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Some good clean fun?!

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I was feeling kinda blue then hopped on here, ya all are just great!:bow

We are going out to dinner at Chilies, but other than that, nothing much planned. My mom wants me to meet her this afternoon, she is being extremely secretive:heehee I'll let you all know what happens.

Finished cleaning, now I am going to sit and :hook for the rest of the afternoon.

Stacy-forgot to tell ya, yes I am on Facebook, not really good at it tho'. :lol

hugs and squishes!:laughroll:lashes

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Happy Birthday Leeann!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!! And have fun camping this weekend! Hope mom has something fun planned when you meet up with her!

The grocery shopping is done and put away. Dish washer is emptied and reloaded. Lunch is done. The towels are folded (DD helped with that while I was cutting up the meat!) DD is cleaning her bathroom as we speak and I have chocolate chip cake in the oven. I am trying to decide if I want to give the dogs a bath today or tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow. I'll have more time. I need to fix DD's bathing suit. The straps are a little too big and need to be taken in a little bit.

I hope everyone is having a great day. I will talk to you all later!

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Leeann!!!! :bday


Have fun at Chili's! It's my favorite. :drool Can't wait to hear what your mom has planned!!! :hug:hug:hug Hope you can get that part for your dryer quickly.


Joanne, thanks for the chat last night. :manyheart:hug I was in need of adult conversation. :lol It was so nice to chat and not be interrupted by, "Mommmm...Mommmm...Mommy!" :rofl


Leanne, the flat-braid did not work out well at all, and just clumped up in the corners anyway. So if you have another idea- I'm all ears!! And can I just say how awesome you are for taking time from your busy, busy schedule to help me? :hug I truly appreciate it.


Today has had ups and downs. Mia's graduation was fun and it was so cute to see all of the kids do their dances and since their songs. :manyheart:manyheart Mia started to feel crummy toward the end and refused to take photos with anyone except her bff. We came home and she is napping now. Her fever spiked to 103 and it's not going down with Tylenol so I called the dr. We have an appt. in half an hour. I'm sure it's just a cold but dh has been bugging me to take her.

Then dh called to say the clutch is going on his truck and he could not switch gears on the way back to work. :( We won't have the $$ to fix it for another 2 weeks, so I'm not sure if Mia will make it to the last week of class, since he will probably have to use my car.

Anyway...I got lots of pics and I will try to download some a little later, after we're back from the dr. :hug:hug:hug


Love and hugs to all!

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:bday LeaAnn! I hope you have a lot of fun.


Stacy, so sorry that Mia feels bad, but at least she made it to graduation. how sweet.


Sorry, I have a headache, and I'm not going to be able to say hi to all of you individually. Hope your day is as awesome as you are!!! :hug

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:bday:birthday:bday:birthday:cake:bday:cake:birthday LeeAnn!!!!


So sorry I didn't post that first thing this morning!!!:hug


Hope you had a fun time with your Mom and can't wait to hear about her surprise!!! Enjoy your birthday dinner at Chili's! Camping sounds like so much fun- hope it is a wonderful weekend.


Colleen- You made a lot of progress on your flannel'ghan- just a word of warning- take it easy- I was so gung ho making the one for DH and I overdid it and couldn't figure out why my shoulder was hurting and then I had a:idea- it was the large hook and 2 strands of yarn!

DH must have been beside himself- so glad that he got to see the end of the game- it was a good one!!! And I guess I'll say :yay for you of no hockey for 3 mos. For me, I'll miss it- but I still have baseball....and then it will be football and hockey....and it goes round and round!:lol


Stacy- Glad that Mia got to go to her graduation and hope that it is nothing serious- 103 is a high temp to glad you are taking her to the Dr. That's a bummer about DH's truck! Good thing that you got yours so even though you won't have it for a bit, at least DH can get to work!


Vicki- Choc chip cake sounds delish!!! I'm drooling over her- I love choc chip anything!!!! You had a good productive day. How is DD's eye doing?


Beth- Hope the headache is gone by the time you read this!!!:hug


LeaAnne- Have fun with your Mom!!!!:manyheart


Hope everyone has a great evening!

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Mom cancelled... :( bummer!

It's raining... :yawn


I am going to take advantage of being home and catch up on some rest.


have a great night, everyone



Stacy - hope Mia feels better

LeeAnn - Hope mom's surprise was great, and you enjoyed your birthday dinner!

Colleen - happy flannelghan-ing

Joanne - enjoy the basketball game tonight... go Celtics!

Vicki - hoping DD enjoyed the pool

Mary - hope you are enjoying your visit

Beth - Hope you are feeling better and get some rest

Sarah - hope you had a great day

Shannon - are you enjoying your tme in LongIsland?

ScoobyDoo - I miss you!

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:hug:hug:hug LeaAnne. So sorry that your mom canceled! What a bummer. Hope you enjoy your rest time, though.


:hug:hug:hug Beth. Hope your headache clears up soon.



Well, dh worked out something with the mechanic, since the mechanic the only one his whole family has ever used. He is taking the truck over there right now.

Mia has an ear infection and a throat infection. We got the needed antibiotics and the dr. said if the fever persists through the weekend, to call back on Monday.


I'm off to water my plants. I thought the sprinklers would get to them last night but they never came on. :shrug

Have a great night!



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:manyheartGood evening ladies!!!!

I'm back! Ohhhh myyy gosssssshhhh!!!! My mom had a huge surprise! Oooohhh la lall...she asked me to meet her at Maurices (department store). She told me to pick out a pair of pants and top, and to not look at the price tag....for those that know me, I am a bargain shopper, I have a hard time buying anything that is not on clearance. Anyhow, after trying on about 10 tops, she had me pick two, then found matching capris, sandals, a wallet and perfume and another casual pair of capri's. I cried,...still can't believe it! I feel soo spoiled. Then she directed me to come home, she brought over lunch and a homemade cake and icecream and my favorite green tea...:D:D:D can life get any better? Dh and the kiddos bought me more clothes, another pair of capri's, tank top and shorts...wooohoooo! I want to wear everything at once! :lol Also had a lovely dinner...going to have to really walk tomorrow. I'm so blessed to have family and friends that are amazing.


the kiddos and dh have their lists-I'm a list maker and are packing as we speak...just have to get my things packed.


Stacy-so glad that dh was able to work something out with the mechanic, I know that those things can be stressful. BTW-how's your garden coming along?


Joanne-TGIF early, just in case I can't hop on here tomorrow.


Vicki-is your dd feeling better? Your dinner sounded yummy. Have you had time to crochet?


Colleen-can't wait to see your flannelghan, you are flying! my wrist is extremely sore, I think I will take a break from mine,...might start something new.:devil


LeaAnne-so sorry to hear that your mom will not be visiting, can she come some other time?


Beth-hugs and hope you feel better soon!


Sarah-how ya doing today? I'm sure you were busy as a bee.


Mary, Shannon and Scooby :hug:hug:hugand hoping that all is well.


Better get myself off of :c9 and get to work. Have a great evening friends! Thank you for being soo supportive and caring. I will miss all of you while I'm gone. Talk to you all on Sunday.

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - :hug I'm so sorry your mom cancelled and that it's raining. You sound blue. Here's a hug or two :hug:hug.


LeeAnn - What a wonderful birthday surprise :drool That is so nice! I am glad you had a nice time with your family. Enjoy the camping trip!


Stacy - Poor Mia! :( I'm glad you got some medicine and I hope she feels better soon.


Joanne - Don't worry, I'll take it easy on the flannelghan. So far no pain at all, but I didn't work on it much today. Maybe tomorrow.


Beth - I hope you headache goes away soon :hug


Vicki - Good luck with the bathing suit fix. I have the hardest time finding bathing suits that fit my DD. There is a little girl in her swimming class that wears a different bathing suit every time! :eek


I talked to Mary this evening and she is doing well. She asked if I told you all about our visit. She actually asked about meeting up again tomorrow, but unfortunately I am without a vehicle (our van is just going for some routine maintenance), so we won't meet again this time. But, she says she will be down this way again in the summer.


Have a great evening all! Goodnight!

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Hi, all-


I had to come back to see what LeeAnn's surprise was!!! Very nice:tup I am glad that you have been treated like the :queen on your birthday! (as it should be:wink)


Colleen - :ty for the poem... it worked :U and :hug:hug back atcha!


Stacy - I am playing with the stars. Krissy gave me a couple of ideas too... she's so cool! I just hope I copied the colored part right... :xfin...

please don't :frog:frog anything just yet.


Joanne - I know you'll be here before me in the morning, so,

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! :hug:hug:hug


:waving everyone else... I need to go.. watching the Celts with DH:cheer:cheer


Sleep well, all~

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Hi all,

LeeAnn it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and your Mom:2rock I'm sure she got as much happiness out of taking you shopping as you did! As the Mom of three adult daughters, it brings me such happiness to surprise them and make them happy! Have a great weekend and "see you" again on Sunday!!!


LeaAnne- I'm watching the Celtics too- I hope they take up the game a notch and pull it off. :cheer


Colleen- That's pretty neat that Mary is coming down again in the summer! Too bad it didn't work out for tomorrow, but at least you got to "hook" up the other day!!! Have fun working on your flannel'ghan


Ok, almost time for the 2nd 1/2 of the game to start- and I'm going to watch from my bed.


Sweet Dreams all!!!:hug

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:waving friends!


I also had to come and see what Leeann's surprise was! And what an awesome one it was! That is so cool that your mom took you shopping and planned the lunch for you. :manyheart I'm so glad that your birthday turned out well. :hug:hug:hug


Colleen, thanks for the Mary update. Wasn't her dd's eye surgery today? I hope all went well. How was your day today? :hug


LeaAnne, I can try to write up the pattern for the stars, if that would help. How neat that Krissy is helping you. Please give her a big :hug from me! Hope you got some much-needed rest. :hug


Vicki, how was your chocolate chip cake?


Dh was watching the Lakers but is playing video games now. His poor b/p can't take it when his teams aren't doing too well. :lol FIL will be happy though- he loves a good match-up and always wants it to go right to the 7th game.


Time to go...do something! The girls are all sleeping and my snowflakes are on hold. I could probably make more ami. My shoulder has been feeling better. Yes, that's what I will do. :yes


Sweet dreams, besties! :night

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Good morning!

The Celtics pulled off a win and did it with the "second stringers" :clap:clap


(Stacy sorry to your DH that the Lakers lost- my DH is rooting for the Lakers too)


LeeAnn-Have a great camping trip and see you Sunday!


Everyone else- TGIF!!!! (well, I guess that would be for me since Vicki is now on vacation!:lol:lol)


World Cup tonight!!!:cheer:cheer and USA vs England tomorrow!!:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Hiya, besties!


Joanne has it right... TGIF!:clap


I hope you all have the best day you can have!


Here are some hugs... take what you need!


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Hi everyone! The World Cup is on! south Africa is playing Mexico! The game is just starting! YAY!!

The chocolate chip cake was very yummy! We had to bring some to the tkd coach last night. Hubby called me as we were grocery shopping to say he was going to be working late, so we went to tkd last night. I texted the coach to tell her we were coming. I guess I am predictable and everyone flips if I move my cheese a little to the right! I told her I was going to bring her something sweet and she guessed it was cake. She loves that stuff!

DD's eye is doing much better! She was complaining that it was itchy Wed. night, but has not said anything about it since. She has even learned to put her own eye drops in! YAY ME! The redness is gone and I think we are good. Thanks for asking all!

I need to make pasta salad. I am going to do that after DD finishes eating breakfast. The dogs need baths today. I have the towels in the dryer as we speak. I even have dinner planned - steak and shrimp! I am going to pair it with a nice green salad.

I finally took pictures of the green ghan for you all to see. I just need to upload them for you! I wrapped it up last night! I can't wait to give it to her!

Stacy - Poor Mia! I hope she feels better soon! Good thing you took her to the doctor. And glad to hear that Jorge worked out something with the car!

LeaAnne - Sorry your mom canceled. Will she be able to come another time?

Leeann - YAY for the surprise! That was wonderful!! I love it! Have fun camping this weekend and we will talk to you on Sunday!

Joanne - YAY for Friday!! What do you have planned for the weekend? Anything big?

Sarah, Shannon, Colleen, and Mary - Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Good morning, besties!


Joanne, it's funny that your dh roots for the Lakers. Is it just because you are rooting for the Celtics? Or is that his team? Have a great day- it's Friday! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Vicki, I'm happy to hear that dd's eye is feeling better. :clap:clap I had a good :heehee @ I guess I am predictable and everyone flips if I move my cheese a little to the right! :clapfor your chocolate chip cake being so yummy. Do you just make a plain cake and add chocolate chips? Can't wait to see pics of your 'ghan.


Leeann, have fun camping!!


Sarah, Colleen, Scooby, Shannon, Mary, LeaAnne- happy Friday!!! :hug:hug:hug Hope you all have the "bestiest" day!!

It is going to be a long day here. Mia has been up since 5, and has had too many crying episodes to count. She is a tough customer when she is sick. She's chafed the skin between her lip and nose, from wiping it so much. I'm trying to teach her to blow, but it's not working. :ohdear


I have to run to the store for a few things. Dh needed my car this morning, so I am waiting a bit for it to warm up. Dh's cousin is sleeping over tonight. The girls are going to be so excited! :manyheart Isabella is also excited because today is the last day she has to wear a uniform. The students are allowed to wear regular clothes for the last week of school.


Well the girls' movie is done, so I think we're going to make the trip outside. I need to go early so I can make the beans, which will take most of the day. I am hoping to work on some ami's and maybe take nice photos to put in my Etsy shop! :clap I CAN do this!! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer



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TGIF! :clap


I have had an amazing day. I don't have my van, so I planned to clean :faint:lol Anyway, my goal was to vacuum the entire house and mop the floors. Doesn't sound like so much, but in order to vacuum the play room you need to clean the play room, in order to vacuum the laundry room you need to do all the laundry, etc., etc. So, I just finished :whew I even mopped my front step :faint:lol I figured I had the soapy water from mopping inside my house, so I took my old mophead out and gave the front step a quick clean. Also went for my walk and....OK, you're really going to faint...I've been eating healthy ALL day (sad as it may be, this is a HUGE accomplishment for me!).


It has gotten quite nice and sunny. DD was just thrilled to be able to wear shorts again. She loves the warm weather (once again, just like her father :ohdear).


Stacy - Poor Mia. My DD used to chafe her nose when she got sick too. We always go out and buy the expensive Kleenex with the lotion in it when she gets a cold. A little vaseline on the nose a couple times a day helps too. I hope she feels better soon! Good luck with your beans...I think I missed that, but sounds like a big job.


LeaAnne - I'm glad you have cheered up some and hooray for Krissy helping with the snowflakes! Sounds like that girl has some of her Mama in her. :yes


Joanne - Enjoy your games this weekend! and TGIF!!


Vicki - How nice to take some cake to the TKD coach. I can't wait to see your afghan and even more than to see it, I can't wait to hear what she says about it :hyper


Mary's DD's eye surgery went well. Good news.


Shannon - Thinking about you and hoping the visit in LI is going well!


Beth - How are you managing down there? I hope you are feeling better today!


:hi to everyone else!

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I'm back. :lol


Colleen, you are on a :roll!!! WTG! And :h5 on eating healthy all day. That is awesome.


I called dh to ask if he would make a quick stop at Target on his way home to get some Kleenex with lotion. Too bad I hadn't thought of that yesterday. I've been cleaning her nose with alcohol-free baby wipes, and following it up with fresh aloe. She's sleeping right now. I guess the trip to the store wiped her out.


I just put the 3rd load of laundry in the washer, loaded up the dishwasher, cleaned up my bedroom *a little* :blush, cleaned up the girls' room, and cleared off the kitchen counters. My beans are in the crockpot right now. The maintenance man stopped by to have a look at the lawn in our backyard- it is basically just dirt. Dh called and told him it needs to be tilled before it can be reseeded again. He is supposed to come back Monday to start tilling. :clap



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:hug:clap:dance:bow:nworthy, Colleen!!!! Wow, that's a lot you got done, lady! ... and eating well all day, too?! You must feel like a million $$!


Jamie stayed home with me today, George isn't being so good to either of us... she's sick and I am lazy. The silver lining of the cloud is that we got to spend the day together, just the 2 of us! That NEVER happens. We each took a couch and caught up on some "girl tv" :lol.


:waving to everyone, and hoping your day is splendid!


Mary - glad DD's procedure went well


Stacy - I hope that nobody else picks up what poor Mia is suffering with. :hug:hug did you get to any ami's today?


Shannon - I hope you all are having fun on Long Island... I bet Janna is keeping you plenty busy at the pool:devil


Vicki - did your little puppies get their bath today? What kind of pasta salad do you make? :drool I :manyheart pasta salad!!!


Joanne - I hope that work was good, and that you get your chores done so you can enjoy the soccer in the morning! :hug :hug


LeeAnn - I hope you, Betty, DH and the kiddos made it safely to the campsite and that you are settling in and getting ready to enjoy s'mores and campfire stories:manyheart


Beth - You sure have been quiet... are you holding up ok?? :hug:hughere's a couple of extras: :hug:hug...just in case.


Sarah - HOw is the re-org coming along? Is your little :devil letting you get anything done, or is he forcing you to play?! :lol Either way, it's a win, I think!


:hi:hi Scoob! I sure do miss you!


The :sun just came out here... just in time to make for a nice evening at the ballfield! This is it... the last weekend of the regular season for Lindsey and Krissy. Jamie's first playoff game is tomorrow... :xfin:cheer:xfin:cheer I hope they all do well.


...well, I better scoot... time to start getting my act together!


Hugs, Besties!!!

Luv you all!:ghug

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Sarah - HOw is the re-org coming along? Is your little :devil letting you get anything done, or is he forcing you to play?! :lol Either way, it's a win, I think!




Well a little of both. I've got a mess in the bedroom cause I'm going through boxes and bags of stuff sorting out what's trash, what needs to be kept, and what will be getting donated (already filled one kitchen trash bag with trash). I was sitting on the floor with a mess surrounding me and Keith stepped on a screw and cut the side of his little toe, not bad but just fun to try and bandaid given his feet are ticklish (he was giggling and squirming) But it was also an adventure getting out of the bedroom w/o tripping LOL Keith is happy cause he's got a Diego bandaid. So I'm about to head back to the mess I've made.

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Stacy- hope Mia feels better soon. Ear infections are miserable, and to have a throat infection to takes it beyond miserable =0( :hug to her.


LeeAnn - glad you had a good birthday


:hughugs to everyone else and hope you all have a good weekend. I may not be on much as I'm trying to get stuff done so limiting my computer time.

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Dinner is done and I read the posts!


Colleen- You get the gold star for getting so much accomplished today!!!! WTG!!! And on eating Healthy all day on top of it!!!:clap:clap


Stacy- Hope the Long day isn't as Long as you originally thought!!! :yay]for you taking photos for your Etsy shop. DD started an ETSY shop too- so far she only has 4 pair of earrings in it that she made. She also started a blog about her rooftop garden she started- it is http://intothegardenwegrow.tumblr.com/ Just a start, but I thought it was pretty cool (of course, I'm her Mama:lol)


LeaAnne- Hope you are having fun at the ball games! It is a gorgeous evening for baseball here in NJ!!! :manyheart for spending quality time with Jamie- even if it was because of George!!!


Glad to hear Mary's DD's eye surgery went well- thanks for letting us know Colleen.


Sarah- that is good limiting time on computer in order to get things done!


Vicki- Did you enjoy the World Cup games? I forgot they were on during the day today while I was at work- so I guess I'll jsut watch the Yankees tonight! The pasta salad sounds yummy and I can't wait to see the green ghan. You'll have to tell us all about her reaction when she unwraps it!!


Shannon, Scooby, Beth and Mary:hug:hug:hug:hug


Have a good night!

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