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Some good clean fun?!

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Oh nooooo!! I missed the Shannon chat! I had to give the girls showers and completely lost track of time. :( Leanne, I just saw your text. Thank you for thinking of me. :hug I sooooo could have used a chat tonight- I ended up babysitting for Roomie's kids and it did not go well. Someone please remind me not to do it again anytime soon.


Someone will have to PM and let me in on what Shannon's siggy originally said. :wink You guys are going to give me a major guilty complex for not making 'ghans for all! :rofl:rofl


Shannon! :hug It's so good to "see" you! Sorry to hear about Janna. The mineral oil will definitely help, even if she only gets a little at a time. :yes Isabella held it in when she was about 5-1/2 (well after she had been potty trained so I thought she was too old to have a problem) and she went after about a day. I hope you can get your computer fixed soon! We miss you!


Leanne, I can't believe Jamie got highlights and brow waxing! :eek It seems they are doing it younger and younger these days. Man, do I feel old!! Although I see where you are coming from on the waxing. My mom is not feminine in any way, shape, or form, and I had to teach myself how to tweeze, apply makeup, even shave...you name it. :blush You definitely taught her a lesson on how much it costs, etc. Good job, Mama! :hug


Colleen, I had to :heehee at Leanne's vision of you being a calm person- that's what I think, too! You always seem to have it "together," if that makes sense. :yes And you can count me in on the jeans and ponytail crowd- see above comments on girl-ish-ness, for reference. :lol Glad dd had a nice playdate. Is that the little one she says is her boyfriend?


Mary, I'm glad you got through the day without meds. :hug It's good to see you posting, too.


Sorry I haven't been around for a couple days. Stupid George seems to be worse every month since I've had the surgery. I just don't want to spread my funk. But I try to keep up on the posts and hopefully I will feel like myself again soon. :D


Oh, I have a funny for you all! So, this morning I was folding clothes (because Vicki's laundry elf never showed up :lol) and Eva walked into my room and said, "Where's my pen*s?" (I'm asterisking because I don't know if that will get censored.) Anyway, my mouth dropped and she said it about 3 or 4 more times, all the time I'm wondering where she heard it!! :rofl Finally, she went to the girls' room and got a book, brought it back and showed me a Princess! :rofl Oh my gosh, I was almost in tears by then but that is now her official word for Princess. I sure hope she doesn't yell that in public one day.


Ok, I'm off. Shower time, then going to listen to some music in bed again. It really helped last night.


Sweet dreams, besties! :hug



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Good morning! i would have posted a lot sooner, but had all the chattiness from last night to read through.


Mary, is "Crusties" your dh's version of "Besties?"


Shannon, so nice to see you!


Stacy, Sorry you had to babysit. Don't do it again soon, OK? Here's a hug.:hug Dealing with the Terror while George is being mean -- here's a couple more hugs!!!:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, 4 down, 8 to go -- you're one-third of the way through!


LeaAnne, my dd is 15 and won't get her eyebrows waxed. (I really don't think she needs it -- all my kids have great brows, unlike me.) She likes highlights, though, but it's been a while since she's had them. I hope your body feels better after the procedure.


Vicki, I hope yesterday was a wonderful birthday for you!!!


Just a big :hug for one and all. Have a great Thursday!


Today is housecleaning day here. We will sweep, dust, do cobweb patrol, clean ceiling fans, wipe down doors, clean the mirrors, take out trash and recycling, change litter boxes, and clean the cages. I figure cleaning 7 litter boxes earns me a week worth of crochet! :rofl

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:waving and good morning!


Chat was fun last night... I can't wait to do it again at the "regularly scheduled time":lol :xfin that maybe Shannon will be able to come back.


Vicki :hug I hope your birthday was terrific! I was thinking about you all day:hug


Beth- I like the sounds of your agenda today. Maybe after work I can try to do some of those things... you will feel so much better after it's done, and I say :yes, cleaning 7 litter boxes = 1 week of :crochetingtime! :yuck


Joanne- Have a great day 4... hope we didn't keep you up too late lastnight!


Stacy- I will PM you the siggy... it was good! sorry about George. Have you mentioned this to your doctor? also sorry that you missed my text and that you had to babysit....How often is the favor returned?


Colleen- does the literacy gig start today? I hope you have a splediferous and "relaxed" kind of day!:D:hug


Mary- so glad you got to get out with your IRL's last night, and then made it home for chat! You must be feeling like a social butterfly! :wink


:hi to the rest of our gang... I hope everyone's day is a productive one...


It's time for me to get my chickens up, and get myself dressed for work!


I'll see you later on.


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I want to thank you all for my birthday wishes from yesterday. You all are the best besties a girl could find anywhere! Thank you!

Hubby said the interview went well. It is hard to tell though on a phone interview because you can't actually see the person you are talking to. Now we wait once again to see if they call us back. If they do it is another phine interview with people from corporate office. We should know that by the end of next week. Prayers, girls. Lots and lots of prayers.

No, Joanne, my chair did not get me last night (although it was tempting!). After dinner and tkd, we were watching a movie called Capricorn One. Never heard of it before. I actually forgot that the State of the Union was on. I wanted to watch that and hear what the President had to say and what the Republican response was going to be and I forgot. Hubby isn't feeling well and he really looked it last night. Then the dogs wanted to go out at one in the morning. They were barking up a storm. But when I opened the door to let them out they ran out of the house lile a bullet out of a gun, so they had to go bad. At least I was able to go back to sleep.

I am glad Shannon was able to come on and chat and sorry I missed it! I was sleeping by the time that happened! GLad you all had a great chat!

I need to go and get ready for children to enter the building. THe bell is going to ring! Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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:coffee Morning everyone!


Chat was fun last night. Sorry I had to rush off. DD has been coughing again in the night and it is frustrating. We go to the Dr. for her 5 year check up next week so I'll talk to him about it.


Swimming lessons today and then library. It should be a fun morning. We are getting 2 inches of snow today and it is very cold and windy.


Vicki - I hope you had a great birthday. I'll keep on with the prayers for your DH and that job.


Beth -Happy housecleaning day!


LeaAnne - Have a good day at work.


Joanne - 4 of 12 - 1/3 of the way there! :yay


Stacy - I hope you feel better soon. :hug


I thinking about everyone, even those I haven't mentioned here.


Have a great day!

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Hello! I'm taking a :coffee break and had to check in to see what my besties are up to!


Joanne, 1/3 of the way there already!!! We're :cheer for you through your long week.


LeaAnne, busy working lady... I hope you have fun.


Colleen, it sounds like you have a fun morning planned. I hope the rest of the day goes as well for you.


Vicki, :cheer for a good phone interview! Lots and lots of prayers going your way!


I hope you all have a great day. I'm done with the cat boxes, cage, sweeping, and taking out trash. The rest of the housework belongs to the kids. I may do some bonus bathroom cleaning, though.


i started my ds's tote. I'm using two strands of mostly ww acrylic yarn (some of it is thinner) and an H hook. I'm sc the whole thing. I have base done, and I'm working on the sides. I'm doing it without sewing. I think you all know how much I hate sewing!!! Yeah, I'll have to sew one side of the straps and the pockets, but I can handle that.

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Hey girls!

It is the end of the day! DD got sent home from school today. The nurse thinks she has pink eye, but doesn't know if it is pink eye or allergies. So she got sent home. She is going to the doctor tomorrow anyway so she will be staying home with her daddy tomorrow. She will be SO disappointed to do that. Yeah, right!

Anyway, I am going to finish up what I need to do here at work and then I am heading home. We are making pizza for dinner because that is what I want. Good left overs too! It is supposed to turn cold here over night and be cold here over the weekend so I am not going to be happy about that.

I hope everyone had a great day! Talk to you all soon!

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Wowza! I just drove half-way home in a snow storm and then as I got toward our side of town it stopped snowing, the roads were clear. Weather can be so strange :think


I just did the quick 20 minute make the house look tidy before DH gets home :lol and now I'm going to get organized for supper. Grilled cheese and fries here tonight.


Beth - Can't wait to see your DS's tote!


Vicki - Enjoy your homemade pizza! I hope your cold snap doesn't last long. It is -12 Celsius here right now but feels like -19 with the wind chill. That's the afternoon high. It's supposed to feel like -29 or something tomorrow :eek They won't let the kids out for recess when it's that cold.


Have a great evening all! I'm thinking I might :crocheting this evening :c9

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Hi everyone! We had snow this AM too- I left my house and there was no snow and 16 miles away in the town I work it was snowing. There were lots of accidents we heard about on a busy highway (more northwest of where I am). Then as quick as it came, it stopped, but the wind is blowing and it is getting cold, cold cold! It is supposed to be in the teens all weekend (Farenheit).


Found out working late tomorrow and long days Sat and Sunday- I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!!!


Beth- sounds like you had a productive day- nice that the DK's all have their chores to do. Can't wait to see the tote when it is done


Colleen- Weird weather by you too- snow in one side of town, none in the other! Grilled cheese and fries sounds nice- We are having porkchops, baked potatoe and a veggie. It is baking now and should be ready in about 15 min


LeaAnne- hope you work day went well. Wierd to see you posting in the early hours


vicki- Fingers crossed, toes crossed, prayers being said that DH gets a call back. The waiting is so hard. Hope DD is ok and that it is just allergies! And I'm sure she won't mind staying home with DH tomorrow...LOL


Mary- How was your day- it was fun chatting last night- LeaAnne is right- quite the social butterfly between your girls' night and then making it in time for chat


Stacy- sorry that George has been uncooperative since the surgery- Are you going to go back to the Dr? And when is it roomies turn to return your favor? Sorry you missed chat but hope you are feeling better and George is a little more cooperative tonight


Scoooby Doo where are you? Hope all is well


Tena- how is project linus coming along- do you have any time for you?


Shannon- it was nice 'chatting' last night- hope the sick computer gets fixed soon- miss you posting!! How's Janna-ness doing with the mineral oil?


Everyone that I may have missed- hope you are well

Hope everyone has a good night- I think I will crochet tonight on my ghan since the weekend is promising to be very very busy at work and not sure how much crochet time I'll get in....never mind cleaning time! LOL

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Hey girls!!


Vicki, I posted a big :bday yesterday from my Ipod but it didn't send, I guess. :think I'm really sorry! I'm glad to hear you are having pizza tonight, for you. :wink Fingers and toes crossed that dh gets a call-back! Good luck at the dr. tomorrow. I hope dd's eye just turns out to be allergies. :hug


Beth, sounds like you had a very busy day! It's so nice to hear that all of your inventions have their responsibilities. :hug Can't wait to see that tote!


Joanne and Colleen, such weird, snowy weather! Glad you both got through the snow safely. :hug


Mary, how nice that you got out with the girls last night! And a chat, too! You party girl. :lol I hope time with friends helped you to feel better. :hug


Leanne, thanks for the PM and the text. I will reply in just a minute. :wink Hope you are feeling better today, too. :hug


Scooby, Shannon, Sarah, Tena- happy Thursday! Hope you are all having a wonderful day. :hug


Today was Mommy and Me, then Eva and I went for lunch, picked up Mia, and came home to pick up Isabella. Jorge came home sick at the same time we were leaving. He is sleeping now and doesn't feel like dinner. :whew Sandwich night here! :lol I am feeling a little better and will schedule a gyn. appt. I did mention the new "side effects" the last time I went to my primary dr., and he basically said he could give me birth control, but that was it. :angry I don't need it, and I can't take it anyway, because of side effects. So we will see. I need to work on 2 more hats tonight but I really, really don't feel like it. I'm thinking I might start some of my cable squares, just for a quick change. I got some nice, bright colors from Michael's last week, and I am going to make every square a different color. I am thinking of sending it to my grandma once it's finished, but that won't be for a while yet.


Well, I better get going and see what the girls are up to. BBL! :hug

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Hi Ladies

We had the weird weather here also, and it is getting very cold here very fast. I was out all day with Mom. We did the big shopping trip we do every month. Now I don't want to go out any more brrrrrrr.

Iam too tired to respond to everyone sorry. I did read all your post and it just makes my day. I love to read about everything you have going on in your lives.

I will keep everyone in my prayers and say extra prayers where needed.

Love you guys


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:bang I am trying to make this camo tank top from a Bernat camo booklet that I promised DD. First I got 10 rows into it, held it up to her and the size 6 was way too small (I'm not a guage checker). So I ripped it out and made the entire front in size 8 and it is still too small. I think I'm going to frog it all and just do my own thing. That's what I get for buying a pattern booklet. And here I was thinking, this thing is working up so quick :oops
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Yes, it is getting very cold--BRRRRRR!! Just took the garbage out (while DH is sleeping on the couch- LOL) and the wind is blowing and it is getting colder and colder. Beautiful full moon though!!!


Mary- Glad you got your shopping done today and now you can stay inside where it is nice and warm.


Stacy- glad you are going to follow up with the Dr about George- and glad that you will have some time to crochet- bright colored cable squares sound fun and pretty.


Colleen- Did you do any crocheting?


Well, just wanted to check in- Dinner is done and kitchen all cleaned up and dishwasher is on. I'm going to work on my afghan awhile, watch Grey's Anatomy and then call it a night.


Have a good one everyone!

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Oh, Colleen, how frustrating! I'm not a gauge checker either- :lol but I think when it is a wearable you have to. Of course I haven't attempted a wearable (other than hat or scarf) so I really wouldn't know.


Hope it starts to go better once you start to do your own thing :yes

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Oh, Colleen, how frustrating! :thair I'm not a gauge-checker, either, not even for wearables. :blush They usually turn out pretty spot-on, though. Do you crochet tightly? Good luck doin' your own thang. :wink


Mary, good idea to stay inside where it is warm! WTG on getting your shopping done- is it just for groceries, or for household stuff in general?


Tomorrow I was supposed to go to yoga, but I really want to wash and clean out my car. I need to buy floor mats (the dealer just left the plastic covering on the carpets, and I left them in because of the rain,) do grocery shopping, and pay some bills. Maybe I'll go to the Sunday class, instead. :think


I'm off to :crocheting. Love and hugs! :hug

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I wanted to stop in quick... It's been a busy day:whew


Beth - WTG that you got your share of the chores done early, so you could :crocheting while you "supervised":lol ...I love that your inventions do their fair share.


Colleen -sorry you were gauge frustrated! That stinks. Maybe you should play around with your hooks, and make a gauge book? I saw somewhere if you make swatches and put them in a booklet, you can easily pick the right hook for the gauge that a pattern calls for? Here's a couple of :hug:hug for you. I bet if you try again tomorrow, it will work! :wink


Joanne - sorry to hear that you have 3 long days coming up:(... please take it easy? Your 'ghan sounds pretty!


Stacy - glad you were feeling better today... I hope Jorge is feeling better!


Vicki - :xfin that DD feels better tomorrow, and still praying for good news for DH!


Mary - You got all of your shopping done in this cold? :eek Yikes! I hope you get to stay in, nice and cozy for the weekend! Are any of your DK's still there? Did you finish the snowflake 'ghan?


:waving to Sarah, Tena, Scooby, Shannon, Chaya, Jenn, Frogger, C4J... How are you doing? Miss you!!!! :hug



After work, I got some of my laundry caught up today, and did some picking up and vac'd. That's about it. I am still feeling a little funky in the abdomen, and can't go like I normally do :sigh... Oh, well! It's all gonna wait for me, isn't it??? :lol


I hope you all sleep well, I think I will!:yes

see you tomorrow!


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Thanks to the WIP Week CAL, a bunch of us decided that this would be a fun experiment:


The idea is really simple:

for every X amount of time spent cleaning, organizing, running errands, etc. - we earn the same amount of time to :crocheting. It always seems to me that part B of this equation tends to get lost, right? And the "winners" each week would be all of us...being able to :drool over all the pics of AWESOME finshed projects!:yay Such a Deal!!!:yes:devil


See if you can get motivated to get your house in order, and get some great projects done!


...and just think of how NICE everything will look, which will, of course, gain you MORE time to :crocheting:devil ...see where I am going with this :?


links to patterns:




mystery CAL we are playing with in November: http://www.sarahlondon.wordpress.com.


How about some cleaning tips?:

Originally Posted by ScoobyDoo0811 viewpost.gif


As far as any cleaning tips go, I am probably not doing anything that you don't already do or know. These are just ones that I heard about and have used numerous times over the years. But here are a few:


Toilets- 2 cups of vinegar in the bowl; let set for a few hours or overnight before flushing. Presto, clean toilet with minimal or no scrubbing OR 2 denture tablets (I buy the cheap ones for $1 at the dollar store) in bowl; let fizz for a little bit; scrub minimally with brush.


I use a lot of vinegar & water solutions (sometimes add baking soda). I use a lot of baking soda & water solutions/pastes. Vinegar/water/baking soda solution works great for wiping down stove and inside of refrigerator. Food will absorb/pickup the taste and odor of cleaners/disinfectants. The acid in the vinegar helps deter mildew.


Soap Scum- Cheap/inexpensive shampoo will remove soap scum in the bathtub with little scrubbing. After that I just spray tub with disinfectant wipe down & rinse. Sometimes I use a soap scum remover.


Rubbing alcohol (great disinfectant) will clean chrome fixtures & mirrors quickly.If you want to make a solution for mirrors it is 1 part alcohol and 4 parts water. No streaking!!!! Rubbing alcohol also works well on tile. Pour directly on tile and wipe/mop until it is dry. Plain white toothpaste/Baby Oil will also put a nice shine to chrome fixtures. Toothpaste is also good for removing skid marks on lineoleum. Rub toothpaste on mark and then mop as usual. Colgate Toothpaste & damp sponge will also remove crayon marks from the wall(wipe/scrub carefully). Rubbing alcohol will remove scuff marks/pen or pencil marks from walls. Apply aclohol to dry cloth and wipe.


Moistened rag with water that has been rung out very,very well for dusting. Any dry/drab looking furniture I will then apply lemon oil/polish. Dust clings to the water moistened rag better than using just a rag & polish. I also use cloth diapers as they tend to leave less/no lint residue.


Shower doors- Wiping with Lemon oil removes buildup and will prevent future build up. Shower door tracks I use undiluted vinegar; let set for a several minutes then rinse away with water.


Vinegar placed in small containers around the house will eliminate/absorb household odors. Pure vanilla on a cottonball will also do the same thing.


Clorox disinfecting wipes work great on toilets, countertops and other nonpourous surfaces. I use lots of these :lol.


Orange based concentrated cleaners also work wonders on soap scum and hard to clean/stained surfaces.


Coffee pot/maker- fill with water add 2-3 spoons of cream of tartar or baking soda; let percolate; when water has cooled scrub with a sponge and :2magic it is clean. You can also use vinegar/water solution to remove calcium build up, but the key to this one is that you have to do it several times until water runs clear.


Garbage Disposal- Cut up lemon place in disposal add a paste of baking soda & water; turn on and disposal smells fresh and is clean.


Trash cans- moisten cotton ball with a natural oil such as eucalyptus/rose/vanilla place in bottom of can add trash bag and it will help with trash/food odors. In my small waste paper baskets I do the same thing or I buy the cheap dryer sheets at dollar store and place in the bottom. Borax sprinkled in bottom of trash cans will also work.


If something spills over in the oven, immediately sprinkle with salt; when cooled wipe away with a damp cloth/sponge.


For stains in a white sink- use 1/2 cup of salt and scrub with lemon. Let sit for a few mins then rinse away.


Wow, I am trying to :think of other things I use :lol.


Run your sponges thru the dishwasher every few days, as they breed bacteria. Throw away after a few weeks. I don't have a dishwasher so I boil mine in water with a little bleach.


Cleaning carpets- Vacuum well. Dry cleaner- 2 cups of cornmeal 1 cup of Borax. Sprinkle on carpet. Let set an hour then vacuum. Pet odors- sprinkle baking soda on carpet; let set an hour and vacuum. 2 parts water and one part ammonia works well on carpet stains.


Where fingerprints tend to appear on walls and doors- starch will add a nice little coating to resist these marks.



Vicki - January 27

Beth - May 24

LeaAnne - August 6

Scooby - August 11

Stacy - August 31

Joanne - October 10

Colleen - November 2

Mary - November 9

Shannon - December 3

Jennifer - ?

Judy - December 15


:clap This sounds great & thanks for all the cleaning tips, too :crocheting :crocheting

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Good morning!

Up briht and early today- maybe because I went up to bed at 9 to watch tv and the tv ended up watching me! I got 2 more rows done on my afghan (they get longer and longer the bigger the afghan gets) and found my eyes growing tired. Had a good night's sleep but am up with the roosters ...that is if I had roosters!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! Wish I could say TGIF! But, alas all I can see is Day 5! To everyone else, though TGIF!!! Keep warm- According to my thermometer it is 18 degrees F out there which is about 8 degrees Celsius (for Colleen and Mary - LOL) Brrr


Not sure if I'll make it for chat tonight- depends on how late I have to work- but I'm gonna try- I need my daily dose of besties!


Have a good one and remember your vitamins!!

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Good morning from me, too, but don't expect much. I'm going to the doc for my annual physical, and I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything, which means I haven't had my :coffee, so I'm :grump


Happy TGIF for most of you. Happy Day 5 for Joanne. Try to stay warm. They are talking about the white, fluffy stuff here this weekend. :eek

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:coffeeHi, all, and Happy Friday (or five-day for Joanne;))


:eekit is "wicked cold" here in Boston today!:wbrr:wcold Wow!


:waving and :welcome, grammyjel! Hope you hang for a while... this is quite a nice bunch, and yes, we do actually clean sometimes:devil:lol


I have to get everyone up, and get my :crocheting bag packed for work... just in case my new little friend is planning to cash in on some Wii time, I won't get bored :wink It will be too cold to go for a walk today. I get to come home at noon, and get back at that laundry! also on the agenda today will likely be dusting of my ceiling fans, and whatever else jumps out and says: "Hey! Clean Me, Please!" :lol


anyway, just wanted to wish you all a great day, and I'll see you a little later on... and please... STAY WARM!



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Good morning from me, too, but don't expect much. I'm going to the doc for my annual physical, and I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything, which means I haven't had my :coffee, so I'm :grump


Happy TGIF for most of you. Happy Day 5 for Joanne. Try to stay warm. They are talking about the white, fluffy stuff here this weekend. :eek



:xfin for a good physical, Beth! I will be thinking of you, and I hope the appointment is early, so you can get your coffee!:hug

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Happy Friday to all! I am ready for the work week to end! I shouldn't complain. It hasn't been that bad. I am just tired and ready for the weekend!


Joanne - Day 5 girl! Are you ready for it? I hope you stay warm up there!


LeaAnne - What are you packing to work on during Wii time? Anything good? Stay warm too!


Beth - Good luck at the doctor today!


Stacy - Hope George is behaving himself up there! Feel better today!


Mary - Have a great day up there!


Colleen - You stay warm too!


It must be a day for cold weather! It is supposed to get cold here today too. We are supposed to get colder today as the day goes on. It is supposed to be just below freezing tonight and not get much above 40 tomorrow. COLD! The weather man says it won't last long and by Sunday we will be back in the 50s. Short cold snap!


DD has her doctor appointment this afternoon. I may leave work early to take her. Hubby really doesn't feel well and he has been on medicine for a couple of days now. He may need to call the doctor back. He slept the last couple of nights all night and he was laying down a lot yesterday. I came home and the two of them were laying down in my bed watching a movie. My bedroom seems to be her destination when she is sick. I am sure that is where she will be all day today!


Talk to you all later! I will let you know what the doctor says. I will try to be here for chat. My chair needs to not claim me!

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