! It was a good game and the Saints deserved to win! I am glad they did!


I didn't do very much after lunch yesterday. I e-mailed my study chair and I showed hubby how to down load songs on the his MP3 player. Now he can do it for me! He he. It's easy once you do it a couple of times. I made dinner and we watched the Super Bowl. I wasn't feeling the best last night. I had a headache and my ear was starting to hurt. I was actually watching the end of the game from the comfort of my bed.

Joanne - We don't have AC Moore down here. Just Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and Joanne's.



Monday has come way too fast. I am so not ready for another work week.


Have a great day everyone and I will talk to you all later!

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this is a :thair day. I got up too early, got my dh off on his merry way to work. Phone rang. It was his sister. My MIL was on her way to the ER in an ambulance in severe pain. She expected it to be pneumonia. So I called my dh's business phone, and left a message. Got up the ds for work. Phone rang. It was dh asking about the message. Got the ds to work. Phone rang. It was sil. MIL is home, heaving drugged with painkillers. They think it's her gout acting up. My dd and I went to take care of the kitties. The first cage, the cat just looked angry. She was. She scratched the tar out of me! The other 3 cats were fine. But it really upset me. She's usually so snuggly. After we finished there, we did the grocery shopping, came home and put it all away. Then started on school. then I went to pick up David. I got my daily "assignment" done on the Christmas ghan du jour. I talked ds Robert to make my lunch. Now my pillow is calling me loudly for a nap before I go to work this afternoon. I would like to work some more on the monster tote, but I think I'll try to find the buttons for the pockets first. Three more pockets, and it's done!!!


I called my doctor. My lab work is back, and everything is good, except my Vitamin D. :dance I am SO relieved I'm not diabetic yet.


Hope your day is sunshine and roses.



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Beth - :hug I hope your MIL feels better soon and that your bad day ends well. Great news about your bloodwork. I still have to get mine taken :blush


Shannon - Congrats on the Saints win :clap I hope you enjoyed every minute of the game.


Everyone else - I hope you are having a fantastic Monday.


I have a bit of a scratchy throat and I'm feeling kind of light-headed, so I'm trying to take it easy. I did go shopping this morning and got the wedding gift, one birthday gift, the baby shower gift and DD's Valentine's gift. Feels good to get that much done. I spent the afternoon crocheting and have plans to continue on into the evening :c9 Now if I could just get out of cooking supper I'd be all set :lol

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