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Some good clean fun?!

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well, I ended up having a lovely visit with my friend, who I haven't seen in months and months! Her DD came to 'hang out" with Jamie, so she came to hang out with me:c9 It was wonderful to catch up...

I told her about all of you girls, and how wonderful you are:manyheart She said to say "hi"! I told her that we have chat night's, too.

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well, I ended up having a lovely visit with my friend, who I haven't seen in months and months! Her DD came to 'hang out" with Jamie, so she came to hang out with me:c9 It was wonderful to catch up...

I told her about all of you girls, and how wonderful you are:manyheart She said to say "hi"! I told her that we have chat night's, too.

Does she crochet too LeaAnne?

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Good morning


Mary- That afghan is gorgeous- love the color combo!!!!


Sorry I missed chat again last night- I was watching tv and my "magic chair" did it's thing and I was sleeping- woke up around midnight and then went up to bed!


Vicki- Have a good time at graduation today


Stacy- Hope the headache is gone today- if not- get yourself a Starbucks- LOL


LeaAnne- Glad to hear you had a nice visit with your friend!


Colleen- Sounds like a fun little school trip planned- the bus ride will be fun- and yes, it is amazing how the little things seem to please little ones so much! Is the museum a "hands on" museum?


Beth- So where is David going to drive to today? That must be such a relief to you to have another driver in the house especially with DH away now!


Shannon- Hope you had fun at the rehearsal dinner.


Sarah- Hope you enjoyed your "quiet" night without Keith- sometimes a break from an active child is just what is needed to recharge! Glad you have come back around. Good luck with the renovations!


Scooby- Thinking about you.


Well, laundry is ready for the dryer and I need another cup of coffee.


Have a great day everyone!

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Hi girls!


I only have a minute, but I wanted to let you all know that I miss you all so much! Things should calm down once I get back from NY, and I hope to be around more.


Sarah- Welcome back! We've been missing you around here!


Have a great day everyone. Please keep :xfin that I don't fall while walking down the aisle!


Love you guys! :hug:manyheart

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Hello Hello!

I missed another chat? Eeeshh, what are we going to do with me? It was so hot in the house that all of us decided to relax outdoors. I had fun watching the kiddos ride their bikes and just sitting. Sorry gals.


Mary-I love love love your ghan! Great crocheting! Thank you for sharing it!


Stacy-how's the sunburn and shoulder? I hope that you feel relief soon, it's the pits to be in pain.


Colleen-your bus trip sounded so fun! We live in a small town, no buses or transportation, but I would be just as amazed as your dd. :D Her field trip to the museum sounds awesome. Did you get your crochet mojo back?


Vicki-how ya feeling today? I hope graduation isn't too long and that you can maybe crochet a little.:hug


Joanne-whatcha up to for the weekend? Your dinner at the diner sounded :c9.


Shannon-a wedding? How exciting! I love weddings!


Sarah-nice to read your posts, hopefully things will settle down for ya.


LeaAnne-18 kiddos!!!!!! Wow! How neat for your kiddos! That reminds me of being back in the classroom. Dd is reading the series "Babymouse" it's a comic book, she found two more at the library and read them both! She loves to read, I am so glad.:cheer


I started the flannelghan last night for ds in black and white, have one strip connected but going to learn how to connect them as you go...I hope it's not too difficult.


We do not have much planned today, going to get my summer clothes ready clean out my closet. I bought a new cieling fan for our bedroom, now dh has "something to do":devil


have a great Saturday dearest friends!



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Hi friends!


Shannon, you won't trip, silly girl! Have fun in NY. Can't wait to see you around here again. :hug


Sarah, hope you enjoyed the quiet last night. Sometimes we just all need day off. :hug


Colleen, the field trip sounds fun! :manyheart


LeaAnne, :clap for IRL's! Glad you had fun :blah with your friend.


Beth, Scooby, Mary, Vicki, Leeann, Joanne- happy Saturday! :hug


Sorry I didn't come back last night. I set up the laptop, then dh came in and we decided to take the girls out for ice cream. :icecream It was a huge hit, of course, and I have a feeling we are going to be hearing lots of, "Can we have ice cream again?" very soon. :lol

I woke up with a headache again- just behind my left eye. :thair If I rub a certain part of my neck, it feels better but then my arm gets sore. LoL

Anyway...not much planned today. Dh has to finish his paper. Don't know what the girls and I will do. We're thinking of joining the Y, so maybe I'll head over there and get the paperwork to fill out.

Oh, guess what? Dh's school is opening a brand-new childcare center this fall. Since Mia and Isabella will both be in school full-time, I'm thinking of enrolling Eva is the center and taking a couple classes. The requirements are that the parent must be enrolled in at least 6 units (which is usually 2 classes) and the child must be fully toilet-trained. :blush I'm thinking that she will be fine since she will go to the bathroom as long as she's not at home. :think We'll see.


Well, I better scoot. The girls are supposed to be cleaning their room and I hear them playing- loudly- instead. :lol

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Hi Leeann!

Sounds like your family had lots of fun last night outdoors. :manyheart I love being outside.

How are you joining the strips for the flannel'ghan? :think I'm not really sure how you could join them as you go. :shrug I'd be interested to see that.


Well, plans change, I guess. :lol MIL just called and said since dh still has to finish his paper, she will take all 3 girls again for the night! :faint So dh and I will be making the trek to Starbucks again. :devil I will make a note to not have onion rings afterward. :lol Although I will probably have to stop by the magazine stand to get something to read.



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Have fun at Starbucks Stacy! Wow another night where all 3 are at MIL's!!!! Enjoy it!!


LeeAnn- One strip of flannel'ghan done already? You are a quick crocheter!! How many blocks are you doing per strip? I did 7 and didn't get one done that quick! Your evening outside sounds heavenly


Hot, sunny day in the area today- So at least it's not raining at Shannon's wedding.


This weather reminds me of my DD's wedding which was 6-7-8! Hot, Humid, Sunny and i was so glad it wasn't until 7 at night!


Hope everyone is having a great Saturday- the cleaning is done for the day- I have the pool towels in the wash now. We are pumping the water off the cover and will be opening it tomorrow with the help of my DD's BF- she is away for the weekend and I called and asked if he could give us a hand. My other DD and her DH are away on vacation and not due back until tomorrow night.

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HIya friends!


I am working on the flannelghan, I think I figured out how to connect the strips as I go. I am making the strips 9 squares long with each block being 10 rows. I am on the second strip first block, will let you all know how it turns out.


Huggers dear friends!

Stacy-have fun at Starbucks! Enjoy your timre off.


Joanne-hope you get the pool cleaned out.



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quick post. Laptop isn't plugged in. There's no furniture in the living room so I'm sitting on the floor to do this. Carpeting is done.. now the fun begins. Have to go through boxes/totes and figure out where to put everything. We're rearranging the layout of the living room and our bedroom and what is in each room.


Gave Hannah her blanket. She loved it, though sorry but it was kinda trumped by all the cool toys Keith has to play with outside, like swing, teeter-totter, slide, coupe car, rocking chair...etc, all things they don't have yet at their place (no need for doug's mom to have them when the grandkids didn't visit a lot, but now she'll need to get some). Didn't get a pic of her with the blanket but I will when we visit them again, my camera was buried in the kitchen where all our living room furniture is and doug's mom's camera had a dead battery.

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Hi all,


Sarah- I can imagine that toys would trump a blanket! Especially when she doesn't have those fun outdoor toys now- No worries about that- Hopefully when she gets older she will know that people cared! That's great that the carpeting is done. Slowly but surely, it is all getting there!!


LeeAnn- I can't wait to see the progress you have made on the flannel'ghan . I worked on 12 inch granny's today- I'm using my own "join as you go method". I weave in the ends as I finish the square, then I whipstitch them together. I have 3 12 inch squares joined!


Hope everyone had a great Saturday.


Vicki- did you see the Yankee game- 14 innings and then they lost :-(

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Last to post last night and first to post this morning- makes me feel like I'm talking to myself!:lol


Anyway, Hope everyone has a good Sunday. I'm off to pick up DD's BF at the train at 9- she is away for the weekend- He is going to help DH open the pool- I can only imagine what it is going to look like---But like DH says- nothing that a ton of shock can't fix!


Coffee is ready- and I want to finish another 12 inch square- only 3 more rounds on this one to go.



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Good morning! :morcoffee


I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We're really busy here, and I am having trouble finding time to catch up on posts. Yesterday, David drove himself to work, and the twins went to a birthday party for a 16-year-old. I had some time to myself. I had to sew, though. My dd's pointe shoes needed some adjustments to ribbons and elastic. I hope they are OK now.


Today, I do the grocery shopping, take the middle child to work, pick him up and take him and the other ds immediately to their volunteer "job." Then I think I'm free for the day. No more lesson plans!:cheer:clap:yay


As usual, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone.

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:jumpyayGood Morning or shoud I say afternoon!:think


I slept very late today, 10:30! :eek I never sleep this late, wow! I am still amazed, I must have been tired. I feel refreshed tho.


Joanne-I love the grannies! Love them love them love them! That is my next project. The colors are amazing! That is good that you tuck in ends as you go, I vowed to myself to tuck in ends as I go too. that hexaghan weaving was a bummer. Let us know how the pool "cleaning" turns out, many hugs to you dear friend for tackling that job!


Stacy-how was your evening without the kiddos?


Sarah-the house remodel sounds like it's on it's way to being finshed. Cool!


I tried and tried the join as you go method, (flannelghan) frogged and then crocheted for about 2 hours, i just couldn't get it to lay right in some spots then it was bulky in others, so took it all apart and started a strip, I finished another strip tho, but my writsts were definately hurting when I went to bed. I think I will take my time on this ghan, it is super heavy on the wrists. I also switched to a smaller hook "L" for a tighter stitch.


We are going to a First Communion BBQ this afternoon, I am so excited! I haven't had a chance to visit with my dearest friend Rose in so long. I made Frog Eye Salad to take, I hope they like it.


other than that, not much, keeping up with the housework. The kiddos start pottery classes tomorrow morning, means I will have 2 whole hours to myself. Wonder what I will do?:devil


talk to you all soon!


Hugs dearest friends!

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Where is everyone today?


I know Beth is busy driving around- Shannon is in NY, and LeeAnn is at a First Communion BBQ, but where is everyone else?:lol


Our pool is open thanks to the help of DD's BF! It was a lovely light shade of green, but as we were adding the water to where it needed to be and the shock, it already started clearing up. The filter is on now. It was pretty ugly at first but to be expected since we didn't open the pool last summer, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I think it should be fine in a few days once the filter and the shock do their thing. Then we'll vacuum and check the ph and stuff and get the chemicals balanced.


Just saw a commercial for Prostate Cancer awareness where there are old men knitting and one doing stamped cross stitch- but not one of them was crocheting!!! What's up with that?? Old men can crochet too!:lol


Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!! :hug

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How sweet of your dd's b/f to help with the pool, Joanne! :clap LoL @ the old men commercial- there should definitely be one crocheting. :yes


Beth, I'm sure it was so nice for you that ds drove himself to work! :cheer:cheer


Colleen, I just saw a Disney commercial on tv and thought of you. :princess


Sarah, I'm happy that Hannah liked the blanket. But I agree- outdoor toys are much more fun. :yes:lol


Leeann, enjoy the bbq!


Yesterday dh and I went to lunch, then to Starbucks. We stayed until 10 p.m.! :eek:lol But he finished his paper, so all is good. I worked on my snowflakes, and finally got them done. Then I tried to start a hat, but the stitches were too small (with a 4.0 hook) and my shoulder really hurt, so I had to stop.

Today he is working on the reference page, and I am watching Hoarders. It is :hot...:sweat

I am starting to get hungry, so I better go find something to make for lunch. I cannot believe it is 2:30 already! :eek

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