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Good Morning Ladies

It is rainimg like crazy here. My van slided down the driveway but not out on the road. Dh will get it back up to the house when he gets up. Last night DH said he didn't want me to go outside this morning if it was raining. I guess he doesn't want to see me fall.

I did get a nap in yesterday , just a short one but I needed it. I worked on my snowflake afghan last night for a bit. I have 2/3 of the snowflakes done so far. I should get the rest done today and then on to the adding the next color.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Talk to you later.

Lots of :hug:hug:hug and lots of :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Hi all! Another work week has begun! Just think, that means I am another work week closer to summer!

Joanne - No, the magical chair did not claim me last night. I was working on my baby blanket to keep me occupied and then I went to bed. I was tired last night and the chair would have claimed me if I was not working on something! DD had fun at her DI trip on Saturday. Her exact words were that the day was "awesome!"

Colleen - Ain't it grand when you don't have to cook? I love those nights! Where did you go?

Beth - You got here before Joanne? Hope all is well and your leg is feeling fine this morning. What is on your agenda for the day?

Sarah - GLad Keith is feeling better and was just tired. We'll see how mine is feeling. She was not feeling well last night!

Shannon - Going to the Superbowl! WOO HOO! Yay for the Saints!

Mary - That is scary that your van slid down the driveway in the rain! Is it okay? I hope your don't have to go anywhere today! Please be careful today!

Scooby - I hope you are okay. We haven't heard from you in a while.

Stacy - Yes, this group is subversive. Remember, it is a secret underground society!

C4J, Frogger, Tena, Judy, and everyone else, have a great day and talk to you all later!

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Vicki - glad DD had fun


Mary - yikes about your van. Yay for getting 2/3 of the snowflakes done


LeaAnne - hope your first day of work goes well


Joanne - yay for getting 25 rounds done


Beth - hope your day goes better then it started


Shannon, Scooby, Tena, Stacy, C4J, Frogger, Judy hope all is well


hope everyone has a good Monday


Despite taking a late nap Keith still went to bed w/o trouble so guess he was just really tired. Though even when he's sick he acts like he does when he's not sick so it can be hard to tell sometimes.


Got all the squares joined on the afghan I'm working on... need to go around them w/ the homespun then it'll have to wait until I get some more yarn to be worked on some more (need to get some other colors in the homespun) but here's what I have so far. It's only 28 inches square so have a ways to go yet.


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Sarah, your ghan is looking very pretty! Good job!


Joanne I hope day 1 of 12 was a good one. At least these long work weeks are during the winter months! The Christmas sampler pattern was available temporarily on Smooth Fox's blog. I don't think it is available anymore. There was a CAL started called In Time for Christmas and I printed out the patterns then. I'm making just a small, decorative one to dress up my pew for Christmas (I have an old pew that has been restored in my hall). I am using burgundy and forest green and edging the squares in aran.


Mary - WTG on those snowflakes. Stay home and stay safe :yes We aren't freezing here yet, just a mix of snow and rain, but the temperature is supposed to drop tonight and all that rain is going to freeze.


Vicki - WTG getting some work done on your baby blanket. Don't forget to take a pic before you gift it!


Beth - I hope your day improved. Enjoy the warmth in VA. :c9


LeaAnne - I hope your first day of work was a good one.


:hi to everyone else! I hope you had a great day.


I volunteered at DD's school today for a science program (I was at the paleontology table :D). Tidied up the kitchen. Groceries bought. Now I'm relaxing for a few minutes before I got get DD from school. I have a bunch of cleaning and tidying to do still, but I think I'll do that later after a rest. I had a very poor night's sleep last night and I'm not feeling the best.

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Hi girls! I'm at Mom and Dad's. DD is going to the doctor today. We're going to see what we can do about her poopie problems.:blush


I miss you guys so much!! What's all this siggy talk about Stacy making everyone a flannelghan? I finally finished Dad's and brought it to him today.


My sister's friend's dad said, "A Republican in Ted Kennedy's seat and the Saints are going to the SuperBowl. **** must have frozen over!":lol



I hope everyone is well. I don't have time to catch up right now, but I'll be here Wednesday, and I'm bringing my computer to the doctor on Wednesday too. :hugs and love to you all!!

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Sarah - The squares are beautiful!

Shannon - YAY for the SAINTS!

Colleen - How was the science fair?

Joanne - Day 1 is almost over!

My day is done! I have a couple of things to do and then I need to go home and do dinner. Chili for dinner tonight!

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Hi Shannon! Nice to hear from you!!! Congrats on "your" team heading to the Super Bowl!!!


Sarah, your afghan is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing your pics with us. :manyheart


Vicki, Congrats on getting one day closer to summer. It will be here before you know it!!! Enjoy your chili. My oldest ds made london broil with rice and corn for dinner.


Colleen, did you have fun at the paleontology table? I'll bet your dd was very happy to have you there at the school. Did you get any rest?


Speaking of getting rest, Mary, how are you? Did you sleep last night? How frightening that your van slipped down the driveway like that!!! I hope you are staying in where it's safe and dry. We'd hate to have you float away!!!


I'm just going to say :hi to the rest of you. I've had a day!!! Put a fork in me, I'm DONE!!!


I got free yarn from Caron -- a ball of Spa in coral lipstick. It's definitely not my color, but I think I can make a very pretty scarf from it to give to my SIL.

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Hi everyone! Day one is done!!


Shannon- glad you stopped by- did you take a pic of the flannelghan you made? And yes, you must join us in adding to your siggy!! Loved what your sister's friend Dad said- too funny! Hope all went well at the doctor with Janna!


Beth- your dinner sounds yummy! Enjoy- especially since you didn't have to cook!


Mary- Scary stuff your van going down the driveway in the rain. We had a very windy , rainy day here - it is very warm now-but promising to get colder. The rain has basically stopped, but if it freezes it will not be fun in the morning. Hope you got a nice nap and your afghan sounds like it is really coming along


Sarah- your squares are nice- and the ghan is coming along nicely- Can't wait to see when it is finished. Hope you had a good day today.


Colleen- How fun helping out at DD's school- and the paleontology table no less!! Hoope you got to rest and sorry to hear you didn't sleep well. That Christmas sampler sounds nice and will look lovely on your pew. I remember you had taken pics of it eons ago- it is so neat!


Vicki- 1 day closer to the summer- I like that!!! Glad that DD's DI was awesome- that is fun when they find something that they really like.


LeaAnne- how was your first day? And good luck with the procedure tomorrow- and hope the prep isn't too bad for you. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow at 3.


Stacy- How was your day today? Did you get any work done on any of the gazillion flannelghans you have to make? Hope you at least started mine!:lol


Time to figure out what is for dinner---oh, DH had his physical today and his first day at the new job is March 1st. He'll have a few days off between his current job and his new job which will be nice for him.


Have a good night everyone!!:manyheart

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:hi, Loves!



Mary - :eek about the van! Yikes! I am praying for you to get some good sleep tonight:hug ...btw, the throw is 48" square. I hope that helps you.


Shannon - who woulda thunk it, that we would live to see the start of the ice age! :rofl LOVE IT!!!



Joanne - 1 day down for you... I was thinking about you today... Make sure you take it easy... slow and steady wins the 12 day race:hug I am :cheerfor you! thanks for the thoughts/prayers for tomorrow (and for tonight...Man that drink is some NASTY stuff!!!:yuck) i will be sure to let you all know how I made out. did you make your appointments yet????? here's a :fire, incase you need one!


Vicki - Chili sounds delish! (actually any food does right about now:lol) Do you make it yourself? I really do love chili!

so sorry about your JETS... Joanne is right, though, they are an up and coming team.:yes


Colleen - :clap:clap hooray for volunteering!:c9 it's nice, isn't it? Glad to see you had a great day, and that you caught Shannon while she was here:hug


Beth - :( sorry you "had a day"... here's a hug, just because:hug I hope you got to rest your leg, and will pray that tomorrow is better for you:hug


Sarah - glad to hear that Keith was just tired, and WTG on those squares! Very pretty!:yes sounds like you had a pretty good day! that made me :)


Scooby - Way coolness that you got to talk to Mary on FB!!... hopefully you are well, and will be able to drop by one of these days:hug


Stacy - How are you today, oh Flannelghan:queen?! :heehee (yeah, right! I need to make so many, my head is :spinning! :rofl... hey, I could be the :princess!)

I am thinking of you, those girlies, Jorge and praying that George doesn't be mean this visit:blush :hugto you!


:hi, to you all: C4J, Frogger, Chaya, Tena, and anybody else :lurking out there... I am thinking of you, too!



Oh, of course! My first day of work was FUN! I think we will get along just fine:wink:lol. He's really a cutie... I arrive give him breakfast, get him dressed, we play, i pack his backpack, give him a quick lunch, then he goes to preschool... it went by really FAST! The mom asked if i got bored at all, and I said no. she said the old sitter would get bored a little of the time, so I asked if she would mind me bringing my :yarn&:chook, just in case... She said :yes, that would be fine!



I'll stop in tomorrow, when I can...meantime, please know that I Love you guys!


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Hey all! Jorge and I took a spinning class tonight and I am freakin' sore! Can't wait for tomorrow- yeah right! I'm not up to addressing everyone but had to stop in and see how Leanne's first day went. I'm glad it went well and that you all get along. :cheer. How nice of the mom to let you bring your yarn just in case.


Well I am off to take some Motrin and lie down. See you all in the morning! :hug

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Good morning everyone!!

A spinning class sounds like fun- but I'm sure you'll be achy today, Stacy- don't overdo it!!


Running a bit behind, so can't address everyone individually- but wanted to wish LeaAnne good luck with the procedure today!


Have a good day and I'll catch you on the flip side!!

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Oh, LeaAnne, I hope it all goes well today for you. Hubby had his colonoscopy done in October. His came back fine. I will be thinking of you today! Glad it all went well on the first day of work! The chili is home made. It is my MIL's recipe. I changed it a little from her original one, but it is still the basic principle.


Joanne - Day 2 girl! You can do it!


Shannon - Glad you could stop by and fill us in! Hope all is well with Janna and YAY for the SAINTS!


Stacy - Hope you are feeling better today after the spinning class!


Beth - Good morning! Hope you have a wonderful day!


Sarah - Glad Keith is feeling better. It is supposed to get cold here again at the end of the week! I am not a happy mama about that! Can't wait to see the squares when the 'ghan is all finished!

I actually slept all night last night! I woke up thinking it was very early and I looked at the clock and it said 4:11! That was good considering I had gone to bed at almost 9! And I was supposed to get up soon anyway! YAY me! I know, I'm being silly! I'm allowed. It says so somewhere in the rules.

Have a great day all! TTFN!

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Morning all.


Leanne, good luck with your procedure today! :hug


Joanne, I meant I would be more sore today! Lol. Not that we're doing another class today! No way. Lol. Have great Day 2. :cheer


Vicki, yay for sleep! It is nice to see you be silly. :hug. Glad you are rested.


Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Sarah,Beth, Colleen- happy Tuesday! :hug to all of you.

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Hey, I just want you to know that if I'm not posting much, my internet connection has gone wonky on me. It's up, it's down, it's up, it's down, and posts disappear into cyberspace if the connection goes down while I'm trying to load them.... Any way, when it DOES go up, the whole family wants to get on-line, so I don't always get my turn.


So remember I'm sending fond thoughts in your direction.


Oh, and please let me know, if your sweet darling was going to get you a crochet magazine subscription for Valentine's day, which one would you prefer?

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HI all,


Beth- I like Crochet Today (and Crochet World) but if my dear hubby was going to get me a mag subscription I'd probably get Crochet Today- but that's just my opinion.


Internet going wonky is so frustrating- do you know why? Maybe you need a new modem?


LeaAnne- hope all went well with the colonoscopy-thinking about you all day today!


Stacy- glad to hear you are not too sore! And good thing you are not doing another spinning class today!!


Vicki- it's getting colder here too- and they are talking about the possibility of the white flaky stuff Friday night into Saturday! Glad you got a good night's sleep and yes, the rules do state you are allowed to be silly- Silly keeps you young!!


Colleen- Hope you are having a good day- you were awfully quiet today- I guess that means you got to do a lot of crocheting? LOL


Mary- Hope your back continues to improve- how's the snowflake afghan coming along.


Sarah- Did you get to work on the ghan? It is so pretty.


Shannon-Thinking about you and missing you around here. Can't wait till you post again. How did it go with the Dr. for Janna-ness?


Scooby Tena, Frogger, C4J- Hi to you all!!


Off to order Chinese food for dinner!!!

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:waving to you all... the best darn bunch of friends anybody could ever be blessed with! You are all so special to me... you will never know how much!


Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts today. My colonoscopy took longer than expected, and they found 7 polyps. 2 were the flat squenous(sp?) kind, like what my mom had that prompted her surgery last year. Everything is out for biopsy, but the doctor said he thought it looked good. He also said that it was a good thing that I went now, instead of waiting until I was a little older. Waiting would have been too late. I get to go back every 2 years, instead of every 5. Also sent home with me was information about high-fiber diets, and diverticulosis (which i have)


I can't even explain how I feel right now. Mostly, it's relief that I did it. Also, it's gratitude. For all of the blessings in my life, which include each of you.


:ty:ty for being the best! :hug I love you all! And here are hugs back, you guys:hug:hug:hug


I am tired, and need to go and eat something, but I did want to stop by and give you the "scoop"


I'll say individual :hi's later... meanwhile, please know you are the BOMB~!

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Thanks for stopping by LeaAnne to let us know how everything well. fingers crossed the biopsy's all come back negative!!! Hugs to you and you, my friend are the best!!


I've been working on my never-ending ghan- I am loving the colors and the mindlessness of it! I don't have to strain by brain which is always a good thing on these 12 day weeks!!


have a good rest of the night everyone!

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - Thank you so much for stopping by to let us know how it went. And I'm glad you did it :yes. :hug You are the bomb, too.


Joanne - :lol I guess I'm the chatty one here if you noticed that I was quiet. Just busy, I'll explain below. How was the Chinese?


Beth - I get Crochet Today and love it! It makes my day when I get it in the mailbox. Good balance of project types. Lots of afghans, which I know you like to make. I sometimes like CrochetWorld; more traditional. I've never tried Crochet! and I got my first Interweave in my stocking at Christmas. Interweave is big on wearables, which I don't make a lot of right now.


Stacy - WTG at doing the spinning class! You go girl!!! :cheer


Vicki - It is nice to hear you are sleeping better and you sound so much happier in your posts. I love your silly side ;)


:hi to everyone else!


I was BUSY today! And Joanne, I didn't crochet a stitch :no DD had a little playdate (with a boy :wink). Before he came over I cleaned the bathroom, unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen, edited the playroom, shoveled the driveway, and had 2 loads of laundry on the go. While the kids played I made rice krispies squares, laughed a lot and said a lot of "be careful" and "keep you hands to yourself" :lol The kids had a BLAST! After the playdate I cleaned out two long lost bedroom drawers, cleaned off the stuff on the top of the dresser, and went through and shredded 3 boxes/accordion files of old papers:clap. I also threw out the Christmas cards. It feels so great to get stuff like that done! I sure hope I can get something else done tomorrow. I really want to get this place cleaned up. Too much stuff weighing me down.


I hope you all have a great night.

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