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Some good clean fun?!

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Good night, Mary!


I better get going, too. Dh just decided he is hungry :rolleyes and I have to pick up Isabella soon. Good night, Leanne! Thanks for forwarding the email. I will read it when everyone is situated for the night, Mary. :hug


Sweet dreams, besties!

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Good morning and welcome to the weekend everyone (everyone but me that is:lol)


Had fun chatting last night and now it is on to get ready for another day! I really don't want to go out in the cold- it is about 12 degrees outside and I would so much rather stay here with the afghan I'm making over my lap!


Enjoy your day! Colleen, again have fun at the autoparts store:lol- and I think if you are going to an autoparts store, you should also go to a craft store!:yes


Cya on the flip side----whenever that may be:lol



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I see you weren't very talkative last night -- only 242 posts yesterday! :faint


We have lots of white stuff out there today, and it's still coming down. My dd's ballet class is cancelled, and the boys probably won't get to go to their friend's house this afternoon, as planned. I'm really looking forward to being snuggled in with the family all day.


The discussion of parents who don't want to bother with their children struck a nerve with me. I just don't get it either!


Have an awesome day, ladies! Stay warm and dry and safe!!!

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Mornin' Just stopping by quick. I think DH is going to drop me at the mall while he goes to the autoparts store. I know, it's not time together, but it beats time at an autoparts store :lol


My little chickadee and the big turkey are cuddled up together watching Popular Mechanics for Kids on the TV. It's about things that go fast. Both of them are thoroughly enjoying themselves, I'm sure.


Have a wonderful day all. Thanks for chat last night. Good luck packing and nanny-fying the house, LeaAnne. Enjoy the quiet, Stacy. Have a good, hopefully quick day at work Joanne. Enjoy your weekend, Vicki. Mary - :hug - I'll e-mail you soon.


:hi to everyone else! Enjoy your weekend!

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Beth - I keep saying we all need to stop being so shy.... I mean, Really!:lol

I hope you enjoy your hunkered in with your family day... I :manyheart those kinda days, too!


Colleen - WTG on avoiding the autoparts store! Have fun at the mall, and enjoy the peace and quiet!:wink


Joanne - Hey... at the end of today, you are 1/2 way there! :clap:cheer:clap..I hope they don't keep you too long today:hug


:waving to everyone else...I hope it's a Tee-riffic day for you all!


I am off to make "breakfast":P corn muffins!

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Good Morning Ladies

It is another cold day here today. Just the right kind of day for crocheting.

LeaAnne I love corn muffins :P

Colleen have fun at the mall

Joanne I hope you get out of work early today.

Beth your day sounds nice, staying in with the family

I hope everyone is having a great day today.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:hi, friends!


checking in... laundry done and folded (3 washed dried and folded, plus 2 loads folded from yesterday), kitchen cleaned, bathrooms cleaned, beds made, vacuuming done! :whew...:jumpyay Yes!!!! the rest of today is for me and my hook! (well... except for feeding everyone of course!:lol)


Hope you are warm! It's still bitter cold here... high today will be 10 degrees:eek :wcold:wbrr:wcold:eek

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Happy Saturday to all! It is cold here! The sun was supposeds to be out and it has not really shown up yet, so it is still cold! It is starting to make an appearance every now and then, but the clouds just don't want to go away.

Anyway, I have two loads of towels done, one folded, the other in the dryer. I still need to vacuum. The lunch and breakfast dishes are done and put in the dish washer. This is the first time all day I have been on the computer to come and say hi!

Glad I was able to chat and show you all that my chair was not able to claim me! Sorry I wasn't here very long, but I went to bed and didn't get up until 7!

I hope Isabella had a great time at the movie night, Stacy! She must have felt like such a big girl to go out without you!


Have a great rest of the day everyone and stay warm! It seems everyone is cold around the country except for Stacy!



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:yawn... hi, friends!


I sat down to :crocheting for a spell, and went OUT COLD!:eek:eek Even weirder? My chickens let me be! :faint:lol


Vicki -:hug I was glad to see you at chat last night, and was glad that you won, not "the chair":yes... truth be told? I was a little jealous of your chair... till this afternoon, that is:devil


I hope you are all having a great day... I am off to do my :crocheting now.

I'll check back later on


HUGZ, :hug

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Guess what LeaAnne? The same thing happened to me today also. I was all set to :crocheting and the next thing I know Iam waking up to DH being gone out. Just as I was getting up DH came in and said Ds is coming up for the night. Not too sure when he will get here but it is a nice suprise to wake up to.

I will check back in a bit to see if anyone wants to chat.

See you later


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Oh, how nice to have nap time! I got home around 5:45- another long day- and now it is snowing outside- it had just started when I was driving home. Have to be back in the morning at 8!


Dh wants to have "movie" night- and I want to have early to bed night LOL


right now he started working on the taxes- Ok, I've been gone all day and now he decides to work on this- asking me questions??? MEN!!


Oh, well, I just wanted to let you all know I survived day 6- halfway there!!!! Going to see what I can grab to eat- I'm thinking tuna sandwich and some soup. I don't feel like cooking and since DH didn't know when I was coming home, he had gone to visit his DD and she fed him!


Have a great night everyone!!!

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:h5 Mary!

I am so glad to hear that you got some good rest!!!! :hug


:clap for DS coming for a sleepover!


I'll be popping in and out... I am working on my sampler 'ghan tonight, and guess what? I am moving pretty FAST!:cheer I am very excited about it, it's a present for me:yay

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hey, Jo... We were posting at the same time...


:( I am sorry to hear you stressed out... man, they kept you kind of late today!


here's some :hug:hug:hug for you! I hope you have a great night with DH. I bet he must miss you bunches, with all of the hours you have been working.


I will cross my fingers for an early movie, and an early to bed for you.


oh! and here's one more :hug... just because!

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