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Good morning- time to cheer-:cheer Day 12 is here!! Got a good night's sleep which I needed and am excited to begin this day. It will then be the weekend where I get snowed in! They are predicting lots of snow=:snow12-18 inches starting tonight! Looks like I'll be cleaning and crocheting this weekend....and of course Sunday is the SuperBowl- DD is having a Super Bowl party and that should be fun. Can't wait to see how big Belle has gotten!


Well, off to get ready to begin the day! TGIF!!!!!:clap:clap:clap


Today is National Go Red for Women Day. We are all wearing RED today at work!!


Cya later! Have a great Friday:manyheart

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busy minded this morning :blush dotting I's and crossing T's, if you know what I mean...


I am trying for chat tonight.

we don't leave till 3 tomorrow afternoon for the bus to the airport

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Ok, hope to be here too- Supposed to be going to a fund raiser for Doctors w/out Borders tonight- Artist DD is doing "live painting" and they are having a lot of artists donating their wares- There will be a silent auction of the donated goods. Youngest DD and I were planning on going in support of the cause (and of DD). She's going to be there at 5 - we'll see what the weather has in store!


Have a fab Friday- gotta run- just saw it is 6:15!!!



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Morning, friends!


Happy Friday!!!!


:hug:hug to Beth and Vicki... hope you are feeling well.

:hug to Stacy... Hope you are ok, and that your girls are well.

:hug:hug to Mary and Colleen... stay warm and toasty up there in the North!

:hug:hug to Shannon and Scooby... Missing you girls!

...and of course, Joanne! :hug I hope Day 12 was quick, and that you survive the "snow panicked" grocery store:lol What is up with that? People around here do the same thing.:shrug


And :hi to everyone else!


I hope you have a great day, and that you earn some big :crocheting time... the weekend's coming!:wink


Luv you all!

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Good morning!

Oh, Joanne, the snow panicked grocery store! How I do not miss that! YAY for day 12! I hope youget out of work nice and early so you can get what you need and get home! Have fun at the art show tonight!

LeaAnne - Are you all set to go? I hope so! Have fun!

Stacy - I hope the girls are in better spirits today. I hope you get to be too! And thanks for answering my question. So I guess it is like doing a square? In the end you end up with a square around the snowflake, right?

Beth - Hope your headache is better today.

Hi to Scooby and Shannon! Miss you both!

I don't know if I will be here for chat. I was in bed early last night. I was so tired from these allergies! I actually slept until my alarm went off this morning! I haven't done that in a long time!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you later! Stay warm and safe all!


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Good morning, all.


My dh got up this morning so stiff from his back that he had trouble dressing. I tied his shoes for him. After I saw him off, I crawled back into bed, and :D I went back to sleep for a couple hours. Boy, did I need that. My wonderful, kind, thoughtful, sensitive son made my coffee for me, and I'm :c9.


LeaAnne, don't stress too much about T's and I's. I'm sure your MIL remembers what it's like to have little ones in the house. If not, she will by the time you get back! I'm so excited for you.


Joanne, TGIF, and I mean it this time!!! You made it through the week. Your doctors without borders event sounds like fun. How cool to watch your dd participate in that. You must be so very proud.


Vicki :cheer:cheer:cheer for a good night's sleep! Doesn't it feel awesome? I think my headache is from allergies, so I do sympathize with you. I hope you feel clearer soon.


Colleen, :cheer:cheer:cheer for your dd's progress in swimming! It's such a great all-around sport. My boys are so strong.


Mary, what's flying off your hook now?


Stacy, are your babies doing OK? How are you? I am sending some extra :hug:hug:hug since you deal with roomie and terror, and some for the girls. :hug:hug:hug I hope your day is wonderful.


Shannon, I hope you get to stop by tonight. I may not make it to chat, but I love listening in the next morning. Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to last you for a while.


Scooby, sending you my love, girl! I hope you aren't buried in snow.


I'm not planning on doing much cleaning today. I'm going to work on the SIL's afghan this morning, then try to finish the body of the monster tote this afternoon. Then I will need to make a handle and about six pockets for it. I am planning on making flaps with button closures for most of the pockets.


My dh says we are supposed to get snow. The weather I checked says rain. It would almost be funny if we got more snow. Things just are getting back to normal after last weekend around here.

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Enjoy the snow everyone. It is always so pretty when you get a big snowfall. Snowstorms are one of my favourites because the neighbours all come out and see each other while they shovel. Otherwise we don't see them much until the summer. As for the grocery store rush, they have been predicting this snowfall all week. :ohdear We aren't expecting snow here. Haven't had much all winter. DH is not happy about that, because no snow means no snowmobiling. We don't have enough for them to open the trails.


I have to get in gear. I need to vacuum the house and tidy the playroom. DD and I need to go to the grocery store for supplies for the salad I'm taking for the lunch tomorrow and the treats for our friends on Saturday night. And then I have to bake brownies and butter tarts today so that will be all done for tomorrow.


I went to the school this morning and learned a bit more about my new volunteer job. Sounds fun! Basically I get to help a student with his reading/vocabulary. Won't start for a couple weeks yet.


LeaAnne - Happy i crossing and t dotting....err I mean t crossing and i dotting :lol See, I'd have it all backwards.


Joanne - Congrats on getting through 12 days. You are amazing! Enjoy the art show (if you get to go) and the Super Bowl party on Sunday.


Vicki - Glad you slept well. TGIF to you!


Beth - Enjoy your crochet day!


Have a great Friday everyone!

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Hi all! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Shannon, and I have been living under a rock for the past three weeks!


I will never get caught up around here! Is there still room for me, or have you found someone awesomenesser???


I think my computer is okay. My dad asked me what it did today, I told him, and he said his computer used to do that all the time, and he never lost anything. DOH!!:blush


Anyhoo, I'm at my parents' today, because I needed help giving DD an enema:yuck. Hopefully she'll be better from now on.


That's pretty much it around here. A crappy day, thank goodness!! Hope everyone is well and I will try to be here for chat tonight. What time???


Love you guys!!:manyheart

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Hi everyone! Day 12 is over- got out at 2 and the weekend has begun!!! I stopped at the grocery store on my way home- it was madness-ness!!! You'd think we were going to be stuck inside for weeks on end! if I didn't have food, I'd have skipped it. Only got a few things- fruit, veggies, milk, bread, eggs, some snacks, yogurt and laundry detergent! I am home, it's all unpacked- snowblower is where it needs to be and I'm heading out to Doctors w/out Borders fundraiser with my DD- we both want to go early- won't stay for the whole thing- should be back in time for chat!


I'll catch up later- Hugs to all!

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Hi all!


Joanne, :clap for getting out on time! Enjoy the event tonight. Stay safe. :hug


Colleen, sounds like your volunteer job will be nice. Good luck getting all of your running and baking done! Brownies sound yumm-ness!


Shannon!! Hey girl...sorry to hear about Janna's enema. :( Poor thing. I hope this is the end to all of her poop-ness problems. Chat is at 6:30 pacific, which I think is 8:30 for you? :think I don't know any time zones except for MI. LoL The middle states confuse me.


Leanne, are you ready for tomorrow? I hope all of your i's are dotted and t's are crossed!


I'm hoping to be here for chat, if dh would only let me know what he wants for dinner. We've had such a long day, we forgot to stop for lunch. :blush:lol He woke up this morning with what he thought was pinkeye. The ophthamologist (sp?) squeezed him in between patients, only to find out that it's an infection from his contacts. The dr. gave him some drops and said not to wear contacts for 2 weeks, but he didn't have glasses, so we spent a good part of the afternoon at the optometrist. Which means I got absolutely nothing done- not even grocery shopping, which I will have to do either tonight or early tomorrow, if we plan to eat breakfast at all. :sigh Anyway...better go and figure out dinner so I can be back in time! :hug to all!

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:welcome Shannon! So nice to meet you! This is a great bunch of girls. You'll love it here. :rofl I don't think there is anyone awesomenesser than you anywhere :D Hey, by the way, my Mom and Dad are hosting a Mardi Gras themed dinner party tomorrow night. I thought of you.


Stacy - I hope you get your groceries so you can relax this evening. Poor DH with the infection. I wonder if that is what he had last time he had an eye infection.


Joanne - :nworthy You did it! :clap You are amazing! I hope you enjoy the fundraiser tonight and then come home safe and snug to your warm house with the working furnace and the groceries tucked neatly away and relax and :crocheting to your :heart's content.:manyheart


LeaAnne - Less than a day until your vacation-ness :yay I'm so excited for you.


Beth - Did you get your tote finished? How is your DH's back feeling after a day of work?


Vicki - Happy weekend! :yay What have you got planned for the weekend?


Mary - How are things over there? I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned. It sounds like you have a lot done on your sweaters. Good job!


Scooby - :hug Missing you girl.


I ended up baking a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and butter tarts. All done and put away for tomorrow night. Groceries bought, house dusted, bathroom just needs a touch up tomorrow and a bit of tidying to do. I'll need a weekday to recover from my weekend. :lol


I might be here for chat, but I think I might just go to bed REALLY early. I'm very :grumpy and :tired, so an early night might be just what I need.

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Hi Ladies

Welcome Shannon... It is sooooo nice to meet you. You will really like it here. This group of ladies are the nicest ladies you would ever want to meet. We have cried and laughed together. I hope we get a chance to talk sometime soon.

LeaAnne I hope you enjoy your trip.

Colleen your baking sounds really good.

Vicki I hope you had a great day.

Beth hope DH's back is feeling better.

Stacy so to here about DH's eye.

Joanne you made it. WTG

Scooby we are missing you.

I will be here for a bit.

Come on in and chat awhile.


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Hey girls! Sorry I didn't make it! But it looks like no one else did, either, so I don't feel too bad. :lol I did my grocery shopping but by the time I got home, put it away, and made dinner, it was already 8! I came home to 2 feverish girls and one who fell asleep right after dinner. I am starting to tired and under the weather, too. I guess it's going around.

Oh my gosh- I forgot to tell you! I finished SIL's flannelghan this morning! :cheer:clap:woo Oh yea! Go me!

Anyway, I'm going to :crocheting for a bit, then probably go to bed. Good night!! :night

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Good morning, everybody!


Stacy, I hope everyone feels better soon.

Mary, What have you been crocheting since your snowflake afghan?

Colleen, :drool You sound like such a great baker. I hope you enjoy your friends' visit today.

Joanne, Happy Weekend! I hope you get a good chance to relax and destress.

Shannon, you are too funny! I am glad to meet you. I think you'll fit right in with our group. :rofl I hope your computer behaves now. Here's a :hug for Janna.

LeaAnne, have a safe, fun trip!

Vicki, Say :hi to your magic chair for me. I think I'd like one of those.

Scooby, Take care of yourself, sister!


Not much going on here. We got some ugly rainy weather, lots of wind. If it had been snow, it would be drifted badly. I have been working on my son's tote. The body of it is done. I have to sew on the second handle, then start on the pockets. We decided on six pockets, some with flaps and buttons to keep them closed. Problem is, i really want one now. It's HUGE!!! Lots of room for carting around an afghan wip.


Have an awesome weekend!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning!


Sorry I missed chat- Miss Mary seems like you were the only one who showed up- sorry I missed you!!


I got home from the benefit fundraiser- and promptly went to bed!:c9 When I went to bed the snow hadn't started yet, but when I woke up- WOW- :snow is coming down like crazy and we probably have about 5 or 6 inches already- it is really beautiful!! Having my coffee in my comfy chair (not magical like Vicki's, but comfy non-the-less!):lol Looking out the window- it is a winter wonderland!!! I am so happy I don't have to be anywhere today!!!:cheer Might make a :sman when I am outside shoveling (the most dreaded part of the whole day) I'm thinking of going out and doing the steps now before I can't see each step!!!


I hope that the snow doesn't put a damper in LeaAnne's plans to fly to Vegas today!!! Thinking about you and hoping you have a "wicked" good time on your much deserved vacation!!!:yes


Stacy- hope you and the girls feel better and :clap on finishing your SIL's ghan- Pictures, please:lol


Colleen, have fun at the party and the desserts you made sound yummy!! DD has asked me to make choc chip cookies for her SuperBowl party tomorrow!! At the last minute, the other day, SIL said even though he has to go to work at 10PM Sunday night, he wanted to continue their tradition of hosting a super bowl party! It will be a fun time- probably going over around 4:00! OH, and forgot to tell you how cute Belle is- she has gotten so big and they are doing such a good job of training her!


It's time to refill my cup of coffee and garner the energy to go out and shovel- it is so much easier to do it in spurts, rather than wait till the whole storm is over!


I am planning to rest, relax, crochet (shovel), watch movies (shovel), take a nap (shovel) today! :lol I have decided that today is a day off from everything except shoveling! I plan on cleaning in the AM tomorrow! A girl needs a day off every now and then:lol


:hug to all-:snow

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Beth that tote sounds so neat- Please post pictures when you are done.


And I forgot to welcome Shannon to the group! How rude of me! Welcome Shannon- you will love it here!! Can't wait to hear from you again. Someone told me you are a Saints fan---GEAUX SAINTS WHO DAT??

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Good morning to all! The sun is finally out here! We get to see it this weekend before it goes away again on Monday. It has been a very wet and rainy winter here. Cold too. This is the coldest it has been in Texas since I have been here!

Joanne - Be careful in the snow! Take it easy shoveling! Glad to hear that Belle is getting big and is wonderfully trained!

Beth - Can't wait to see the tote! Did you design the pattern yourself?

Mary - How are things up by you? You have lots of sweaters done! Glad to see your hooks are still smoking!

LeaAnne - Have a WONDERFUL time! Enjoy it!

Colleen - Did you have a good early night last night? I hope it was what needed. Mine was an early night. I couldn't help it. The magical chair took over!

Stacy - How are the girls feeling? Are you feeling okay?

And we have a new member! Welcome (back!) to Shannon! This is a wonderful place to be. You will love coming to visit here!

I need to go bet buttons for the baby sweater today to finish it and I need to finish to border on the blanket. Then I can start the scarf for my niece. DD has tkd this morning and I need to go get dog food for Aurora at the vet. I have towels to fold and the vacuum to run. DD needs to clean her room upstairs. But these allergies are knocking me out! I am TIRED! Tomorrow I need to go to the grocery store and get the shopping done.

Anyway, I hope we all have a great day today. :manyheart and :hugto all and I will check in later!

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Round 1 of shoveling the steps is done! The snow is coming down fast and furious here! It is the perfect snow to make a:sman, but I think I'll stick with staying inside and :crocheting!


I am glad I shoveled the steps-you could barely see where each step was. I plan on making several trips out there to do them- much easier that way!!!


Vicki- Texas is sounding mighty appealing right about now! I think I'm getting too old for this stuff they call snow-:lol. The only good thing, is it is Mother Natures way of having us slow down and relax- you really don't have much choice!


I decided to do laundry- sheets and towels. But no cleaning for me today! The dust can wait till tomorrow as can the floors, the bathrooms, the vacuuming and the kitchen!:lol


Hoping that all the delays at the airports here won't affect LeaAnne's travel plans!!!


Cya all later- off to grab another cup of coffee and the :hook and :yarn!

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Happy Saturday to you all! It's a beautiful sunny but chilly Saturday here.


I was in bed by 9:00 last night and slept right through till 6:45, so it must have been what I needed. This morning I have prepared a cabbage salad for the lunch at my MIL's, cleaned the upstairs bathroom, removed all the little pieces toys/instruments that involve mouths/potential weapons from the playroom before the 5 hooligans tear it to pieces, mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors, run and unloaded the dishwasher, folded 2 loads of laundry. :whew


Joanne - Have fun shoveling, but take it easy. Don't do it all at once and enjoy your day off. You deserve it!!! Good thing you have a snowblower.


Stacy - I hope you and the girls are feeling better.


Vicki - Can't wait to see that baby sweater!


Beth - Can't wait to see that tote!


Gotta go convince DD to wear something appropriate to lunch. Right now she's wearing mis-matched clothes that are too small. Wish me luck! :xfin

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Good luck with DD, Colleen and for matching clothes that fit! Have fun at the lunch!


We went back outside- I did the steps again and DH did the driveway and the sidewalks with the snowblower. Still snowing with no end in sight, but glad we went out to do it- it will be more manageable later when we have to go back outside. Came inside and folded laundry- second load is in the dryer and I 'm going to make some hot cocoa (with marshmallows) and finally pick up the hook and yarn!:manyheart

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Colleen, you have been a busy bee this morning! Good luck with getting your dd to wear something appropriate. Mia is at the age, also, and it is so hard to talk her into wearing something when she doesn't want to. She will actually pick clothing from Eva's drawer and put them on! :rofl Enjoy your lunch. :hug


Joanne, sounds like the snow is keeping you busy. Have fun with your day off. A :hook, :yarn, and :mug of cocoa sound like the perfect way to spend the day. :manyheart


Vicki, good luck with all you have to do today! I hope you can find something that will relieve your allergies. :hug


All of the girls were awake by 6, but Eva and Mia went back to sleep until 8! That never happens, which of course means that they are sick. Eva has a 102 fever and Mia has started coughing again. I did get a good night of rest though, so I am charged and ready to take on the sickness! :yes I need to run to Target today. Yesterday I bought some Littlest Pet Shop toys for the girls, but Isabella already has the set I picked out for her. :shrug My mom got her so many for Christmas that I had no idea what to get, so I'm not surprised. I also plan to get those Rubbermaid totes and spend the rest of the day cleaning/organizing the girls' closet. Guess I'd better get moving- it's already 10! BBL! :hug

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I finished the afghan for DD and am going to start another (smaller) for step grandaughter for her birthday which is on Valentine's Day- but the party isn't until the 21st. The one for DD is about 55X 55- so without further ado....here it is!


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How pretty!! You did a beautiful job. :cheer:manyheart I'm sorry I forgot to comment on Belle- I'm glad she is doing well with her training. Did you get any photos of her? :D


I went to Target, and got Isabella's chest of drawers cleaned out, but nothing else. Eva laid on her bed and watched me, and the next thing I knew, she was asleep. So I turned out the light and left her to sleep. Hopefully I will get more done soon, as it looks like a clothing store blew up in there. :ohdear

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Hi all! Hope everyone is having a splendiferous day so far!


I talked to Scooby on facebook last night, and she said to tell you all hi and she thinks about you all the time. She really misses us, and we miss her!:( She's hanging in there, though. She's a tough cookie!


Also, LeaAnne wanted me to tell Beth and Joanne that she's thinking of you today, with the weather. She was on her way to the airport when she texted me. She also said that she misses us all already!


So, today we went to pick out DD's flower girl dress for my cousin's wedding! We had so much fun. She finally got to meet the other flower girl, and they hit it off immediately. So we're definitely going to schedule some playdates soon.


Other than that, I really want to go to the parade tonight, but DD doesn't want to. And I really want to go to the hockey game tonight, but DD and BigBob don't want to. (I just almost typed BigBoob!!:rofl:rofl That is too funny! I had to share.) So we're just staying at my parents' again, 'cause when DH gets home he's going to watch the race, and he'll enjoy it more without us girls there pestering.


Colleen- Have fun today! I hope the clothes situation ironed itself out.:lol Get it?


Stacy- Blow kisses to the girls for me. I hope they feel better soon. And how are you feeling today?


Vicki- It's been crazy wet around here too. We've gotten so much rain the past few months. Good luck finishing up the baby present.


LeaAnne- Safe travels, hun!


Joanne- Stay warm up there! Sounds like a wonderful day to crochet!


Beth- How are things by you? I bet you're having a good crochet day too.


Mary- How are things up your way? Sorry I missed you last night. DD had other plans for me.


Scooby- Hey girl! Missing you around here!


Have a great day girls!:manyheart

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