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Good morning and Happy Tuesday- Supposed to be another hot day here!


Sarah-Keith sounds like a very smart little boy! Glad to hear you are feeling better- I must have missed the post where you mentioned you weren't feeling well...


Did I tell you all that I bought 8 skeins of Vanna's on clearance yesterday?:hook They only had 3 colors in the clearance bin- pea green, dusty pink and toffee, but who can resist a clearance sale on yarn? Not sure what I'll make them- probably a throw-


Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!:hug


Not much planned today other than work-and maybe pick up the crochet tonight. I'm really itching to start the granny stripe- but need a chunk of time to start the chain and first row- I think after that it's clear sailing!


Vicki- Good luck figuring out the baseball ghan. Did you get any crocheting in last night. And what is going with AJ? Can't he remember how to pitch anymore? :eek Watched the first inning and then rolled over and went to sleep!:c9


Make it a good one ladies! Cya later!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Morning, all!


Joanne - those colors sound like a nice start for a granny stripe! Hooray for clearances!


LeeAnn - enjoy your morning walk and your day at work!


Beth - thinking about you, and hoping your dad is feeling even better today. Prayers and hugs, friend!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Stacy - How was Knott's? I hope it was every bit as much fun as you were hoping for:c9


Colleen, Vicki, Shannon, Mary, Sarah - whatcha got cookin today?



I am up early... Jamie has move up to high school day today:(, and needs to be out of the house by 6:45. that's usually when she is just thinking about waking up!:eek Anyway, after that, she will get her yearbook and have a barbeque back at the middle school. Tonight is her big dance. My little friend's mom (who is a hairdresser on the side) will be giving her an updo. *dork alert*:cry... my baby is growing up:/


Other than that, it's laundry and end of year teacher gifts on my agenda today. Oh, and the pool is looking more like Thursday than tomorrow, which will be fine too:yes


I hope you all have a fantabulous day, please know I carry you all with me in my heart:manyheart


Oh, don't forget your vitamins, and take as many of these as you need:


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I hope you are all well. I'm hanging in there. I'm tired, probably from a really bad night two nights ago. I got a whopping 4 hours of sleep. I'm really stressed about transporting these kids where they need to go. They seem to have their activities all at the same time.


Thanks for all the prayers and hugs for my dad. I talked to mom for half an hour yesterday, but she seemed determined to talk about everything but dad. I think she needs a break from the stress. (The robin with the nest on her windowsill hatched out 3 eggs this weekend.)


I need to get busy with some housework before it gets too hot to move. We don't have central a/c, and the kitchen is the hottest room in the house. And it really needs some TLC.


Have a great day, everybody! :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning. It is Tuesday morning and the Yankees managed to hold on to first place for ONE day. That was before AJ Burnett pitched last night! He is simply imploding and can't get the job done. Terrible job on his part.

Anyway, DD has a friend coming over today, so I need to get myself in gear. No World Cup matches on this early in the morning. :(. Another hour or so until they come one.

LeaAnne - Yes, I need to snap a pic and show you what I mean. I am just afraid that if I change the corners midway through it will look funny, which will necessitate me having to pull the whole thing out.


Otherwise, it should be a very quiet day. I need to take something out for dinner. Maybe chicken breasts. I can make chicken enchilada casserole. That would work!


Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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Morning friends!


DD and I had a nice sleep in this morning. She is onto the cough phase of her cold and I still have a sore throat. Not much on the agenda today. Herbal tea in my mug this morning. Laundry, tidying around the house, playing, relaxing. Maybe a trip to the library or a hair cut for DD, but that is about it. And it's a rainy day, perfect.


Vicki - Can you share the recipe for Chicken Enchilada Casserole please? Sounds yummy. I tried to make a Chicken Enchilada slow cooker recipe once but couldn't find all the ingredients. :shrug


LeaAnne - :hug to your DD for her moving up to high school day. I hope she enjoys the day with her friends and I bet she'll look beautiful with her updo! :hug to mama too. :wink

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Good morning my besties!


I hope you all are having a glorious morning! We'll be leaving soon to go to my neice's pool party. Then home to clean, clean, clean! If the granny stripe's pull doesn't get me first, anyway.:lol


Vicki- Hi friend! How are you? It sounds like you're making the most of your summer vaca! The chicken enchilada casserole sound yummy!


Beth- 3 baby robins...how sweet! I'm so glad your dad got to go home! Is he feeling any better? When will they get the results? :hug:hug:hug to you. I hope the inventions' schedules get easier for you!


LeaAnne- Good luck handling the high school day today! What do you always say? Ages and stages. Happy 7 monthaversary of being ciggy-free!!:yay:clap I'm so proud of you!!


Joanne- How's Delta Force lately? I'm glad you're getting to enjoy your pool this year! I wanted to tell you, my starting chain was 174 and it's 55 inches! I used a J hook for the foundation and row 1, then moved down to an I hook. Let me know when you start!


Sarah- I'm so glad you're feeling better!! I think you have a little genius on your hands! That's awesome! It's nice to have you back on here!


Stacy- How's the trip to Knott's? Is everyone feeling wonderful?


Colleen- I wish I had your enthusiasm about following eating rules and exercising! I need help, 'cause my clothes are fitting too great lately. :yay to DD graduating, and to the end of the year!


Mary- How are you feeling, hun? How many different items are you selling this time around? Good luck getting the last of it done!


LeeAnn- I'm so glad you are liking your new job! It makes such a difference to WANT to get up and go every day. I'm :cheer for you as you begin walking! I need to do that, too.


Scooby- Hope things are well by you! Have you had to dress up like a chicken lately? :hugs!


I better get going. Oh, but guess what?! Janna let Dr. Jason adjust her back yesterday!! She wanted a Perry (from Phineas and Ferb) and I told her she could get one if she got an x-ray. She wouldn't do that, but she hopped right up on the table. She said it didn't hurt, and she'll do it again! :cheer:clap:yay I'm so excited!!


Love you all! I hope we can chat soon!:manyheart

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Hi Ladies

I have been busy busy busy here. Don't know if Iam coming or going.

The weather has been warm here and I just love it. I think I have caught up on all the post so far. You guys have all been quite busy. I love reading all about your lives.

I will try and get back later to post to everyone. If I don't know that Iam thinking about you all.

Lost of Love


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HI all,

LeaAnne- Ages and Stages!!! Hope you made it through the moving up w/out too many tears- it gets you every time. Just wait till the youngest graduates college- talk about tears! And I cried when my DD got married- That's why all Mom's are dorks!! LOL


Shannon-ness!!! Thanks for the info- I 'm thinking about the same starting chain, but I was going to do the foundation and 1st row with an I and move down to H. How does it look doing the stitches with an I hook? I have to see if I have a bamboo handled one, since those are now my favorite hooks


Colleen- Hope you and DD are feeling better and a rainy lazy day sounds fun. I could go for one of those!!! Did you do any walking? (oh, forgot, it's raining- duh)


Mary- Know that you are busy and wishing you lots of luck at the craft show!!!


Stacy- thinking of you and the fam having a blast at Knotts!


Vicki- Summer vacation in all it's glory- sleeping, watching WC, cooking enchilada casserole (recipe too please) And AJ is imploding!!! Can't stand to watch when he is pitching!!!


Sarah- Any more antics or techy wizadry from Keith?


Beth- Hope you got your kitchen done b/4 the heat! Try not to stress too much about the driving- Can the boys take themselves? Hugs to you- and I'm sure your Mom's way of dealing with the stress is to talk about everything but your Dad. My Dad used to do that when my Mom was sick- it's as if he felt that if he didn't talk about it there wasn't a problem- That's a normal coping mechanism!


LeeAnn- Hope you had another wonderful exciting day at work today!! Did the kiddos have pottery today or or they finished with it?


Well, all, I am hoping to crochet a bit tonight- so better get going


Oh, LeaAnne- I'm not using the Vanna's I got on clearance for the granny ghan- I'm going to use bright colors for that!! But I'll use it for something, don't you worry! LOL

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:hugHi there!

Another good day..now I could just get used to these! :lol Tomorrow and Thurs. we have more trainings..:think I don't mind but sometimes my mind wanders....hmmm...can you all guess what I am thinking about? Of course, :hookand my family and you all!

Joanne-Cool!!! Cool!!! Cool! Yarn, love it! I bought a skien of the bright pink, I am using it for the granny ghan, while I was at the store it just hopped into my basket, had to give it a good home.

Shannon-oh so glad that Ms. Jana let the doc work on her! Did you start the granny stripes? They sure are calling out loud!

Vicki-I made green chilie chicken enchilada too..I love it! It's dangerous, I can't be alone with it.:yes Did you get your corners figured out?

LeaAnne-that is awesome that your dd will be going to high school, how exciting for her! I bet you are taking tons of pic as she's getting ready for her dance.:hug

Mary-it is getting closer for your sale, I hope that you sell everything, do you usually sell all of your goodies?

Colleen-so sorry that you are feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon. Have you been working on your flannelghan?

Sarah-your ds sounds just amazing! Have you thought of preschool?

Beth-:hugglad to hear that you were able to chat with your mom and that she is trying to focus on something else if even for just a minute.

Scooby and Stacy, can't wait to hear from you!

dh is bringing home pizza..:cheer I'm so happy, I just don't feel like cooking. talk to you all soon!:hug

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Hello ladies! Anyone up for a chat tonight? DD will be going to bed any time now. She got to swim twice today, so she'll sleep good tonight. Anyhoo, I'll be around starting about 8 my time. Hope to see you all!:manyheart

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Here is the recipe for Chicken Enchilada Casserole. It is VERY easy! I got it out of a magazine and it quickly became a family favorite:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Take chicken breasts and cut them into pieces. Cook them in a pan. In a small bowl mix frozen corn, half a bottle of green sauce, and half a cup of red salsa. Drain the chicken and mix it with the corn. Line a glass baking dish with tortilla chips. Put the chicken mixture over the tortilla chips. Top the chicken with shredded Mexican cheese. Chop green onions (optional) and bake for 35 minutes. This makes a great left over!

I haven't decided what I am going to do about the corners yet. I have been working on the baby blanket that I must get done. I amk almost ready to start the second skein of yellow yarn. I had to spend a half hour today pulling out a knot at the end of the first skein. I hate when that happens!

Anyway, we are sitting here watching Harry Potter. I am going to do some work on my IRB application. I hope you all have a great night and I will talk to you all later!

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Okay, so...Grrr! She's fighting sleep. No one's here, so I'll check back when she goes to sleep. Love you, friends!:hug

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I am pretty good!


We get out of school tomorrw at noon.


tonight was the dance. WE moms had a great time driving the kids cuckoo! :lol


so, what's new with you?

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No marathon. It was on one of the movie channels. I happened to stumble on it when I was channel surfing! Since the Yankees were not on yet and I really do find the Mets sort of boring, I put that on! Besides, I just put the Mets on and they are beating the Tigers 10-0 in the 3rd inning! There was a rain delay so that is the reason for the early inning and the late time!

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