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Oh Leanne, the scoop? :rofl. Your pun is too much. I'm happy that everything looked good, and keeping my :xfin that the biopsies come back negative. :hug. You are the bomb, too!


Colleen, you are on a roll! WTG on getting so much done. It feels so good to get things cleaned up, doesn't it?


Beth, sorry to hear about your connection. I hope you can be back soon. :hug And I vote for Crochet Today, also. :tup. Your dh needs to talk to mine. :heehee


Shannon, thanks for stopping in! Hugs to you and Janna-ness. :hug


Stupid George showed up today, and I'm in a funk. I cleaned a bunch this morning, went to Target, and Trader Joe's. There are two loads of laundry waiting to be folded but they'll still be there tomorrow. :wink. I'm going to take my earbuds and listen to music in bed. Love and hugs to everyone!

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I had a post all typed in, and the internet went down. So I lost it. Now I am out of time, so this will be short.


LeaAnne, so glad you got your procedure at a good time!:hug


Stacy, I hope George isn't too hard on you this time.


Colleen, the play date sounds like fun. Enjoy this time. She'll be 15 before you know it, then a play date with a boy will be much more ominous!!!


Thanks to everyone with the Crochet Today recommendations. I'm going to go for that one. I finished the 5th square of my SIL's afghan. I'm working on a tote for my son. He's fine with me using scraps (he went through my stash and picked all the colors he likes.) It's going to have a strand of dark blue throughout, with other colors as the second strand.


I need to go. The female child is up, and will want to get started on school soon.

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Good morning girls! I am trying to think positively today! Hubby has a second phone interview today with a company today. The interview is with a VP out in Seattle who runs the Houston area (go figure!). It is later on this afternoon. I would think that today would be a good day for an interview since it is my birthday. So we are thinking positively today! Send your good vibes in my general direction! We can do this!

Bowling last night was okay. I bowled a 146, a 124, and a 108. Not great, but I took all my points and the team took 25 out of 28 points. So it was a great week for us. The bowling alley was FREEZING! They must have had the air conditioner on! It was so uncomfortable. I hate it when it is that cold!

Stacy - I can't tell you what magazine to get. I don't get any of them. Sorry I can't help you there!

Joanne - Day 3 already! You go girl!

Colleen - A play date with a boy! We are moving ahead, aren't we? Glad the kids had fun and you got some stuff done!

LeaAnne - Glad you could give us the "scoop"! When do the biopsy results come back?

Beth - I hate it when the internet steals my posts! Hope school goes well today and you have a great day!

We have tae kwon do today after school. I need to call the doctor and make an appoinment for DD for her throat. It is still bothering her so I guess it is more than just allergies. I will do that today. Have a good day all and I will talk to you all later!

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:waving, friends!


:whew, now i can catch up with everyone!


Vicki- first... I can't believe you beat me to the post this morning! I have had your birthday on my mind for days, and wanted to post early so you'd see it this morning. well, anyway, I hope today is spectacular, and that you get lots of good luck:clover. I think the perfect gift would be a great interview for DH! I will keep you guys in my thoughts/prayers today:hug I also wanted to tell you that I am glad that "silly" is in your manual, too.... You should wear it more often, it looks so good on you!:wink Your post yesterday brought a :U:grin to my face!


Joanne- Wow! it's day 3 already?! WTG on getting :crocheting time in the evenings to decompress after work... I honestly don't know how you do it. You are an inspiration! I also wanted to send you a gentle :kick to remind you to make your appointments that you have been delaying. :hug:hug


Stacy-:blush:eek OMG! I didn't even realize that I dropped a pun! :rofl:rofl ... thanks for picking it up! Isn't it amazing what those cocktails they give you will do??? Thanks for starting my day with a Laugh out Loud moment! You are too funny!:lol I hope you are feeling a little better today, and that the rest and tunes did your body/soul some good!:hug


Beth- sorry about your internet being wonky... I keep you with me every day, too! :hug I hope today is wonderful for you, and that you take it easy... how is your leg today?


Colleen- :clapfor the co-ed playdate yesterday!!!! It sounds like you had lots of fun, AND got lots done! :nworthy

So what's on the agenda for today? I love reading your posts. They always make me think that you are a very relaxed person. They always make me smile and remind me to take it easy once in a while, too! here's a :hug, in case you might need one!


Mary- :hug What are you up to today, sis? Is DD still there? I bet you probably finished your snowflake ghan already! How is your back feeling? Are you getting lots of rest?


Sarah- here's a couple of :hug:hug and a :U for you! I hope you are having a great day today, and that Keith is feeling good.


Shannon- :hi and lots of :hug:hug going your way today... :xfin for Janna. she has a doctor's appointment today, right?


Scooby, Tena, Chaya, C4J, Frogger... :hug:manyheart:hug to you all! I miss you, and hope that things are going well for you all... I hope you get to stop in and let us know how you are.

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Hi Ladies

LeaAnne WTG on letting us know the scoop :lol When I had mine done last year that is when I really understood the importance of it. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything comes back good.

Joanne WTG on the never ending afghan and you are now at days 3 :cheer

Colleen can I have some of your energy please??? I thought the same thing when she is 15 playdates are not going to be sooooooo much fun for you. ;)

Shannon I miss you. Here is a :hug for you.

Beth I don't get the mag. either. I only get them if Iam at wal-mart and there is something in them that catches my :hook Hope your leg is getting better.

Stacy were you spinning yarn? If not then Iam not too sure what you were doing.:think I sure do not miss George coming here. I hope he is nice to you.

Sarah I hope you are having a great day. :yes

Vicki just wanted to say :birthday one more time.

Scooby we are missing you here. Heres a :hugin case you needed one.

My back ids feeling better. Iam on day 2 with no pills, so this is good. I have 3 loads of laundry to do as we speak. The first one is in the washer. The dishes are in the sink soaking and when I finish on here Iam going back to working on my afghan.

Tonight is my girls night out, so Iam looking forward to that. I have not been out with them since Oct.

I hope everyone is having a great day

Lots of love going out here :hug:manyheart

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LeaAnne - This must be your day off. Enjoy! I had to :lol at you saying I seem like a relaxed person. I worry about lots of things and REALLY need to unwind (REALLY:yes). I do, however, know how to keep as little as possible on my plate so that I don't get overwhelmed. I often think that makes me an underachiever because I know I could earn a good salary or be Prime Minister or something amazing like that :rofl (or have 4 kids, another amazing achievement :yes), but the older I get the more I like to think I'm just sensible :lol Maybe you just meant that you imagine I wear jeans all the time and don't do much with my hair and never wear mascara :think Those are all true too :rofl I'm glad you enjoy my posts. I enjoy yours too! Hey by the way, the Principal stopped me at the school today and I have another volunteer job coming my way (something to do with Literacy). :yay


Mary - Glad you are feeling better. :yay for days with no pills. Take it easy and enjoy your girls night out. You deserve it!


I hope everyone is having a super duper hump day (or 1/2 way to hump day for Joanne :hug) I volunteered at pizza day and just spent about 2 hours decluttering the office. I always feel guilty for the mess in here, but I'm discovering that most of it isn't mine (shhhhh). I know if I touched DH's papers he would freak out that he couldn't find anything, so I'll just do what I can and maybe buy him a box or something to put them in :shrug I think I'll zip out and buy bread (and maybe some chocolate for me :devil) before it is time to pick up DD from school.


Smile everyone, we are so blessed for the friends we have here. Thank you.

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Colleen - :rofl about the jeans and no mascara! That wasn't what I was thinking, but am glad to know it's not just me that does that:lol:lol I guess it's that you don't overload your plate that impresses me so much!

:clapWTG about the new volunteer opp! be careful... once they know there is a willing volunteer, you will be plenty busy! :rofl (not that I speak from experience, you undertand:lol)


I was supposed to mind the baby today, but the mom gave me the day off! It was a good thing, too, because it's turned out that I am not good for much of anything today.


...and you are right about how blessed we are:U!!! :hug:hug :ty, too!

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I had so wanted to be posting that first thing this morning! But can you believe, the alarm went off and I hit the snooze button and then hit it again and didn't get up until almost 6AM:eek I had to shower and get ready and had my first cup of coffee in the car! That is why I like to get up earlier- so I can ease into the day instead of tearing into the day!!!


Colleen- My youngest DD had playdates with boys all the time- in fact her best friend when she was your DD's age was a little boy! They are still in touch today! But, yes, you will not appreciate those playdates when she is a teenager! :lol. I always think of you as very organized and relaxed too. Funny you should say that you worry about things -- I do too- my DD's always tell me to just chill out and "don't worry, be happy"...LOL


Mary- Have fun at girls night out! How fun- and so happy to hear that your back is feeling better and that you have been 2 days off the pain meds!


LeaAnne- thanks for the kind words- I really don't do more than anyone else does. But I am a Type A personality- always moving - fast- LOL... But that is probably why I have high blood pressure (controlled thank goodness). I always admire people that can take everything in stride- I am getting better at that- life is too short ....especially once you hit 50!! It gets shorter and shorter every year:lol


Beth- YAY for Crochet Today- I really like that mag and have been picking it up at B&N each month. I want to order it, but am waiting until we sell the house and move- Why add one more thing that I have to do a change of address form for? What a nice DH you have to get you the subscription for V-Day. My DH wouldnt ever think of that!!


Vicki- Fingers crossed that all goes well with the 2nd interview today. That would be a wonderful Birthday present for you!!! Hope you had a good day!


Stacy- Hope George behaves himself this month- Did you get in some good listening today. At work today- there were a few people who kept talking an aisle over from where I sit and they were starting to get on my nerves. I put in my earbuds, and put The Beatles on- so there I am working away enjoying the music!! It really is very relaxing!!


Shannon- can't wait till you have access to a computer again- missing you around here!!!

Tena, Scooby, Frogger, C4J and anyone else I may have forgotten- here's some :hug to the bestes group of besties:manyheart

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hi, girls... i got a text from Shannon. She will be here around nine to chat, if anybody wants to drop by!!!!


I gotta feed my girls. Just got back from getting their hairs done.


see you in a bit!

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:hi guys! Hmmm, maybe 9:00 Shannon time (SST).


There you go, I'm glad I seem relaxed. To be honest, I think other people know me better than I know myself :lol


Joanne - Maybe you needed those few minutes extra sleep. And good for you putting your music on to block out the noise at work. Those are the tactics that will get you through the 12 days!


LeaAnne - I hope you are starting to feel better. How long after a colonoscopy before you are back to your normal self? I've never had one. I hope the girls had fun getting their hair done. I will heed your advice about being careful about the volunteering. From what she said it would be 1 hour twice a week. That should be just about right. I'm missing working a little bit, but I'm keeping myself busy. It's just nice to have things to go out of the house to do and people to see (even if they are little people). I'm also looking forward to using this stay-at-home-mom time to discover some new experiences and this will be one of them.


I hope everyone else had a great day!

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Its about 35 rows now- I really like the color combo so that keeps me going. If it was all one color I'd be bonkers by now:)


President is doing ok- the State of the Union address is always optimistic and promising---but with everything else, time will tell if what is said can actually get accomplished....especially with healthcare and jobs.

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Yes, the state of the union is on all the network channels here too, but I'm not watching it. DH is watching something on Discovery or Geography channel or something like that? WTG 35 rows :clap You are really cranking out the projects these days! You are in the zone, I think.

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That is great that you are volunteering at DD's school. I can understand missing work. I have worked what seems like all my life- not always full time though. I could really dig working part time so I would have more time to do what I like to do--that would be crocheting and reading....it would not be cleaning!:lol

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