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is the 28th late for you guys?


No, it's technically the 29th, but DD only goes alternate days. We always go right till the last week of June. We don't start until right after labour day.

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No, it's technically the 29th, but DD only goes alternate days. We always go right till the last week of June. We don't start until right after labour day.


we are out the 23rd. then we go back the Thursday after Labor Day.


do you know yet which class she is being placed in?

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we are out the 23rd. then we go back the Thursday after Labor Day.


do you know yet which class she is being placed in?


No, they just officially announced today in the newsletter that there is going to be a split class since the next class coming in has low enrollment. So, I don't know yet which class she'll be in or who the teacher will be. I'm trying not to care :lol Trying.

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I am. :hug It's fine. None of it even had to do with PTO...

I will treasure the experience. and know that I did a good job, and that most parents and all of the kids and staff were glad that I was there. That's enough for me:yes

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No, they just officially announced today in the newsletter that there is going to be a split class since the next class coming in has low enrollment. So, I don't know yet which class she'll be in or who the teacher will be. I'm trying not to care :lol Trying.


yikes! I will say a little prayer that it works out the way you hope.

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I am. :hug It's fine. None of it even had to do with PTO...

I will treasure the experience. and know that I did a good job, and that most parents and all of the kids and staff were glad that I was there. That's enough for me:yes


As it should be. :yes

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It warms my heart, btw, to see you so involved at DD's school! Especially since I know how much you are treasuring your moments there:U It's a blessing. One that I would never trade. For anything.

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It warms my heart, btw, to see you so involved at DD's school! Especially since I know how much you are treasuring your moments there:U It's a blessing. One that I would never trade. For anything.


You bet, the kids have really touched me, especially these past couple weeks. I'm going to miss them over the summer. Thanks for being a role model :yes

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Back atcha, my dear Bestie Colleen!


it's always so very nice to chat with you:hug...and yes, I suppose we should get to bed... 5 minutes till we turn into pumpkins! :lol

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You bet, the kids have really touched me, especially these past couple weeks. I'm going to miss them over the summer. Thanks for being a role model :yes


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Back atcha, my dear Bestie Colleen!


it's always so very nice to chat with you:hug...and yes, I suppose we should get to bed... 5 minutes till we turn into pumpkins! :lol


I don't look good in orange.


Good night! :hug Thank you! :hug

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:hi all!

Can't believe I missed the chat! I checked the clock at 5:40 and thought I would check in at 6 to see who was here. Well...the next time I looked at the clock it was 8:30! :( I was sad- I could use a nice chat with my besties. But I made a big batch of brownies, and 3 dozen pierogi for tomorrow. They still have to be sauteed, but I will just stay up after dh leaves for work in the morning and do that.

My shoulder is very sore, and it has radiated into my back. Wish our insurance covered a chiropractor. Oh, well. Anyway, probably the reason the pain went into my back is because I vacuumed and shampooed the carpet in my car. :blush Eva spilled chocolate milk all over the backseat carpet this morning, and I had to get to it before it started to smell. :yuck I'm sure that set me back.


Anyway, besties...I am beat! I will come back sometime tomorrow to say hello to everyone and read the chat-ness. Love and hugs to all! :hug

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Sorry I missed chat- and I don't even have time to go back and read what you were chatting about- I had a headache and went up to bed- put on the Celtics/Lakers game and the next thing I knew the alarm was going off this AM. Guess I needed the rest.


I'll try and catch up later- but all I can say is TGIF!!!!! Gotta get a move on here!!!


Hugs to all!

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Good morning and TGIF! Thanks LeaAnne and Sarah for the chat last night. Today is the big take-the-bus-to-the-mall day. The destination is irrelevant, she's just excited to take the bus. I need to vacuum and clean the bathroom first. Have a great day!

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It's summer time, summer time, sum-sum-summertime! Summer time, summer time, sum-sum-sumertime! YAY!! We are done!!!

We were so busy yesterday that I never even got a chance to get on yesterday to say hi to everyone! I was getting folders together, packing stuff up, getting the new folders from the elementary schools, which we ended up having to clean out. We were not at all happy with the condition the folders came up to us in. Then we discovered we have an annual review due for a student due the first two weeks of the new year. The elementary school was supposed to do the annual before the end of the year and chose not to do it, even though they had at least two review meetings and could have done a full annual. It will be very hard to do a full review when we don't know the student. I came home and I crashed. I was so tired I didn't want to do anything. It didn't help that mean old George showed up in the middle of everything.

We have graduation tomorrow so we need to be up so early tomorrow. We have to travel up tp College Station, which is about an hour and half away. I have to figure out what I am going to wear.


I hope everyone had a great day yesterday. I need to go back and read the chat that I missed! Have a great day to all and I will talk to you all later!

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Good Morning Friends!

So happy to read your Post Vicki-I am glad that your summer vacation is here! I hope that today is not too stressful for you and that you get to relax this evening.

Joanne-Yeah!!! TGIF! Do you have big plans for the weekend? I completely forgot about chat too,...gosh I need to write it down.:think

Colleen-have a great trip to the mall, how exciting for you and your little one!

We are going grocery shopping this afternoon but first we are stopping at the library, dd is reading a series of books and wants to check the first one out. I also want to treat the kiddos to lunch, maybe Chinese:devil Other than that, nothing new. I started reading a good book last night and stayed up way past midnight.:eek But I loved every minute of it! I am making up for lost time reading, going to college I was always burnt out on reading textbooks.:yes

Stacy-hope you morning went well and that you have fun!

Beth-how ya doing?

LeaAnne-what are the big plans for the day?

off to get the day started. Talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi, friends!


we somehow ended up with a blank spot on the calendar, so my chickens have all invited friends after school today. We are going to catch up on a year's worth of playdates in one afternoon, i think! :lol:lol to be honest, I am pretty excited! I miss all of the "friends"! this is a sure sign that summer is coming:c9


the girls each have 3 friends coming, and Pete has 4. The good news is that everyone will be gone before dinner, and that there are no "stay-up-overs" planned! :lol


thanks again, Colleen and Sarah for the chat last night! I will try to be around again tonight if anyone wants to catch up:c9 ... by then some adult conversation will likely be in order! :loco:rofl...


Happy Friday, everybody! I hope I will see you all later!


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