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Some good clean fun?!

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Greetings dear friends!

Sorry I did not get a chance to hop on here last night, my dearest auntie and her kiddos stopped by and had dinner with us. Then it was back to dishes and cleaning....:eek is anyone sick of cleaning? I usually do not mind, but some days.....:devil

Today was another good day, did get to start setting up our classroom...doesn't this sound familiar? :yes yes, it is only seasonal, however I will make just as much money as the other position, only work less time. What a deal! It only runs till the end of October. During the winter I will substitute and relax.:cheer

Colleen-I love your 5 rules a day! Are you walking? How's dd?

Joanne-hope the game this evening is fantastic!

Stacy-is your puppy friend ok? Hope so!

LeaAnne-hope you had a great day!

Beth-how's the cleaning coming along?

Mary-:hug and feel better soon!

Shannon-:hugwelcome back! What a fun time you had!

going to sit and relax...training tomorrow in another town, I really am enjoying meeting new folks..and oh, my mom works at the Migrant! It's so wonderful seeing her every day, she's THE receptionist aka...the grease that keeps the company flowing.

enough of me blabbing. Have a good evening friends! I will try to hop on here in the a.m. I have been struggling to get out the door in time...I need to get myself to bed at a decent hour:devil

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Hiya Vicki!

I think we were posting at almost the same time. So glad that your headache went away. I get them when my eyes are tired..sounds silly but my contacts tire my eyes.


I started work last Friday, so far..trainings..lots of them, but it has been enjoyable and I am super excited!


going to sit and crochet...maybe, I started a good book while camping and am itching to read..now if I could do just both...:-))))


have a good day tomorrow! hugs!~

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is anyone sick of cleaning? I usually do not mind, but some days.....:devil



Is anyone sick of cleaning? :rofl YES!!!!! :rofl


:hi everyone! Lots of chitter chatter on here today. Nice to see. :manyheart


Shannon - So happy to see you posting and I hope your luggage (and more importantly, your mom) made it home safely).


Joanne - Your Trader Joes foods sound yummy. I eat vanilla yogurt, berries and home made granola for breakfast sometimes. DD likes it too.


LeeAnn - Glad your job is starting out well and what a great deal, working only part of the year and making more money! Awesome!!!


Vicki - Glad your headache is gone and I hope your PD goes well this week.


Stacy - :hug I hope you are all feeling better soon. Especially in time for your vacation next week. :yes Poor Klaus. :(


LeaAnne - Sounds like you got lots done. How was the fieldtrip? :hyper


Mary - Sit down and relax, girl. The cleaning will be there when you feel better and let's face it, Martha Stewart isn't coming for a visit this week :lol


Beth - How did the pantry clean out go? How are your inventions enjoying their new free-er time?


Busy day here. DD and I baked cupcakes to take as a treat for her class tomorrow. It is the last pizza day. I just have to make the icing and ice them in the morning and I'll bring them when I go help with the pizza. We went to another store to look for a dress for her for the weddings we are attending this summer but still no luck. She finally found one she liked but it didn't fit. The good news is, she tried them on without carrying on and had a great attitude :tup When we got home we ran into our neighbours between our house and the mailbox and DD's little friend invited herself over for a play :), so I had two little princesses planning a royal ball here this afternoon. It was so cute! After DH got home we went out for burgers and went to check out a new park they built in another part of the city. Very nice, DD enjoyed herself. It is a BEAUTIFUL evening, so after getting DD showered and tucked into bed I went for my walk. I have to say, after eating burgers and fries I didn't feel up to it (amazing how junk food does that to you), but I went and I'm so glad I did. :yes I'm really excited this time that I might actually succeed in getting healthier. It's something I've been wanting to do for a VERY long time.


Saddest thing happened. Sometime over night last night someone stole my flag and flag pole out front of our house :angry It was mounted to a wooden post and they tore the mounting right out of the post, damaged the wood, bent the screws. Probably just some bored teenagers, but I am not happy. My daughter gave me the pole as a Christmas gift a couple years ago. Grrrr. Ironically the flag said "home is where the heart is". I suspect it's in a garbage can somewhere, but I hope those hoodlems read it and went home and hugged their moms :yes

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Colleen, I had to :rofl about my kids free-er time -- my two lifeguards are working so much, and the younger one is on a swim team that practices 5 days a week. My dd has more free time, but she has PT 3 times a week now, and we're trying to get both of the twins more driving time every day. My dd is also looking into getting a job. She's applying at a video game store -- why not -- work with what you know and love.


LeaAnn, i was born sick of cleaning! That's why I joined this group. Unfortunately, I don't have the will power to stick to the rule of this thread. I like the sound of the new job. Seasonal works -- gives you time to prepare for the Holidays with a lot less stress.


Vicki, welcome back from the land of Migraine! I'm glad you are feeling better.


Stacy, I hope you all feel better soon. Remember to take care of yourself.


Joanne, Amanda and I want to go to Trader Joe's tomorrow, and you and Stacy have a lot to do with that!


Mary, I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better by now. Will you see the doctor soon? It sounds pretty serious.


LeaAnne, yes I AM a hug grabber, and proud of it! This has been a rough month for me. I can use all the hugs I can get. Are you getting ready for a break from softball? I know you love it, but isn't it hard to keep all your chickens' schedules straight?


Shannon, welcome HOME!!! I hope you had a great trip. When you get a chance to get settled back in, I'd love to hear details!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugto everyone!

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Vicki- Glad the migraine is gone!!!:yay


Beth- You have been busy!! Good luck to Amanda getting the video store job! Your inventions are busy- but busy doing good things is what keeps them out of trouble...unlike the what seems to be bored teens who took Colleen's flag! have fun at Trader Joe's- they do have lots of gluten -free things too!!!:manyheart


Colleen- Glad you had fun at the new park and :yay for the walk--especially after burger and fries!!!! You are on the right track with your plan to get more healthy! You can do this and we are all in this together. Really, who doesn't want to be healthy? :lol


Have fun at pizza day tomorrow- I'm sure they'll love the cupcake treats!! Sorry about your flag!:angry


Yankees won, but the Celtics are losing! By 20 points!!! :eek


Stacy- your DH must be very happy with his Lakers tonight!!!:yes


the Red Sox won tonight- so at least Krissy and Pete's first game at Fenway was a winner!!!:clap


Shannon- Who knew you were a closet Yankee fan!!:lol


Well everyone, I'm heading to bed- Tomorrow will be a long day since I'm working and then going to the ball game!!!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Hope that's enough hugs for all- that is if Beth doesn't take them all!!!:lol:lol

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Hi all! Just hopped on...should be getting my clothes ready for tomorrow...but nahh


Colleen-that is just terrible that someone stole your flag! grrr....I would have been upset too. Good for you, going on your walk. I haven't walked this week at all, I am having a difficult time getting all of my chores done and getting to work on time, next week I hope that I will get into a routine.


Our dear kiddos do not have big plans for the summer. Since dh is on vacation, they are living the life..bumming and spending time with dad. Towards the end of the month, they will be going to the in-laws for a few days-going to be spoiled and then sent home to mama!


Beth-you sure are busy! Your kiddos sound busy but in a good way. My ds loves video games and gadgets, he's a life saver, he helps me out al the time! :-)


Joanne-have a great time at the ball game! And at work!


talk to you all soon! huggers!

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Oh, Beth! You will love Trader Joe's. :yes They have a lot of gluten-free items, and if you go to their website (http://www.traderjoes.com) you can download a pdf that lists them. Oh, and I've been meaning to PM you about a couple things. That will have to wait until tomorrow- I am out of it right now. Good luck to Amanda on the job. Have all of the inventions finished their year-end exams?


Joanne, he is pretty happy with the Lakers tonight. :yay


The girls seem to be better- Eva still has a slight fever but is running around with the other girls. Mia woke up in a very good mood :whew and Isabella's tummy ache went away after having butter toast. She was very worried about missing school tomorrow but it looks like that won't be a problem.


Okay, I am really going now. Dh's clothes are ironed for tomorrow (he has a meeting) and I am about to take a shower and go to bed. Nighty-night, friends!

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coming up for air. I think I've got everything purged that I can. Now it's a case of just finding a place to put everything and neatly putting the stuff on the bookcase (currently just randomly stacked with the exception of my books LOL)


Have to call the thrift store I want to take the stuff we're getting rid of to and see if they'll let me put it in Doug's name w/o him there or if he'll have to go with me (I don't work so I don't file taxes so the tax write off needs to go in his name).


I think this is the part I like the least cause it's just sooooo much little stuff that needs to find a home. (LOL Keith has a bunk bed set and I've found that top bunk to be a great storage place for extra blankets, pillows and backpacks, with the added plus of making it impossible for him to climb up there)


hopefully I can get things settled down soon so I can respond more to people =0)


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone

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Quick Good morning to all!!!


Sarah- You've done so much to get purged- there shouldn't be a problem with the name on the receipt for your donations.


Beth- WTG on almost finishing the pantry!!!


LeaAnne- I'm worried about the Celtics with Perkins going down. Thursday's game should be good. Hope you all enjoyed the Red Sox game last night! And that Krissy and your DH have fun on the Fenway Tour today!


Just looked and see it's 6:00 so I've gotta get hopping here. I'll try and pop in after the ball game tonight otherwise see you again tomorrow morning!


Happy Hump Day!!!!

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Good morning!


we had a wonderful time at the game last night! As Joanne said, the Sox won. I kept score in the program, so we have the play by play forever! (a useful skill I learned from coaching:yes:lol)


Joanne - I agree, the Celts might be in trouble. We will see...

Have a wonderful time at your game tonight! What's the name of the minor league team? Also, not sure if you'll be heading this way this summer, but wanted to tip you off... the CapeCod League's All Star game will be at Fenway on July 28. Tix are only $10! We are thinking that would be a great take. We love CapeCod baseball... many great players in the Major Leagues started out there.


Colleen - WTG on eating healthy and taking a walk after the burger! You are an inspiration! I need to get some time to write down your tips that you have been posting... You have wonderful ideas! sorry about your flag pole... and I would agree in hoping that the hoodlums went home and hugged their moms! Nice way to think of it, friend :hug:hug


LeeAnn - I am so happy that your trainings are going well, and that this place seems to be a nice fit for you! :U:clap

Also, great idea with the chore chart! I love it! I always write lists and forget where I have left them... would be a good idea to keep everything in one place!


Sarah - WTG :nworthy! Wowzers, you got a lot done!!! Will you get to have a little :crocheting break soon? :devil Great work, friend!:hug


Beth - I have a present for you... :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug, and you don't even have to share them! (Although it sure is more fun to:lol) I know you have been having a long and rough month:(... When does DH get to come home? I will be hoping that you have a fantabulous day today, dear!


Mary - :(:( You ok?? I hope you are feeling better! I think a day on your deck with your :crocheting would do you a world of good! Colleen's right... Martha's not in town this week;)... :hug:hug:hug and prayers for you!


Stacy - Your trip sounds like so much fun!!!! I am very excited for you guys:clap :yay How is everyone feeling today? ...and how is poor little Klaus? Sorry that Terror's dog took the role of boss dog... creep. I hope you all have a great day today!


Vicki - I am so happy that your migraine is gone!:cheer:clap:c9 Only 1 more development day for you, right? DD sounds like a trooper and a good kid... it's great when they think it's cool to hang out with mom!:manyheart


Shannon-ness.... what's up, chick? Happy that you all made it home and that you had a great trip! Any great Janna stories to share? How is our girl?


I gotta get moving... I am off to the zoo with Peter's class today:clap ...I love the zoo!!!:manyheart Krissy and daddy are off to their Fenway tour, too. This will be a day to remember for sure! which reminds me... I better go find that camera:eek


:hugto you all, friends! Hope today is the Bestiest for you all!!!

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Mornin' friends!


LeaAnne- Glad you had fun last night, and enjoy your day at the zoo!:monkey:elle


Joanne- Have fun at the game tonight!:cheer I'm nervous for the Celtics too. I fell asleep last night while the game was on, but I know it wasn't pretty.


Beth- You guys stay so busy! I don't know how you keep up with everything. You are an inspiration!:hug


Stacy- I'm glad your Lakers-fan-husband is sooo happy that they won. My Lakers-fan-husband is happy too. :grumpy:irk Glad the girls are feeling better!


Mary- Are you feeling better today? I hope so, friend.:hug:hug Take care of yourself, and worry about the house later.


LeeAnn- How's the new job? I hope better than the last.:eek


Vicki- I'm so glad you're feeling better. Migraines are so yucky! I haven't had any since I've been going to the chiropractor. You might want to look into it.


Colleen- I need to join you on your "lifestyle change". What kind of fruits and veggies do you eat? I'm so proud of you for staying with it!:clap


Sarah- My, you've been busy! You go girl!! I hope you get to treat yourself to some :crocheting!


Scooby- What's been going on with you? How's Josh doing? Hope to see you around soon!


I better get moving. DD has therapy today, then I'm going to the chiropractor. My back has missed him! I'm so glad to be back, and my calendar is clear!:yay I can finally get to that Spring cleaning... a season late. Oh, and guess what? DH painted DD's closet, bought a door for her room (and trimmed and painted it), and cleaned and organized our room! Isn't he fabulous???


I'll be back later, probably after we get back. Talk to you later!:manyheart

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Morning, friends!


Shannon, it's good to see you! WTG to your dh for fixing up Janna's room. :cheer


Sarah, WTG on getting all of your purging done! You should have no problem with the donation receipt, if you just let them know why you want it in dh's name. Hope you get some time to sit down and relax soon. :hug


Leanne, so glad you had fun at the game! I love your pics- your kiddos look so happy and such great seats! Have fun at the zoo.


Colleen, how terrible that someone stole your flagpole! You have a good attitude about it, though. :hug


Joanne, have fun at the game tonight! :cheer


Vicki, Beth, Leeann, Mary, Scooby- Happy Hump Day! Halfway to the weekend. :hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you.


Isabella stayed home today. She woke up this morning and said she didn't feel well, so she is on the couch with her blanket, watching an animal show.

Nothing much going on today. I need to get some stakes for my tomato plants- they are starting to lean and we found 10 new tomatoes growing!! :eek There have been 3 growing for quite a while and one of them just started to turn yellow. I can't wait! And my poblano plant has one pepper sprout. :clap I thought that thing would never grow. There are also 2 carrots popping up and a few peas and beans. I'm thinking a pasta salad would be good for dinner. :yes

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:hi everyone!


I'm sure I will miss a lot here. Feeling kinda scattered :shrug


LeaAnne - Love the pics of your fam at the game! It looks like you had beautiful weather for it and I love Krissy's cheek socks ;) Enjoy the zoo!


Shannon - Thanks for the pic of the Jersey Boys bus. I heard Oh what a night (1963) in the grocery store yesterday and I was singing along (quietly :wink).


LeeAnn - Sounds like your kids are lucky to bum around for the summer.


Beth - WTG on the pantry clean out!


Joanne - You are over the hump day! :clap


Stacy - I hope your gang all return to good health soon :hug


:hi Vicki, Mary, and anyone I've missed.


What a strange day. They called for rain and thunderstorms all day today. The minute it was time for all the kiddos to walk to school the heavens opened up and my gosh did it rain!!! I came home and made the icing and iced the cupcakes and made a teeny babyfood jar jacket and cut some miniature roses for DD's teacher (she seemed down this morning). Went up for pizza day and delivered the treats. It wasn't raining when I got back so I went for a 15 minute walk as the sky darkened. Well, it never did rain and now there is blue sky out there. :shrug I guess I better go walk some more :yes


Have a great day everyone!

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Stacy, congrats on the baby tomatoes! We have about 4 bitty green ones, and flowers on the cukes! So excited!!!


Colleen, what odd weather! We had a little rain this morning. It was nice and cool. Now it's just as humid as ever. I wish it would rain again.


Shannon, so glad you are home! I've missed your smile. So you are going to see your best friend again, huh? I hope he treats your back well.


LeaAnne, the field trips sound awesome!!! What a fun day everyone is having!


Joanne, hope you're having a good day.


Sarah, want to come purge at my house????


Lots of hugs to everyone. Must run!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

and LeaAnne, you're right. They are more fun to share!

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Beth, you are just always on the go! How are you doing without dh? :hug:hug:hug:hug Did you get his package made up?


The girls are watching Blues Brothers for the millionth time. FIL is picking up Eva in a little while, she is spending the night there and will go to work with MIL tomorrow. I wasn't expecting that. :eek I will miss the first half of Mommy and Me tomorrow but Mia gets out at 10:30 so she and I will make it for the last half. It is supposed to be a potluck tomorrow but since we're not going to the first half (when it's usually snack time) I'm not sure if I should take something. :think

Dh surprised me and brought Greek food for lunch, so our from-the-garden pasta salad will have to wait until tomorrow. That's okay- I looked in the fridge and didn't have Italian dressing for it, anyway. :lol


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:lolHello there!

Sounds like it has beeen a super busy Hump day! Another day of training..it's actually nice, except I feel antsy every now and then..but all in all I am liking what I see!:D

Colleen-I was thinking of you today, and decided on Monday I will go back to walking. Our trainings are scattered all over the San Luis Valley, so not really much time in the morning, but I am going to make it a point to make time. Thank you!

Joanne-can't wait to hear about the game!

LeaAnne-beautiful kiddos! They looked so happy, how exciting! How was the zoo?

Beth-I agree with everyone, you sure are busy. Here's some :hug:hugand warmest wishes!

Stacy-your garden sounds lovely, dh and dd are going to start replanting soon, they have a few sprouts. Are the girls feeling any better? And how about you? Hope so!

Shannon-that is wonderful that your dh fixed up Janna's room! WTG! Did you get in to see the chiropractor?

Mary-feel any better?

Sarah-did you move to a smaller house?

Vicki-how was your day?

going to sit and relax, dh is making dinner:eek:eek I know, that's a first...he he

Haven't crocheted in a few days, my wrists were really hurting, but maybe tonight I can get back to it.

talk to you all soon!


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Sarah-did you move to a smaller house?





Well we did in a way, initially we lived with fiance's mom, that didn't work out. We then lived in two different apartments, then fiance's mom got married and we moved into the trailer that belongs to fiance's step-dad after he moved into fiance's mom's house.


well in all the moving (oh and don't forget running from Hurricane IKE) things got shoved into boxes... and left there...


Well we've been remodeling (painting, replacing carpet, replacing shower in bathroom with tub/shower combo, going to re-tile the bathroom and kitchen)... so I took the opportunity when I was trying to fit everything back into our bedroom (cause we changed the layout of the furniture in there) to go through all the boxes and get rid of things we don't need.


But when we moved from the apartment to the trailer while we didn't lose any space really in square footage, we did lose it in storage space as this place doesn't really have closets except in the bedroom and in the apartment we had a closet when you first walked in, one in the hallway, a big one in the bathroom and a walk-in closet in the master bedroom, along with your normal kitchen cabinets.


But this trailer just has a closet in each of the bedrooms (that are just wide enough for clothes and run along the wall so no walk-in) the kitchen cabinets and a small cabinet over the toilet and the under bathroom sink storage... and that's it...


(oh and most of this stuff is fiance's, most of mine is still in storage in WA where we met)

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Stacy, congrats on the baby tomatoes! We have about 4 bitty green ones, and flowers on the cukes! So excited!!!


Colleen, what odd weather! We had a little rain this morning. It was nice and cool. Now it's just as humid as ever. I wish it would rain again.


Shannon, so glad you are home! I've missed your smile. So you are going to see your best friend again, huh? I hope he treats your back well.


LeaAnne, the field trips sound awesome!!! What a fun day everyone is having!


Joanne, hope you're having a good day.


Sarah, want to come purge at my house????


Lots of hugs to everyone. Must run!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

and LeaAnne, you're right. They are more fun to share!


LOL I'm kinda purged out. And the thrift stores don't want to take kids toys really anymore cause of all the lead controversy so instead I'm going to have to label all this stuff for a garage sale and hope we can have some luck at Doug's mom's house selling it (she's planning on having a garage sale after the 4th)

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:hi everyone!


I'm sure I will miss a lot here. Feeling kinda scattered :shrug


LeaAnne - Love the pics of your fam at the game! It looks like you had beautiful weather for it and I love Krissy's cheek socks ;) Enjoy the zoo!


Shannon - Thanks for the pic of the Jersey Boys bus. I heard Oh what a night (1963) in the grocery store yesterday and I was singing along (quietly :wink).


LeeAnn - Sounds like your kids are lucky to bum around for the summer.


Beth - WTG on the pantry clean out!


Joanne - You are over the hump day! :clap


Stacy - I hope your gang all return to good health soon :hug


:hi Vicki, Mary, and anyone I've missed.


What a strange day. They called for rain and thunderstorms all day today. The minute it was time for all the kiddos to walk to school the heavens opened up and my gosh did it rain!!! I came home and made the icing and iced the cupcakes and made a teeny babyfood jar jacket and cut some miniature roses for DD's teacher (she seemed down this morning). Went up for pizza day and delivered the treats. It wasn't raining when I got back so I went for a 15 minute walk as the sky darkened. Well, it never did rain and now there is blue sky out there. :shrug I guess I better go walk some more :yes


Have a great day everyone!


Don't you just love crazy weather? I hate it when it threatens to rain/storm all day so you stay inside cause you KNOW the moment you go outside it'll open up on you but because you stayed inside it didn't rain/storm.

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Beth, you are just always on the go! How are you doing without dh? :hug:hug:hug:hug Did you get his package made up?


The girls are watching Blues Brothers for the millionth time. FIL is picking up Eva in a little while, she is spending the night there and will go to work with MIL tomorrow. I wasn't expecting that. :eek I will miss the first half of Mommy and Me tomorrow but Mia gets out at 10:30 so she and I will make it for the last half. It is supposed to be a potluck tomorrow but since we're not going to the first half (when it's usually snack time) I'm not sure if I should take something. :think

Dh surprised me and brought Greek food for lunch, so our from-the-garden pasta salad will have to wait until tomorrow. That's okay- I looked in the fridge and didn't have Italian dressing for it, anyway. :lol



:clap for growing garden and suprise lunch =0)

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Hi gang! Just a quick note to pop in and say hi! Today was the last day of the professional development until August. I have to go tomorrow to school to do the online class with some of the teachers, but we should not be there all say and it will not really be a structured day. I an hoping to be home by 2. That would be nice!

Otherwise it was a good day! I hope everyone had a great day! I will try to pop in again tomorrow and post to everyone individually!

Have a great night all!


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