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Night LeaAnne


I'm going to call it a night too- I am beat- this working every day w/out a day off is starting to wear on me and I just looked and saw it is 20 to 11 and I get up at 5:23!


Have a good night Shannon and Stacy!


Shannon-ness- do you know when you may be on again? Good luck with calling the ped!

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Oooh Pink, too! What a line-up. I am dying to see Kings of Leon. I hope I get to enjoy it, too. Roomie's b/f has a horrible habit of talking throughout an entire show and pointing out the inconsistencies/bad things about it. Pray for me that I can hold my tongue and not tell him to be quiet. :blush

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Good night Joanne! I'm not sure when I'll be back on. Love you!


Stacy, I need to go too. I'm starting to see double. Love you!

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Oooh Pink, too! What a line-up. I am dying to see Kings of Leon. I hope I get to enjoy it, too. Roomie's b/f has a horrible habit of talking throughout an entire show and pointing out the inconsistencies/bad things about it. Pray for me that I can hold my tongue and not tell him to be quiet. :blush

Fingers crossed that they just listen to the music- it was really good- This is the best awards show- hardly any talking- just music, music, music!! Love it!!

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Good night, Shannon! It was so nice to chat with you. :hug to you and Janna. I hope things start moving along soon.


Thanks, Joanne. Dh asked me who it was but I didn't know.

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Hi all. I am still a bit on the depressed side. I know all will work out and I know it will, but it is taking longer than I thought.

Anyway, Yesterday I did the laundry and changed the sheets and vacuumed the floors. Meatloaf was on the menu for dinner and it was a pajamas day. Didn't feel like getting all crazy and it was just a lazy day. I did work on the baby blanket that is WAY over due. I got about 5 more rounds done on it.

My chair took me over last night while watching the Rangers play the Avalanche. The Rangers were winning when I fell asleep, but I haven't looked yet to see what the final score was.

Joanne - Day 8 girl! You can do it!

Stacy - How is Mia feeling? Is she coming down with something?

Shannon - Sorry I missed you last night. Hope all is well with you.

LeaAnne - How are the chickens up by you?

Mary - How is your back feeling?

Beth - How much snow did you get? Did the inventions shovel you out?

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later.

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Good morning everyone! I'm home safe after driving my son to work at the fort, which is on an island, then taking my daughter to the pet store where we volunteer. We even stopped to buy groceries on the way home.


People around here do NOT know how to drive in a little slush. It's almost funny, but mostly frightening. You have the speed demons driving above the speed limit, the snow-bound driving as slow as the car can move forward, and everything in between. And the cities don't know how to handle 8 inches of snow! Man, it makes me laugh. This town is crippled!


Quicksilver handled the snow and ice very well. We had a few slippery moments, but we handled them well. I tried to talk my kids into driving -- when else will they learn? They don't see snow often here. i may drag them to a parking lot in a bit, let them get some practice.


Vicki, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug It's OK to be a little depressed about everything. I hope things move faster than you expect!


Stacy, your pun last night was a real stinker. How is our Mia?


Joanne, your ability to destress is so healthy. I need to channel some of that today. Four to go!!!


Shannon, nice to hear from you! I think of you an Janna-ness all the time!


Mary, stay warm. You'd think the heat from your crochet hook moving so fast would help warm you... Does it save on your heating bill?


LeaAnne, how goes the nannification of your house?


I'm so brain dead. Just hugs for everyone else. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Talk to you all later, ISP willing....

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Wow, quiet here today. I hope everyone is having a great Monday. I won't write to you individually right now, but know that I'm thinking about you all. I'm keeping very busy here. I had my physical this morning (and everything is A-OK :tup Just need to get my bloodwork done). Groceries done, dishes done, dishwasher unloaded, 2nd load of laundry on the go. I've got to get DD's bed changed now, supper made, and some ironing done. It's almost time to go get my angel from school. Today was her show and share day, so she was excited and I can't wait to hear how it went. I am going out to the movies (girls night out) tonight, so I'm excited about that. With that said, I'll probably "see" you tomorrow.

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Hi Ladies

Today was a little bit of everything day. The only thing I didn't get to do yet was crochet. When Iam finished here I might see if I can get a couple of panels joined to the afghan. It really is turning out nice.

Dh is gone ice fishing with a friend and I was thinking I might go out to bingo to night with the girls. I will have to see.

LeaAnne, Shannon, Stacy and Joanne it was so nice to chat last night. Even if it wasn't for long.

Colleen have a nice night at the movies.

Beth Hope the snow is not too bad.

Vicki Lately I have you on my mind alot. I hope everything gets better soon. I always say a little pray for you and your family.

Talk to you all later

Lots of Love


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:waving, Besties!


I hope you had a good day... it sure was quiet here.


Beth - hope your ISP is behaving, and that you got to teach your inventions about the joys of driving in the snow... Now that's a life skill!

the Nannification is coming along... I am about ready to call it "good enuff", though! I don't really know why I stress myself out so much... it is my house, and :yes, we live in it!!!


Mary - WTG on getting the afghan almost done!!! I hopeyou are well:hug


Vicki - I hope your day was not so stressy... sorry that things are taking longer than you would like:(. I am thinking of you! How is DD?


Colleen - WOW!!! you sure did get a whole bunch done today!!! How was "show and share"? What movie did you girls see?


Stacy - How is Mia today? and how was Isabella's day at school? And what's Eva up to today? Did you get to watch the Grammys in peace last night?


Joanne - :cheer:cheerDay 8 is down, and only 4 to go!!!! Hey, if you did 2 rows of destressing... errr. I mean :crocheting each night this week, you would be ready to trim your 'ghan by the weekend!


Shannon might be back before the week ends, and Scooby says :hi, and sends :hug to you all!


:waving to the rest of you cleaning bugs out there! I hope you are all well, and that you had a good day! :hugs


i am ready to go put my feet up and do some :crocheting.

Hugs to you all...

luv ya!!!!


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I am NOT having a good day :angry!

George came to visit so I am crabby, cranky and crampy to begin with. So of course I have a migraine to go along with my cramps. It just comes with the territory.

Then to top it all off, my computer at school CRASHES! I am trying to send out an e-mail to the department letting them know some information after a department chair meeting and the whole thing just dies! It is only a couple of months old! I just got the *&%$# thing! AAAAHHHHH!

Now I get to go work on my paper.


I am hoping tomorrow is better!

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Well, my day started out with no heat!:eek I woke up at my usual time and when I hopped out of bed it was freezing. I went to check the thermostat and it said 55 degrees. I turned up the thermostat- and nothing- well, the furnace turned on, but the flame didn't ignite (I have a gas furnace). I called a couple of repair places and left a message. Then I was going to call work and realized I left my cell at work yesterday- with all my numbers!!! So I drove into work, checked voice mail at home, one of the repair people had called, I called back and then left work to meet him- it was crazy. But $191.00 later, I have heat and then went back to work until7 PM.


Vicki-:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you! George, stress and migraine, and then computer issues:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug. Hang in there girlfriend!


Everyone else I don't have the energy to respond individually-I'll try and get to that tomorrow after work- Day 9 coming up and Im starting to feel it:yes


Have a great rest of the evening. I'm heading to bed:lol

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Hey all! :waving


:hug:hug:hug Vicki! George always knows just when to visit, doesn't he? I'm sorry you are feeling depressed. I hope things get better for you soon.


Joanne, yikes about your heater!! Sounds like you had a crazy day. Hope tomorrow is better. :hug Only 4 days left! :clap


Leanne, you are cruising along on that 'ghan! Thanks for sending along messages from Shannon and Scooby. :hug


Beth, good luck teaching those inventions how to drive in snow! You can do it! :cheer


Everyone else...I am very tired, so please accept :hug and love tonight!


The girls both stayed home today, as did Jorge. He took a vacation day to help with the girls. :manyheart Isabella woke up with a stomach ache and Mia is coughing and still running a low fever. The cough is infrequent, but deep, so I may put in a call to the dr. tomorrow. She also seems really tired. If she wakes up like that, she won't go to school again.


Well I better scoot. I am :tired. The older 2 are in bed, and Eva is on her way. Good night, all! :ghug

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Good morning! Today is starting off better than yesterday for sure! I have heat and the house is warm which is a good thing. I got a good night's sleep- so here we go- Day 9 and feeling fine!


Vicki- Thankfully my pipes didn't freeze-that was my worry- but I guess it wasn't off long enough for that to happen!!! Hope today is a better one for you


Stacy- hope that Eva is feeling better. Did you get to enjoy the Grammy's or did you have a play-by-play announcer throughout the show?


Colleen, Beth, Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Tena, Frogger, C4J and anyone else-have a fab Tuesday!!

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Joanne - At least the pipes didn't freeze. That is a good thing! That would have been a HUGE problem! I am hoping today is a better day. I am logged on to a friend's computer at the moment. I need to see if I can get a laptop when the TA gets here in a little while. Then at least I can get stuff done without running all over the place!

Stacy - I hope the girls are feeling better today. My DD is feeling fine. She went back to school yesterday and had a good day.

Mary - How was DH's ice fishing trip? Did he catch anything?

Beth - Did the inventions get out and drive in the snow? I laughed at your description of people driving in it. You are right, people don't know how to drive in snow. Good luck with the driving lessons!

I hope everyone else has a great day. I know I have not been the best person to be around lately and I apologize. I am trying to keep everything together and it has not been easy. Thanks guys.

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:coffee mornin'


I went to see Young Victoria last night. It was fantastic and very interesting.


Joanne - I'm glad you woke up in a warm house this morning. What a horrible thing to wake up to. :hug 4 days to go! :cheer


Beth - I hope you convinced your kids to try driving in the snow. A good lesson for sure :yes


Stacy - :( I hope your chickens are feeling better.


Vicki - :hug:hug:hug I hope you feel happier soon. We are here to listen ANY TIME!


LeaAnne - Thanks for passing on the messages from Shannon and Scooby! What's Scooby up to? I'm missing them both. I hope your day at work goes well and that you have fun with the little man.


Mary - Will Wiarton Willy see his shadow today? Let's hope for an early spring :yes Did DH catch any fish?


:hi to everyone else!


DD has her check up at the Dr. today and otherwise we're staying home and relaxing. She has a bit of the sniffles, but she's happy and slept well so hopefully it will pass quickly. I got my new Crochet Today yesterday :clap Something to enjoy for a few days. Have a great day!

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:hi all


It's another :tired morning here. Since Mia slept a lot yesterday, she got up at 2:30 this morning and walked around, played, tickled me. :angry She laid with me for about 10 minutes, but she kept kicking and pulling the covers so I told her she had to go back to her bed. She jumped up and hopped her way off the bed. :grumpy I finally fell asleep again, only for dh's alarm to go off an hour later. Mia is still coughing, so she probably won't go to school again.


Joanne, I'm glad your pipes didn't freeze! That would have been bad. Good luck with your 9th day! You are almost there! :cheer


Vicki, hugs to you!! :hug Please don't apologize for being down- we are always here to listen. I hope you were able to find a laptop to use. I'm glad your dd is feeling better.


Colleen, good luck at the dr. and enjoy your new magazine! I looked for it at the bookstore the other day but they only had Crochet! and Interweave Crochet.


I need to do a load of laundry, and then I will be free to :crocheting. I haven't done it in a few days, and I just don't know what I want to work on. :think But I want to do something! :lol


Have a great Tuesday, besties!

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