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Some good clean fun?!

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Thanks, Joanne. I'm sure he'll be fine- I quizzed him yesterday with flashcards and he got them all right but 1. :yes

I used the Bio-freeze and it didn't work- I'll have to check the expiration date. Next up, warm compress. I'm frustrated because I'm so close to finishing those darned snowflakes! :lol

Good night, all! :hug:hug:hug

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:hi, friends!


I am not lost... i've just been... cleaning! :faint:whew!

My internet was down and up and down... the company sent out a truck today, and it seems to be fixed!:clap


Whilst getting my laundry caught up, reorganizing/purging wardrobes, and getting my visible clutter under control today, I got to spend some time thinking.... about how much more blessed my life has become since you have all come into it:manyheart:hug:flower


Vicki - :woo Happy Vacation, Girl!!!! You Made it!!! and I couldn't be happier for you! :hug:hug


LeeAnn - your hex-a-ghan is :drool gorgeous! It's so cheery! WTG on getting it done so quick! It shows how much you got to enjoy it! Your picnic today sounds like it was lots of fun, too!


Joanne - You are getting there... Hey, did you ever wonder why the short weeks always seem so long?:think I hope you got to enjoy the Yanks tonight! :hug How is DH these days? ...oh! and can I have your bedroom???? I need an oasis! :rofl just kidding... it does sound really pretty though...


Stacy - I hope your shoulder feels better, and that Jorge's final went well. I love your little ami's...aren't they fun to make? :hug:hug I was also glad to read that you requested different classrooms for Mia and Terror. :yes:tup... good thinkin' Mama!


Beth - :hug:hug:hug Any time you need an extra hug, come get one here, friend! I hope you get to spend lots of time poolside (in the shade) :crocheting with your IRL over these next weeks while DH is away... :(:(

If you need anything, or anyone to talk to, please... let us know, ok?


Colleen - How's the testing been going? sounds like you are keeping plenty busy in that backyard of yours:lol... I hope you are also getting time for you. Please don't forget that part, ok? :hug:hug What's on your hook these days? more pineapples?? they are fun and oh, so pretty, aren't they?


Mary - How is everything with you today, friend? It's been so nice to see your red writing here... we missed you so much! :hug:hug Have you heard from DD and her DH? I can't seem to find any info on the Quebec fires. Have you heard anything?


Shannon - Hoping your days are fun... the wedding is this weekend, and then it's off to Long Island! Enjoy all of the family time, friend! It truly is priceless!:hug


ScoobyDoo - how have you been feeling, girl? I hope that everything is going well for you :wink:hug


Sarah - prayers and warm thoughts today and every day go your way:hug




Last but not least... the job. I work tomorrow, Friday, 3 days next week, and then 2 days the week after. that's it. They will be setting up their family support system for the summer, so I won't be needed. I must say that I have enjoyed especially the last few weeks very much!


I have rambled on enough for now... I hear my bed calling me:lol


Sweet Dreams, Besties! I will "see" you soon... Oh, and Vicki, I am going to pray that you get to sleep in a little!:devil


Hugs all around!

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Good morning!

Happy 1st day of summer vacation Vicki!!!


Stacy- I hope your shoulder feels a little better this AM and that Jorge feels good about his final- I'm sure he did fine. Love your pics on FB!!! You are making such great memories for your DD's!!! I especially like the pic of the Brooklyn Dodgers sign!


To everyone else- I'll be back later after work to post more. I'm getting bagels today on my way in to celebrate a co-worker's birthday so I've got to leave a few minutes earlier this AM!


Time to get ready!!!


Make it a great day!!!

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Good morning sunshines! :sun


It poured rain last night. It is going to rain again today. I don't have a vehicle today, so hopefully the rain spares us for the walk to swimming lessons. :xfin Otherwise everything seems to be winding down. I'm officially done all my volunteer jobs at the school except for one last :pizza day.


Vicki - Hooray for summer vacation! :yay


LeaAnne - That is nice that you get the summer off to be with your chickens. Will you return to your job in September or does the young man start school? Are you still babysitting the little baby? I'm glad you came to enjoy it. :yes How are our favourite ball teams doing?


Joanne - You are reaching the end of a short week. I hope you are enjoying your "new" bedroom. It does sound nice.


Beth - I hope your DH got off safely and that you are enjoying your kids. Did your oldest finish his school work? When do they write their test? It sounds like both boys will be busy working this summer. What is DD up to for the summer? I hope your oldest gets his liscense soon so you can cut back on your taxi driving duties. As everyone said, we're here for you if you need some support over the next few weeks.


Stacy - Good news that DH didn't have to go away and the vehicle dilemma was solved. How is Eva doing with the potty these days? My DD has a "graduation" too. :manyheart I think they sing us a song, so I'm looking forward to that.


LeeAnn - What do you and your kids have planned for today? How is that endweaving going? What are your plans for your hex-a-ghan? Are you going to keep it on a bed? I can't believe how quickly you made that!


Shannon - I hope you are enjoying your family and that your cousin's wedding is great!


Mary - Are the black flies still around or did that heat kill them off? I suspect this rain will bring the mosquitos out again. :(


Scooby and Sarah - :hi how are you?


Have a great day everyone!

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Hey, I'm super crazy insanely busy here, so I just have a minute. I'm doing OK, just don't have enough time. Here's a bunch of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for the bestest Besties anybody could have! I love you guys!

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Morning, dear besties!


It is going to be :sun and :hot here today- a high of 92! :eek I'm not ready for the heat.

Early day today, with Mia and Isabella needing to be at school at the same time. Roomie was supposed to drop off Isabella today and tomorrow, but we had a huge falling-out last night, so I will take Isabella today and probably keep her out of school to take her with me tomorrow. I don't like the idea of keeping her out of school, but I have to leave tomorrow at 6:45 to find parking, so I don't have much choice.

Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say good morning to the bestiest friends around. Lots of :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all.

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hi, gang!


I am home early... this morning was the last "cookie table/raffles" of the school year, and my little friend is home sick:(...


So, what's a poor Mama to do with an extra hour when the house is picked up, the laundry is ALL done (what?!:lol), AND there's a delicious breeze drifting over my shady deck?! :shrug... Get out the :chooks and :crocheting, of course!:c9 These days don't come along every day, that's fer darned sure!:lol I need to get it while the gettin's good!:yes


I hope you all are having a grand time of your own...


Hugs to you all!


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hi, gang!


I am home early... this morning was the last "cookie table/raffles" of the school year, and my little friend is home sick:(...


So, what's a poor Mama to do with an extra hour when the house is picked up, the laundry is ALL done (what?!:lol), AND there's a delicious breeze drifting over my shady deck?! :shrug... Get out the :chooks and :crocheting, of course!:c9 These days don't come along every day, that's fer darned sure!:lol I need to get it while the gettin's good!:yes


I hope you all are having a grand time of your own...


Hugs to you all!



Good for you LeaAnne! Enjoy!

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Hello dear friends!


I have been dying to get on here, but made myself clean and then ds was on the computer, had to squeeze in. :lol


Colleen-I am hoping that the weather holds out and you can walk to swimming lessons, how's your dd? Our kiddos are on Summer vacation, they are super excited! They have been keeping busy reading, drawing and being veggie's. :)


Stacy-is your shoulder feeling better? My wrists were starting to hurt a little bit last night, but I took a break, it feesl better. I try to remember to stretch my fingers and arms out when crocheting, but sometimes I forget. Gosh you are going to have an early day tomorrow! How was your dh's final?


Joanne-any big plans for the weekend? I found a pattern for a different type of grannies, will find the link and post it. Have you started anything new?


LeaAnne-so glad that you were able to sit and relax, I'm happy for you! What are you working on?


Vicki-how's your first day without school age kiddos?


Mary, Shannon, Scooby, hope you all are doing well.


Still tucking in ends, but am almost finished. This ghan will be for dd, my next project is for ds-a flannelghan in black and white.


Oh almost forgot, some time awhile back someone asked when my birthday was. It is June 10, I will be 34! :eek It's right around the corner.


Guess I have chatted enough. :D hope everyone is having a fabulous day!


hugs to all of ya!

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Hello. Sorry I haven't been on for awile. Our house is all torn up as we are remodeling (bathroom mainly) but the rest is getting new carpet and our bedroom got painted. So I've been busy running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Especially keeping Keith out of Doug's way while he's doing the remodel. Which more often then not means taking Keith out of the house and visiting either Doug's mom, grandparents or cousin's wife.


I received the lovely blanket today. Hannah will love it. Thank you all so much. I'll pass it on to her when we go visit them again. Doug's mom and step-dad have them and are trying to get permanent custody, should be hearing any day now on that.


Again thank you all so much.



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Anyone going to be around to chat tonight? 9:30 EST? I could really use some bestie time :yes.


LeaAnne - I am so glad you got some "you" time.


LeeAnn - Your hexaghan is so nice! Lucky Celine to have it on her bed.


Sarah - :yay So nice to hear from you :hi Good luck with the renovations!


I hope everyone else had a great day. I love my DD, but she has pushed every last one of my buttons today. We made it to swimming. She claimed she couldn't walk that far, but I knew she could. She kept trying to manipulate me into pulling her in the wagon and just when I agreed to take the wagon she started dancing around saying "I won" :eek:ohdear Well let me tell you we definitely walked after that display. :yes Lucky thing we did. While she had her lesson (it is an indoor pool), the sky turned black and it started to pour rain and thunder. So, we took to the bus home (a whole 2 blocks :lol) and then we just had to cut through the school yard. I couldn't have taken the bus with the wagon, so I guess I can be thankful for small blessings. I'm going to count that one blessing with every minute I count between now and bedtime :devil

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Hi Everyone!!!


LeeAnn- WOW- THAT IS GORGEOUS!!!!! It looks beautiful on your DD's bed!!!! WTG!!! And yes, the link worked- I had actually seen it before and saved it to my favs!:lol


LeaAnne- How nice to have an hour to crochet outside on the deck. Since your laundry is all done, can I send you mine? :lol Actually, I have a load going now.


Stacy- Sorry to hear about the falling out with Roomie-She seems to make life more difficult than it needs to be- :hug:hug How did Jorge think he did on his final? And how is your shoulder?


Colleen- Sounds like DD is pulling every LAST button!!! Bedtime will seem like an eternity away today, I'm sure! And glad that it all worked out with the walking and not having the wagon. Glad that YOU WON!!!:manyheart


Sarah- Good to hear from you = I had been wondering how you and the family were. Glad that you liked the ghan! Please keep in touch with us!


Beth- Happy to hear that DH made it safely to Washington. Is DS going for his license? It sure would make it easier for you to have another driver in the house:yes


Shannon- How are you? How was the wedding?


Mary- Patiently waiting for pics of your afghan :devil


Scooby- thinking about you and hope all is well.


It is HOT:hot here today- got to 92 degrees and humid! They are talking about some boomers coming through tonight. So if that happens, I won't be here for chat.


DH has started teaching a class a couple of nights a week- he always wanted to be a teacher- He'll get home around 9 so if he is not too gabby and the angels aren't bowling, I'll try to be here 9:30 EST.


Hugs to all:hug

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Vicki- How was your first day of summer vacation? Did you get to watch the Yankee game this afternoon? I listened to the end of the game on my drive home from work- Another win!!!!


Hope you had a FUN first day of no school!!!

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LeeAnn - sheesh! we asked for your birthday just in time!:whew:yes

that hex-a-ghan is truly lovely! you do good work! :U


Sarah - sooooo nice to hear from you! ...and glad that you got that blanket! please keep in touch... we have missed you! ...and Keith!!!:manyheart


Beth - how was Day 2? I hope you got some hookin' time in!


Vick - you must have had a truly heavenly day! I Love the first day of summer vacation! :hug


Joanne - are you going to start a new granny? Are you watching the NBA Finals? You gotta love the classic matchup:wink


Colleen - sorry you had a crappy day, friend! Here's some :hug:hug:hug for you!


Stacy - how is your shoulder today?


Scoob, Shannon, Mary.... :hi:hi:hi, and great big :hug:hugto you all!

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I'm here... Kinda... Multi-tasking, getting Keith ready for bed, trying to figure out where I need to start to get things ready for this weekend..

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oh yeah... Comment of the Day from Keith


Background: he was climbing on an exercise bike at Doug's grandparents when he said this..


Keith: I'm a monkey, but I don't have a tail. I need to go to the store and buy one.


(He then ran in the house, prentended to get one and attatch it then went back outside to climbing on the exercise bike)

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hahaha! I love that! :U

how many times do we call our chickens monkeys, and they don't even believe us!!


LOL where do you think he got that he's a monkey... from mommy and daddy saying he was one when he's climbing something. He really is too smart for his own good (BTW Doug's grandma made the comment on Tuesday that Keith is the smartest of all the great grandkids, I was on :c9 after that)

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