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Some good clean fun?!

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grrr I'm in a crochet funk. I have an idea for something I want to make. Don't have the yarn to make it with. I've got some scraps that will work if I can just get enough of the other yarn I need... guess I'm waiting til payday again LOL And it's driving me nuts cause this idea just won't leave me alone and let me work on any of my many other projects =0( It's this one or nothing =0(

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:hug Sarah! I've had that feeling before. Isn't it so frustrating? Maybe you could write it down on paper, or draw a picture of your idea, just to "work" on it for a while. :think

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Guess what?.... I ran tonight! :clap It felt great. Not a lot, but it's a start. :clap


It's bedtime for me! Have a great night everyone and a great start to your day tomorrow. :hug:hug:hug

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:hug Sarah! I've had that feeling before. Isn't it so frustrating? Maybe you could write it down on paper, or draw a picture of your idea, just to "work" on it for a while. :think


I've done that. Wrote down how I would do it and saved it in a file with the inspiration picture but it's not been enough, this won't be satisfied until I actually make it =0( But I know exactly where I'd hang it (it's a wall hanging) when I'm done. =0)

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Guess what?.... I ran tonight! :clap It felt great. Not a lot, but it's a start. :clap


It's bedtime for me! Have a great night everyone and a great start to your day tomorrow. :hug:hug:hug


:clap for running. :cheer

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Am I good-morning-ing before Joanne? What's up with that?


Good morning! I hope your day is wonderful. I'm working at the ballet studio this morning. The instructor called me yesterday, and wanted me to rush over there immediately. She doesn't hear that well on the phone, and wants me to help with the messages. I hope it won't take too long. David's working, and Robert has swim practice. The rest of the day should be spent on housework. Gotta get caught up from the funk I've been in since dh left. He returns July 9. It's such a long time. I don't know how military wives do it -- send their men away for months or years at a time, and not knowing when they are in danger.


Amanda wants to put in an application. I'm letting her, but mostly because I doubt she'll get the job. I really don't need to be running another one around all the time. But she would like her own income, and babysitting is out of the question for her. she doesn't LIKE little kids! I didn't at her age, either.


Colleen, congrats on the running. You are doing an awesome job sticking with the health-improvments.

Sarah, can you make a "rough draft" with the wrong yarn, just to see how the pattern will go?

Joanne, happy almost Friday. You do get a weekend this week, don't you?

Vicki, happy no more teacher development! I hope your day goes the way you think it will.

Mary, thinking of you, Hon, and hoping God's country is good to you!

Shannon, I say your name, and the song "When Irish eyes are smilin'" Pops in my head. But that's all of the song I know. I hope your visit with your "best friend" went well.

Stacy, how is everyone? Thinking of you, sweetie. NO fun to have any sick kids, much less a house full of them.

LeaAnne, what are the chickens up to?

LeaAnn, Have a good time with the new position.

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug -- see LeaAnne, I can share hugs. I just like to collect them all and pass them all out, so I get hugged twice for each one!

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Good morning!


Colleen - :cheer:cheer:cheer for running! You are doing great!


Sarah - :cheer:cheer:cheer for the end of your purging, and for your design that won't leave your mind!


Beth - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor the end of school! and for :hug:hug:hug!


Shannon - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor Dr. Jason!


Vicki - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor your last day!


Stacy - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor Greek food, and for the last day of Mommy and me, and for feeling better!


Joanne - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor baseball games!


Mary - Hoping you are up to :cheer:cheer:cheertoday! :hug:hug


The zoo was fun! We had a great time. Krissy and DH enjoyed the tour of Fenway, although they didn't get to go onto the field (I guess because the Sox are in town). Last night I caught up my house (finally!), and went to bed at around 9. It felt good to get some rest.

Today is Field Day at the elementary! Lots of fun for the kids. The PTO buys everyone a t-shirt that we get silkscreened with our "field day logo". We have done the same design for the last 8 years or so, but each year, the t-shirt is a different color. this year, we got delft blue with navy lettering. The kids all bring Sharpie markers and sign each other's shirts. We give out popsicles at snack time and after lunch when the 5th graders play kick ball against their parents. So, friends, thank you for being the recipients of my first cheers and hugs of today:U:U


Have a wonderful day! :rainbow:c9

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:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug -- see LeaAnne, I can share hugs. I just like to collect them all and pass them all out, so I get hugged twice for each one!


I couldn't agree more!!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


... I am a hugger, too! :devil

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Quick fly by---and yes, Beth you beat me to it this morning. LOL!!


The ball game was fun. The Somerset Patriots won their game! (How bout that LeaAnne- a team in NJ called the Patriots! LOL). Cape Cod League is good ball- I read a book about the Cape Cod League- very interesting. The name is not coming to me at the moment, but I'll look at my books later and let you know. DD turned me on to it. The game on 7/28 sounds fun! Too bad I won't be headed up that way till 7/30! 7/31 is the "cousins' reunion" at my cousin's house in NH!


Loved the Jersey Bus pic, Shannon!


WTG on the running Colleen!!


Stacy- your garden sounds like its coming along!


Beth- extra hugs for you- it is tough having DH gone for so long


Sarah- you are getting alot done!


LeeAnn- glad to hear you are liking your job!


Vicki- YAY for summer vacation!


Everyone- Really gotta run! Boy do I miss those younger days when I could stay out late at night and get up and go to work the next day without feeling drained! Oh, well, it's almost the weekend!


Cya on the flip side!

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:coffee Good mornin'! I'm feeling kinda :grumpy today. Maybe I need my coffee. Trying to get lots done today. I've got the kitchen cleaned up, 2 beds stripped, one set of bedding on the clothes line the other in the washer, DD's bed is made up again. It is sunny and there is a nice, cool breeze out there. My first thought was, I wish I was out running in this. :c9 But it will have to wait. Unfortunately I have a meeting tonight so I'm not sure if I'll get out today :( DD and I have to get father's day cards and something for Daddy. We need to stop by a store that said they were getting more little girl's dresses in stock to see what's there. :xfin DD has her last swimming lesson for the session this afternoon and that will be it for lessons until the fall. Let's see what else? :loco


Alrighty then, the washer is done and I gotta go! Have a great day!

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Hi friends!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all! Just a quick stop to say hello. We are running a bit behind, which is ironic because I have one less person to get ready. :think


Isabella got sick this morning, but is running around and having fun right now. She doesn't want to go to school, but I think she is just afraid that she will get sick in class. :think Do I send her, or not? :shrug


I am a little :( this morning. I just can't believe the year is over already. Mia doesn't seem old enough for kinder just yet. I'm tearing up just typing this. LoL *dork alert*


Well I better get going. Have a great day, friends! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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hi, all!


We are back from field day! I ended up staying the whole day. It was fun to give out popsicles and trade autographs with the kids on our tee-shirts:c9... also, the incoming 5th graders voted today on the theme for their float entry into the Halloween Parade... :cheerBoston Sports!:cheer... I wonder if we can get some players of any teams to join us:think. Maybe we will find that one "connected parent":lol


I hope you are all having a funtabulous day!



p.s. Stacy - here's an extra :hugfor you... complete with a Kleenex! :( ...you are not a dork at all... you are a MOM!:manyheart

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Hi Ladies

Iam feeling better today thanks for asking. My stomach is still acting up but it is not as bad.

We are in for another heat wave here. I think it is suppose to start tomorrow and last for about 5 days.

Everything else is good here. My house is still not cleaned but who cares.........it will wait for me.

The craft show is in 2 weeks and I have been working on discloths. Tonight we have to go and work Bingo so I will take some dishcloths to work on there.

Colleen how are the dishcloths I made you? Are they holding up good? Please let me know, thanks

Shannon it is sooooo nice to have you back.

Stacy the kids do seem to grow up fast and yes you are a good MOM

LeaAnne Iam glad field day was a hit.

Leeann Iam glad you like the new job.

Vicki :cheer for summer vacation.

Joanne :cheer for getting to enjoy your pool this weekend.

Beth :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug just for you and you don't have to share.

Sarah crochet ideas get stuck in my head also:yes

Scooby how are things with you?

Is there going to be a chat tomorrow night? Just let me know.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love

and Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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LeaAnne, field day sounds like fun!!! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and spending time with the kids. :yay Thanks for the extra hug and Kleenex. I wore my sunglasses for most of the morning, also. :lol


Mary, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. How is dh these days? Did he get the same stomach bug as you?


Colleen, :hug:hug:hug to you. Hope you are feeling better. How awesome that you have started to run now!!


Beth, how was work? I hope it wasn't too busy for you. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, I'm happy that you had fun at the game! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Vicki, Scooby, Shannon, Sarah, Leeann- :hug:hug:hug to you!!


I made it through picking up Mia with only a little misty-eyed-ness. We went to Mommy and Me, where we made it just in time for the potluck. :drool Mia made a card for her teacher and a Father's Day gift. Then Isabella felt sick so we left. The teacher gave me the phone number to the other school closer to us where she teaches, so hopefully Eva and I will see her next year.

Now the girls are watching a movie in their room. Isabella hasn't gotten sick again but says her stomach hurts a lot. I hope she's better to go to school tomorrow. The teacher made up autograph books for them to sign and give each other their phone numbers.

I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon working on a logo for my Etsy store. Dh's cousin (who is an amazingly talented but unfortunately very unmotivated artist) said he would help me, but I haven't heard from him yet. I'm going to see what I can come up with by myself.


BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Mary - Sorry, I've been meaning to e-mail you about the dishclothes. I like them. They are holding up great. They have a little bit of a woolier feel to them, if that makes sense, than the handicrafter cotton. I washed them in a hot water and they did shrink a bit, but not too much. My favourit-est thing about them is that they are colourfast :yes So, yes, they're great. Keep making them. Thank you very much!!!!!


Gotta go, spaghetti sauce on the stove and a fruit salad to make! :hug

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:hi chicks! How is everyone today?


I just got back from grocery shopping. Blah. But it's done now so :yay! It feels like a sauna outside. It's really quite gross.

DD is at Grandma's, so I have a little time to myself. I think I'll crochet. Hmmm... what a novel idea!!:idea


I need your opinion. My sister wants me to make her a blanket. She doesn't care what pattern. She originally wanted it all kelly green, but I talked her out of it, 'cause that would drive me batty! So I suggested other colors, and she said they sounded pretty and that she trusts my judgement. Only problem is, I don't trust my judgement. Please tell me your opinion. I think I'm going to do a granny stripe, but I'll take suggestions. Thanks guys! I'll be back later to talk to you all.:hug



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Please send prayers and warm wishes for my Dad. He's back in the hospital -- in a whole lot of pain, and they don't want to do anything because he's high risk. But he's actually so miserable he's talking about suicide as relief. I hate being so far away.

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Beth- So sorry to hear about your Dad- and please, know that I'm praying:hug- how hard for you to be far away and for your DH to be across the country!! I wish I could come be with you and hug you IRL!:hug:hug:hug


Shannon- I like the colors- are you going to the granny stripe from attic24? Did you finish the ripple? I :manyheart the pics of you and sis at Yankee Stadium!!!! You look fantastic in a NY Yankee shirt!!!!! GO YANKEES!!!:cheer:cheer


Stacy- You are not a dork!! We all go through that- ages and stages!!!:hug:hug Hope Isabella is well enough to go to school tomorrow.


LeaAnne- We will be rooting for the same team tonight- probably the last game of the season that we'll be rooting together. :lol:lolGo CELTICS:cheer:cheer


The name of the book about the Cape Cod League is The Last Best League: One Summer, One Season, One Dream by Jim Collins- it was a great read!!!:yes


Colleen- Does DD get to go swimming in the summer? Did you have any luck with a dress? WTG on running!:clap That is awesome!!!!


Mary- Glad to hear you are feeling better! And only 2 more weeks till the craft show! Good luck with getting all your crocheting done- and you are right- the cleaning will be there- it is always there:lol


Vicki- Hope your day went well- Was today the last day of the professional training?


Sarah- Hope your purging is continuing to go well- and I know how it feels to want to make something and not have the yarn to do it- Well, let's just say I used to- I've become a yarn-a-holic I think and now have enough to keep me busy for a while!!


LeeAnn- How was day #4? Glad to hear that this is better than the other position and that you work less for more$ - that's always a bonus!!!


Going to watch the Yankees for a while- then switch to the Celtics!!!


Have a good evening.


Extra hugs here for Beth!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone! I am sooo tired tonight and I am soooo glad that I can turn my alarm clock off! This was my last day of professional development until August! It is time to play!!!

Shannon - I liked the colors that you had in the picture! I would use those colors.

Joanne - A NJ team named Patriots!!! What is this world coming to?!? Hope you had a good day at work after a late day at the game!

Stacy - I know how you feel about the girls growing up. Mine is trying to be taller than me and laughing while she does it! Enjoy them while they are little. They get way too big way too fast!

Sarah - What kind of wall hanging do you want to make? I hope you get to make your vision soon?

Beth - Your dad is in my prayers and so are you. It is not good to be so far away when all that is going on. Please let us know how all is going.

Mary - glad to hear you are feeling better today! YAY for your show coming soon! Does your DD do this one with you?

LeaAnne - YAY for a successful field day! Glad you had a good time and the kids enjoyed it! The pictures of the kids at Fenway were soooo cute! Glad they had a good time!

Leeann - Hope the training is going well and it is so nice that you get to see your mom there! That must be a nice bonus! Hope this one works better for you!

I am off to do some work on my paper and then I MUST crochet tonight. I haven't done that in days!!! I need to get cracking on that baby sweater and blanket for my niece. It looks like she will be early!

Talk to you all tomorrow! I hope everyone has a great night!

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Please send prayers and warm wishes for my Dad. He's back in the hospital -- in a whole lot of pain, and they don't want to do anything because he's high risk. But he's actually so miserable he's talking about suicide as relief. I hate being so far away.


:hug:hug:hugand good energy/mojo heading your way for your dad and the rest of your family.

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Vicki - I have an idea to do a crocheted version of a quilted wall-hanging kinda like these





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Didn't get anything done today. Have chills, headache, body ache and low grade fever so have spent the day curled up in the chair and then when Doug got home I went in the bedroom and fell asleep for 2 hrs, but still feel yucky. Waiting for Doug to finish giving Keith a bath before I go curl up again.

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