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I didn't know there were high-end shows! :blush


The 'Ville is acting up for me again, too. It took about 5 minutes just to reload this page.


Yes Stacy there are shows that you pay alot to get into but they also have the attendance to go ewith them. We did a show that they have here in Ont. that is 5 days long and we pay about $700 for our spot but the attendance is about 150,000 people that come to it. So you really have to have the stock.

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LeaAnne what is the size of your flannelghans for a throw size?

I do 5 high, instead of 7, and 5 strips.


Oh, Leanne, I also wanted to ask you- when you make the full/queen sized flannelghan, do you use a bigger hook, more stitches, more strips?

for a queen, I would add 2 more strips wide, and would do 19 stitches wide x 18 rows per block, i think. RoseRed has directions for a bigger one on that CAL.

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Yes Stacy there are shows that you pay alot to get into but they also have the attendance to go ewith them. We did a show that they have here in Ont. that is 5 days long and we pay about $700 for our spot but the attendance is about 150,000 people that come to it. So you really have to have the stock.



that's a nice show!!!

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I do 5 high, instead of 7, and 5 strips.



for a queen, I would add 2 more strips wide, and would do 19 stitches wide x 18 rows per block, i think. RoseRed has directions for a bigger one on that CAL.



Thanks. I looked but didn't find anything. I'll have to go check it out again.

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oh, Stacy... if you do set up an Etsy shop or website, don't forget to link to your Facebook page, and your friends can "recommend" your site. (my sister was telling me about it) And don't forget to make sure you have permissions from designers for anything you plan to sell:) For example, you cannot sell flannelghans online.

I am :cheer for you!!!

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Stacy - I will look for those directions...


Mary - did you want the finished size of a throw? No problem...I will let you know tomorrow.


:hugs ladies, and sweet dreams!!!! I'll see you tomorrow at some point. It's football time tomorrow afternoon:cheer GEAUX SAINTS!!!:cheer

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Stacy, I'm sorry. I was worried they'd kick me out if I didn't go along with them.:devil


Whoever asked about getting the daily digest for subscribed threads,


Go to User CP.

On the left (under Your Control Panel) find "Subscribed Threads" and click on "List Subscriptions." In the middle of the page, there's a box listing all your subscribed threads. There are boxes to check to the right. Check by clicking the ones you want to get e-mails about, then go to the bottom. There's a pull-down box that says "Move to Folder." If you click on this, one of the choices is "daily e-mail notification." Hit go, and all the threads you've selected will come into your mailbox every day.



Thanks Beth- I am the one that asked about this! Learn something new every day:hug

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Good morning- Yes, it's Sunday and I am up early!


Stacy- Love your new siggy:rofl And about all the questions you are asking about how many rows for a queen size flannelgan- Don't worry, I would be happy with a throw size one for me!:rofl.


Mary- So glad you have been popping in and chatting! :hug that all works out for you!!


I started an afghan last night- nothing as elaborate as the beautiful snowflake one Mary is doing. I am incorporating it into February's carol with the color scheme- Red (for Rudolph's nose), Brown (for his body), lace (cause I have lots left over from the flannelghan) and a varigated pink/brown/beige/red/ that step daughter gave me for Christmas and white. I'm doing the never ending square whihch for me works up quickly.


Well, I think while it is quiet I'll do a little:crocheting!


Vicki - this one's for you: J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!


Shannon - this one's for you: GeauxSaints!!!- Who Dat?

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Good morning Besties! :hug


I'm sorry I missed another chat last night, but it's fun to be the fly on the wall, and hear what everyone said. Stacy, so glad you enjoyed the flannelghan siggys.


Joanne, I'm glad I could help with the subscription management.


Mary, hearing from you always warms my heart. I'm glad you are as kooky as I am. It's good to have a sister who understands!:hug


LeaAnne, you say you've slowed down since you stopped crocheting. Is the speed picking up any for you?


Colleen, Geaux Saints!!! Enjoy your football Sunday.


Vicki, I hope you are having a restful weekend.


Scooby, hope the drama is going away, and we get to see you soon.


Everyone else - please forgive me for not mentioning you by name. My coffee is almost ready. :morcoffee Have an awesome Sunday!


Oh, sad news. :cry The Ben Franklin in my area is closing soon. I will be a couple of blocks away from it today. I guess I need to go check out the sales. very sad news for my stashbusting scores!

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Good Morning Ladies

Iam back to getting 3 hours of sleep at night again. Oh well it will get better soon.

I spoke to Scooby last night on Face book. She misses us all and she said to say Hi. I told her the same from us too.

I think Iam about ready to go upstairs and crochet. I have a snowflake afghan to work on.

Talk to you later.

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You all are cracking me up with your siggys and the flannelghans! That is just way too funny! I don't know how to do the signature line on here. I would add it on mine just to join in the fun!

I have the laundry started and the grocery list done. I need to go take a shower and get myself off to the grocery store. Chicken will be for dinner tonight!

Beth - You still have a Ben Franklin? The one that was up by my mother's house closed so long ago! I didn't think there were any more of them around!

LeaAnne - How did the game go last night? Did the kids like it? You should be able to bring your hooks on the plane. I have even brought my aluminum hooks on with no problem.

Mary - Glad to hear that your back is feeling better. Remember, your besties are here for you when you are ready. And you are never a downer. Stacy is right. We love you!

Stacy - Did the girls have their morning "foffee" Enjoy your day with them!

Joanne - Hope the showing goes well. You are right. When the right buyer comes along the house will sell. Glad to hear that DH gave his notice! I hope he enjoys his new job! Send your luck down my way!

I hope everyone else whom I didn't mention has a great day! It is shaping up to be bright and sunny here.

Later is the J-E-T-S JETS, JETS, JETS! Let's go JETS! They can beat the Colts. We'll see what happens!

Talk to all my besties later!


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Happy Sunday!


I have bathed DD, cleaned the bathroom and started the laundry. DD is going to a friend's house for a play date this afternoon, so DH and I will make a trip to Walmart. Then I think we are going out for dinner :eek:faint. DH got a giftcard from my parents to eat out for his birthday. :yay:clap:dance:elle I am so excited!


Enjoy your football Sunday everyone!

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Vicki- To edit your signature- go to User CP then click on edit signature and then put your signature and hit save.


We don't want you to feel left out!:lol


Colleen- :yay for going out to dinner with DH- have fun!!! A real date, minus child!! I'm sure DD will have fun at her playdate.


Beth- Ben Franklin? I thought they had all closed a long time ago :lol And to heck with your stashbusting score- if they have really good sales, you have to buy :yarn:yes:lol

Getting ready to go pick up DD at the train and then meet other DD at the restaurant for brunch.


I'll be back later for the games- Again, for Vicki- J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!


Stacy- Hope you have a great Sunday and you'll be happy to know it is misting over here. Of course it is , it is my last day off until SuperBowl weekend!!

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Joanne - DD will be coming with us for dinner out. She is just going to a friends for a couple hours. That's okay, she likes going out to eat and I don't have to cook :clap:clap:clap. Enjoy brunch with your DDs.

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Hi guys! The grocery shopping is done and put away! The laundry is done. The laundry elf just needs to fold it tomorrow (hehe!). DD is upstairs cleaning her room and getting ready to work on her book report and the JETS game is getting ready to start! I am going to work on my paper a little bit and then I plan on crocheting!

I think I got the siggy to work! Thanks Joanne for telling me how to do it!


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Hi all,


Oh, the JETS just missed a field goal!! UGH!


Vicki- glad you got the siggy to work!


Brunch was nice with 2 of my DD's- just got back in time for kick-off!


Colleen- enjoy dinner out (even if it's not a 'date'):lol


I'll be here off and on as I watch the games. Going to do some more on the ghan I started!

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The February song has been posted :wink


LOL ok everytime you've mentioned "the February Song" for your CAL all I can think of is Josh Groban and his song w/ that title... lol :lol

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don't worry about me missing the chat Friday cause 'ville was acting up... I'm used to it... LOL my timing on things usually is bad and as my family says "if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all" besides I'd gotten to go relax and read a book plus buy some yarn so it was still a good day for me...


thank you for the info on flannelghans. I might make one but I have several other items I need to finish first (the fall granny square afghan I'm working on right now, a baby blanket for a friend of fiance's that's due in June and an afghan or throw for my cousin that's getting married in December) and since it takes me awhile to finish things cause of all the other demands on my time that might be all I get done this year (especially if I manage to get a job since that'll make it even harder for me to find crochet time)

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