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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi Stacy. Yep, Wiarton Willy is our groundhog. He saw his shadow, so 6 more weeks of winter (as if it is ever less than that :rofl) I think you'll like the new issue of Crochet Today once you find it. I hope Mia feels better soon.


DD's Dr.'s appt went well. He is considering her officially asthmatic :( and we now have to try the puffers before bed for 2 weeks to try to get rid of the night-time coughing. :xfin


Now I'm off to do laundry and tidying. Have a great day everyone!

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Aww Colleen! Poor dd! :xfin and :hug! I was asthmatic for years- right up until I moved here, actually. It is such a pain but I'm sure it is a relief to know what is wrong. Hopefully the puffers will help and she will stop coughing so much. :xfin and :hug to both of you.


Thanks for the info on Willie. I Wiki'ed it and it sounds like the town has a nice little festival for him. :yes Phil saw his shadow too (of course! :lol)


I have one load in the washer and one in the dryer. Everything else is pretty much tidy. I might vacuum. Also have to run to the store to buy lunch stuff for Isabella. Off to take a shower! BBL!

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Hello Everybody! :hi


I started on the nieces' Christmas afghans yesterday, and I'm trying to devote my early morning to them and my SIL's afghan, so I can make progress without interfering with a lot of my day. Unfortunately, that's my Bestie time, so I'm going to need to reschedule when I stop by with my :coffee


Do you think 44" is wide enough for a throw? When I edge it, it will be closer to 45"


I emptied two of my top kitchen cupboards, and cleaned the shelves. Now I need to clean the items that go back, purge the items that don't, and put up some of my inconvenient china that's taking space I want for my yarn. (See where my loyalties lie?) I'm going to try to do a couple cupboards a day until they are all clean.


Vicki, we care about you, and we want to help when you are down. Please don't feel bad about sharing your bad days. We will surround you with good thoughts on those days, and when you share your good days, we'll celebrate with you. I may even get someone to teach me the cabbage patch, so I can dance for you when the good news comes in. I hope George is behaving himself, and your computer situation gets resolved soon.


Colleen, I hope the puffers help your baby sleep well. It's great to be able to breathe clearly.


Stacy, I hope your baby feels better soon.


Joanne, :cheer for a warm house!!! I'm glad it got fixed.


Mary, LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby, Jennifer, Tena, Vickietoria, Frogger, and Sarah, :hug I hope you are having a :c9 Tuesday!

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Beth - WTG getting started on your Christmas 'ghans. It sounds like you've got a good plan there, but I sure hope you can find some time for us. :yes WTG on the cupboards. My motivation to declutter that I so enjoyed last week seems to have stopped dead in it's tracks this week. :blush How is the soda-less-ness going?


Stacy - Look at your wiki-ing Wiarton Willy. :lol I hope trying the puffers helps with the coughing. All we can do is give it a try and see how it goes.


DD and I played Go Fish this afternoon and worked on some homework she had. I've got supper made just waiting for DH to get home from work. I've received more details about my new volunteer job at the school. I go for training this Friday and I'm very excited. I'm going to be helping students who are learning English as a second language. This should be very interesting and challenging. Just what I need :tup


LeaAnne - How many days until your pirate ship sets sail for Vegas? :lol You will have a blast! How long has it been since you and DH went away without the kids?


Shannon, Scooby - Still missing you guys. :xfin that you are both back soon.


Vicki - Here's a :hug for you today.


Joanne - Another day down, 3 to go if I could correctly. :yay:yay:yay


:hi to everyone else!

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Hi Ladies

I was out all morning and for lunch just here in town. Back home and I needed a nap. DH is out for the evening and it is just me for supper. I had a big lunch so I might just have some toast and tea for supper.

Colleen I was just thinking Iam not doing so good on my decluttering think maybe I will get that craft room done tonight. I will tell myself NO CROCHETING until it is done.

Beth WTG on the cupboards.

LeaAnne when do you leave again, is it Friday?

Joanne 3 more days to go.:cheer

Shannon ans Scooby we are missing you guys.

Stacy sorry about your restless night.

Vicki I think you need lots of hugs. I wish I could come there and give them to you in person but I can't so here you go :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

I hope everyone is having a great day.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi everyone!


Got home at 4:45 and put dinner in the oven and started a load of laundry. Straightened up the mail on the table and am ready for a nice relaxing evening once dinner and laundry are done.


There is a groundhog in Staten Island Zoo- Groundhog Chuck- and he is predicting an early spring- in direct opposition to Puxatawney Phil and Wiarton Willy. I think I'll believe Groundhog Chuck:lol


We are supposed to get the flaky white stuff tonight- I brought home work with me and I am planning to work from home if we get alot- It'll have to be enough so I can honestly say I can't get to work!


Vicki :hug:hug:hug:hug for you my friend. I am glad that you continue to post to us and know we are here for you. I can only imagine what you are going through- and if we can bring just a little joy to your day than I am happy:yes I hope you have a good night at bowling


Beth- WTG on cupboard cleaning- While I was starting dinner tonight and looking through the cupboard I saw stuff that has been there for a while just cluttering up the cabinet so I uncluttered it! I packed up a box of coffee mugs- I mean, really, how many mugs do 2 people need? I have enough for an army! I think I'll see if DD needs them now that she's moved to NJ and if not- Goodwill here they come! That is a great plan you have for the afghans! I think that the size you are planning is a good size throw!!


Colleen- :yay that you are excited about your volunteer position and that it will be a challenge. That is very exciting! Sorry about DD, but if the puffers work for the cough at night, that will be good. Who won Go Fish? LOL


LeaAnne- you must be getting excited for the vacation to Vegas! How was your workday? Glad that the house is Nanny-ready!!!


Mary- Glad you are getting out and about and that you had a nice nap. Good luck with the craft room


Stacy- Did you get to :crocheting today? I didn't last night, but it is on my agenda tonight- while I watch NCIS- my new favorite show!


I must have missed the post about Scooby- but sure am missing her around here and Shannon-ness too!!


Well, gotta go check the chicken and put the laundry in the washing machine.



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:waving, friends!


first, let me send some :hug:hug:hug and :U:U:U Vicki's way... the girls are right! we are here, good or bad! That's just what friends do! We all luv u bunches, and pray for quick resolutions for you. Please don't feel bad, ok? ...do you promise????? ok! :hug:manyheart


Colleen ~ sorry to hear about DD's asthma... :xfin that the puffers work! and :jumpyay:tup on that volunteer opp! It sounds really cool:yes and my feeling is that you are just the gal for the job :wink:hug


Joanne ~ good thinking about bringing work home work... I hope you get enough snow to stay home, or that it just doesn't bother:lol Hey, I should probably let you in on a family secret: My neice and her friends would wear their PJ's inside out when they wanted a snow day. It NEVER failed them! We tried it here, too, and we always at least got a substative delay:clap ... I will wear mine inside out for you:tup:rofl Hey, Only 3 days left!!!!!:yay:yay:yay So, sports fan, what are your plans for the Superbowl?


Mary ~ You are going to not allow yourself to :crocheting?? :faint. Man! I hope that craft room declutter goes quick:cheer:cheer It sounds like you had a lovely day, and I couldn't be happier for you! You sure do deserve it!!!:hug


Beth ~ Look at you go! crochet in the early hours, homeschooling AND decluttering? You never ever cease to amaze me. I think you are the most organized person I have ever known. :hug:hug WTG on getting the throws started... I think your sizes are perfect-ness! It must be something in the air about purging, last night I got bored (ummm... yah, sure:lol) and emptied my junk drawer in my kitchen. I think i will put my cookbook and phonebooks in it for next week :wink "Nannification: 99% complete!":lol


Stacy ~ so sorry about Mia and Eva not feeling well. That is always bad for a momma to get any rest at all:(. I sure hope you get a good night's rest tonight... I could hear the tired in your voice;). did you pick up a project to cure your :crocheting itch???? I have heard that flannelghans are pretty fun to make:wink:rofl Here are some :hug:hug, and hopes that you had a great day!


:waving to Tena, Frogger, and any other cleaning friends :lurking out there!!!



I leave on Saturday for Vegas' Treasure Island, and boy I just cannot wait! The last time DH and I went away for more than a night (to see Bruce) was years ago... :thinkI don't even know how many:shrug

We will be at the Treasure Island 1/2 the time on the strip, and the other 1/2, we will be where is more familiar to me... the Golden Nugget downtown!

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Hi Ladies

I don't know where this energy came from but Iam using it all up. So far I have 3 loads of laundry, 1 folded, 1 in washer and 1 in dryer. I have 3/4 of my craft room finished. Dishes done. Now Iam going to allow myself to crochet. I think I earned it.

Talk to you all tomorrow

Lots of Love


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wow, Mary... nobody better take your :crocheting time from you!!! Looky what you got accomplished!!!:eek


Just stoppin in to say sweet dreams to you all... and to say that you are the BEST!



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Good morning! Day 10! I can see the "finish line"! It snowed overnight and is still snowing but only about 2 inches or so...just enough to be a pain driving in , but not enough to keep me home!


Happy Hump Day to everyone- I'd better get going since I'd rather be on the roads early with less cars to worry about!!!


Cya on the flip side

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Good morning! I can't believe public schools are closed here again today. We had a little rain last night, but it's above freezing, there isn't any ice. :think What does an Ohio girl know about the Southern definition of "winter storm?"


Joanne, drive safely, sweetie. I hope you get to work fine. And you're right -- the finish line is looming!!! Weekend is on its way!


Mary, so your crochet hook isn't the only thing that moves fast at your house! You got a lot done yesterday. You definitely earned your crochet time.


LeaAnne, so glad your home is 99% Nannified. Will your chickens allow it to stay that way? Your count down to Vegas is winding down. How exciting!!!


Colleen, your house sounds like a haven. Your dd is so lucky. The volunteer job sounds exciting and fun! Do you enjoy a challenge?


Vicki, sending :hug:hug:hug your way. I hope George is being a gentleman.


Stacy, I hope "our" girls are doing alright. You are in my thoughts.


Scooby, missing you, and sending you lots of love.


Shannon, I'm missing my Janna story fix. :) Hearing from you is like a breath of fresh air. I'm glad you pop in when you can.


Tena, Frogger, C4J, Sarah, and everyone else, have an awesome Wednesday!!!


I started the other niece's afghan today. I will finish the first row tomorrow. I am going to clean the next 3 cupboards today. I have some very old food in there that needs to go away. I moved my china out of the china cabinet into the cupboards I cleaned yesterday, and now I have more room for yarn! I still need to straighten it up a bit. Thanks for the words of experience about the size of a throw. I'm glad to make it 7 motifs wide, instead of 8.

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Hi girls. I was able to get a laptop at work so I can check in with my besties in the morning. Thanks for all your kind words. You all really do cheer me up and make me feel better. I do feel better today. Things will be fine.

I'm tired from bowling last night. I bowled a 165, a 107, and a 135. I took 2 out of 4 points. The team did not do very well, but oh well. That happens.

Now it is my turn for allergies to act up. I am all stuffy and I can't breathe this morning. I hate taking allergy medicine because it makes me so sleepy. We'll see how I am later.

It is tae kwon do night here so it will be a run around night. And it is going to be a very rainy day. It is supposed to rain ALL day.

Beth - School is closed because of rain? I have never heard of that. Did they expect ice instead?


Joanne - Day 10!! YAY! Sorry you didn't get enough snow to stay home and work from there. Stay safe on the roads!!


Stacy - How are the girls feeling today? Are they any better?


Colleen - Did the puffer help DD last night? Was her coughing any less?


Mary - you were an energy bundle last night! You can come down here and help me whenever you want!


Missing Scooby and Shannon. Hope all is well with them.


Talk to you all later girls. Have a great day and I will check in later!

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Hey, Besties~


I am saying a quick :hi... it's BABY day! :jumpyay


I hope you are all well, and would like to ask for everyone to remember all of our firends here, as you say your prayers... there are a few who really need them today

Well, I won't keep you, so you can "go check your e-mail":wink...


hugs, and love to you all...


i'll see you in a while;)

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Hi Ladies

Just stopping in to say Hi and let you know I have the craft room 98% finished. Some yarn sorted for hats for cancer. And the little bedroom finished. I still need to have a shower and we have a meeting tonight so I don't have to cook :cheer

I hope everyone is having a great day today.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:hi all!


I am :grumpy today, so I won't stay long. :wink More Roomie and Terror problems.

Mia is feeling better, she's still coughing a bit but she's good enough for school today. I need to run to Target for a Rubbermaid container after dropping her off. You all have inspired me with all of your de-cluttering, and I am planning to weed out the girls' closet today. :yes


Leanne, have fun with the baby today. :manyheart


Mary, good luck at your meeting! :hug


Joanne- Day 10! You are almost there! :cheer


Vicki, sounds like you are feeling a bit better today, besides the allergies. :hugGood luck to dd at TKD tonight. :cheer


Scooby, Shannon, Colleen, Beth- happy Hump Day! Have a great one! Extra special thoughts and prayers going out to those Besties that need them. :hug Love you all!

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:hug:hug:hug:hug Stacy... cause you need them! :hug:hug:hug

I hope things are better soon!


Mary, have a great meeting... it's good to hear you say that you are going;):hug


Beth - :eek no school today? :think

:clapfor the throws for the DN's.... anytime we can help make your job easier, we are glad to:devil :lol


Vicki - hopefully DD enjoys TQD tonight, and that your day is going well. :clapfor getting a laptop to use! Here's some extra:hug:hug your way, too!


Joanne - WTG Day 10 is done, and you only have 2 to go!!!! HOw :hyper are you????


Colleen - what are you up to today?


:waving and :hug to everyone in this CAL, mentioned or not in this post! I am thinking of you all, and pray that things are going well for you.

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:hi Friends and :hug:hug:hug all around!


Stacy - Have fun decluttering the girl's closet. I'm glad to hear Mia is feeling better. I hope you feel better soon and the Roomie and the Terror behave. :hug


Vicki - :clap for feeling better about things. I hope your allergies behave and that DD has fun at TKD.


Beth - :yay for starting those throws. I can't wait to see those colour combinations. Hee hee about the schools being closed. What can you do? Better than having people who can't drive in snow trying to get around snowy/slushy streets. :yes


LeaAnne - :manyheart time with the baby sounds heavenly. I hope it was recharging for you. WTG at the nannification!


Mary - Enjoy your meeting tonight.


Joanne - :yay for Day 10! You are almost there!


Shannon - :hug Scooby :hug Love you girls!


:hi to everyone else! Thinking about Chaya, C4J, Sarah, Frogger, Tena, Judy, Jenn, everyone!


Not much excitement here today. I did some errands, shoveled the driveway, 2 loads of laundry, and (inspired by all you declutterers) cleaned out and tidied the bathroom vanity :tup Feels good. Oh ya, and I exercized. I know, don't faint. I'm just trying to be a healthier person one step at a time. ....and I'm kind of restless :shrug I think it's the not working. Leftovers for supper tonight.


Quick question: Wedding gift for a couple in their 40s (he might have just turned 50 :shrug), first marriage but they have a home all set up. They didn't have a wedding reception. DH's cousin. Any ideas?


Have a good one!

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Day 10 in the books so to speak!!! But Day 11 is going to be a long one:(

We were told we have to work until about 7PM tomorrow night-so it will be a long day! Thank goodness the weekend is near!


All you decluttering besties- can you come here and declutter for me? I am exhausted after work-barely can keep up with the day-to-day cleaning, never mind extra decluttering:lol. But, I need to destress every day with y :yarn:hook! I did 2 more rows last night- DH said when is that going to be done? I said, when I think it should be done! Actually it is ok now, but I want a few more rows of the variegated and the pink, and then I think I'll end in brown or beige border. I'm ready to begin another one in different colors!


Colleen :clap on exercising! It must be that you are not working- you have some more time on your hands now and exercising is great! I keep saying I have to go back to the gym! My friend gave me a Zumba DVD so I might try that over the weekend


Beth- That is too funny- school closed- no ice, no real snow- amazing how snow/ice/rain paralyzes the south! WTG on starting the other ghan and you are inspiring me with your decluttering of the cupboards. I did throw out a few items when I was looking for the breadcrumbs tonight- you know food in the back of the cupboard with expired use by dates? :lol


Mary- WTG on all your cleaning and crocheting! you have been on a whirlwhind so that means your back must be feeling better!:)


Stacy- Sorry about the drama with roomie and terror. Heres some:hug:hug:hug:hug for you!!! I was happy to hear that Mia is feeling better and that she was going to school today!


LeaAnne. How was your day with the baby-bet it was fun! The countdown to your vacaction is on!! How exciting for you!!! WE are supposed to get a big snowstorm here on Fri evening into Saturday--of course- the weekend!!! MY weekend!!!:lol I have a hair appt on Sat at 8- but if we get the amt of snow they are predicting, looks like I'll have another week of the grays showing which makes me :(.


Vicki- Glad you got the laptop at school so you can post. I would love to post from work, but that would not be using the computer for business purposes!

I can read emails though on my blackberry:yes

Keep thinking positive- and here are some :hug:hug to keep you going!!


Shannon- Are you getting excited for Sunday! GEAUX SAINTS!!!


Scooby and eveyrone else- :hug and thoughts are with you!


Time to check dinner- meatloaf, potatoes and salad tonight and then a few more rows on the afghan time!

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Oh, Colleen- couple in their 40's (maybe 50's)- they probably have everything they need at this point- Were you thinkging of making something for them, or buying?

How bout a flannelghan in their favorite colors? Maybe Stacy could make it for you:rofl:rofl:rofl

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:rofl Stacy would definitely have to make the flannelghan for me. No, I was thinking of buying something. We are going to visit "up north" next weekend and we would deliver the gift then. I need to have the wedding gift, a birthday gift for my SIL, and a baby shower gift ready for next weekend.


WTG ticking off day 10, Joanne. I hope day 11 goes fast. My fingers are crossed that the snow holds off so you can get your hair done. You deserve it!

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Oh, Colleen- couple in their 40's (maybe 50's)- they probably have everything they need at this point- Were you thinkging of making something for them, or buying?

How bout a flannelghan in their favorite colors? Maybe Stacy could make it for you:rofl:rofl:rofl


ooohhh.... Joanne, you are so BAD!



:ty for the :lol


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Hi Stacy and LeaAnne- I see the green lights!!!


Stacy- did you know you are making another flannelghan for Colleen's friend's wedding gift?:rofl

I just couldn't resist:devil


LeaAnne- are you all packed for the big trip?


I did 4 more rows on the ghan! I have decided 4 more rows and then the border. It should be done this weekend! And then on to a different project- maybe another one? While it is cold, it is a good time to work on afghans and then store them away for Christmas.

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