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Some good clean fun?!

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Morning friends!


Guess it's morning:tired:yawn feel tired tired tired...actually exhausted. But will try to get myself moving.


Beth-down to one car again is going to be tough. :hughopefully your ds and dh will be able to get the other vehicle up and running fast fast fast!


Joanne-so happy that you had an awesome time with your family and that you do not have to return to Paradise today.:cheeroh what will you do with yourself? the possibilities are endless:hug


Marisa-how was the drive back? positive that you had lots of fun with all of your friends and family. Do you have a busy week scheduled?


Stacy-how are ya? was this your last weekend working? hope your family is doing well.


Yesterday was the last day of the sale, didn't have as many sales as I usually have, but managed to do ok. These three day events are too much. Do not think I will be doing those anymore...takes too much out of a person. My wonderful children came home yesterday. I missed them! They had been at the in-laws since Thursday evening. Dd is off today and ds is on Spring Break. We get to spend the day together. My brother is here for the week as he is on Spring Break too. :c9


I wore my shawl/wrap one day of the event and have an order to make one, then the second day I wore a sweater that I had crocheted and have an order to make one of those as well..the yarn that I used for the sweater is not here at my walymart but I can pick it up when we go up to visit my sister, I may order it on line.


other than all of that, going to clean today and add lots of goodies to my website as well as update update update.


best get my tush in gear...also had another sale on Etsy..8 more till 50.


hugs n squishes!

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I'm back in Pitt and at the office :clap:yay


The ride back was nice and there was not much traffic out at all :shrug Lots of cops out though. The bridal shower was nice, but I must say that it was quite poorly organized. It was great to sit and chat and catch up with my chiro girlfriends from school though :yes


Not much going on, but I have a pile of mail to go though and stuff to get organized :think


I hope you all have a wonderful day today :hug


Oh, BTW, my tummy hasn't bothered me again since last Thursday :think:shrug

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Too excited to sleep. My dd has been making felt dragons. I'm looking at the pattern she's using, and trying to convert it into crochet, so I can use the crocodile stitch for the body scales. Any ideas on a nice textured stitch for the smaller scales on the head and neck?


Marisa, welcome home! I'm glad you had a good time with your friends. Sorry the shower wasn't well organized.


Joanne, I hope you enjoyed your day off from Paradise. How nice to get to adjust to the time change with another day off.


LeeAnn, I'm really sorry to hear that your sale wasn't as successful as we had hoped.


Stacy, Is it midterms for you? My kids have them this week. Seems kind of wrong to have major tests the week you return from Spring Break, but I guess that's more time to study.

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Good morning!


Beth- Too early in the AM for me to think about a possible stitch to use for smaller scales, but a crocheted dragon sounds really cool! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


Marisa- Glad you made it home safe and sound!


I had a glorious day off yesterday--the weather was spring-like, sunny and warm and I took advantage. After dropping DD off at the train, I raked out some left over leaves in the front shrub area, went for a walk, spent time on the deck reading and a little time inside crocheting. Then last night it was craft club. I really made it a 'me' kind of day--and no cleaning was done- even though I was tempted to do some spring cleaning- i.e. windows, etc., I fought the urge and decided to relax instead!:lol


Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today. I did a little bit of crocheting last night, but not much. Ran some errands this morning and have some things to do while I'm here today. In my travels I stopped at a few places to ask if I can maybe come in for a couple hours one day to do blood pressure screenings and they all told me no :(:shrug Oh well, it was a thought.


Beth - I don't know about the stitches of the top of my head, but if anything comes to mind I'll be sure to throw it out there :yes


Joanne - Glad to hear you had such a great day yesterday, I hope paradise treats you well today :hug

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Good Morning friends!


Joanne-I am so happy that you were able to relax yesterday and have a wonderful time doing what you enjoy doing. Awesome! those days are the best! Have a great day in Paradise.


Beth-can't think of any new stitches, but ohhh that sounds soo neat! I am positive you will come up with something wonderful. :lol Mid terms already? yikes! Good luck to your kiddos.


Marisa-bummer about not being able to go in to check blood pressure, hmmm:think have you tried doctor offices? clinics? sometimes they will work with you..how about pharmacies?


Yesterday was spent with my family, we cooked together most of the day, but what a great time! Dd and I crafted a bit, I listed a few sugar scrubs on my site, still have to put away craft show goodies..but will get to that today. Also have to start my Spring Cleaning, but not in a real hurry.


guess I had better have another cup of coffee so that I can re- energize.


hugs n squishes!

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HI all,


Quick pop in- it was a LONG day in Paradise- always is when you miss a day of work--but at least the sun came out this afternoon and it was mid 70's- crazy!! I sat outside for a bit when I got home at 6:30- until it got dark- one advantage to daylight savings time is having some time outside AFTER work!!!

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LeeAnn, that is so adorable. I'll bet your baby niece will be so cute in it. When are they due?


Here's what I've been working on. I do not like the color orange -- very vehemently dislike it, actually -- and I bought 3 pounds of it to make afghans, only used one. Now I am trying to use up the rest of the yarn so I don't have to look at it. I think I'll give this to the younger ballet teacher.



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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and past alert! :lol (after I saw how much I typed, I decided I didn't want to do it again :wink )


The new bernat mcal clue is up and it's more octagons, super easy ones :yes I think I forgot to post a pic of my clue 5 motifs so I'll have to look and see if I have one with me. I think I took one with the ipad so if I email it to myself I can upload it from the computer :yes Such a bummer that I can't upload it straight from there :(


I worked on my sisters fingerless gloves last night with the steeler yarn I got at the festival in Feb. My goal is to have them done by the opening Pirates game :xfin Shouldn't be a problem...it's April 5th.


It was gorgeous out yesterday...I got it the car in the afternoon and it said 76 :eek I think it's supposed to be nice all week with some light rain tomorrow. Supposed to be nice for St Patty's Day :clap:yay Maryann is coming out and is catching the super late bus tomorrow night. She gets in at about 12:30 AM (between Thurs & Fri) and will leave on Monday.


Next weekend is the bachelorette party for my friend and I'll get to meet up with the Jersey ladies :wink That will really be a whirlwind trip :whew But, another friend is coming with me so I'll have company for the ride :clap We used to live together in Long Island through our clinic/internship. I'm not sure if we're leaving late Thurs or wait until Fri morning to leave :think Her office is already closed on Friday, but she doesn't want to close on Thurs since she'll be missing Saturday. But she has to talk to her dh and let him know she's going (which he had no clue of :rofl) but he is such a sweetheart :manyheart We all graduated together, so we're all chiros and they got married shortly after in Puerto Rico (in her hometown....me and steph went and it was absolutely gorgeous) and settled here (his hometown) :blah :blah :blah I guess I gave a lot more info than was necessary :lol Anyhow, her Aunt is going to be in NYC so when I meet up with the ladies, she'll be going to meet her Aunt :D And then it will be trouble by night :devil


Joanne - I'm glad you got to enjoy some outside time last night :yay


LeeAnn - Your coverlet is sooo cute :manyheart


Beth - Love the SBT (that's the pattern right?) And yep, I love the orange too :manyheart My oldest nephews favorite color.


Stacy - Thinking of you and your math class and Isabella's park project :hug

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Good Morning Friends!


How is everyone today?


Beth-I love love love love love the tote! I would totally take it off your hands! :lolThe color is fantastic! I know how you feel, a long time ago, I decided that I did not like yellow…but have learned to like it more as they years have progressed. It is such a happy color, but a little goes a long way for me.


My baby nieces are due in July…the 5th to be exact. Today I hope to start on the lady bug set. I bought the yarn, the baby shower is in April. I want to get that done and then perhaps a set of baby booties to add to the package. My dd has made the hats, have the afghans done…perhaps a baby quilt? I am getting carried away. But I love it! I am so excited I can hardly stand it.


back to work on my etsy shop before the boys get up and claim the 'puter.



hugs n squishes!

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I am so excited I can hardly stand it.


Your twin is having twins! I don't think you can get too excited. It's a wonderful thing. Today my hubby's twin is coming to take me away so we can crochet together. She is doing such an amazing job, working hard on everything she's learning. She will be putting me to shame soon.


Um, the tote is the SBT. The flower is my own design. I don't like orange, but i have to admit that tote makes me smile. My hubby calls it the dreamsicle tote.

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LeeAnn - How exciting getting ready for new babies. One of my good friends is pregnant with twins. She's high risk though and we have another month to make through the first trimester so I'm saying alot of prayers. They are going to find out what they're having, so I'll wait until I hear to start making things. Right now it's only myself and her parents and siblings that actually know she's pregnant. They haven't even told her dh's family yet, which they're planning on doing at Easter. I only know because they were asking my advice on some different things through the process and her parents helped through the process as well and the siblings found out because she needed a ride for one of her appt's that her dh couldn't make it to due to work. Everyone else will find out after Easter. And she knows that I'll be making stuff, so she also knows not to hold out on me when she finds out :lol I'm hoping for a boy and a girl :wink


Beth - How fun to be teaching dh's twin to crochet, I'm sure you gals are having a blast with it :yes I think dh very appropriately named your sbt :lol

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Must be the season of twins!!! My son-in-law's brother and wife are expecting twins at the end of July- a boy and a girl!!!!! She is also high risk- so lots of prayers being said that all goes well. She's doing great so far---and I asked her for colors to make blankets- and she was so thrilled. She said they are thinking of navy blue and light blue for the boy and pink and brown for the girl. I'm thinking round ripples, but haven't totally decided yet!!


Beth- Yay for a crocheting playdate- and I love the SBT!!! I'm not really a fan of orange --only like it in little bits- but it IS the color this year!! Love the added touch of the flower!


LeeAnn- Love the coverlet!! So pretty!!!!


Stacy- thinking of you and algebra---it's almost over!!!


Was up at 2 this morning- couldn't fall back asleep right away- finally did, and hit the snooze twice!! Needless to say that didn't leave time for a leisurely visit here with my coffee!!!

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It seems to be raining twins! Oh how funny that almost everybody knows someone who is expecting twins. I don't have anyone to add to the list, but I am sending good thoughts to all the families out there who are going to have twins. It's a huge joy, but the pregnancy can be tricky.


I had such a good time with my SIL. She tried to do a couple of hats by herself, and they weren't very round or very large. I think the pattern was very confusing, particularly for a beginner. I taught her the UBW pattern, and she almost finished one while we were together. She is a good student, willing to do things repeatedly to get them right, and very happy with her results. I am so proud of her. She's only had two lessons.


Well, it's past my bedtime -- 4:45 comes so very early. Here's hoping both Joanne and I get a full night's sleep tonight.

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Today is one of those days when it was so tempting to slip back under the covers, rather than make the bed. I feel rested, though, for once. I hope you slept well too, Joanne.


Have a good Thursday. I need to pull out the cattle prod and get the kids to help me clean today, so we can all enjoy the weekend.

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Good morning!!!


I DID have a great night's sleep!!! I feel so much better this morning!!! Amazing what a good night's sleep can do!


Beth- That is awesome that your SIL is doing so well with her crocheting! The UBW is a great easy pattern! The SBT pattern is easy too if she wants to venture into totes!!


Hope everyone has a good Thursday--the temps have dropped (but it IS still March). Hoping that the rain holds out till after lunch. I think the mile walk at lunchtime helped me to have a good night's sleep so would like to do that again today!

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I spoke to my friend this morning....I knew she had a dr. appt and she said they had 2 beautiful heartbeats and that one kicked the other while they were watching :rofl I told her they're already fighting for attention :devil


Joanne - I think the rr's will be great :yes My friend mentioned liking one of mine she saw a pic of with squares :think So, I'll have to think on this a bit :yes


Beth - How awesome for your SIL and getting the UBW hat working up so quickly after only 2 lessons :clap That's because you're such a great teacher :wink

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Marisa - LOL. Sounds like your friend has a baby that already craves the spotlight!


Joanne, I walked for half an hour with a friend of mine while waiting for my dd's class to end. It was very nice, such a lovely day. I hope you get your walk today.


LeeAnn and Stacy, I hope you and your families are doing well.


I procrastinate long enough -- off to clean some more.

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Well, the weather did not cooperate today- it was cold and cloudy and neither of us felt like going out to walk--hoping for a better day tomorrow!!!


Marisa- Glad to hear that the babies are both doing well --and I chuckled when I read how one kicked the other!!! I know for sure I'm definitely not doing squares- either RR's or I may do the Baby Bubble blanket or the Peek-a-Boo blanket- I really should decide soon since I have 2 to make!!


Stacy and LeeAnn- hope you and yours all had a good day!


Beth- I've been procastinating on the cleaning myself- the only "cleaning" I did tonight was the pots from dinner and then turned on the dishwasher!!:lol

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Joanne, We can procrastinate together! So many nice baby blanket patterns to choose from. Will you make both blankets the same? Will you use the same pattern but different colors, or will you make them to match?


Marisa, how exciting for your friend. It is amazing how clear the ultrasounds are now.


LeeAnn, how is your sister doing? Is school going well? How many Etsy orders so far?


Stacy, I would take your algebra test for you, if I could.

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So very sorry that I was MIA yesterday. :lol I ordered an Etsy Better Business Guide and have been reading and updating my shop. It has proven to be quite a chore, but I am enjoying learning. I only wish I had bought this last year. Also joined a few Etsy teams and have been creating Treasuries to promote promote promote.


Joanne-It must be the season for twins. Awesome! :D I bet you already started on the baby ghans? How exciting, their due date is right around the corner. We have had extremely warm weather here, no complaints. Haven’t taken advantage of it, no walking here….but I want to. Hope you get your walk in today.:hug


Beth-did you get your inventions up to help with cleaning? :hugThat is so sweet of you to offer to take Stacy’s test, Math is difficult for me, takes me a looong while to remember how to do everything. Thankfully dh is good at it. What is on your agenda for the day?


Marisa-more twins in your neck of the woods? How sweet! That is soo cute that one was kicking the other. …sweet. How’s business going? And your sister and her bf? I am sure they are doing fantastic. The weekend is almost here, bet you are planning something fun and exciting.:hug


I am up to 44 sales! Wohoo! Had a custom order yesterday, I love them, have to add the fragrance and colorant to the sugar scrub and package it all up. Should be easy peasy. Other than that, we had craft night at the library on Wed. evening. Dd and I had such a great time. The ladies are all so very sweet. They are meeting up this weekend at one of the ladies house, but think we are going to skip that as it is about 45 minutes away. We want to be lazy.


Guess I had better get my tush in gear. Hugs n squishes! Oh, also finished the lady bug coverlet for my sister on Wed. happy I can cross that off my list, just need baby booties and two quilts.


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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Maryann got in last night at midnight and then we chatted until 3 AM :eek Went for breakfast this morning and then back to the house to shower and then did some running around. Stopped at Joann's and picked up circular knitting needles for the edging that I'll need for the border of the mystery kal and then to the market. Now we stopped at the office and are waiting for our pizza to be done accross the street before we head back. Since I can't have meat today.


Tomorrow is St. Patty's Day and we'll be heading out about 1 and will be gone all day. Tonight we're either going out for fish with my sister's bf's sisters or staying with and having Salmon with everyone :think


LeeAnn - you'll be at 50 before you know it :yes Very cute lady bug :manyheart


Joanne and Beth - :hi

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