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:cheer:cheer:cheer Leanne, for passing the torch-ness!!!! You must feel very relieved. :yes


Oh, I have a Mia funny! Last week, she asked me what Cheetos are made from. I told her, corn, flour, and powdered cheese. So...yesterday she had some from the corner store. She bit into one, looked at it, and yelled, "Mommy! There's no corn inside!" :rofl:rofl

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Hello there!

Today has seemed like a long day, not sure why, I have kept busy, guess that's a good thing, most days I wish for more hours. :D

Stacy-I loved your Cheeto story! Too funny! Kiddos, they say the funniest things! My wrists are hurting, but I keep trying to work on the flannelghan, I don't think I will be making another one for quite awhile. I have so many projects floating in and out of my head it's hard not to start something else.:devil

Colleen-glad you had a calm day, did you get your tea cozy done?

LeaAnne-thank you for the advice on the ghan, I will post pics in the morning for all of you to take a look. I'm just not sure what to do, taking it apart makes me feel kinda sad.:think

Joanne-ohh soo glad that you found your yarn! :cheer:clap how sweet of your dd and dearest sil to invite you over for din din.:c9

Sarah-my kiddos are wonderful, but at times they can test the patience of an angel, hang in there!

Beth, Mary, Vicki and Shannon, hope you all had a blessed day.

dh and the kiddos are out working on the garden, they are making a box of some sort...:eek I would help but feel like being lazy:devil

back to being a bum...:yes

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LeaAnne - Congrats on the torch-pass-ness :tup Enjoy.


Stacy - I love Mia's funny. Kids are so funny!


LeeAnn - Hooray for laziness :c9


Mary - Glad you made it safely.


Joanne - Chinese food on the deck sounds great.


The tea cozy is yellow (still using up that yellow cotton :rolleyes). I also started a bag today and bought two pattern books :devil


Goodnight friends. :hug

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Can't wait to see your tea cozy, Colleen! I've secretly always wanted to make one, but I don't have a teapot. :think:lol


Sooooo....I just made the HUGEST goof...:blush I tried to put a few of the snowflakes together, to give you all a little peek, and guess what? They don't match up. :eek Took a peek at the pattern "just in case..." and....I made them wrong! They're supposed to have 6 sides, and mine only have 5. Every single one of the 59 snowflakes I just made are ALL wrong! :cry:thair:bang I can't think of why I memorized the pattern the way that I did...the flakes don't match up in the least but now I'll have to try to figure out a way to make them work. :sigh

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quick post before shower and bed. Did manage to get some stuff done after Doug got home. Got 3 bookcases moved into the living room by myself, all my books are on my bookcase and cleared off the bed after I put everything I took off the bookcases onto the bed...


will try to do individual responses tomorrow in between trying to organize what goes in the living room and what stays in the bedroom and where...

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Good morning!


Congratulations to LeaAnne on passing the torch!!!!:clap What a relief that must be for you! And Yes, I do think I hear the angels singing!!!!:yes


Stacy- What can I say to make you feel better? :hug:hug How utterly frustrating to have made 59 snowflakes and they don't match up. I'm sure that one of the more experienced crocheters may have a solution for you! There must be a way!!! I guess if all else fails, you could always make a garland of some sort with the snowflakes to use during the holidays:shrug


On a lighter note, I loved your Eva story!!!


LeeAnn- I found that my shoulder and wrist hurt when I was doing the flannel'ghan. I was all excited to do it and overdid it in the beginning. When I slowed down and took breaks to work on other things, it wasn't as bad. I think it is the 2 strands of yarn and the bigger hook. Enjoy your time with the kiddos


Mary- Glad to hear you made it to DDs and hope it works out for you on Wed to meet up with Colleen. Good luck to DD with her procedure on Thursday!!


Vicki- You sure did get a lot accomplished on your first official day of summer vacation!! And yes, the dust can wait while you :crocheting Saw on FB that DH wasn't too thrilled that you didn't get to the printer though!:lol


Sarah- Good for you getting as much done as you could with a little one around. Hope today is a better one!


Colleen- Sounds like that yellow cotton is the never-ending yarn!! Can't wait to see the tea cozy- and you started a bag:hook Is the crochet mo-jo coming back or what?


Shannon- thinking of you and wishing you a happy week in NY! Go Yankees! LOL


Beth- Hope you survived the driving around- How is Quick Silver these days, BTW?


Well, time to start getting ready for another day!


Have a great one everyone!!!:hug:hug

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hey, and good morning!


It was very nice to have been able to chat on FB last night with Stacy, Colleen and Vicki! Thanks, girls, it was fun and much needed! How lucky that we were all there!


Stacy - sorry about the snowflakes... I wonder if you could make some little inserts to fill in the "gaps"? don't worry... we'll find a way to make them work, and then you will have a one of a kind 'ghan! :wink.


Sarah - sounds like you got lots done... good for you!:clap


LeeAnn - glad you got to 'be a bum':lol ...I hope you get to make a habit of it a little:hug


Colleen - Now I really can't wait to see that cozy! that yellow is my favorite! so cheery! are you doing solid or any accent colors?


Joanne - hoping today is great and quick for you!


Vicki - Happy day 3 of vacation... wishing fun for you and DD!


Mary - glad you made it to DD's safely... enjoy your visit with your GK's


Beth - did you get the insurance squared away? i hope you get to relax a little today:hug is it hang by the pool with an IRL weather?:wink


Shannon - hope you have a good flight, and a fun time!


ScoobyDoo - What's new?


I am headed to work (only 3 days left, i think)... then I need to come home, take care of some phone calls, clean up, get at the laundry, and figure out how we are all getting where we need to go tonight. I think I might be calling some coaches or kids' friends parents for rides. MIL will help me, but I want to keep it easy:)


Have a wonderful day, friends, and I will stop in as I can!


Luv to you all:manyheart

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Good morning. I worked til 8 last night. It was a madhouse there. The instructor had 3 or 4 classes meet at once, since they are all performing one series of dances with the theme "Thumbelina." It should be adorable. I can't wait to watch. I had the little boy I made a hat for "helping" me at the desk :thair. I adore him. He's sweet, and cute, but WAY too busy, and I had so many people who needed my attention. I ended up sending him back to his mama, but it was SO nice that he wanted to sit next to me and watch me "yarn." Which is a verb in his grammar book. On slow days I get to sit and :crocheting most of the night.


David is insured properly. He took his brother to swim practice, and sat there, in case the storm that was threatening started. I'm so glad I have him driving now!


I'm out of coffee, so I need to go somewhere to get something. Hope your days are wonderful!:c9:manyheart

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:yawn Good morning! I'm feeling kinda lazy today.


The accent colour on my tea cozy is white. I have always wanted to make one too. This one won't be for me, the yellow doesn't go with my kitchen. It would be nice in either my mom's or MIL's kitchens, so it might be a gift.


Beth - Good luck finding coffee!


LeaAnne - Have fun with the little guy today.


Joanne - Have a great day at work!


Vicki - Enjoy these first days of your summer vacation. :c9


Stacy - :( Oh dear about those snowflakes. :think Could you find anything else that is five sided that has instructions to join....like maybe stars or even hexagons :think If there is anything we can do to help let us know. I wonder if you can't just build it out into a hexagon and then join it that way.


Sarah - Good job getting so much done!


:hi LeeAnn, Mary, Shannon, Scooby and anyone I've missed!


It is sunny and nice again today. Not too hot. I've got laundry going and dishes soaking and beds made. Going to catch up on some stuff around here before heading out to do some running around. Have fun!

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Morning all! WE will be going to the doctor's office today. I think DD has pink eye. DD was playing with her cousin on Sunday and he was sent home from camp yesterday with it. She was complaining later on that her eye was bothering her. I didn't tell her about the pink eye, so if she was complaining, it must have been real. Off we go to see what he says!

Otherwise, I need to vacuum today and set up the printer! I was supposed to do it yesterday, but I didn't do it. I need to figure out what to make for dinner. I also need to empty the dish washer.

Stacy - Can you connect the snowflakes like a hexagon? Someone else said that and that gave me the idea. I hope you can figure them out.

Joanne - Did you enjoy the Chinese food? That is nice that you got to celebrate DD and SIL's anniversary!

Sarah - I hope you have a better day today.

LeeAnn - Pinch pots sound lovely! I hope the kids have fun making them!

LeaAnne - It was fun chatting on FB! I am never usually on there that late,, but I happened to be on the computer looking up someting for hubby! Hope you have a great day!

Mary - Have fun on the visit!

Colleen - Hope you have a great day!

I will talk to you all later! Have a great day all!

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Morning, friends!


Thanks for the ideas on my little problem. The thing is that they are pentagons, so they won't fit together like hexagons will. I tried last night and they all just bunched up. But I'm wondering...if there is a way I can turn it into a ripple-type afghan. :think I've seen it done with grannies, so I'm going to see what I can come up with for these.

I will have a while to work on it today- Mia still has a fever, so no school for her. We will need to run out to Walgreen's for more Tylenol, but that is the only trip out that we will make. Poor dear- it is miserable enough to be sick, but to have a fever when it is so hot out? :ohdear


Oh! I just looked at the time, and I need to go wake Isabella. Have a terrific Tuesday, besties, and I will be back soon to address everyone! :hug:hug:hug

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Hello there!!!

Now I can adress everyone properly. :lol

Joanne-did you get to crochet at all last night? How many squares do you have done? You are right, I think it is the double strands of yarn that make it super heavy. The first ghan wasn't too bad but I think I have been over doing it.

Stacy-Oh dear! what a bummer, but I bet someone here can help you figure out a way to connect them, I am positive of it! Sorry to hear that your little one is sick. My dd is grumpy today:angry she's laying on the couch haivng a small fit....

Colleen-what lovely colors! Yellow is such a happy color. I really should get to using up more scrap yarn, thinking of a granny ghan for my next project.

Sarah-glad that you were able to get your goodies back into the book shelves, it can be difficult with little ones.

Vicki-hope you dd doesn't have pink eye, is she feeling better? what did the doc say?

Beth-so glad that your ds can help, it must be exhausting! Your little helper sounds soo sweet!:manyheart

LeaAnne-did you get help getting all of your chickens to the right locations?

I walked 6 laps at the park today.:cheer I think that is a total of 3 miles plus then I detoured a little and walked up another part of the park. Now if I could just do this every day, I know it would help.

best get to mopping the kitchen floor and making pizza dough, tonight we are having "make your own pizza". The kiddos are super excited.

talk to you all soon! :hug

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:faint I actually got something accomplished today!!! It's not as busy a day as I've been having, so I felt like I could make some real progress. My oldest ds got his end-of-year testing half finished this morning. My twins mowed the ballet studio lawn and the ballet teacher's lawn, then came home and mowed ours. I found the table -- it's been used as a handy deposit for everything since my dh went away. I pulled some weeds that were taking over my roses. I took the twins to the video game store to spend their lawn mowing and allowance money, and they are both very content now. And I'm typing with a very fat, purring tabby sitting on my right arm, so I apologize for all the typos.


LeaAnn, we have make-your-own pizza every Friday. It works well, for a family with so many different schedules, and two people who can't eat dough with wheat in it. Congrats for all the walking. I have a friend who walks 3 miles every day. She's a lot calmer, and a whole lot thinner and healthier.


Colleen, I like that pattern. I think it would be awesome with white or yellow for the center, and maybe a deep blue or purple around it.


Stacy, here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you and Mia. I hope she feels better soon.


Vicki, here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor you and your dd. I hope she doesn't have pink eye, but if she does, that it clears up quickly. that's NOT the way to start your summer vacation!


LeaAnne, I feel your pain about trying to arrange transportation for everyone. I hope you get it worked out. So what are you going to do with your summer vacation? Will you work again when school starts back up?


Joanne, Quicksilver runs great. I'm so glad to have a dependable vehicle for my new driver, particularly since Dad is out of town, and I'd have to help if he broke down somewhere.


Sarah, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug i know it's awesome to get the house fixed up, but what a lot of work! You seem to stay right on top of things. I wish I had a little of your energy.


Mary, enjoy your trip and visit. I hope it's safe, and lots of fun!


Hugs to everyone. :hug:hug:hug:hug I'm going to enjoy the rest of my free time before I run off to work at 4.

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I'm back- this time with photos. :pic :D I figured it would help if I posted photos of the snowflakes- I have one that is fully edged, one that has the first round, and one that is just the colored part. I only have 5 that are completely edged right now, so I will have to make more before I can try to work them into any sort of "completed" pattern.


Beth, you have accomplished so much!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer WTG! And WTG to your oldest for finishing some of his testing. What games did the twins buy? If I remember correctly, you have a Wii, right? I am still waiting for mine- Santa forgot it last year. :shrug:lol Dh has an Xbox 360 and he bought Lego Batman for the girls a couple weeks ago. They really like it, but mostly that Batman can break the Lego buildings apart. :lol


Leeann, "make your own pizza" night sounds like an awesome idea! :yes Maybe we will have to try that one night. WTG on walking 6 laps at the park!! :cheer:cheer That is awesome! I need to start exercising, too- I keep saying I am going to rollerblade when dh comes home from work, but homework and dinner creep up on me, and right after that I am so tired I don't want to do anything anymore. There's always an excuse, though, right? :blush


Vicki, pink eye! Oh dear. I hope she doesn't have it. Please let us know what the doctor says! :hug:hug


Leanne, thank you for the FB chat last night! :hug:hug Hope all is well with you today and that you get the kids' transportation figured out.


Sarah, sounds like you are getting lots done, also! WTG on getting everything cleaned off your bookshelves. I hope today is a little easier for you and that Keith is in a better mood. :hug:hug


Colleen, how is dd today? Your tea cozy sounds very cheery. Can't wait to see it!


Well Mia is knocked out on the couch, and Eva is lying down with her blanket, looking glassy-eyed. I guess it's her turn. I'm going to work on these snowflakes a bit more, than fold the 3 loads of laundry that are waiting on my bed. :blush:lol Here are the pics.





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Stacy-love the snowflakes! Soo pretty! Looks like you are on your way to getting them put together. :hug

mopped floors, dishes and laundry, going to sit and relax with my :hook

talk to you all soon!

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Houston, we have pink eye! We need to put drops in every 2 hours today and then 4 times a day for a week. At least we are home and it is summer!

I tried to get the new printer set up. I got it all done execpt I can't get it hooked up to the wireless network. It is not recognizing that there is a printer. I may need to go and get a USB cable and hook it up that way. Not the worst thing in the world. I can do that tomorrow. After I vacuum, which I still haven't done.

It was raining here earlier! Mother Nature came and filled my swimming pool up! YAY ME!

I am going to sit and crochet a little bit now. I really need to wash DD's towels.

Hope you are all having a great day and hope Mia is feeling better, Stacy!

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:drool Oh pretty pretty snowflakes. I love those colours. Good job Stacy and good luck getting them together. I have a pattern that does a ripple around granny squares. Something like that might work.


Good productive day. 3 loads of laundry done. Groceries done. Did some baking, made layered jello parfaits for dessert (a big hit :yes), finished my tea cozy. I just have to figure how I want to finish the top and then I'll take a pic.


Now I've got to go find DD for her bath. She's soaking up every daddy minute she can get in the garage right now. After I put her down I'm going for a walk. No luck losing weight yet :(, but I'm going to keep walking.


Oh ya, almost forgot. I talked to Mary today and the plan is to meet up tomorrow afternoon. I'll try to remember my camera this time. :yay

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Colleen, that's what I was thinking, too. :yes Leanne suggested flat-braid joining, and it worked for the first 5, but once I added the next 2, it became rounded and wouldn't lie flat.

You have been busy today! Can't wait to see the cozy. And your parfaits sound yummy. :drool Have fun on your walk.


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear about the pinkeye! I hope the drops help. :hugGood luck with the printer!


Well dh is home so I'm thinking of going rollerblading for a little while. :think BBL!


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Hi everyone!


Stacy- love the snowflakes- i'm sure with the help of so many, you 'll get this figured out in no time!! Hope you are having a good time rollerblading! And hugs to your sick Dd's- hope they feel better in no time


Beth- You have sure been busy, busy, busy!!! And no typos even with the tabby on your right arm!!!


Vicki- Hugs to DD- and glad you got her to the Doctor- the pink eye should clear up in no time! Yay for mother nature and filling pools! Supposed to rain here tomorrow or Thursday- so that will "top" ours off The green is gone!! Just really need to vacuum- but that won't happen till the weekend probably- but as long as the water stays clear, I'm happy- no plans to swim right now anyway- the water is too cold and the temps have been in the 70's (very pleasant and I'm not complaining- just not swimming weather)


LeeAnn- Make your own pizza was always a hit with my DD's! And make your own tacos too!!! WTG on the walking!! I walked at lunch time today and didn't want to come back inside. The weather was awesome!!!


LeaAnne- Hope that the ride situation got worked out- which I'm sure it did - you are good at things like that! Anything on your hook lately?


Mary and Colleen- Have a great visit tomorrow!!! How fun!!!


Sarah- Hope today was a much better day than yesterday!


Laundry is ready to go in the dryer and I'm going to work on another square. I finished one last evening so there are two more to join to the 4 I already joined. I think tonight I'll just crochet and then tomorrow night join them. Last night, I took Colleen's idea and did some reading instead of hooking


Have a good night everyone!!!!

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Good evening!

Pizza's are in the oven, yummy! The kiddos enjoyed rolling out their own dough and then adding the toppings. We are going to have to do this again. Taco night sounds like it would be a hit too! Thank you all for the ideas!

Stacy-did you have any luck joining the snowflakes? I have never used the braid method, how interesting. Did ya go rollerblading?

Colleen-glad you were able to get things done, walking helps me to take a moment to reflect. I do not own a scale, it's too scary! :lol

Joanne-that's wonderful that you were able to walk during your lunch break, it always makes me feel refreshed for the afternoon. :cheer

Beth-you go! you did get a lot done today! WTG!!!! That's awesome!

LeaAnne-how was your day?

I finished another strip for the flannel'ghan, need 3more, half way there!

We are planning a camping trip for the weekend, we will be leaving Friday evening and won't be back until Sunday afternoon.:c9 tomorrow I will start getting things ready.

best get to checkin on dinner! Talk to you all soon!

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:c9 Home from a very nice walk.


LeeAnn - We didn't own a scale either until a month or two ago when DH came home with one. :faint I think he mostly brought it home to weigh DD because she's just got to the 40 lb mark where she can move out of the child seat into the booster seat. I don't use it much, but I weighed myself when I started my "goal". I've never been one to focus on my weight, but I need to now. And I want to be a hot mama for Disney :rofl Make your own pizzas sounds great. We have tacos lots, that's DD's favourite. Make your own sundaes is always fun too :drool See, this is why I need to lose weight. :lol Have fun camping!


Stacy - Sorry to hear that your girls are sick :( Has Mia's fever come down? Are the other girls sick too? I hope you got out rollerblading. I've got to talk DH into getting my bike down from the rafters of the garage so I can go biking too.


Joanne - Oh that pool sounds nice. You'll enjoy that when the weather gets warmer again.


Vicki - Sorry to hear about DD's pink eye. Did her little friend from around the corner catch it too? Good luck with the printer!


I'm going to go hang out with DH for a while. Hugs to you all!

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Hi, friends!


We are all home, safe and sound... my MIL :2rocks! She came by, and shared her car with us :) We had a lovely evening, driving around to drop and pick up everyone, and lots of gabbing! very nice, indeed:yes


Shannon says :hi from Long Island! She made it safely, and is checked into her hotel :manyheart she said that Janna-ness is too excited to go swimming inside in the morning :U


Colleen - WTG on your diet and walking! I am proud of you! I am trying, but it is HARD! Can't wait to see that tea cozy! :drool


Stacy - :(:hug I hope those girlies are feeling better soon! I am still playing with the snowflake dilemma:think ...this is a good puzzle!:tup They are soooo pretty!


LeeAnn - WTG on the 3 mile walk! :nworthy... how long does that take you? and :yay for make your own food nights! another easy one for the list is BLT's :wink


Vicki - so sorry about DD's pink-eye:( ...thank goodness she can just relax at home.:hug:hug oh, and WTG on the printer hookup and the vacuuming!


Joanne - WTG on getting those squares done so quickly! wow! :nworthy

glad to hear that you got to have a walk at lunchtime:c9 isn't the weather Divine?


Mary - hope today with DD and GK's was great!


Sarah & Scooby - :xfin that you two didn't work too hard today!


Beth - :cheer:cheer:cheer for the driving invention, and for a very accomplished day! :hug


well, all... I need to finish tucking in everyone and watch the rest the second half of the Celtics game...

BEAT L.A.!!!!! :devil

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Hi, friends!




Sarah & Scooby - :xfin that you two didn't work too hard today!



Glad you made it home safe


well you crossed your fingers that I didn't work too hard today but I did. Moved some shelves around, got some stuff organized on the shelves, moved all of Doug's books to his bookcase in the living room (he can organize them from there), started going through some of the boxes/bags, hung all the clean clothes that were in the bedroom, started to condense all the boxes of papers for fiance to go through into one big plastic tote...


and after all this the bedroom STILL looks like a disaster zone.

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