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Some good clean fun?!

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It was okay. Roomie left the garage door open last night, and dh got upset with me because I couldn't tell if any of his tools were missing. :blush:angry


How was yours? It sucks that you have to stay until 7 tomorrow! Your afghan sounds neat- I can't wait to see a :photo. :wink

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Hope Mia is ok. And really Stacy- why didn't you know if any of DH's tools were missing?:lol


I'll be sure to take a pic of the ghan when it's done- I did, after all, spend 40.00 on a new camera battery!!!:lol


Have a good night!

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Good morning Besties!! Day 11 is upon me- and it will be a long one! Wish me luck getting through


Hope everyone has a good day and don't have too much fun while I'm slaving away:lol


I'll catch up with you tonight:hug

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Good morning to my besties! I am still all stuffed up and sneezing my way through the day. But I took Benadryl last night so I slept quite well! I should be able to get through my day of reading tests and the computer lab today!

I think I am almost done with the baby blanket that I am working on! I think I will finish it with the last few rows of whit that I am on and then do a border of purple. I need to go get the buttons for the sweater this weekend and do the draw string for the hood and put those on and it is done and ready to be wrapped! Then I can start the scarf for my neice. That shouldn't take too long. Then I can do the border to DD's square ghan. She has been waiting very patiently, so I must get that done for her.

Joanne - Day 11! I hope the day goes fast for you. Be careful going home!

Beth- Are schools open by you today? Did the kids drive in the snow yet?

LeaAnne - Are you ready for your trip?

Colleen - How is DD feeling? Is her cough any better?

Hoping all is well with Scooby and Shannon. Miss them much and prayers were said for them and for all my other besties.

Have a great day all and talk to you later!

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Good morning!!!


Joanne, you can make it!!! Day 11 -- you're almost done! I hope your long day breezes by.


Stacy, You have a LOT more patience than I would with the roomie situation. She makes me :tryme!!! And it's kind of funny that dh expects you to know what tools he should have in the garage.


LeaAnne, Colleen, Mary, Shannon, Vicki, Scooby, C4J, Tena, Sarah, Frogger, et al, have an awesome day!


I didn't get the cupboards done that I had scheduled yesterday. I had a headache, and laid down for a bit. let's see if I can do better today!

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:coffee Good morning!


Okay, I just had trouble typing good morning. I think I'll keep this short :lol


Off to swimming this morning and it is parents day, so I get to go in the pool with DD. Then it's cleaning and preparations for having friends over this weekend.


Beth - How is life without soda?


:hug for everyone! I hope you have a fantastic day!

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Hey ladies!!

We are on our way out to Mommy and Me, but I just wanted to pop in and say good morning! :hug You all are the bestest besties anyone could ask for. :manyheart Hope you all have a terrific Thursday!

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I am running out of gas, so am going to keep it quick. I am on the home stretch of last minute items to pack, little league registrations, PTO board meetings... can anything else be throw my way this week? :lol:lol

:whew! It's a good thing i m going on a vacation!:D


Wow, Mary! Your hook has been on FIRE, lady!!! :drool:drool:faint. GORGEOUSNESS is the word that comes to mind.


Beth - WTG on the Quit-ness:cheer:cheer:hug I am so proud of you!


Colleen - hope you enjoyed swimming and parents day! :hug


Stacy - :hug I hope today is going better for you... :hug Enjoy "Mommy and Me"


Joanne - by the time you read this, you will be looking at your last day of 12!!!!:yay:yay:yay YOU DID IT! :2rock:2rock


Vicki - good to hear that you got a good night's rest, in spite of your allergies:yes I hope today went smoothly!


:waving to Shannon and Scooby, Frogger, Tena, Chaya, C4J, FosterMom, and any other cleaning buddies who might be :lurking about.


:hug:manyheart:hug to you all! I'll be back later, if I can

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Mary, You are my hero! Those are beautiful!


LeaAnne, I'm so happy for you. Your energy just comes through the e-mails like a fresh breeze. You can conquer anything that gets between you and 'Vegas, Baby! Have a blast!


I'm just sending my love. I have a headache, so I'm crawling into my bed, and trying to relax it away, unless the sound of my hook calling me brings me out....:crocheting

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Mary those are beautiful! You are right, your DD does a have a way with picking colours. Gorgeous! I love the off-white one with blue and brown stripes.


LeaAnne - :clap Have fun! You'll make it through all the last minute craziness, I know you will. Have a FANTASTIC time! I can't wait to hear all about it. You just reminded me that I have to put soccer registration on the calendar so I don't forget.


Beth - :hug feel better soon. Crawling into your bed sounds like the right thing to do.


Stacy - I hope mommy and me was fun!


Vicki - WTG being almost done your baby gift. Please take a pic to share!


Joanne - :nworthy 1 day to go !!!! WTG!!!! You are so going to enjoy your weekend. And it's the Superbowl! What could be more perfect than that.


Swimming was fun. DD is doing wonderfully. A year ago I didn't know if she would go in the water at a swimming lesson and now she's swimming across the pool on her back. It is amazing how quickly they learn at this age.


1 bathroom cleaned, 3rd load of laundry on the go. I need to dust and clean the other bathroom yet today and go to the grocery store for a couple things. Yikes! I'm running out of time (and motivation :lol). Chicken alfredo for supper. Have a good day everyone!

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Mary - Those are just beautiful! How is the snowlake one done?

LeaAnne - Have fun in Vegas baby! Enjoy the trip! Today did go smoothly. A friend gave me something that cleared me out! I felt great all day!

Colleen - Gld to hear that swimming was fun today. It is amazing what they learn at that age!

Beth - I hope your headache feels better! Here is a :hugfor you!

Getting ready to go home. Need to make sure I am home to get DD off the bus. Hubby is running errands.

Have a great night all! Talk to you all on the flip side!

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Hi all!!


Mary- I am blown away!! Your afghans are just gorgeous. :manyheart


Leanne, WTG on your Vegas preparedness! :cheer


Colleen, WTG to your dd!! How awesome it must be to see her swimming across the pool now. :hug


Vicki, I hope you made it home in time. :hug


Beth, hope your headache clears up soon. :hug


Shannon, Scooby, Joanne...:hug and :manyheart to you!!


I, too, have a headache. Mommy and Me was a nightmare- Eva was in "terrible 2's" overdrive today. :ohdear I went to pick up Mia and the T.A. said that she seemed "out of it." Needless to say, I am hoping for an early bedtime. :yes

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Hooray for Vicki's Day!!!!! I am so glad that you had a good day:hug:hug You have more than earned one, sweetie!


Beth - I hope you are feeling better...get some rest, ok?


Colleen - chicken alfredo sounds awesome:P:P


Mary - I really want to make that snowflake 'ghan... it is sooo pretty!


:waving Stacy! HOw was your day?


:clapJoanne... for having 11 straight wordays under your belt!


:hi, Shannon and Scooby


hey... who's gonna be at chat tomorrow night?:devil

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I am hoping to be here for chat tomorrow. Dh and I are going out to dinner at a restaurant I've been dying for him to try, but I don't know if it will be Friday or Saturday night.


Colleen, how was your chicken alfredo? Alfredo is my absolute favorite! :manyheart


Vicki, the snowflake afghan is done in motifs (one snowflake and its border,) then sewn together. It is very easy once you get the idea of the motifs. :yes (Mary, I hope you don't mind me answering for you. :wink.)


Dinner is almost done, then I am hoping to retreat to my room. I am unpleasant today and don't feel like being around people. :blush I have a hat to finish for tomorrow, and I am almost done with SIL's 'ghan. Just the border and weaving of ends. :clap Maybe I can get them both done tonight! How awesome would that be? :c9



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Hi everyone! I am tired! Got home around 7:30! Tomorrow we can leave as soon as we finish the project we had to work on today /tomorrow- Hoping around 2! That would be awesome-ness...especially since we are supposed to get mucho snow Friday night into Saturday- and I have pretty bare cupboards! I dread going to to the store after work tomorrow with everyone in "snow panic"mode, but I honestly have no fruit, bread, eggs. If I had the energy I would have stopped tonight, but I just wanted to get home.


Mary- those ghans are GORGEOUS!! Each and every one of them!!!! Wow you do such nice work!!!!


Beth- hope your nap helped today (I sure could have used one) LOL


Vicki- glad you were feeling better today!


Stacy- oh, the terrible twos- hope the girls are in bed early and you can finish your projects- that would be awesomeness!!


Colleen- How exciting that DD is doing so well with the swimming. All of my DDs learned at the Y when they were 4! Your dinner sounds yummy- I mean, really, anything alfredo is great!!


LeaAnne- Vegas Baby!! Lucky, lucky you! I would so love NOT to be here for this snowstorm we are getting- I mean, it couldn't do this monster storm during the week so I could get a day off??? LOL!! Looks like my grey's will be with me for another week since I have a feeling my hairdresser will be cancelling!


I think I am going to head upstairs and "hit the hay"- no crocheting for me tonight- I really am tired!!!!


Hope to be here for chat tomorrow night!


Hugs to all!!

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Hi Ladies

Thankyou for the comments on the afghans. I also got done 2 potholders that I gave away and didn't get a pic of and I have 12 sweaters ( just the peices ) done, I still have to put them together.

Stacy :hug for you not being yourself

Vicki :cheer for having a good day

Colleen :cheer for dd swimming

LeaAnne :cheer for Vegas

Shannon :hug for missing you

Scooby :hug for missing you

Beth :hug for your headache

Joanne :cheer for 11 days in a row

Talk to you all tomorrow

Lots of Love


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