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Some good clean fun?!

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Beth - I'm keeping your dad in my prayers that he gets some relief soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


LeaAnne - Hooray for a fun field day and for a fun halloween parade theme! I love that T-shirt idea!!!! It sounds like a very fun school.


Vicki - Enjoy your time off! Have fun playing!


Shannon - :drool Oh, pretty pretty colours. I have to go check out this granny stripe pattern. :drool I like the turquoise you added in on the 2nd pic. Adds some brightness or something.


Joanne - Sounds like your game was fun! One more day until the weekend :yay Joanne, DD will swim over the summer but just for fun. Swimming lessons in the summer are every day for 2 weeks and I find that too much. We'll just have fun with it. She only has one more level in the program she can complete before she turns 6 anyways, so she'll do that class in the fall.


Stacy - :hug I think all moms feel that way sometimes. They grow so fast. I hope Isabella is feeling better soon.


Mary - Glad you are feeling better!


:hi Sarah, LeeAnn and whoever I've missed!


Wow! What a busy day. We went to that store but there were no new dresses to choose from. DD had swimming (she passed her level :clap). Made a quick stop at the grocery store. Made spaghetti sauce with TONS of veggies in it and a fruit salad for supper. Tidied myself up and went to a meeting tonight. Got home just in time to go out for a walk/run before dark. I don't think I sat down all day until my meeting. The best thing is, I'm still feeling energetic and awake. Must be the diet and exercise :yay


DD, my mom and I are going out for a shopping day tomorrow. We'll find a dress for DD then. Should be fun. We're visiting friends tomorrow night so I won't be here to chat. Have a great day everyone!

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Sarah - We were posting at the same time. I love the idea of that wall hanging. That would be nice with variegateds to simulate the multi-colors of quilting fabrics. I had thought of making the squares from the besties square exchange we did last summer into a quilt-style afghan.

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Hello hello!

Haven't had much time to get on here. Dh and I sat and watched a movie and I was able to :hook. :cheer:cheerran out of black yarn for the flannel ghan that I am working on, already used 2 pounds of black and 2 pounds of white! Wow!

Colleen-I'm so excited that you are running! That is just wonderful! We are going to start walking on Monday, I hope that I can get up super early.

Joanne-one more day left! Yippee! Do you have any big plans for the weekend?

Stacy-it can be difficult when our children grow up. Ds is almost 13 and wants to be by "himself" which is difficult because I miss him, but I am giving him space and enjoying the moments when he wants to spend time with his mama.

Beth-hugs, prayers and warmest wishes headed your way!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

Vicki-:cheerfor summer vacation! What will you do?:devil

Shannon-loved the color combo's, can't wait to see the end result! They look fabulous together!

LeaAnne-what an awesome day! So happy for you!:hug

Mary-I am so happy to read that you are feeling better! How many items are your selling?

Sarah-we have an itty bitty house, feels like we are popping at the seems! Could be because we just need more space:think Do you feel better? :hug

going to get my clothes ironed for tomorrow and lunch packed. Talk to you all soon!:hug

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Sarah - We were posting at the same time. I love the idea of that wall hanging. That would be nice with variegateds to simulate the multi-colors of quilting fabrics. I had thought of making the squares from the besties square exchange we did last summer into a quilt-style afghan.


That's what I planned on doing, using the varigated to simulate the multi-colors =0) I've considered doing it out of either homespun or Red Heart/ILTY

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Good morning- TGIF!!


Colleen Look at all the energy you have with your diet and exercise! That is wonderful. :cheer You can keep this up! :cheer Kudos to DD on passing her swimming level:clap. Hope she has lots of fun this summer! Good luck with the dress shopping today! Have a nice time with your friends tonight too!!


LeaAnne = What can I say? The game was a heartbreaker! The Celts just ran out of energy at the end of the game! It really hurt them that Perkins couldn't play because of his knee! They showed grit though, but their ages caught up with them at the end!


Congrats Stacy (and Jorge) on your Lakers win!!! Hope Isabella is feeling better today and that she can go to school.


Sarah- i love the idea you have! I think that would come out really neat!


LeeAnn- No big plans here for the weekend. Hoping to get the ladder set up for the pool- we'll run the vacuum before putting it in. I have lots of cleaning to do - planning to get that done Saturday morning. Middle DD and BF may come over this weekend for a visit. DH is going out on Sunday with his oldest DD and his grandkids. So maybe then I'll get to sit and crochet for a while!


Shannon- I'm so happy that you are a Yankee fan! Hope you got some crochet time in. Is Janna in her new room now?


Mary- Hope the heat is not too much in God's country. We are supposed to have hot/humid weather this weekend- seems like the weekend pattern here. During the week it has been nice- not so humid- and then the humidity returns on the weekend- but it sure beats last summer where it rained for practically the whole month of June!


Vicki- :yay first day of the "real" summer vacation for you! And the Subway series starts tonight- that must be fun in your house with you rooting for the Yankees and DH rooting for the Mets! Go Yankees!:cheer


Beth- Hugs to you and prayers continuing for your Dad!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Off to get ready for work- cya on the flip side!

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Please send prayers and warm wishes for my Dad. He's back in the hospital -- in a whole lot of pain, and they don't want to do anything because he's high risk. But he's actually so miserable he's talking about suicide as relief. I hate being so far away.



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I read the first post of this thread and had to laugh....How can you do housework? LOL!


It's just me and the hubs at home now (empty nesters) and our two mini-doxies. Luckily things don't get messy very often.


I was going to be so good yesterday and mop both bathrooms....right after I got a few more hexagons done. I was going to get a load of towels in the washer....right after I found that certain color of purple that I knew I had half ball of.

I was going to go pick some beans from the garden....right after I finished the mousie toy for DS cat. :crocheting


It's ridiculous! I say I'm going to do something and I look at the clock and an hour has flown by. The floors still need to be done, the towels are waiting on me and the beans didn't get picked. Oh well, maybe I can get them done today - if the crochet will stop calling out to me.


I hope everyone has a blessed and productive day.

And a great weekend as well.


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Good morning, friends, and TGIF!


Colleen - :cheer:clapfor healthy eating and exercise! You are doing so wonderfully:U Congrats to DD on passing her swimming level, and I will be :xfin for you today as you look for a dress.:hug:hug


Joanne - Happy TGIF to you, girl! I saw the game from the back of my eyelids thankfully! I just crashed... must've been all that playing at field day, and the fresh air at Krissy's game:lol ... I saw the updated pic of your granny 'ghan... it's coming right along!:cheer


Vicki - I hope you get to read this post late!:devil because that will mean you got to sleep in!:c9 Happy real vacation!!!!:yay


Sarah - I hope you are feeling better today... make sure you get lots of rest, and lots of fluids. a low grade fever is a sign that your body is fighting off something:(. I :manyheart the wall hangings... are you going to do granny hearts? the variegated idea is an excellent and fun one (imho), and either yarn would be just lovely! :clover with it... I can't wait to see what you came up with!


Shannon - :tup... Nice Pallette!!!!:drool I went on the attic24 last night to see the granny stripe, and it would be gorgeous in those colors! would you do 1 row or 2 of each color? You should def. trust your judgement:yes You did a great job of choosing that pallette! I have been meaning to ask too... how is Janna enjoying her room?


Mary - I will be trying my best to be here for chat. I am glad you are feeling better... stay cool today, friend! It's going to be :hot here, too.


Beth - I will be holding you in my prayers today, dear friend... any chance you could get up to see your dad? How many things would you need to arrange to make that happen? I wish I could come help you:(


LeeAnn - TGIF!:yay What fun adventures do you have planned for this weekend? WTG on that flannelghan! I hear ya about the 13 y/o's... I have a nearly 14 and a 12 who suffer from hermit-itis, too.


Stacy - I am here hoping that Isabella (and everyone) is feeling better today! Have a wonderful Friday, friend! and here are some extra Momma hugs for ya! :hug:hug:hug


:hi, BreenyBeanie!!! I enjoyed your post! We do lots more than cleaning around here...it's a great place filled with the finest ladies you will ever get to "meet"... I hope you decide to hang around for a while:yes You've got a fun perspective! :U


ScoobyDoo.... Sure do miss you!!!!!


Well, friends, I gotta go... I have 1 more chicken to get going.

Make today your bestiest, and I'll see you all in a while:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning,


I need an off switch for my brain, so I can quiet it when it's time to go to sleep. I got some crocheting done at 3 this morning, then went back to bed around 4:30. I'm with Breeny -- yarn IS my drug of choice.


LeaAnne, TGIF to you, too! Do you have a busy weekend planned?


Breeny, welcome to our little corner of paradise. These are warm, loving, wonderful ladies, and it's fun to keep up with everyone's lives. I"m like you -- time slides by without me finishing things a lot.


Joanne, TGIF. What's your plan for the weekend?


Sarah, what colors do you want for your wall hanging? I think it will be lovely. And you certainly deserve to reward yourself for all that work you've done reorganizing your home. I hope you get some rest, and feel better soon.


LeaAnn, when my dh and I bought our house, we weren't going to have children. We did not use the back room at all -- didn't need it. Now, 3 BIG teenagers and a menagerie of pets later, our house is so tiny.


Colleen, :cheer:clap:yay for eating well, exercising, and feeling good! I'm so proud of you!!! I hope you have fun dress shopping. And tell your little darling CONGRATULATIONS for passing her swim level. It sounds like you had a most awesome day yesterday.


Shannon, Stacy, Vicki, Mary, Scooby, and al our other friends, Happy Friday! I hope you have a lovely weekend.


My SIL e-mailed a midnight update on my dad. It took 3 nurses to get his IV started (they finallly got an ICU nurse to do it, the other two had problems with his rolling veins) but he's getting liquids. He was dehydrated. He is going to see a GI and psychiatrist today to deal with his digestive issues and his depression. And they gave him Benadryl to help him sleep. He hasn't been sleeping lately. I hope they find what's wrong. It's so frustrating. He's a high-risk patient, so they don't want to run the GI tests on him, but they need to find the problem....:thair


My dh's trip is half over now. He got his package. He says the monkey DOES remind him of the children!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone.

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Happy Friday! It is a bright day here and it will be :hot! Yesterday I got the pool vacuumed and DD and I were playing in it after that. Now I am a little sun burned! Oh my! Then I get a phone call from my sister in NY that the dog bite she got Tuesday night is infected and the doctor put her in the hospital! :eek! She needs to have IV antibiotics to deal with the infection. She was waiting in the emergency room for hours before they could get her a bed! :eek!

Then as I am dealing with this I have to call one of my teachers to let her know what she is going to teach. She tells me no, she wants to decline it! After she had told me ok, she would do it! It amazes me what people will do.


Beth - glad to hear that the doctors will run the tests and that they will try to find out what the digestion problem is. Hopefully all will be well!


Joanne - YAY for Friday!


Colleen - Happy dress shopping!


Sarah - Hope you are feeling better this morning!


Stacy - Good morning my west coast friend! What do you have planned today?

LeaAnne - Are the chickens up and pecking around this morning? How long until school is out for them?

Leeann - When do you get your kids in your classroom?

Breeny Beanie - Welcome to the group and hope you come and stay! This is the best group of ladies anywhere!

I need to go and mail some things today and pay the accountant. Not before TEAM USA plays this morning. Have a great day everyone and I will try to remember to come back on for chat. With the Subway Series on this weekend, who knows where my brain will be!

TTFN all!

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The guinea pig that shared a cage with my bunny died this morning. I think she's been pining for the bunny since she died.




It's been a rough month. At least my dh's trip is half over now.

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:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you, Beth.


I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard month. I wish I was there to help you out and give you a proper hug. You and your family (including pets) are in my prayers! Love you!

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Beth- Hugs, hugs and more hugs!:hug:hug:hug:hug But :yay that only 3 more wks till DH comes home!!!:manyheart


Breeny Beanie- Welcome! And Yarn is my drug of choice too!:lol


Vicki- Did you watch the entire US Soccer game today- was reading that the refs cost the US a point!!! I hate when that happens- let the players decide the game!!! Is DH home tonight to watch the Subway Series with you or is he working?


Stacy- thinking of you today- hope you are all feeling a little better. Your DH must be on :c9 with the Lakers win!


LeaAnne- Will be thinking positive thoughts for DD's game tonight:cheer:cheer


Colleen- Hope you had good luck today shopping for DD's dress and are having a wonderful evening with your friends!


Shannon, Mary, Sarah, and Scooby- :hug


Here's a pic of the granny ghan that I've been working on - 12 inch squares that I'm whipstitching together. I have 6 of them sewn together, the rest are not connected and I actually did one more square last night. I just like the mindlessness of making granny squares and love the bright colors. I hide the ends after I finish each square and then when I'm in the mood to sew them together, they are ready to go. I am having an easier time with this one because I am doing the last round in the same color that I am sewing it with. :hook No one in mind for this but will put it away when it's done---never know when I may need a gift!


Almost time for the subway series!!! Go Yankees!


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Hello dearest friends!

How is everyone this fine evening?

Beth-:wavingI must say, I too wish I could take some of your stress and worries.:hug:flower if you need anything, please let us know, we will help in any way that we can.

Colleen-did ya find a dress for your dd? how was your day?

Stacy-you ok? I hope all is well.

Joanne-a relaxing weekend sounds wonderful:c9 and you will get to swim too. Double :c9! I love your grannies! I bought more yarn after work, so will continue on the flannel ghan, ds is so excited!

LeaAnne-did you get all of your chickens to the right spots?

Sarah-how was your day? Did you start your project?

Shannon-how are you dear friend? did you start your stripes?

Vicki-the children in our program start on the 28th:think I think.

Breeny Baby-this is the best and I mean best group of people that you will ever meet! I hope you like it here!

Today was a good day! Soo excited! my new partner and I have worked well together, we set up all the furniture in the classroom and are working on home visits and inventory. What a good system we have! She does inventory and I am behind her putting up labels and organizing.

other than that, nothing new. I plan to relax this weekend and perhaps go to the park...the kiddos and dh have kept up with the cleaning and laundry...oh yeah!!!

hugs and squishes!

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Anyone chatting tonight? I'm :xfin that DD falls asleep fast tonight. Swimming usually = early nights. Yay!


I need a bestie fix, so I REALLY hope I can make it. If anyone will be here, that is!:lol

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Lots of yarn therapy, and all those wonderful Bestie Hugs have worked wonders! Thanks so much for your support. My dad is getting the tests he needs tomorrow morning. Now let's hope for results, so the docs can fix him!!!

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Hi, all!


LeeAnn - Your new job sounds like a perfect fit! :c9:clap I am so excited for you!


Joanne - Love that granny 'ghan!


Joanne and Vicki - enjoy your subway games!


Stacy - Your Dodgers are here in town! I have the game on.


Mary - What's cookin, sis?


Colleen - can't wait to hear about your day!


Sarah - I hope you are feeling ok.


BreenyBeanie - :hi!


Shannon - I am here for a little...

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Lindsey's team lost tonight... they will play again on Monday. the playoffs are double elimination.


Krissy's team will play tomorrow afternoon.


Hey, anyone besides me tickled pink that it's summer?!:lol

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Hi gang! I actually remembered a chat tonight and no one is here! It figures! I have the subway series on and the Mets are beating up on my Yankees. They Yanks are down to their last out with bases loaded! Change that. The Yankees just lost!

I will check back in to see if anyone is here. I could use a bestie chat tonight.

I will be back!

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