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Some good clean fun?!

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:coffee mornin' It is wicked cold here too.


Joanne - :cheer Day 5 - Keep going! You're almost halfway there!!! I think 18 F would be -8 C, so you are not much above where we are. I think it was -14 this morning and we are heading for a high of -10. But, it's sunny :D


LeaAnne - I hope you have a good morning with your little man. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it. :yes


Vicki - TGIF!!! One more week done and the weekend is here. WTG! I hope your DH and DD are feeling better soon.


Beth - Good luck at your physical. I have mine on Monday :yuck That's a good idea to fast before it. I never do, he gives me the requisition for the bloodwork and I have to go back another day to get it done. But if I fasted before the physical I could get it done that same day and be done with it :think I'm just not sure I could make through the entire morning fasting. I usually get up on a Saturday and go for the 7:00 appointment so I can get eating :lol


:welcome grammyjel


Stacy - Did you make it to yoga? I hope you have a great day with your girlies.


I was thinking I'd have a really relaxing day today, but I see I need to vacuum and I have loads of laundry to catch up on, and I need to grab a couple last groceries to get us through the weekend. Oh well, maybe I'll find some good tunes and just have fun with it. Have a Fantastic Friday Friends! :manyheart

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Morning, all! It is not wicked cold here, but it is cold enough. Hope you all stay warm inside today! :hug


Leanne, have fun with your little guy. Do you walk him to school? Be sure to bundle up!


Beth, good luck with your physical. I hope all goes well. I need to call and schedule one, also. I think my last one was after Eva was born.


Colleen, listeningto tunes will make the housework breeze by. :tup. Good idea.


Vicki, I hope your dh and dd feel better soon. Good luck at her appt. today.


Busy day ahead. I've already cleaned the bathroom, paid 2 bills, and the girls cleaned their room last night, so that's one less thing I have to worry about. I just remembered that there is a Target right next to the gym, so I may get my class in after all.

I'd better jump in the shower. Happy Friday! :hug

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HI Grammyjel, and welcome!!! You have found a great group of best friends!!! We do so much more than talk about housework and crochet!!! Lots of good motivation from this group!


I'm back from my physical, and my coffee is brewing. Life will be much better in about 3 minutes. :devil


Stacy, please schedule your physical. Your girls need you to take care of you!!!


LeaAnne, have a good day working with your little man. I think you told me why my house looks like this: nothing in it jumps out and asks to be cleaned!!! It just sits there and gathers dust, and dirt, and clutter...


Colleen, Brrrrrrr!!! :wbrr:wcold Try to stay warm, dear! I so don't miss living in the great white north!!!


I think my coffee is done! I hope you all have a wonderful Friday or Fiveday!!!

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OK ladies, I am off to a fabulous start. Dishes done kitchen tidy...and then I went to get my hair cut :rofl Came home, started laundry...watched the show I recorded last night :rofl Music is on now and I think I'll.... bake :rofl Oh dear, at least I'm doing laundry (and having fun :wink).

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Hi Ladies

Yes it is Brrrrrrrrr cold here. I think it is going to be cold here all weekend. Thats OK cause Iam not going any where.

I was working on my snowflake afghan last night and this morning. I am just putting it together right now. Yes Colleen I will have it done before Feb 1 which is Monday.

Colleen WTG on playing music and cleaning.

LeaAnne Hope you have a good day with your little man.

Vicki hope DD and DH feel better soon.

Stacy I hope you get to yoga today.

Joanne happy day 5. I hope it is not too long a day for you.

Shannon Iam missing you.

Beth glad you got to have your coffee. When I have to have blood work I go first thing in the morning cause Iam not too nice til I have had my cup of tea.

Scooby Iam missing you too.

Sarah hope everything is OK. We have not heard from you in a while.

Everyone else I hope you are having a great day.

Iam going to try and be here for chat tonight.

Talk to you all later.

Lots of Love


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Hey, you!


How was your day? I hope it was swell! Mine was:yes


Beth - :cheeron your siggy! I will cheer you on to be the :queen of soda-quit-ness! You can do it!!! When do you get the results of your labs?


Mary - :rofl... giving up :crocheting for lent! NOT! You are too funny! That would be like 20 less afghans for you:lol


Colleen - did you give that top another try? btw... I wanted to mention that I got the biggest :heehee the other day, reading about your 20 minute tidy! :clap:clap Welcome to the wonderful world of stay at home-dom! I do that sometimes, and DH comes home saying "wow... everything looks so nice! You must've worked hard ALL day!" :devil:yes:rofl

WTG on finding some tunes to get you thru your cleaning! I :manyheart doing that... endorphins are wonderful things!;)


Stacy - did you make it to yoga? I hope you are having and "ab/fab" day! How is Jorge feeling?


Joanne - Happy five-day! I hope it went well, and that they don't keep you too late:hug


Vicki - How is everyone feeling? I hope it's nothing serious... I won't use that S word, for fear of jinxing us... extra :hugto your house today!


:waving to everyone I didn't get to say hi to "in person"... I am thinking of you all:hug:manyheart

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Hey girls!

I did make it to yoga, thanks for asking! :cheer I finished everything I had planned, except cleaning my car. That will happen tomorrow. I promised myself that it will get a bath and vacuum every 2 weeks. :manyheart


Grammyjel, welcome!! :hug This is a wonderful group to clean and have fun with!


Mary, I had a good :rofl at you giving up :crocheting for Lent! And Leanne, 20 afghans! :lol You guys are so funny. Mary, I can't believe you are ready to join all of the snowflakes already! That makes me want to run out to Michael's and find the yarn to finish mine. :lol


Colleen, you crack me up. You did get laundry done, though! :h5 What did you bake?


Beth, WTG on the soda quitting! :cheer:h5 Glad you finally had your coffee. When do you find out the results from your bloodwork?


Sarah, I hope everything is okay with you. :hug How is Keith feeling?


Scooby- Doo, where are you? We miss you, girl! :hug


Shannon, hope you had a fabulous Friday. :hug


Joanne, how was Day 5? You are almost halfway there! :h5


Vicki, how did dd's appt. go? I hope she is okay. How is dh feeling?



Looks like leftovers or sandwiches again for dinner. Dh went out to lunch so he's not hungry, and Isabella is going to movie night at her school. I should be here for chat after I drop her off at 6:30. Hope to see some of you then. :hug







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Good evening besties. I'm sitting here with my long johns on under my jeans, a turtleneck sweater and a sweatshirt over that, socks and slippers and I'm cold :lol And I'm inside! :lol And yes, we have a working furnace. I just can't warm up. I wish we had a nice warm fire place to sit by.


Stacy - I baked scones. Good comfort food for a cold day. They are yummy! (too yummy :blush) WTG going to yoga!


LeaAnne - How was your day with the little man? Are you feeling back to your normal self? Yes, the 20 minute clean-up is the best! Really, it's just a little push that is sometimes needed to get things done. :yes I am still working on the top. I checked my gauge and moved up to a 5.5 mm hook from a 5.0 mm. It's a tank top but this evening she announced that she wants it to have puffy sleeves like a Cinderella dress. Um, no :no "OK Mommy, just make it like the picture". :rofl How are all your chickens doing? Is there a drop off tonight?


Mary - WTG on the snowflake 'ghan. I hope you are staying warm.


I might be able to stop by tonight. We'll see how the evening goes. Right now I'm thinking flannel PJs and my blankets are a good plan.

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Colleen, I am cold just reading your post! You need a flannelghan. :rofl. Scones sound yummy. What kind did you make? I've only ever had them at Starbucks but I'd love to make them myself one day.

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Colleen ~ I hope you make it to chat...

today was good! We played hide and seek, did puzzles, and built a castle with duplo's. I also was the target for the Nerf gun:blush. Wii time was a little longer than normal, but only because the extra time was used on Wii sports to get some exercise:tup


I didn't get to :crocheting, but :shrug... that's ok! I still had fun! this boy cracks me up! he is just too funny:lol At the end of the time, he said "I don't feel like talking anymore". So, I kept talking. He says" ummm... remember, I didn't want to talk anymore?" So I told him he will have to talk extra on Monday, and asked what was he gonna do this weekend besides miss me? We both :rofl'd at that one!

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Besties- I'm home!!! Long day at work today- got home around 8- and need to be back in early in the AM.


I got a good laugh reading through the posts.


Beth- WTG on soda quit-ness :clapLooks like you made it through Day 1:clap

Glad that you got your coffee! I usually end up having my physical and then going on Sat AM for bloodwork- I need my coffee as early in the AM as possible or I am not happy! Which reminds me- I think I am due in April for my annual so may as well call on Monday and schedule so I can get an early appt. This way I am the first one and don't have to wait and usually get to work by 9-9:30.


Colleen- :lol about DD and "cinderella sleeves" Glad she said make it like the picture:lol Scones sound yummy- One of my co-workers who is originally from Ireland bakes the best scone and brings them to work whenever we celebrate someone's birthday! Mmmm I could go for one now! It is so cold here too- can't warm up. Came home from work and guess where DH was? Yup- on the couch, with the TV watching him and he is all snuggled up in his flannelghan:manyheart


LeaAnne- glad you had a good day at work- and I can't remember the last time that anything called me to clean it:lol But now that you mention it, my ceiling fans could probably use a good dusting too- you wanna do mine too? I don't think there will be much cleaning go on here this weekend. The most I'll get done is probably the laundry! Oh, and I'll probably do the bathrooms. I'll ask DH to do the kitchen floor, vacuum and dust.


Stacy- glad you got to go to Yoga. A friend of mine lent me her Zumba DVD and book- i had mentioned I'd like to try that- it looks like fun exercise- and you get to learn Latin dancing at the same time. Not sure I'll have the energy this weekend to give it a try though.


Vicki- Hope that DD and DH are feeling better- and your cold is my warm:lol


Mary- WOW the ghan is going to be done by Monday? That is terrific!!!


Everyone else- thinking about you.


I'm going to try and stay awake for a some of the chat. I want to do at least one row on the afghan---oh, funny thing- one of my co-workers was walking down the aisle and I said omg- your shirt looks like the afghan I'm making- actually not exactly, but it was the same colors! Brown, magenta, pink, beige stripes. It also had purple stripes and that looked good with it too- mmmm wonder if I have any purple yarn?


Well, let me try and get a row done....


Hugs to all

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Your little charge sounds like fun LeaAnne!


It is WICKED COLD HERE TOO!!. I just read that tonight the moon is the brightest it will be in 2010.


Let me tell you it is beautiful! I noticed while driving home from work.

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Sounds like a nice day, Leanne! How old is he, again?


It was about 50 today- which, of course, is hot to you all right now! :lol It is colder than normal here, though- low 40's at night. :wcold


Hi Joanne! Glad you made it through! Sorry to hear you have to go in early tomorrow, though. :( Good luck with the Zumba! The gym has a class for that, too, and I'd love to try. There is also a dance class, which incorporates all different kinds (waltz, salsa, etc) that I want to try, but dh won't.

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Oh, Joanne, too funny about your co-worker's shirt! So...do you have any purple? :lol


I haven't seen the moon yet- I'm sure I will when I take Isabella to school. It's supposed to be a really big deal in the Wiccan community- they are having elevations this weekend. Roomie will be gone alllllllll day Saturday and Sunday. :cheer

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I think I had one too many scones today. Not feeling so hot! :blush


Stacy - This is the second scone recipe I've tried and it worked VERY well. Here's the link: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Scones/Detail.aspx?prop31=1 Easy peasy. I added raisins. I think next time I'll add lemon zest and dried cranberries. The other thing I did differently was roll it out to a generous 1/2 inch and cut it into circles with a glass instead of cutting it into wedges (biscuit cutter would work but I don't have one so use a glass). I would recommend it. Just don't eat too many in one day. I think I'll freeze the rest.


LeaAnne - Your day with the little man sounds fun! I wouldn't feel bad about not getting to crochet, I mean you were WORKING :lol


Joanne - WTG finishing another day! I don't know how you do it, but I'm here :cheer for you! I can't wait to see that ghan. The colours sound dreamy.


Our moon is full and bright too. Didn't know that thing about the brightest of 2010. I saw it out the window when I was closing the blinds and had DD come look at it.

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