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Some good clean fun?!

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Oh, that sounds like soooo much fun!!! In May, maybe you could take lots of walks, and teach the 4 y/o about nature happening around you.

Those are fun ages!


The black flies will be here by then. I was thinking about taking them to the next city and see what they can do there. Yes they are busy, when they sleep we sleep :yes

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you got that right! :rofl... do you suppose maybe that's why I didn't remember them? Maybe I blocked 'em out:shrug :heehee


hey, did you see that Copenhagen Jacket that some of the girls are making on a CAL?

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you got that right! :rofl... do you suppose maybe that's why I didn't remember them? Maybe I blocked 'em out:shrug :heehee


hey, did you see that Copenhagen Jacket that some of the girls are making on a CAL?


Yes I did...... it is really pretty

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Yes I did...... it is really pretty


do you make things like that? I would like to try... maybe after I get some of these afghan WIPs done. I have a few jacket patterns that I like

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Hey girls!


Joanne, I hope you got to relax tonight, no matter what you did. :hug They've been keeping you pretty late at work. You're officially at the halfway point! You can do it! :cheer


Leanne, :clap for a nap! How nice. I hope you are feeling recharged. :hug


Mary, a nap for you, too! :cheer Yay for ds coming to visit! What a nice surprise. And dd coming to stay for a month, how nice! :manyheart I'm happy that you are feeling better and taking it easy. :hug


Dh and I had such a nice day! :c9 We went to the Getty, which was the museum that was closed last time we went. We saw some wonderful art, took a walk through the gardens, and relaxed on the hillside. We went for dinner, then to Borders to get some magazines. Our last stop was Starbucks for coffee, and we sat in big comfy chairs, and read for about 2 hours. It was sooooo nice.

We went to pick up Eva, and Mia ended up coming home, too. She got diarrhea at the IL's and she didn't want to stay. Now they are both in bed, and we are going to watch a movie. Good night, besties! :ghug

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Good morning and Happy Sunday!:lol And on the 7th day He rested, and on the 7th day Joanne goes to work :lol:lol What's wrong with this picture??:lol


LeaAnne and Mary glad that you had such a nice chat last evening!


After I had posted last night I went up to DH and said, I thought you wanted movie night and here you are working on the taxes! If you want movie night, let's let going :lol You can work on the taxes tomorrow night while I'm at work So we watched the movie and I was in bed by 9:30! I worked on my afghan while watching. Two more rows done! That helped to decompress from work!


Stacy- It sounds like you had a divine day yesterday- nothing finer than a day at an art museum, dinner, and then reading at Starbucks in a comfy chair:c9


Everyone else- enjoy your Sunday!!!Keep warm ---we had a little bit of snow last night- and it is gone this morning:think-it's not like it was warm and melted- very strange- anyway, it's still very cold here!


cya on the flip side:manyheart

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Good morning! It is still cold here and the sun is still not coming through the clouds. Hopefully the sun will come out today and warm us up a little. That would be nice!

I have laundry to do today. I have towels in the dryer that I need to fold and hubby has bathrooms to clean. He is still sleeping, as is DD. They watched a movie last night. My chair took me over instead!

Nothing else going on here. I am feeling a little down today. Just the whole situation going on here I guess. Nothing new to report about it.

Talk to you all later. Have a great day and stay warm!


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Hey, all, and good morning!


My chores are done (for the moment:lol), so I wanted to stop in before I pick up my :hook


:hug:hugto you Vicki! I hope you find a :U or 2 today... I am thinking of you. Glad to hear that the chair won last night! You need to keep up on your rest


:hi, Joanne! I can't even believe it's Day 7 already:eek I hope it's quick for you:hug


:waving Stacy! sounds like you had an awesome date day:c9 I am happy for you.


Mary~ :ty for a lovely chat last night... I enjoyed it very much! Hoping you are having a nice cup of tea with DH & DS.


Beth~ How are you all holding up down there? Are you still hunkered in, or are you able to get out and about today?


Colleen~ How was the mall? did you score any deals? :wink


Hi, Shannon, Scooby, Tena, Frogger, C4J, and everyone else... I hope you all stay warm and have a wonderful Sunday.



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Happy Sunday!


I didn't end up going to the mall. When my dad heard that DH was going to the auto parts store he got all excited, so I let the two of them go and stayed home with my mom and DD. I got to look at what my mom has been knitting and chat with her. I didn't have any money to spend at the mall anyway, I just didn't want to go to the auto parts store :lol Poor dad had 2 daughters and I think having a SIL to do "man" stuff with is a bit of a treat. It is warming up a bit, I think. Highs of -6 :lol


Beth - I hope you are warm and not snowed in too badly.


LeaAnne - Enjoy your day and :crocheting


Mary - Hooray that DS is coming to visit :yay and not long until youngest DD comes too :yay As for what to do with those kids in May :think I bet the nearby towns might have some kids things to do. :yes


Vicki - :hug Cheer up, my friend. We're here from you and it will all work out.


Stacy - Your date with DH sounds wonderful. You deserve it!


:hi to everyone else! I hope you are having a great weekend.

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My men dug us out today. It's not a lot of snow by Ohio standards, but it's paralyzing here in SE VA, where they aren't used to it. The dog thinks it's wonderful. I don't quite agree. If I wanted to live in the snow, I'd still be up North!!!


Vicki, here's some :hug:hug:hugIf you ever need to vent, we're here for you.


Colleen, a girls' day in sounds nice. :c9 I'd love to sit around with my mom for a few hours.


LeaAnne, congrats on getting your chores done.


Stacy, is Mia feeling any better today? Poor dear. I hope she's OK.


Mary, I am anxious to see your snowflake afghan. You do amaze me with your speed.


Joanne, five more to go!!!


I'm scared to type more, for fear I'll just lose it again. :hug:hug:hugto everyone!

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Hi Ladies

Happy Sunday to all. Iam having a very good crochet day today. My fingers are just moving along like lightening. I have 6 of the 17 pannels done on this afghan so far.

I know I promised pics but the stupid camera is not be nice. Plus it is over cast here and snowing a little bit, so it is not a good day for pics. Hmmmmmmmm....... wonder if the camera knows this.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

I will be back later


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hi everyone- I'm home!!! Another day down, 5 more to go!!! Dh worked on the taxes today and we don't owe anything- Yay for good news!!! In fact we are getting a nice little refund. He does owe NY taxes- but only 30 dollars! After next year- no more NY taxes since he'll be working in NJ


I got home and the first thing I did was put my slippers on and start the laundry. DH was good and vacuumed and dusted and he also ran the dishwasher and put the dishes away! I'll do the bathrooms tomorrow night after work. I jsut want to sit and crochet while the laundry is on.


It warmed up a bit here today- a very "springlike" 30 degrees:lol Compared to what it has been it actually felt warm!


I did stop at AC Moore on the way home and picked up another skein of RHSS (on sale) - coffee color- I'm not sure that I have enough to do all the rows of brown I have left so for $2.19 better safe than sorry.


WTG Mary on that afghan!!!


Colleen-:clap for time with Mom- that is nice that your Dad got to spend some "man" time with your DH!.


Beth- I heard from a friend of mine who lives in Charlotte NC- they also got snow- yesterday was her DS birthday and they went out to eat and the restaurants were closed- they finally found a Hibachi steakhouse that was open! And this with only an inch or two of snow- completely paralyzed the city! Glad that the men shoveled you out! And so sorry about your internet- that is sooo frustrating. I have cable internet and for the most part no problems- only occasionally I have to re-boot the modem!


Vicki- :hug for you! Hope you are having a relaxing day!


LeaAnne- Glad you got all your cleaning done and can crochet- are you working on the sampler ghan?

Everyone else- thinking of you- Stacy, Shannon, Scooby, Frogger, Tena, C4J and anyone I may have forgotten.


One more week to Super Bowl- WHO DAT?? Geux Saints!!

Well, I think I am going to go make myself a nice cup of hot cocoa and sit and crochet a while. Mary on that afghan!!! And Colleen- yay for time with Mom- that is nice that your Dad got to spend some "man" time with your DH!.

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Good morning, all! It is a tired day here. We didn't go to bed until almost 2 :blush, and the girls woke me at 6. :tired Mia was running around and asking if she could go back to Lita's house, so Jorge called his mom and she said sure. I took her back at 10- I guess they were supposed to go out to lunch and do some shopping. But MIL just called and said they haven't even left because Mia has a slight fever and is sleeping. She didn't seem sick at all when I took her over. :think I offered to pick her up but MIL felt that if Mia couldn't go, it wouldn't be fair to take Isabella out.


Mary, I :bow to you! You are amazing. Can't wait to see those panels!


Colleen, how nice to have a girls' day in. :manyheart Did you take your :crocheting so you and your mom could work together?


Vicki, :hug to you. We are here anytime you want to vent.


Beth, glad to hear your men dug you out. How much snow did you get?


Joanne, I hope your day is a short one. :hug Your movie night sounds nice. What did you watch?


Leanne, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, Tena...hope you all are having a nice day. :hug


I've done 2 loads of laundry already with the 3rd in the dryer. Also need to run to the grocery store. That's about it. We are planning to watch the Grammy's tonight. Maybe I will get a pizza at the store so I don't have to cook. :devil

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Hey Stacy- we were posting at the same time!! Hope Mia feels better and is not coming down with something serious! LOL when you said "good morning" and it's about 1:30 your time--you must be tired!!


Off to get the laundry out of the washer and put it in the dryer and start another load!

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Oh my!! I did type "good morning!" :rofl And I didn't even catch it. Yes, I am very tired.


I didn't know you had to file taxes in the state where you work, if it's different than the state you live in. :think You learn something new every day, I guess. LoL :clap for nice little refunds! We should be getting ours back any day now...unfortunately most of it is going for the down-payment on my car. We do owe state taxes, though- I don't know anyone in CA that doesn't owe this year. The state is turning to us to pay for their mistakes. :sigh


Enjoy your cocoa and crochet!


Oh, last night dh asked if I was getting a little tired of the dealer license plate frame, and I said I honestly didn't even remember it was on there. :blush He said he is going to get me a personalized one that says, "Hookers unite!" with 2 crochet hooks crossing at the bottom. :rofl

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Oh, last night dh asked if I was getting a little tired of the dealer license plate frame, and I said I honestly didn't even remember it was on there. :blush He said he is going to get me a personalized one that says, "Hookers unite!" with 2 crochet hooks crossing at the bottom. :rofl

I love it!!!!


Watching the grammy's - did you see the opening # with Lady Gaga and Elton John- it rocked!

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