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Some good clean fun?!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I got a late start today sleeping in until 10 :eek I ran to the bread store and then my sister and I met a friend of hers our for lunch at a mexican restaurant :drool It was yummy and I already can't wait for my leftovers :lol


Not much going on here today, but I have some things to look up online, which I don't like doing at the house because my sisters computer is super slow :(


I'll check back later :hug

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You won't be hearing from me for a few days. I am off to Ohio and the 1950's (my parents' house is in a time-warp) where there is no satellite tv, no tivo, no internet... At least I can take hooks and yarn!!! Everything lined up for me to go to my bil's memorial service up there. My dd is finishing her art class today, then the two of us are leaving for a girl-only trip! I hope she has fun.


Stacy, so glad you are almost done. I imagine it has been a challenge to keep up with everything. I am really proud of you for what you are accomplishing, and the lesson you are teaching your girls about the importance of an education.


Marisa, How nice of you to see patients on Saturdays! I hope your business is growing.


Joanne, I hope your day of training goes well and quickly.


LeeAnn, I hope you haven't been swallowed by all the crafts you've been making!


I guess I should get moving. It's weird to be leaving in the middle of the day, though. I'm used to hitting the road early early early. I want to stay until Saturday, but may leave Friday for sanity's sake.

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Safe travels Beth- and I'm glad that it worked out for you to go to your BIL's memorial. I think it'll be good for you and DD to have a "girls only" trip- it's great for the soul to have that time with your DD.


I had craft club last night and almost finished another Shelly scarf- that pattern works up very quickly!! Today is another busy day of training


I got an email from my DD close to the end of her 12 hour first day back at work. She said she is tired and felt rusty and missed the little guy, but that it was good to have adult company. She said she'll be ok. I know it was a tough day for her and she has to work another 12 hour shift today but then she is off for 2 days and goes back Friday. It'll be an adjustment for sure!


Gotta run- hugs to you all!

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Hi All! Remember me? Yep, I was swallowed up crafting. :lol


Beth-have a safe, fun filled trip! How neat that your parents are back in the 1950's. My mom does not have television she does have internet but it's slower than a turtle. :D I bet your dd will enjoy mommy time with you. How will your guys do at home with out all of you?


Joanne-you are right, the Shelly scarf works up fast! I have an order for 2 scarf/mitt combo's and a separate scarf. I think I will use the pattern that you shared yesterday. Thank you!:hug That is great that your dd's first day is over. It is difficult juggling everything.


Stacy-woohooo! Your semester is almost over, what will you do? Relax I hope.


Marisa-did you get your new sign up?


The last two days were spent cleaning cleaning cleaning and oh...filling orders. :devilI am caught up with laundry and housework now just to finish the crochet orders. Also mailed out my x-mas cards...I was on a roll yesterday. My customer is not in a hurry but I want to get them finished as soon as I can so that I can get ready for my sale on Friday.


off to drink a cup of java and get some hook time in.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I got a small poinsetta plant yesterday for my office :) I just ate my breakfast and am trying to figure out what needs to be done. I feel like I have alot of papers and such lying around :shrug I have an appointment at 1 to get my eyebrows waxed at a place close enough to walk....gotta meet the neighbors :lol I hope they do a good job :xfin Then I have to run to the post office to mail my xmas cards. I'm meeting my sister and a couple friends out tonight for a quick dinner to celebrate one of their bdays.


Beth - I hope you have a good and safe trip. If you're bypassing Pitt at all, give me a wave :wink Very nice for you and dd to get some bonding time together without the boys. Welcome to the 1950's!!!!! Oh, actually it was Sunday that I came in to see my patient :eek


Joanne - Glad to hear the craft club is going well and that dd's work day wasn't too bad aside from getting back into the groove :yes


LeeAnn - WTG with all your crochet orders and housecleaning. You are like the energizer bunny :lol

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Busy day in Paradise and then went for a manicure!


Marisa- Enjoy your dinner out tonight! I had tomatoes and mozzarella with balsamic and basil - the tomato was really ripe so had to use it up! I'll probably be hungry again in another hour!!


LeeAnn- Wow- you are really cranking out those orders- and got your Christmas cards done too!! I have the box here staring at me---but want to finish the scarf first and think I need to make a little something for a friend at work- maybe a hat? Mmmm???


Stacy- are you finished now? How'd the Espanol test go? I'm sure you aced it!!!!


Beth Are you there yet? LOL

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Quick good morning!


I saw on FB that Beth is safely at her Mom's house!!


Hope you all have a good day- -I've got a busy one again today--and then afterwards, going for my long overdue cut/color!!!


Hugs to all!

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Good Morning! I guess it's morning...:dreaming need a cup of coffee before I can function. grabbed my first cup of coffee, much better.


Joanne-I also forgot to tell you great work on the baby ghan! The colors are soothing. A color is what I need too. Hope your day in paradise goes smoothly. How is the training going?


Beth-glad you made it. Sure miss you around here.


Marisa-how was your evening? You are one busy gal. How fun!


Today is my crochet class! yippeee! It is from 1-3 in a small rural town about 45 minutes away. I am taking ds with me as we will be in a coffee shop, maybe..:P.he is going to a church function with one of his Boy Scout friends this evening. He didn't want to go originally but I think it will be good for him to socialize.


best get my tush in gear...I made the lotion bars for my Friday sale just have to make a little bit of soap and call it good. Whatever I do not sell is going on my website and to one of the shops..this way I will not keep that much of it here at home.


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had fun last night just hanging out for a low key evening. The pizza was really good too :think I didn't even know they had pizza, but Steph said only some locations. The one near us is one of the first and they keep their menu pretty much to the traditional sandwich that they're known for :yes


Joanne - Nice to get yourself pampered 2 days in a row after busy work days :hug:wink


LeeAnn - WTG on all the lotion bars, they will sell somewhere along the line I'm sure :yes I agree, good idea for ds to get out and socialize :yes Hope your class goes smoothly :wink


Beth - Glad to hear Joanne pass on that you made it to your parents safely :hug


Stacy - I think your exams are over now :think I hope they all went well for you and that work is not driving you too crazy :eek

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Had a good day at work- and then enjoyed my haircut/color- and catching up with my hairdresser and colorist. Hadn't been since Sept!!:eek It feels so much better now!!!


Afterwards I stopped at Walmart since I ordered GS a toybox- and it was ready for pick up at the store. Didn't get home till a little after 9! Had a quick dinner of soup and sandwiches, checking in here, then off to crochet for a bit before calling it a night. That alarm will be going off before I know it!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on here today, but Maryann called and there's apparently alot going on at the offices in Philly :eek Glad I'm not there :lol She's going to be coming out in February for the Knit & Crochet Festival just north of the city :clap


I hope you all are having wonderful days and that Beth hasn't been completely swallowed back to the 1950's :wink

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Happy Friday!

Wow LeeAnn- you area getting so many orders!! Hope you don't burn yourself out! Glad to hear things are taking off for you though!!


Marisa- That's great that Maryann will be coming to see you in Feb. Just found out that my nephew got accepted to PITT!!! Not sure yet if he will be going there yet, but he's excited since he really liked it when he visited.


Stacy- You should be done with school for the semester--Bet you are so relieved--more credits under your belt!! Congrats!


Beth- Thinking of you--and hope you are enjoying the "50"s


Had a great visit with my sis-in-law and DD and GS last night- and today my oldest will be here from Boston- Can't wait to see her....so for now- must get ready for Paradise- and I get out at 1!!!



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Good morning ladies :hi


LeeAnn - The case of another post heading off to cyber space :think I happens to the best of us :shrug:lol


Joanne - Go nephew! My sisters bf went to PITT :yes If he comes out here, feel free to give him my # in case he needs anything. It's always nice when you're going away for the first time to know you have someone to turn to even if you don't really know them :yes Have a great visit with DD and you're almost free for the weekend.


Beth - Are you wearing a poodle skirt yet? :wink


Stacy - I hope all you finals and presentations went well and that work isn't driving you too crazy :hug

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Top of the morning!


Joanne-yippee! you get out at 1? :cheer:clap:clap:clapAwesomeness! Have a great visit with your dd's.:hug


Marisa-what is on your agenda for the day? Do you get hook time in while you are at work?


Today is the last sale that I will be having...whew! I am burnt out and want to take a little break from soaping/lotion bars and crochet orders. Next week perhaps I can sew, something different.


Have to finish making labels for a few goodies. I may have sold a round ripple, my customer wants to look at it first, she isn't sure if the colors are too dark. I hope that she likes it. I don't think I ever posted a pic of it finished.


hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go.


hugs n squishes!


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Top of the morning!


Joanne-yippee! you get out at 1? :cheer:clap:clap:clapAwesomeness! Have a great visit with your dd's.:hug


Marisa-what is on your agenda for the day? Do you get hook time in while you are at work?


Today is the last sale that I will be having...whew! I am burnt out and want to take a little break from soaping/lotion bars and crochet orders. Next week perhaps I can sew, something different.


Have to finish making labels for a few goodies. I may have sold a round ripple, my customer wants to look at it first, she isn't sure if the colors are too dark. I hope that she likes it. I don't think I ever posted a pic of it finished.


hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go.


hugs n squishes!


Absolutely beautiful :manyheart


No, I don't do any hooking while I'm here with the exception of the last week when I made a hat to wear to the game that night.

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Hi all,

The RR is gorgeous, LeeAnn!!!


Marisa- I'll keep that in mind if my nephew decides to attend Pitt! I'm so happy that he got in! At least he knows he has somewhere to go that he liked!!!


Stacy- Love the dollhouse you posted on FB that Santa is bringing your DD- awesome!


Two of my DD's are here--well actually they just ran out to the grocery store- Middle DD and BF are having a Christmas get together tomorrow night and she had some things she wanted to get while she is here in the "burbs". So I figured while they are out, I'd pop in and say hi! When they get back we are going to start baking some Christmas cookies (and they can be used for her party) No use keeping them here--cause I'm the one that will end up eating them!


It was great getting out of work early! I also found out today that I'll be project leader on another conversion.A little scary, but exciting at the same time- a real challenge for sure!


Hope you are all enjoying your Friday.

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Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Girls baked cookies last night- and I crocheted an UbW hat for my DD. They had lots of fun baking together! And the best part? Now that they are adults, they clean up the kitchen afterwards!!!


DD, SIL and Ryan are coming over for breakfast this morning and then tonight we are going to my middle DD's for a Christmas party she and her BF are hosting. I'm enjoying the time with my girls and love having my oldest "home" with me!


She's heading home tomorrow afternoon- but in the meantime, I'm enjoying every moment!

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Hi All!


Quick post to check on all of you.


Joanne-that is so awesome that you get to spend time with all of your girls. so happy for you!


Marisa-hope your weekend is going well. Thank you for the Christmas card, so sweet of you!


Beth-miss you, have a safe trip back home.


off to grocery shop...yup it's late in the day for it but hopefully I miss the crowds. Also finished all of my crochet orders just have a few more soap orders to fill. the end is near.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all......I lied, while I was grocery shopping received two more orders...one for candles and scrubs and the other for crochet goodies...guess the end is not near. :-) Did get the candles and scrubs done now to crochet.


hugs n squishes!

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I'm back! So nice to sleep in my own bed with my hubby, with the room nice and cold, and a nice, quiet house. I love my parents, but they are up and down all night, and their house creaks terribly. And it's not as old as my house! We drove through snowflakes to get back, but the roads were clear.


Marisa, did you see me waving when I drove through Pittsburgh?


Joanne, the cookie baking party sounds like so much fun. How nice to have everyone together.


Stacy, felicitaciones on your awesome Spanish grade. I'll bet you are ready for your break.


LeeAnn, I've missed you, too. It sounds like you are really busy with your crafts. I am glad it's going so well for you. How was the crochet class?


I had a very nice time in Ohio. I didn't get to see my older sister much -- she flew in very late the night before the service, and left very early the day after the service. Her friend who arranged everything (and who deserves a huge hug) wanted to spare my sister from the family drama that we get way too often. My daughter found her younger cousins mature enough now to be enjoyable companions. The boys (12 and 9 years old) thought she was amazing, since she has beaten all their video games, and could give advice. She got to hang out with them when I went to lunch with an old friend. My brother even recommended a restaurant that has a very nice gluten free menu. I had an appetizer, a meal, and dessert! Then the next day I stopped at a gluten free bakery and stocked up... I think I'll be gaining weight over Christmas.


I missed you all. I'm so glad to be back. BIG hugs to you all!!! Extra squishes.

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Hi all,

Well, the weekend of time with my DD's has come to an end- we had a great weekend- and it was great to spend time without the holiday in the way - if that makes sense.

Looking forward to my trek to Boston in January- when I'll play Santa and deliver the gifts. At least this year she got to see them before Christmas and not after!


We had a great time last night at my DD and her BF's place- They hosted a nice party- and there were all ages there- even some folks my age!! Very artistic people- and very interesting!


Right now I'm watching the Giants play Beth's Skins!!!

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